Just Let Go
There are no featured reviews for Just Let Go: A Night Of Forgiveness at this time. More Top Movies Trailers. DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Black Panther Dominates Honorees. Trending on RT Avengers: Post Share on Facebook. Movie Info Based on the inspirational true story of Chris Williams, Just Let Go is the cinematic tale of how a person can forgive despite the retaliatory tendencies that surface within the darks corners of the human heart, showing the world that hope, love and forgiveness can overcome all when you let it go.
Clark , Patrick Henry Parker. Brenda Vaccaro as Nadine Williams. Darin Southam as Defense Attorney. Henry Ian Cusick as Chris Williams. All opinions expressed are my own. Mar 13, Amy rated it it was amazing.
Just Let Go: One LDS Man's Story of Tragedy and the Power of Forgiveness
Can anyone say "Michigan Winter" and get excited?!! Not for me that's for sure, and I live here. It may not be the most appropriate time to make your vacation plans to the beautiful shoreline of Lake Michigan, it certainly is the right time for ski season. For Olympian Grady Benson, nothing else has ever come before skiing in his life. His reckless drive to win at all costs and his fearless lifestyle has led him to the top, only to find he has come crashing down in recent mo Can anyone say "Michigan Winter" and get excited?!! His reckless drive to win at all costs and his fearless lifestyle has led him to the top, only to find he has come crashing down in recent months.
Figuring he'll take a solo time out and drive from Vermont to Colorado for the next stages of his play for the US Ski team - he happens upon the lakeside town of Harbor Pointe. There's always going to be those fictional towns that you will fall in love with at first sight, and having spent many hours in gorgeous towns along the Lake Michigan shoreline, it was so easy to imagine Harbor Pointe and to quickly claim it as a favourite.
I loved the first book in this series 'Just Look Up'. Everything about the characters, the overall message and especially the location made that my top choice pick for contemporary fiction in Imagine my excitement when I heard that Courtney was releasing another story set here, I've been anticipating it as long as I have known about it. That can, occasionally cause a kind of anticlimax scenario, for the reader, and certainly lots of pressure on the author to deliver. I can safely say that I loved every single page of this book, I could not put it down.
Again, we find ourselves pulled into a deeply complex plot revolving around two people, total polar opposites flung together by some may say fate Dealing with the fallout of Grady's actions that have led to an extended stay in the quaint small town he just wants to be rid of, local florist Quinn Collins wants absolutely nothing to do with him. Selfish, entitled celebrity that she supposes him to be, she knows he will be gone the minute he can swindle some kind of deal to enable his release from the crushing sentence imposed on him by the intimidating Judge.
Fancy lawyers, limitless financial resources - and the Internet is full of his wild womanizing ways, she just wants to see the back of him. So well written, perfect pacing, unhurried beautiful story of finding long lasting healing in letting go of hurts so entrenched in the soul, it seems that nothing will remove them. So very difficult to find that peace, but as we know so well, when God is on your side, in your heart and in our thoughts - anything is possible.
Even in Winter, Harbor Pointe is one of my favourites. The cover is so beautiful and encompasses everything about the final scene. This story is not to be missed. Releasing in the summer, this would be my pick for that beach bag, on a warm Lake Michigan day by the lake. This is my honest review. Jun 23, Brittany rated it it was amazing Shelves: I have to start by saying how much I love the cover of this book.
I love the way the guy on the cover is a little blurry, leaving room for the imagination. I love the colors and I love the beautiful font for the title. I also really loved book one of this series, so I was very hopeful that Just Let Go would live up to my expectations…and it did! Grady and Quinn were opposites in many ways, especially at the opening of this novel. I was absolutely enthralled with both of their journeys. They each I have to start by saying how much I love the cover of this book.
They each had things that they were holding onto that were weighing down and sabotaging the real living of their lives. It felt real and definitely not contrived. Grady grew a lot in this novel. Just Let Go had so much heart, so many great lessons on perseverence and the importance of letting go of things that are not healthy for you emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I loved it from start to finish! I received a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions are my own. You can read this review on my blog: Jun 05, Katie W rated it it was amazing Shelves: I love watching the Olympics and often wonder about the high-profiled lives some of those athletes lead--especially the ones who are the rebels. Grady finds himself stuck in small-town Michigan one winter and the timing couldn't be worse.
It's do or die with his career and a judge decides he needs to learn a lesson. The small-town feels and quirkiness really shine through and it was fun to see all of that through Grady's eyes. It's so enjoyable to watch a character soften, become more likable, an I love watching the Olympics and often wonder about the high-profiled lives some of those athletes lead--especially the ones who are the rebels. It's so enjoyable to watch a character soften, become more likable, and start to live up to true potential.
I must admit that I didn't care for Grady too much at first, as he was really cocky. Quinn is a sweetheart, but almost too rigid in her personality and tolerance of others, but she's got a heartbreaking past of her own. They are polar opposites and so good for each other. There are so many risks taken and I loved watching the characters try, because if you don't try, you can't fly.
There are some unexpected moments that really twisted my heart up and so much emotion--I smiled, I cried, and I really felt the hope of second chances. All opinions are my own and were not influenced by this. Jun 17, Heidi Robbins Heidi Reads I love that the characters in this story are honestly and realistically flawed, undergoing a journey of transformation, redemption, and healing.
Quinn's love for floral design isn't the only thing motivating her to buy the flower shop and enter the competition. Her unresolved issues with the mother who abandoned her are very much a part of proving herself and hoping to be good enough for her mother to reconnect. I wondered why Quinn didn't just search her mother out, but what she really is looki I love that the characters in this story are honestly and realistically flawed, undergoing a journey of transformation, redemption, and healing.
- Chris Hicks: Why does 'Just Let Go' seem to be hiding its Mormon roots?;
- Mock Execution (Cases of Vengeance Book 2).
- Surviving the First Few Days.
- Mon Rêve (French Edition).
I wondered why Quinn didn't just search her mother out, but what she really is looking for is to be wanted. Grady is kind of a mess, and it took looking beyond his outer rebellious persona to see the trauma, rejection, guilt, and shame that he hides so well. I appreciated the author's style of revealing the deeper layers of each character little by little; it kept me engrossed and curious and continually connecting.
Quinn and Grady's interactions are surface level at first, with assumptions made on each side. As they slowly get to know each other better, learn what motivates them, and witness kindness and thoughtfulness, their feeling deepen and their attraction builds on a stronger foundation. They still struggle with letting go and resist the support they have to offer each other at times, but the rocky moments of working things out brought greater value to their relationship. I loved the overall theme of hope and faith that things can get better when we let go and trust God to carry us.
There is a strong supporting cast of family and community members that make Harbor Pointe home and I can't wait to read another story set in this tight-knit small town! I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own Jul 06, Sydney rated it it was amazing Shelves: Walsh captures the attention of her readers with deep and heart wrenching topics being discussed within her novel, Just Let Go. This story is about friendship and finding true and lasting romance.
From page one, West brings to life her relatable characters and their stories from the pages. This is a story that readers will be touch and inspired by, not wanting to put it down until the very last page is turned. Tyndale House Publishers Publication date: June 5, Number of pages: A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are my own.
Quinn's father a About this book: The first book has not been reviewed. A mention of a person being called a miracle worker. Negative Content- Minor cussing including: The main guy, Grady, does have a checkered past, but Quinn also has struggles from when her mom left her and her family. The Spiritual Content was good, but I think I would have preferred a bit more. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
May 12, Madison rated it it was amazing Shelves: Just Let Go is as delightful as its gorgeous cover; a beautiful story of redemption, forgiveness, and starting over, of learning to work for your dreams and learning when to let go. Grady is a professional skier, Olympian, and, according to the world, a wash-up bound for forced retirement. A self-imposed road trip leads Grady to Harbor Pointe, where a judgmental comment leads to a fist-fight, which leads to Grady being sentenced to weeks of community service and being stuck in the infuriatingly Just Let Go is as delightful as its gorgeous cover; a beautiful story of redemption, forgiveness, and starting over, of learning to work for your dreams and learning when to let go.
A self-imposed road trip leads Grady to Harbor Pointe, where a judgmental comment leads to a fist-fight, which leads to Grady being sentenced to weeks of community service and being stuck in the infuriatingly small town. As soon as she sets eyes on Grady Benson, Quinn Collins knows he is bad news. They come from different worlds - while he was off living the high life and has no qualms putting holes in the walls of diners, she has lived her whole life in Harbor Pointe, working towards her dream of owning her own flower shop, creating the best design for the upcoming Winter Carnival, and entering her designs into the Floral Expo.
She is on the verge of realising that dream and the last thing she needs is to babysit the egotistical skier for the duration of his community service.
Just Let Go () - IMDb
But there is more to Grady than is reported in the tabloids, and Quinn is holding onto her own hurts. Can the two learn to work together? Just Let Go was one of my most anticipated reads of the year, and it was everything I expected it to be. Each of the two books can be read as standalones, with complete story lines, a few character crossovers, and the same delightful, small-town setting.
Just Let Go is a complicated and layered story of relationships, dreams, and the faith needed to overcome the hurts of the past. The character growth and development in Just Let Go is outstanding. Grady is not your average, perfect, happy-ever-after ideal hero.
Grady takes pleasure in irritating Quinn and pushing her buttons, while Quinn tries her hardest to avoid him altogether. Their relationship starts off volatile and endures plenty of bumps as they navigate a slow friendship and share hard truths with each other. The romance is all the sweeter for their troubles. Yet, it is not just Grady who has past hurts and regrets to work through. She has never allowed anyone to get close to her heart, so she is beyond surprised when she finds Grady a little bit charming underneath that infuriating smirk.
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With all the charm of a small town and its caring community members, Just Let Go mixes touches of family and friendship with romance, faith, and self-discovery. Yet, I will content myself with glimpses of the continuation of their story in future Harbor Pointe novels, and I greatly look forward to whatever story Courtney Walsh crafts next, which is sure to be as delightful as this one. The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
Find more reviews, reading age guides, content advisory, and recommendations on my blog Madison's Library Jul 01, Carole Jarvis rated it it was amazing Shelves: Reviewed at The Power of Words: Walsh is one of those outstanding contemporary writers who pack lots of complexity beneath the surface of what looks like a simple opposites-attract romance, leaving you questioning if they will ever get together.
Well written, with snappy dialogue and subtle humor, Just Let Go thoroughly entertains.
See a Problem?
As for Grady and Quinn … these two might seem to be totally incompatible at first, but as the novel progresses, we begin to see that they are not so different. Even though Grady at first comes off as prideful, short tempered, and reckless, hints as to his troubled past are revealed early on, drawing me to him. Romance fans will find the chemistry between these two absolutely delightful! Stories of redemption and beginning anew are so rewarding to read, walking beside characters like Grady and Quinn and identifying with their struggles and victories.
The title also has a deeper meaning that led me to reflect on things that I possibly need to let go of spiritually, something that readers should easily connect with. I received a copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Sep 01, Iola rated it liked it. Grady Benson is a big-name big-ego Olympic skier who has landed in the small tourist town of Harbor Pointe, Michigan … and finds himself staying longer than planned after an unfortunate run-in with the law. What she wants is to win B Grady Benson is a big-name big-ego Olympic skier who has landed in the small tourist town of Harbor Pointe, Michigan … and finds himself staying longer than planned after an unfortunate run-in with the law.
What she wants is to win Best Design at the upcoming Michigan Floral Expo, in the hope that a win will enable her to reconnect with her mother—the mother who deserted her family years ago. First, has she never heard of Facebook? Second, many parents have days when they want to abandon their families or is that just me? Thanks to Tyndale House and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review. Sep 08, Staci rated it really liked it Shelves: Quinn tries to get the attention of her mother who left years ago.
Both Quinn and her mother are gifted in floral design and Quinn hopes to win a competition to finally get the attention of her mother. Champion skier Grady happens to stop in Harbor Pointe for a meal and ends up staying against his will. Grady is full of himself and the opposite of Quinn when it comes to taking risks. I didn't enjoy this as much as Just Look Up, but it was an enjoyable contemporary romance novel. My favorite part w Quinn tries to get the attention of her mother who left years ago. My favorite part was how Grady connected with teenager fan Jaden.
Hopefully, there is a third novel coming about Quinn's sister Carly. My gratitude to Rel of Relz Reviews for a complimentary copy of the novel.
I was not required to post a review and all opinions expressed are my own. May 12, Denise Hershberger rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed getting to know Grady. There are some books I fall in love with because of the dialogue and interaction between characters. This book was one I grew to love because of the development of the characters through their inner turmoil. Both Grady and Quinn are working through things from their pasts. It was hard to watch them basically punish themselves. This book was a great reminder that reconciliation and forgiveness are for everyone. I felt like I learned a lot from both characters.
I actually truly despise small towns in real life, but I love to read about them. In fiction, I love how everyone knows everyone and knows everything happening all the time. I love their fun hometown businesses. I love their neat traditions like a Winter Carnival where the whole town pitches in.
I also love how everyone helps each other when they have a need. I really enjoyed all the time the characters spent at the diner. In fact, my favorite scene took place in the diner and I laughed for quite a while about it. After you read the scene come back and let me know! I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher. This is my honest opinion. Oh my goodness, that cover! And the story inside? It's most definitely one that you don't want to miss.
Walsh creates fabulous characters that come to life in her stories. The story line is captivating and instantly hooks the reader from the first page. Quinn and Grady are magnificent characters! I loved them both so much! They both stole a piece of my heart instantly and I felt them come to life through the story.
I felt like I was truly a part of the lives, watching the scenes Oh my goodness, that cover! I felt like I was truly a part of the lives, watching the scenes play out like a movie. I felt their emotions, their needs, all of it as if they were truly a part of me. This trains your mind to associate that type of persistent negativity with something unpleasant.
Remind yourself these are your only three options: These acts create happiness; holding onto bitterness never does. Identify what the experience taught you to help develop a sense of closure. Write everything you want to express in a letter. Even if you choose not to send it, clarifying your feelings will help you come to terms with reality as it is now. Remember both the good and the bad. Even if appears this way now, the past was not perfect. Acknowledging this may minimize your sense of loss.
Un-romanticize the way you view love. If you think you can find a love that amazing or better again, it will be easier to move on.

Visualize an empowered single you —the person you were before meeting your last love. That person was pretty awesome, and now you have the chance to be him or her again. Create a space that reflects your present reality. Take down his pictures; delete her emails from your saved folder. Reward yourself for small acts of acceptance. Get a facial after you delete his number from your phone, or head out with friends after putting all her things in a box.
Just Let Go
Hang this statement somewhere you can see it. Replace your emotional thoughts with facts. Use the silly voice technique. According to Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap , swapping the voice in your head with a cartoon voice will help take back power from the troubling thought. Use a deep breathing technique , like ujayii , to soothe yourself and seep into the present moment.
Immerse yourself in a group activity. Enjoying the people in your life may help put your problems in perspective. Consider this quotation by Eckhart Tolle: Write down all your stresses and toss the paper into your fireplace. Notice when you begin thinking about something that stresses you so you can shift your thought process to something more pleasant, like your passion for your hobby.
Take a sauna break. Imagine your life ten years from now. Then look twenty years into the future, and then thirty.