Passengers: Pioneers (Peter Salisburys Passengers Series Book 4)
Product description Product Description In this third book, characters from the first two Passengers novels are brought together for further adventures. Kindle Edition File Size: Amazon Australia Services, Inc. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review.
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Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. I didn't like this novel as well as I did the previous one Passengers to Zeta Nine.
This book, however, introduced new characters and new story lines and, although Raife and Nancy were included, their contributions were rather small. All in all, it was an okay book. Love the ideas brought out and the way people are projected to travel great distances in space.
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I thought this one focused a little too much on some main characters but overall it was a pretty good read. I like his ideas about star travel, cloning, DNA downloads and colonization. Looking forward to the next book. Would love to see this in a TV Series. This is a great series, if the author can keeps cranking them out, I will keep buying them and reading them. I can't wait for the next one! I also enjoyed the descriptions of the geology.
I love rocks myself and it's not something which often gets included in descriptions of landscapes. Story The plot developed well and kept me interested all the way through. I kept wanting to know what they were going to find next. I would have liked a bit more of a reveal at the end of the story, but it certainly made me want to read the next one. Characters I liked Raife and Nancy and engaged with them enough to be worried when they were in danger even though I knew they could be "reborn".
Other characters were well written. The only part of the book I didn't like though was when Nancy, who is the leader of the expedition, went off in a sulk and was hiding for several days. Presentation The front cover is attractive. Internal formatting is good, grammar and spelling are excellent.
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Personally I do like a new page for a new chapter and I prefer chapter headings to be separate from the text and centred, but that's purely a personal preference. Overall I enjoyed this book very much and have kept it on my kindle to read again. I will definitely be buying Passengers to Sentience and the sequel Sentience Revelations when it comes out.
Smashwords – Passengers: Pioneers - A book by Peter Salisbury - page 1
May 25, S. The start of this book was extremely interesting, especially the description of how humanity has managed to get around the relativity question it still takes many many years to get to another star. The pacing of the novel is slow - but rather than detracting from the story I admit I'm more used to a novel jumping from incident to incident it allowed the author to develop the situations and the characters to a depth not normally encountered.
The basis of the novel is the colonization of the pla The start of this book was extremely interesting, especially the description of how humanity has managed to get around the relativity question it still takes many many years to get to another star. The basis of the novel is the colonization of the planet Zeta 9 and the discoveries made by the colonists.
The technical underpinnings utilize some emerging developments quantum entanglement for extremely long range communications and others not yet proven but currently discussed in the literature. Having said that the technical background serves to support the story rather than obscuring it. Now for the meat of this review - humanity is colonizing an earth-like planet which is found to having had a previous civilization.
While exploring and preparing to populate the planet the explorers have to deal with changing political environments on earth and developments from other colonization efforts.
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The character development is handeled very well and in depth no 2-d characterizations here with both internal and external conversations supporting the development of the story line and personalizations. The ending is not totally unexpected but satisfying nonetheless. A very good read and I look forward to reading the authors other books.

Sep 17, Linda rated it really liked it Recommended to Linda by: I stumbled across a Kindle forum group called The Spinning Wheel: They have been giving readings on their books, and I have to admit, I've bought a lot of books based on these readings. Many of these books are not my normal fare, and some just didn't do it for me, but Peter's book did! I have just finished the Zeta book, and am looking forward I stumbled across a Kindle forum group called The Spinning Wheel: I have just finished the Zeta book, and am looking forward to going to Sentience. The book is well-written, and while not especially a cliff-hanger, it does a really good job of teasing you into thinking it is.
Passengers to Zeta Nine (Peter Salisbury's Passengers Series)
A pioneer space probe has found a potentially viable planet, and the first two "explorers" are so anxious to check it out, they are immediately killed. Being "rebirthed" really neat! However, there's always that fear, in the background, that every discovery could be the next killer. I like the characters, and all the futuristic goodies. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Sep 08, Clinton Sites rated it it was amazing. This book is not what I would call your normal interstellar space trip - it does however address what could be methods to solve those issues. I have not read the first book in this series, but after reading the second book which stands on it's own without requiring you to read the previous one I will have to read the whole series! The concept of interstellar travel generally requires the creation of an interstellar drive that sidesteps what we currently know about the universe or a multi-generat This book is not what I would call your normal interstellar space trip - it does however address what could be methods to solve those issues.
The concept of interstellar travel generally requires the creation of an interstellar drive that sidesteps what we currently know about the universe or a multi-generational or cold sleep ship. This story has an extremely novel method of interstellar colonization you'll have to read to find out how that not only solves the issues but also brings with it ethical and moral questions that I hope will be addressed in another novel in the series.
The characters are fully developed and their emotional and logical responses to the issues of exploring and colonization are explored in depth - with the addition of how to react to attempts to control by the civilization that sends the colonists. A very good read! An interesting attempt at classic science fiction but it didn't ring true for me. For the most part, the main characters act like they belong on a mediocre sitcom; their major goals seem to be obtaining creature comforts, with pioneering and colonization a distant second.
The technology is also a big crutch for them, as their nanotechnology can make eveything they need, and if they die, they can be reckoned. The technology was the most interesting part of the tale, as the characters were pretty An interesting attempt at classic science fiction but it didn't ring true for me. The technology was the most interesting part of the tale, as the characters were pretty cardboard - this was a fifties sci-fi story told with sensibilities.
Toffeesmum rated it it was ok Dec 17, Kathyb rated it liked it Dec 16, Glen rated it it was ok Apr 18, Jane rated it it was ok Dec 09, David Oliver rated it it was ok Feb 25, James Ballantyne rated it really liked it Oct 01, Edward rated it it was ok Sep 11, Patrick A Terpening rated it liked it Aug 27, Jim Garrison rated it did not like it May 23, Baldric was here rated it it was amazing Nov 08,