Justice For Emily
We have had new discoveries since we posted our recent update on December 24th, and have edited it a little. Thanks to all of you who gave in tips from different parts of the world; it is now quite evident that this is not only happening to our devices in our countries and that search results are indeed deliberately being manipulated. We would really appreciate it if more people could try doing this and share the results with us. Thank you, and Happy Belated New Year! Our apologies for not being able to update you for a long time.
We are still working on drafting an update, but in the mean time, we are posting Emily's friend's statement both in Dutch and English. Emily had a hearing at the University of Amsterdam on June 2nd, It was regarding the decision to exclude Emily from fieldwork http: Just a recap to help understand the super complicated situation, and yes, during the whole ordeal Emily has had no choice but to continue paying tuition fees to the university, euros per year.
The university never explained why they did not resolve the case as they were obligated to by February 20th. At this point, we are afraid that Emily respectfully following the university procedure will result in Emily running out of time in the Netherlands without reaching any resolution.

We have been reached out to by so many people willing to support Emily, and are currently considering and discussing further collective action. We would like to ask all of you to join us and help us find a way save Emily. Here's Emily's response to an article http: Henk Strikkers at Folia , the University of Amsterdam's school magazine.
We are pleased to let you know that one month after we announced the petition tampering by the University of Amsterdam, we have finally come up with a solution and resumed petitioning. There is now a petition demanding the University of Amsterdam stop tampering with our petition. Please sign and share! We would like to inform you that we have now recovered all of our original statements on Facebook, and have put links to them on all pages on Change. Thank you for putting up with the frequent notifications you probably have received when we published them. We promise to slow down now.
You can now easily read up on Emily's ordeal below. Sorry it's very long but that is how long she has been sufferin We are almost done studying the parts the University of Amsterdam has altered, and are planning to issue a statement in the near future.
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We hope to be able to resume our petitioning soon. This page is dedicated to supporting rape survivor Emily who has been repeatedly abused and discriminated against by the Univer Therefore, we are currently working to reorganize and recover our original statements that have been manipulated. We have been informed that the University of Amsterdam has made even more demands to Change.
It seems that, after successfully making Change. We are sickened and disgusted that the university shows no interest in actually resolving the issues that have been tarnishing the life of Emily, and seems to find no problem in spending tax and tuition money on a private law firm to silence the voice of the general public. We would like to, once again, sincerely apologize to our supporters for letting the university squash your kind support.
Justice for Emily by Susan Beth Pfeffer | Scholastic
Thank you for your understanding and patience while we work to resolve this issue. In the meantime, you can read our unedited petition here: Sections of this page. Email or Phone Password Forgotten account? If you are interested in or would like to understand the whole situation from the beginning, please read our original statements below: We would like to ask you to spend a couple of minutes to read our update below.
The University of Amsterdam has threatened Change. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem?
Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Emily Hasbrouck saw her year-old friend die, and she knows the people responsible. But nobody will believe her because she is an orphan living on the goodwill of the townspeople, while the girls she accuses are the daughters of the richest men in town. Emily is determined to speak the truth. She refuses to let her friend's death be called an accident, even if it means s Emily Hasbrouck saw her year-old friend die, and she knows the people responsible.
She refuses to let her friend's death be called an accident, even if it means she'll be sent to live in a poorhouse. Reaching out to Emily are a few people who believe her, and with their help Emily must tell--in front of the powerful men who want to send her away--what really happened. Paperback , pages. Published February 9th by Yearling first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Justice for Emily , please sign up. Lists with This Book.
Don and Emily Saliers explore music, social justice for Oxford event
Aug 16, Leigh Teale rated it really liked it. This was a difficult book, not because of big words or twisted plots, but because it was wholly unlike other children's books I've read or reviewed. There is no fantastical element to make the danger easier to bear. There is no guarantee in the summary that there will be a happy ending.
As a matter of fact, for a large chunk of the book I was pretty sure there wouldn't be--at least, not a conventionally happy ending. Children are cruel, as we all know and if you don't know then you might be the This was a difficult book, not because of big words or twisted plots, but because it was wholly unlike other children's books I've read or reviewed.
Children are cruel, as we all know and if you don't know then you might be the reason the rest of us know , and life is unfair. Sometimes adults are cruel, too. And in this story, nobody knows all of those facts quite as sharply as poor Emily Hasbrouck.
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She is treated unfairly because she is an orphan. She is slandered by those that think they're better than her. Her best friend is murdered before her eyes even if it was accidentally simply because she refused to be "put in her place" by the rich girls. Then, because she witnessed the murder, the whole town turns against her. The girls spread lies that she and the dead girl were to blame for what happened and were the real villains in the tableaux.
Justice for Emily
All put a handful of people in the entire town turn against her. She is beaten, she is stripped of good access to an education, she is verbally abused, cruel pranks are pulled on her. Even the police turn against her because one of the girls involved is the mayor's daughter. It's heartbreaking all the way up until the very last chapter. It's a book that should have taken me two hours to read, but it took me two days.
Still, I feel it's an important book. It shows kids that they must stand up for what's right, even if it makes life harder. Popularity and money aren't everything, but how you live your principles is. Jan 10, Shoshana rated it really liked it Shelves: I like that Pfeffer stays very true to Emily's character through this book.
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I like that I read Justice for Emily over a decade ago without knowing there was a prequel and liked it then, and that I read it over a decade later having just read the prequel and liked it now. It's old fashioned, but it stands up. Dec 21, Kirsten rated it liked it. This is okay, though a trifle heavy-handed.
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I like the way it ties up so many loose ends from the first book, without feeling rushed. Carolyn rated it liked it Oct 20, Nika Skwirba rated it it was amazing Jun 26, Jennie Vosen rated it liked it Jan 14, Tarianna rated it really liked it Sep 23, Ella rated it it was amazing Apr 06, Megan rated it really liked it Jun 29, Rebecca rated it really liked it Apr 25,