Saffrons Big Plan and Other Stories
I could not get back to the feeling that I had when I first started the book and that did cause me to lose interest. But then we got to the final ending of it and I started to fall in love again!!! View all 5 comments. Sep 22, Mandy rated it it was amazing Shelves: I had really high expectations for this book. I love a good forbidden romance! The fact that this is a psychiatrist and patient story really caught my interest.
Could this book really live up to the high expectations I had? Let me tell you, this book exceeded those expectations. Fantastic w I had really high expectations for this book. Fantastic writing, angst, forbidden romance, amazing chemistry between these characters, and some super hot sexy scenes, this book was everything I wanted and more. Willow is one of the best heroines I have ever read. The thing about Willow is that she is dealing with a condition that is still stigmatized and some consider a weakness. Willow has depression and has struggled with it for years.
At only 18, she has been fighting a war in her own mind for years. When she ends up at Heartstone, Willow gets treatment for her depression but also grows as a character. The transformation that she goes through in this book was so real and at times heartbreaking. More than this couple, more than the romance, as a I reader I was rooting for Willow. With a few twists and surprises, and an epilogue 5 years in the future, this book was everything.
This is a top pick of and I highly recommend it!!! View all 4 comments. Sep 29, Ari rated it it was ok Shelves: There was so much wrong with it I just can't even. I mean, if you're going to write a book based on mental health, make it a book based on mental health, and don't just use mental health as a ploy to make the reader root for the characters. And honestly, other than the first pages where it was mentioned that Willow suffered from depression, we never really see an instance where she exhibits symptoms of a depressed person.
Hell to the fuck to the no. And can we just talk about Simon? I honestly cannot understand how one could like a character like him. He was literally Christian Grey category cultist. Because how callously does he play with the health of his patient? I don't like the plot. Simon and Willow were probably the least likable characters for me of all the ones that Saffron has written. And I just don't like the entire tone of this book, because somehow it felt like instead of empowering, it felt insulting of people actually fighting depression.
Instantaneous love cures depression? I didn't like this book, I didn't enjoy it at all. Don't get me wrong the blurb was very catchy but I didn't get into this story. But still please don't mind my rating, go and give a shot this book! Who knows, maybe you'll love it. I respect to my friends who gave this book 5 stars, and I'll never, ever judge them for this but it seems I'm the main problem in here Well, sometimes I'm being the jerk one!
View all 8 comments. Oct 10, Wil Loves Books! I was supposed to read it last week but had an overall crappy week so I had to put it off until now. This book just gripped me from 4. This book just gripped me from beginning to end. Boy can Saffron Kent do intense! Needless to say, this book has all the feels. The one with the silver hair. And neither do I want that gray-eyed king to call the silver-haired girl, his snow princess. That whole mental patient-doctor storyline was simply fascinating. The author says she drew inspiration from Girl, Interrupted, which is an all-time favorite of mine, and I think she did an amazing job given the subject matter.
There are some super heavy subjects involved, mental illness, depression, suicide, along with ethical issues.

But the book handles all in a very tactful way, it was both real and raw. Like they are for me. I want to hate him. Not gonna lie, age gaps are not my favorite tropes, but I loved this one a lot. Like what we have is something to be ashamed of. I loved how she explained her feelings and how she navigated through her struggles. And Simon, what can I say? I have a thing for broken heroes. I loved his transformation the best.
The secondary characters were also fantastic. In falling and rising.
Saffron Insurance MD lifts the lid following acquisition spree | Insurance Business
In the fact that I can do it. I can be what and who you need me to be. You make me believe I was born for you. Loving Willow was what I was born to do. Ever since I read The Unrequited last year, I became a fan of Saffron Kent, and I knew that I would probably read anything she would write in the future. I did find some of the dialogue, especially during certain sex scenes to be a little odd, and I found myself laughing at things I know were not meant to be funny.
The window where I write his name at night and watch the letters flow like rivers. I loved the entire thing but those last chapters and that epilogue absolutely did it for me. I never thought I even knew what the word meant. I was too broken. Too cold and buried inside myself. I was too much in hate with my past and all the things that happened. And then, you happened to me, Willow. I never thought we could have something beyond Heartstone. Every day I counted down the days I had left with you.
I was counting down the days of my life. Sep 28, Bookgasms Book Blog rated it it was amazing Shelves: Delicious These are just four words that come to mind after reading the amazingness that was Medicine Man. Good Lord Saffron Kent just owned me with this glorious story and I dont think I'll be able to move on in a very long time. This story was heartbreaking, epic, moving and so powerful. It was beyond sexy as these characters were emotionally damaged and tortured but so perfect for one another it was almost kismet. Hands down this Forbidden.
Hands down this is one of the best books I've read this year! It is a deeply poignant, erotic and thrilling glimpse of a woman, Willow Taylor, living her life with mental illness and coming to terms with who she is and, more importantly, the daily struggles her illness brings. While on this journey, Willow meets the enigmatic Dr. Simon Blackwood who not only makes her take a shocking inventory of her life but makes her reevaluate her own perceptions of herself and her own self worth. This story was one hundred percent magical.
I am still spellbound by this story and am blown away by Kent's ability to not only tell such a magnificent story but be impressed by the respectful way she describes the daily struggles of mental illness. Willow was incredibly brave and formidable. She was such a breath of fresh air from the usual heroines we see on a daily basis. Likewise, Simon was absolutely incredible.
Moody, broody, honest and tortured. All in all, I could not get enough of this amazing story. Kent portrayed an incredibly strong woman who not only dared to slay her own dragons but the demons inside her tortured King. Oct 03, Melanie A.
A hero is someone who knows how to rise. Lots of depth, lots of heat; Medicine Man was exactly my jam! The story in a nutshell: Willow has struggled with mental illness her entire life. After 'The Roof Incident' on her eighteenth birthday, she agrees to be institutionalized for 6 weeks at Heartstone Psychiatric Hospital.
Saffron Kent has written a rare gem. She's somehow managed to layer a super-hot taboo love story over the foundation of a meaningful look at mental illness, and then melded it all together with a style of prose that was both beautiful and heartfelt. It was such a joy to read! Maybe I can keep the good memories and forget the ugly ones.
The story didn't start out with a bang though. Willow was a wonderful heroine; quirky and sweet, but with a bit of bite to her. I offer him a tight smile. That's the worst part of being mentally ill: She came across as very human and I was made to feel her every heart-piercing emotion as she attempted to come to grips with herself. Like any good broody alpha, Simon has his own problems which are slowly grinding him down. I loved that the author took the time to craft dialogue between Simon and Willow that allowed them to really connect with each other.
Despite the unequal power dynamic, these two flawed characters actually shared a lot of common ground.
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There's something haunting him and it's more than the fact that I'm his patient and he's my psychiatrist. Ironically, the way Simon respected and understood Willow's struggle was nothing short of awe-inspiring. He truly only wanted good things for her. There were some incredible moments in this book.
There's no shame in having to kick and scream. There's no shame in being a warrior. It's the most honorable thing you can do for yourself. I can't ignore this growing I lose my breath at the sight of his sheer need. Simon and Willow's chemistry was off the charts. And when I say taboo, I do mean 'taboo'. Simon's actions, as a doctor, were unethical as fuck, unconscionable even. And the dirty talk? Won't you let her?
D Rest assured, the core of the story actually revolves around two lost souls finding themselves and each other. We aren't made to live our lives alone. I definitely recommend if you're looking for some trashy romance that runs side-by-side with a serious story that will tug at your heartstrings. This is going on my list of favorites! A huge thank you to the Fabulous Jamie for reading this with me! View all 34 comments. Sep 29, Karla rated it liked it. The beginning was pretty good and my favorite part. I loved both characters, their chemistry, the connection they felt for each other.
Our H was the kind of brooding aloof th 3. Our H was the kind of brooding aloof that I enjoy and he had his reasons why he was the way he was. But somewhere along the middle it changed for me it lost the emotional connection I was feeling, and it was because of the dirty talk. Overall I enjoyed it! View all 19 comments. Dec 11, NMmomof4 rated it really liked it Shelves: This was actually a pleasant surprise and better than I thought it'd be! I appreciated the fact that the story felt unique to me. I liked the Girl Interrupted type setting in majority of the book, and I couldn't help but remember that movie and the bonds that the patients made just like in this book.
I also appreciated the fact that the H wasn't perfect and that he wa 4 Stars Overall Opinion: I also appreciated the fact that the H wasn't perfect and that he was dealing with his own damage as well. Overall, I liked it! Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Willow and Simon's story. Willow is in an in-patient psychiatric facility because she attempted to kill herself at her 18th birthday party. Simon is the new doctor in the facility that has everyone curious and talking.
Willow for the first time since arriving feels trusting enough to actually talk with him, but she's also deeply curious to figure him out because he too seems to be damaged. They dance around it, but eventually realize that they cannot deny the strong connection they fell towards one another and start a secret affair. There are some big secrets revealed, some hot sexy times, and some sad moments Overall Pace of Story: I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well. No, they take a while to develop stronger feelings.
I liked him for the most part, but I didn't like how he went about pushing the h away at one point. I felt bad for her situation, but I also admired her strength. Yes view spoiler [The h and H both push away at times H more so , and also pursue the relationship at times. They have some hot tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story. Yes, but very mild view spoiler [There is a coworker of the H that causes the h to be jealous, and there is a fellow patient that is flirty that causes the H to be jealous.
Neither of the mcs did anything with the other people. This had pretty good closure and what I would call a HEA view spoiler [they're married with child hide spoiler ]. This one is probably Safe with exception for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences. KAS Great to see this one earned four stars, Jenny ; Terrific review and glad it exceeded your expectations!! Oct 01, The Book Bee rated it really liked it.
Children's Bookshelf
I'm a broken one. This one seems to have been written in the same mindset as The Unrequited, which was on my Favorites List for And once again, the intensity was there. I loved the mood, the pull, the uninhibited look at the psyche of one woman trying to prove something to This character was definitely one that didn't think like a lot of people.
I loved being inside her mind. I am always taken away with her stories and I enjoy the journey she takes me on. The range of thoughts on this book are going to vary wildly from a DNF to a glowing 5 star because her words will affect us each differently. The moral side of it?
The forbidden aspect of it? No matter how much the relationship between Simon and Willow may bother some, it will work for others. But understand that everyone will take something different from this book. I, for one, cannot wait to have those conversations! Nitty gritty, raw and tortured Was it morally inept? I saw the tragedy. I saw the pain. I saw the desire, the lust, the need, the crushing devastation all tied up and set in a box titled crazy.
Saffron, you ruin me for stories like this - the kind of story that's in it's rawest form with an unembellished grit that I find missing in many books.
Not every love story is pretty and wrapped up in a bow, sealed with a kiss. Some of them are a trip and rather dysfunctional - according to the rules of the world, of course. This one didn't follow any rules or any formula, and that's why it felt so pure to me. I may have felt some parts were forced, even had a double-take a few times, but the overall theme of the book was infatuation. I couldn't put it down. It was just different enough that it made me stop and think about different points of view; life from a different vantage point.
I really liked how it played out. She took some liberties with this story and it allowed for an all consuming love to unfold before my eyes. Saffron Kent isn't your ordinary writer; she's a storytelling artist. Her words evoke, her stories twist, her whole heart is bared to you so you can read through her characters' eyes. She writes with an eclectic style, with a unique insight on the other side of normal I know that sounds weird, but I love the way she is able to write an obsessive or CrAzY character, and put us inside their head. I freaking LOVE her words. I wish more could infuse as much emphasis and power into their words as she does, because she does it with so much emotion and so much clarity that you can't help but take the journey as one of her characters.
This exactly happened to me and Medicine Man. The story was intrigued and Willow is so unique and you like her from the beginning! I loved being in her head and know what she is thinking. Simon is interesting too, I loved the build up between them. They have some intense and really hot moments together. I really enjoy it, and I can't wait to see more books fr 4 stars It's not a secret that I love Saffron's writing, she has a way with her words that you immediately feel like you are a part of her story.
Medicine Man
I really enjoy it, and I can't wait to see more books from Saffron A. Sep 24, ilknur a. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The Saffron Trail by Rosanna Ley. Once, there was a girl who loved saffron. She loved its secrets, its mystery, and best of all, she loved its hint of magic. After the death of her beloved mother, Nell travels from rural Cornwall to the colour and chaos of Marrakech.
Her marriage may be on the rocks, but exploring the heady delights of Moroccan cuisine could help her fulfil her dream of opening her own rest Once, there was a girl who loved saffron. Her marriage may be on the rocks, but exploring the heady delights of Moroccan cuisine could help her fulfil her dream of opening her own restaurant. It's there she meets Amy - a young photographer trying to unravel the story behind her family's involvement in the Vietnam War.
The two women develop a close friendship and discover a surprising connection between their own pasts. This connection will take Nell and Amy on a journey to find their own 'saffron trail' - from the labyrinthine medina and bustle of Moroccan bazaars all the way back home to Cornwall and to the heart of their families' origins. Paperback , pages. Nell , Amy , Glenn , Lillian , Bethany. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Saffron Trail , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Jun 30, Aditi rated it really liked it Shelves: It is also the story of a niece to find for her Aunt's lost son in a land of mystery.
Nell visits to her mother's past in Morocco after her mother's sudden death, since after her death, Nell realized that her mother kept her own past, especially the identity of Nell's father from her and only to unravel her mother's past as well as with regards from her husband as a birthday present, Nell travels to Morocco. So despite of the almost broken marriage, she is determined to find out who her mother was, and why she kept her past hidden away from her. Amy is a photographer who is in a bad relationship and she too has lots of family history to unravel especially of the estranged aunt's who once had a life during the Vietnam War and in someway had an involvement in the war.
So to unravel her aunt's past and her family's hidden mystery, Amy travels to Morocco, where she meets Nell. Together they explore the Saffron farms, the mysteries of Morocco, it's local cuisine, language, culture etc, only to find a connection between both the family histories. This is the second book that I'm reading of Rosanna Ley. Her previous book, Return to Mandalay was equally enriching and soul touching.
Ley has a way to write stories which can touch the hearts of the readers so deeply, mainly because she writes them with so much compassion. Her writing style is flawless and exquisite wit an evocative prose. The story has so much depth that it has enough power to hold anyone till the very last page. Her stories are always comprised of so many layers- like stories within stories. In this book too, each character had their won story to narrate that finally connects them all when they meet at the crossroads.
The story flows like a river, never too slow never too fast, only at it's own pace like a rhythm. Rosanna Ley has a talent to find and evolve stories in beautiful places and cities of the world, so together with the beauty of a particular place, the author spins a story which has the city's flair and the author's own emotions. She once again captured yet another destination with her elegant words and also wit her mind's eyes- Morocco. The mystical land that has its own beauty and essence and mysteries, are all vividly arrested into this story.
As Nell and Amy's story progressed so is the story of the city- Morocco. The author has also captured the timeline during the Vietnam War, which may not have that strong presence in the book, but the past is pristinely featured in the story. Yes Ley's books are always like a magical portal to a different better world.
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The characters are drawn realistically with lots of back story and their own guilt to support their demeanor. Amy and Nell both are a victim of pain and are in bad relationships, yet somehow this pain of theirs feels so enriching to the readers, since the author has a way to fill the minds of the readers with sympathy for both the protagonists. The supporting cast is also strongly developed and are featured with lots of realism in their demeanor.
Each and every character are etched out with love, thus they all have a way to make the readers feel and move them deeply with the story. Overall, this is a wonderful story and once again Rosanna Ley captivated both my heart and mind wit her compelling yet emotional story. A must read book for all the contemporary as well as historical fiction fans. Thanks to the author, Rosanna Ley's, publishers, for providing me with a copy of her book, in return for an honest review.
Jul 08, Carole rated it really liked it. Every sense was covered as the author described the essence of Morocco. Add to this a good storyline and you've got The Saffron Trail. I would highly recommend this book. It was my first read from this author and it has certainly left me looking for more.
Tiesiog likau klaidingai sudominta knygos pavadinimu. Jun 25, Thebooktrail rated it it was amazing Shelves: Travel the book locations here: I did and well I had to raid the fridge for anything exotic I could find. The next day I did pop out to buy some Moroccan food such was the pull and attraction of it from this very novel. Like a series of ingredients all mixed together bubbling away in Travel the book locations here: I was swept away by the stories and legends contained in this novel.
There is so much to this story that at first the cover and blurb might not do it justice. This is no flowery story but a deep and meaningful search for the truth in to family secrets.
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Once again Rosanna Ley has transported me to a whole new world and inspired me to read more about Morocco and its vibrancy. Despite the focus being on Marrakech and Essaouria, not to mention early scenes in a Paris bookstore — Shakespeare and Company?
Cornwall also takes a leading role in the story and the saffron farm on the Roseland Peninsula in Cornwall where Nell grows up helps to explain her wanderlust for Morocco now. Utterly and totally recommended for a literary travel experience of a lifetime! Feb 09, Tripfiction rated it really liked it Shelves: Novel set in Morocco and Cornwall. An interesting and intriguing book that explores complicated relationships spanning the decades. Stories interwoven in an enjoyable manner that leaves the reader not wanting to put the book down as the story unfolds. The book is set in Cornwall and Morocco and centres around saffron as the title suggests.
Nell is having difficulty is coming to terms with the death of her mother who tended her own saffron field in Cornwall. As a birthday present, Nell is given a c Novel set in Morocco and Cornwall. As a birthday present, Nell is given a cookery course in Marrakech by her husband Callum. In Marrakech, Nell meets Amy, a photographer who is involved in taking photographs for a Moroccan exhibition. They pair up and decide to extend their stay and further explore the country, eventually visiting a saffron farm and meeting a mysterious man. The descriptions of the spice market in Marrakech were wonderful and I could remember visiting it myself, buying saffron and other spices.
Memories of the aromas and characters of the market came back and tempted me to try some recipes with saffron and other spices. Apart from the story of Amy and her journey to understand her mother and delve into the question of who her father was, Nell too has a story. Createspace Independent Pub 27 June Language: Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Share your thoughts with other customers.
Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. The two countries, while not exactly enemies, seem to take pleasure in feuding with each other over which is the best steed—the Horse or the Eagle. Meanwhile, the youngest son of a tailor—Daniel by name—comes upon the weeping princess and instantly falls in love with her. While following her through the woods to discover why she changes suddenly from sorrow to raucous laughter, Daniel suddenly finds himself changed into a frog, and his pet frog into a little boy, by a blundering fairy named Frellen…who has also turned herself an her friend Rinola into frogs while trying to make parsley.
Also, Princess Orianna is described as having mucus running down her face while she is crying. But if you forgive not their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive your trespasses.