My Stupid Girl
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- Aurora Smith author of “My Stupid Girl”.
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The story starts with an outing to a frozen lake when David, in full goth garb and makeup, rescues Lucy from a frozen death under thin ice. She attaches herself to him and over the course of time, the two grow to like, then love each oth It's been a while since I finished this book, but it really sticks with you. She attaches herself to him and over the course of time, the two grow to like, then love each other.
But, if you think this is just a romance story, you would be happily mistaken. David's got a history with an abusive dad, adoptive parents, and a lot of angst because of it. It's completely at odds with Lucy's perfect lifestyle with rich parents and a strong Christian background. There's bound to be some disagreement.
The inevitable breakup comes and the two part, but not forever. In addition to child abuse and adoption, this book deals with religion, teen pregnancy, and death. But for all that, it's a positive and uplifting read, with emphasis on coming through trials David has a strong, snarky voice. He tells it like it is and sounds very believable. The story covers three years and ends on a very satisfying note.
It's a good, enjoyable story, clean enough for even the most sensitive reader. Feb 15, M. A great book, kuddos to this author! I stumbled across this book while in an author forum and after reading its blurb decided to give it a try, despite it not being my usual genre of choice. Aurora Smith, the author, has a way of describing that really paints a picture with words. A truly inspiring and heartwarming story. Hoping for more from this awesome Indie Author. True talent that kept me up well past bedtime This book was definitely different than my usual YA reads It was sweet, endearing, and really pushed the point that you shouldn't judge someone's character by just looking at the outside.
Stupid Girl (Garbage song)
Being inside David's head was interesting, especially because you would think he would be a dark, mean boy by looking at him, but he turns out to be a very kind, generous, loving person. Only bugged me that the writing seemed immature at times and also, the fact that David thought every g 3. Only bugged me that the writing seemed immature at times and also, the fact that David thought every girl was "beautiful" got annoying.
This is a YA book, no doubt, but it's an excellent one. None of the stupid nonsense found in romantic thrillers like Twilight. This one has a lot of sarcasm and teenage humor. It's well-written, entertaining, and kept me on the edge of my seat. I will re-read this one. Well, I'm reviewing my own book and I think that's a bit redundant.
However, I want to say that I really hope that you get a kick in the butt when you read it.. I haven't done a cover thoughts in forever, but I just know that now is the appropriate time for me to express in words how much I am in love with the NEW cover. When I looked into the book, it had the original cover out and on the edition when I purchased it. So, I thought to myself, Eh, I'm not in love mode over the cover, but the summary sounds interesting enough So, I purchased it.
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And boy am, I ever glad I purchased it. I'm not going to lie, the old cover was what drew me in. I though I haven't done a cover thoughts in forever, but I just know that now is the appropriate time for me to express in words how much I am in love with the NEW cover. I thought it was going to be about some mentally retarded child, since the girl on the cover looked really young.
The author said the first one had more sentimental value, than the second. And I think the first showed more about the book in a nutshell than the second one with the typical pretty girl on the cover.
Even though I must admit, the second one is some candy for the eyes. It is just the normal everyday. Overall look wise, I love the second cover the one with the girl laying in the grass , but if I had to choose over all symbolicness, I love the first cover the one with the pencil on it. All in all the author did well in choosing both covers, even though I will admit the second one will draw more readers in because in all honesty we look for gorgeous covers before reading the sypnosis.
All in all, I like the second one better. I never ever look at recommendations on Goodreads from my friends. But when this one popped up, I have no idea why I was as intriguied as I was. And as I stated before, it was the cover AND the title. My mind was thinking something along the lines of: Mhmmm, I wonder what its about?
Fine, just click on the recommendation and find out. Wait, why are you talking to yourself with yourself? So I bought, read, and loved. I have always had trouble with books that are told by male characters instead of female. I don't know why. I just found them boring beyond compare. Let us just put it this way, David is going to be my future husband. Forget Lucy, even though they are an adorable couple, he's just got be mine. Thank you Aurora for creating a clean romantic book.
It is so, so hard to find a clean young adult book that is appropriate for the younger book bloggers that was still very, very enjoyable. And there were a few grammatical mistakes, I can't help but see them, but they didn't take away from enjoying the plot and the writing. There were a few things that can just draw a girl in while writing. It wasn't that case with David. He was a cutie pie to me, or at least an emo cutie pie. Another big part, was that this guy didn't care what others thought of him.
You go David, I wish some of the best YA males didn't care what their rude butt friends think. One last thing that really drew me into this book, is that is was practically unknown. I like a book that not everyone has read. It gives me this weird rush that I am going off into the unknown with this. I think I am the only person in America that gets an adrenaline rush from buying unknown books.
And the reason this book didn't get the full 5 stars from me. I just felt like toward the end, when Lucy was in the hospital he was pushy. And I didn't expect Lucy to just submit to him telling her what to do. I know I would have grabbed him by the snake bites and punched him in the face, and then I probably would have attacked him with kisses. I think that was just one character flaw that I was a little upset about.
Maybe it is because I am a little bit of a snappy person and have a pet peeve with people telling me what to do. All in all, I enjoyed it immensely and I really, really hope Aurora comes out with an Isaiah and Evelyn story because I think I would wait in line 7 years just to read what happens with that relationship. Which I think I may just like more than Lucy and David's. But unlike most bloggers, I round up. So it comes up to a 5 nooks. This was a great book that deals with some surprisingly big issues, adoption, teen pregnancy, forgiveness, death and religion. David was quite happy spending his life sitting in the corner where no one would see or talk to him, he was the Goth boy that wore more makeup than most girls, had snake bite piercings and long hair that covered most of his face, everyone would shy away from when they saw him walking down the street and he liked it like that, till one day while just hanging out with his f This was a great book that deals with some surprisingly big issues, adoption, teen pregnancy, forgiveness, death and religion.
David was quite happy spending his life sitting in the corner where no one would see or talk to him, he was the Goth boy that wore more makeup than most girls, had snake bite piercings and long hair that covered most of his face, everyone would shy away from when they saw him walking down the street and he liked it like that, till one day while just hanging out with his friends at the lake near his home he saves some stupid girl from drowning in a frozen lake.
I instantly fell in love with David; I just loved that kid from the first page. I have never really read a book told from a teenage boys perspective before and I really enjoyed this one immensely!! Lucy tended to get on my nerves a bit though…lol but over all I think these two were perfect for each other and balanced out nicely. I think my fave was Isaiah. BUT this was so not like that at all!! She was that ridiculous. No one is perfect. It was a really nice change!!
Stupid Girl (Cold song) - Wikipedia
This book was gifted to me by the narrator with no pressure to review. This review is my honest opinion. My Stupid Girl A young adult book, despite this being a classification I would not normally choose, I did enjoy the book, evidenced by my wanting to know the outcome of the story.
It moved along well, holding my interest to the end. Set in Montana, 17 year old David is an adoptee, his mother is dead, he lives with his father who, when drunk, becomes abusive toward David. David is a Goth, he and This book was gifted to me by the narrator with no pressure to review. David is a Goth, he and his Goth friends are hanging out together In the park, they like to act all cool and remote. Next thing, The lovely, well brought up Christian young lady, Lucy Peterson falls through the ice to her almost certain death.
Seeing as nobody else was about to rescue her, David shakes off his cool aloof persona and bravely goes on to the ice, rescuing Lucy from the freezing waters. This is just the start of the story of two teenagers, how they deal with their problems and how their respective families deal with them.
It has a very satisfactory storyline, although some may feel that the story is an attempt to teach or preach. Would I wish to change the story? Well yes, yes I would, but I am an older adult on the point of retirement, not the young adult for whom this book was intended. I listen to a lot of audiobooks, the narration is pivotal to my enjoyment. If the narrator is in my opinion bad, I cannot continue listening. I thought David Dietz' performance very enjoyable. Changing gender vocally can't be easy but he did so with ease. I liked how, when I listened, I was immediately able to determine each character with no problems at all.
The only voice I didn't much care for was that of Grandma, I thought she sounded a tad too quivery and old, closer to 99 than the younger "old" I I had pictured in my mind. More importantly though, I found his mastery of the little nuances, inflection and change of pace greatly increased my enjoyment of this work.
Some narrators can sell a book, I believe David Dietz to be one of them. Oct 09, LaSibila rated it it was amazing Shelves: Y no todos son adolescentes, solo que a esa edad, la vida parece que va a mil por hora y todo lo que nos sucede es tan abrumador, que parece que nunca vamos a poder amar, o perdonar, o aprend Amo este libro.

Y no todos son adolescentes, solo que a esa edad, la vida parece que va a mil por hora y todo lo que nos sucede es tan abrumador, que parece que nunca vamos a poder amar, o perdonar, o aprender a ser mejor persona. Esta es la historia de David, un joven dark gothic que rescata a Lucy Peterson de un lago congelado. Pero es ella la que le salva la vida. Hay un gran crecimiento en los personajes. Sobretodo, se trata de no lamentar el pasado que ya no se puede cambiar, pero tomar mejores decisiones para mejorar nuestro futuro.
Perdonar es la clave. I am a stupid girl myself. Wow I don't even know where to start. Five stars are not enough for this book. I fell in love with the story from the first few pages. This is the journey of a teenage boy named David who in spite of the Goth look black makeup and piercings is nothing but a soft spoken, sweet, warm hearted kid. On a cold winter day, while spending time with his friends, he ends up the hero as he rescues the beautiful Lucy from drowning into the frozen lake. Together they will discover the true meaning of frien Wow I don't even know where to start. Together they will discover the true meaning of friendship, love, worship, and forgiveness.
Everything about David will pull you in and wanting for more. The writing is flawless and the pace just right. This book has a Nicholas Sparks kind of vibe without the sappy ending; you'll be left feeling warm, happy, and satisfied. Everyone, from teenagers to adults will enjoy My Stupid Girl. Aug 06, Stevie Kisner rated it really liked it. I had to give 'My Stupid Girl' time to settle in my heart and head before I dared write anything about it.
It's as complex as the characters, and kept surprising me as I read. With a completely un-stereotypical hero and heroine who could so easily have been typecast, but the author didn't choose that route , this book was engaging and stayed with me, even when I wasn't reading. I admit, there were times I wanted to smack I had to give 'My Stupid Girl' time to settle in my heart and head before I dared write anything about it. I admit, there were times I wanted to smack some sense into both David and Lucy, but only because they're young and I have the benefit of age and experience.
We journey with them as they struggle their way into adulthood, and it's a trip you'll enjoy taking. This book is good. I'm glad that I did. My only regret is that more people don't know about this book; it deserves more attention and publicity. Although YA is not my thing, I can certainly appreciate this book and the author's skillful raw talent.
I would really like This book is good. I would really like to see more from this author. But I really loved it , David is not your usual hero, Goth type with piercings and wears make up, but he turns out to be such a likeable character.
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All together a great listening experience Aug 08, Mayra rated it it was ok. I loved the story being told from the male POV and it was an interesting story. The reason I give this book only 2 very strong stars is for potential and lack of delivery. It is probably me and my taste, but the conflicts were felt and dealt with in a superficial manner and I would have preferred more grit and rawness instead of this superhuman 17yo who seems to rise above it all.
I also wanted an alternate "happier " ending for David. Aug 19, Lauren Mcmaster rated it it was amazing. I loved this book. There was a moment when I was near tears but was still picturing something like this happening. Aug 31, Theresa rated it really liked it. A very cute read and not quite what I expected. Although it had a strong Christian bent, it wasn't overly preachy and I really enjoyed it.
Jun 20, Barron rated it it was amazing Shelves: His voice was perfect David Johnson who is 17 when the book opens and is 20 years old at the end. Obviously this book covers quite a stretch of time. David is your typical high school senior, well not so typical. He wears make up and has piercings all over his face and likes to dress in black like his friends who are also goth.
One cold winter day he and his friends are out at the lake when a church van pulls into the parking lot loaded with other high school kids from a local church. One of those kids is Lucy, the most popular girl in school. David has been crushing on her for quite some time, but as far as he knows she doesn't even know his name. Lucy, wearing a black snowsuit and new ice skates heads out on the frozen lake in Montana but ventures out too far where the ice is thinner.
The ice breaks and she falls through it into the freezing water. When her boyfriend who tries to rescue her gets scared and backs away from her leaving her to drown in the freezing water David steps in and rescues Lucy nearly falling into the water himself.
Now both David and Lucy are cold, wet and freezing and almost hypothermic. After David pulls Lucy from the lake both of them are quickly rushed to a waiting car that is running and has the heat blasting. They are both stripped out of the wet clothes and covered in blankets and then are rushed to the nearest hospital. On the way there, Lucy lays her head over on David and runs her fingers through his hair. This will be important later in the book. At the hospital they are eventually separated into different rooms to spend the night, but Lucy leaves her room and comes to Davids and climbs into bed with him.
Upon his release from the hospital the next day the police inform him that he will be taken to live with his grandmother who lives an hour away from Cladispell where his friends and high school are. You see David's father has been physically abusing him for years, and this is not the first time he has been taken from his widower father who is an abusive alchoholic.
Thus begins David and Lucy's up and down on again off again relationship that will take them through the next three years. You will just have to listen to the book to find out what happens during that time and how it all ends up. I was very satisfied with the ending. And everything from the beginning to end makes for a wonderful listen. I highly recommend this book for Young Adults and New Adults.
It is a novel of growth and hope and ultimately about young love that works out for the best. I received a copy of the audio book from the narrator in exchange for an honest, fair review. Jul 15, Sheena Boekweg rated it it was amazing. My Stupid Girl is one smart book. It's a love story told from the point of view of teenage goth David. At first I thought he was a girl, he was so concerned about his makeup, and how other people thought of him that I wondered how the author was going to convince me he was a boy.
But that's where the intelligence of this book comes in. This author is one to watch. She slowly got me to fall behind, and then in love with David. He's imperfect, and broken. His past is littered with e My Stupid Girl is one smart book. His past is littered with everything the author could throw at him, yet he somehow finds the way to escape his own wallowing to save this popular girl, Lucy, from crashing through a frozen pond.
That inciting decision changes the course of David's life. It changes him for the better. Loving Lucy changes him. I love a good love story, especially one that ignites change. Lucy and David change by falling in love, David for the better, and Lucy for the worse. I love that this story is also about how love can hurt you, about how even falling in love with the right person can be hard, and hurt.
An anthemic vocal harmony then ensues before returning to the chorus. The band drafted fans for the video to meet at the Bancroft schoolyard in south Minneapolis. Fans are shown tearing up signs with the names of their apparent former significant others. The song is generally recognized simply as a Cold song and Rivers Cuomo, who contributed to its development, does not appear in the video.
My Stupid Girl
The band initially wanted shots of them performing on a frozen lake filled with fans, but with Geffen worrying about the potential for injury, the band opted for the schoolyard instead. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved on June 11, Retrieved on June 18, Retrieved from " https: Articles with hAudio microformats.
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