Garesh: The hybrid investigation
Similarly, A 1 , A 2 , and A 3 represent the ground, first excited, and second excited levels, respectively, of the acceptor. The zero of energy axis is the Fermi level. The concentration of the limiting medium in the distilled water is 0. When the lower intensity beams falls in the linear and safety region green region , our device will allow the light to pass through. However, above the threshold limit red region , the system will act as an optical limiter and attenuate the intense beam. The dashed and solid lines in the figure show the linear transmittance T and the theoretical fitting, respectively.
Aneesh, Rituraj Sharma, P. Mishra, Debjani Karmakar, and K. Applied 9 , — Published 30 April Abstract Nonlinear optical absorption of light by materials is weak due to its perturbative nature, although a strong nonlinear response is of crucial importance to applications in optical limiting and switching. Weyl fermions are observed in a solid. Sign up to receive regular email alerts from Physical Review Applied.
Series I Physics Physique Fizika. GO has hydrophilicity due to the formation of functional groups, such as hydroxyl, carboxyl, and epoxy groups, during oxidation of graphite. Thus, GO can be dispersed well into the water, and the reduction of GO by EDA in an aqueous suspension results in the formation of reduced GO with hydrophobicity [ 23 , 24 ].
As a result, it formed a compact 3D graphene architecture due to the steric hindrance effect of the reduced GO sheets. Illustration of self-assembly mechanism for 3D graphene architecture during a chemical reduction of graphene oxide GO. From the SEM images with a low magnification as shown in Figure 4 a—c, the structure of interconnected networks ranging from ten to hundreds of micrometers is affirmed.
This resulted from well-dispersed SWNTs covered with a surfactant [ 25 ]. Figure 4 d—f shows SEM images with high magnification. These hybrid aerogels show a porous 3D network of assembled sheet-like structures produced during the freezing process. Upon freezing, these individual GO sheets are assembled with the formation of ice crystals. Moreover, the in-plane size of these assembled sheets can lead to an elastic stiffness, up to tens of micrometers. Primarily, the zeta-potential is a vital indicator of the stability of colloidal dispersions.
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According to the ASTM D for the stability of colloidal suspensions, the zeta-potential in the region more than 30 mV of either positive or negative is regarded as moderately stable [ 26 ]. The magnitude of the zeta-potential of all samples is more than 30 mV, so they are stable colloids.
Experimental Investigation on 3D Graphene-CNT Hybrid Foams with Different Interactions
Additionally, the surfaces of GO sheets are highly negatively charged, apparently as a result of the existence of the carboxylic and hydroxyl groups on these sheets. For this reason, there could be a tight connection between each surfactant and CNT.
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However, the magnitude of these hybrid samples decreased. These peaks are due to the attachment of surfactant molecules.

It also means that the crystallinity is recovered. To investigate the reinforcing effect of CNT depending on two different ionic surfactants, monotonic compression tests were conducted according to ASTM D CNT prevents the graphene walls from collapsing under compressive stress, so CNT reinforced hybrid foams have higher compressive modulus and strength than GO. Although graphene has superior properties, such as chemical and mechanical properties, it has not been commercialized or translated into practical outcomes, yet.
Recently, 3D graphene architectures have been attracting significant interests as a key solution to solve problems, such as low productivity, high cost, difficulty in controlling high-quality materials, defects and dispersion problem. However, recent researches on 3D graphene architectures struggle with strength. In addition, when CNT dispersions were processed, a strategy of interaction was applied by using anionic and cationic surfactants.
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The charge effect of surfactants, covered CNT, was experimentally investigated. Therefore, it can be concluded that the CNT with different ionic surfactants as reinforcement can act as a good reinforcement. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Journal List Nanomaterials Basel v. Published online Sep 6. Find articles by Hye-soo Kim. Find articles by Stephanie K. Find articles by Yan Sun.
Jae Wook Jung 5 B. Find articles by Kyunghoon Kim.
Find articles by Sung-Min Kim. Find articles by Jae-Do Nam. Find articles by Jonghwan Suhr. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Received Aug 18; Accepted Sep 3. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY license http: Abstract Due to the exceptional properties of graphene, numerous possibilities for real applications in various fields have been provided.
Introduction Graphene has come into the spotlight owing to its extraordinary properties [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]. Materials and Methods 2. Open in a separate window. Schematic of an experimental process for the graphene-CNT hybrid foam fabrication. Results and Discussion 3D graphene architecture, called reduced graphene oxide, was prepared via self-assembly Figure 3.
Conclusions Although graphene has superior properties, such as chemical and mechanical properties, it has not been commercialized or translated into practical outcomes, yet. Author Contributions Supervision, J.
1. Introduction
Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. Covalent functionalization of graphene with organosilane and its use as a reinforcement in epoxy composites. High surface area, sp2-cross-linked three-dimensional graphene monoliths. Superior thermal conductivity of single-layer graphene. Graphene and graphene oxide: Synthesis, properties, and applications. A roadmap for graphene. Chemical reduction of graphene oxide: A synthetic chemistry viewpoint.
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