Crossing the Line (Shifter Saga Book 2)
I loved the characters and want to become best friends with them. The writing was superb. I'm really looking forward to more from this series and from the author! Wow, this story has blown me away and it's only at the beginning, I loved this book, I loved the characters in it and I loved the world building this is all well done. I still can't believe that I am going to continue with book two even though book 3 is not written yet. This is something I just don't do but I just don't want to leave this world, so I'm plunging in with book two the Rainmaker and only hope the author release book 3 soon This story was just so good, I don't want to say anything and spoil it for people, it's just that good, I went in blind and it was the best thing that I could have done.
There are some books that I hear about and wait anxiously for months and years to finally be released. Some of them receive a lot of attention and turn out to be the treasures they claim to be. Others turn out to be books I cannot stand. This was the case for me with The Prophecy.
I was browsing on Amazon, read an excerpt, and decided to give it a try.
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As it would happen, I ended up loving The Prophecy so much that its sequel, The Rainmaker, became one of my most anticipated sequels for The book itself centers around Tasia Armstrong, although the story is told through multiple viewpoints. Tasia is a Magick, a being with magic in her blood. Collectively known as the Chosen, four factions exist among these magical beings: Discovering what exactly Tasia is, although she claims to be a Wizard, is part of the mystery for her heritage threatens her very existence. Tasia is living in San Francisco, trying to avoid unwelcome attention, when one night during her work as an Mfector cleaning sites where Chosen blood has been spilled, she comes across an injured and caged shape-shifter.
When she makes the risky decision to come to his aid, she is thrown into the politics of the Chosen world. Eventually, she finds protection with the local shape-shifter Pack under the leadership of the enigmatic Alpha Protector Raoul, but her enemies are many and her journey is just beginning. Moreover, the Chosen world, already tumultuous, is thrown into further chaos as a prophecy, foretold years ago, once again begins to make itself known through the ambitions of those who seek to manipulate its outcome.
One thing is incredibly clear: One thing I loved about this book was the characters. Almost nothing frustrates me more than shallow and underdeveloped characters.
- Crossing the Line Series?
- Moon Called.
- Olivia Hale.
- Mr. Chengs Silver Coffeepot.
- Published Works;
- Patricia Briggs?
Happily for me, Landon's are wonderfully complex. By the end, I was not only rooting for Tasia, but also many of the secondary characters, including Hawk, Sara, and Duncan, to name a few. On a side note, interestingly enough I actually found myself connecting more with Raoul that Tasia. However, I enjoyed seeing her come more into her own as the story progressed and hope she continues to do so in the following books. I will admit that I was worried about the world-building at first because several aspects reminded me of a couple of popular urban fantasies that I had started previously and admittedly quit for varying reasons , such as the Kate Daniels and Mercy Thompson series.
However, Landon manages to add new twists to what has become popular lore regarding various supernatural races—not to mention that with every consecutive book in the series, she adds more intricacy and depth to the every-expanding mythology and cultures of the various Chosen factions. The world felt so incredibly alive to me, and I was thrilled to dive even deeper into both the world and the hearts of the characters in this book and the sequel.
Not to mention, I am also eager to see how the bonds between various characters develop as the story unfolds. For someone as picky as me, finding a series like this was wonderful, and I have my fingers-crossed for the rest of the series. While the geek in me hates the lack of proper punctuation-- seriously, it was consistently missing-- the reader in me absolutely loved this plot and the characters.
A really unique and interesting story line, although with references to a Beast Lord and an Alpha Protector, the author touched dangerously on parallels with the Kate Daniels series' worldbuilding. We still haven't learned what type of shifter Raoul, the Alpha Protector, is-- if he turns out to be a lion, like Curren of the Ilona Andrews series, there will definitely be negative comparisons made. An anthology of christmas-themed urban fantasy short stories. It's a heartwarming story of how murder and deception can bring a family together.
This is an anthology of witch-based stories edited by P. Elrod featuring stories some of my all-time favorite authors. Of course, I had to sneak a werewolf into the mix. And a dash of romance, and a snippet of revenge. Eye of newt, wing of bat. My story is called Seeing Eye. Dabel Brothers Comics is producing the "Mercy Thompson" series of graphic novels. The first four episodes have been published as a book in cooperation with Del Rey.
To be honest, the whole graphic novel thing is a bit of a mystery to me, but I sure like the pretty pictures! My entry, Fairy Gifts deals with a vampire who finds some measure of redemption in the mines far below Butte, Montana. My story is titled Gray. A vampire returns to her first home, and finds more than the memories she was seeking. Down These Strange Streets: Poor Warren has terrible neighbors. Apparently, nobody told them that antagonizing a werewolf isn't as fun as it sounds. A compilation of short stories in the Mercyverse , including all the stories from previous anthologies as well as several new ones.
A war we had to win. In context this quote is amazing for a YA book, this is when Rachel talks about going on a suicide mission and the fact that she loved the bloodlust and battle and that Jake knowingly sent her off to die so he could win the war.
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But the bloodlust is still not glorified and she nearly gets herself killed several times on regular missions because she couldn't snap out of it to retreat in time. It kills me that Rachel went down in a polar bear morph, but at the very end of the series, way out in space looking into a completely new danger, they find polar bear hairs and then it ends! The most beautiful ethical moment IMHO was actually Marco's decision, to let go of his new found mother, for the good of earth and to keep a Visser 3 on a leash.
That really twisted the knife. Also the whole story line with Tobias' Mother, so bitter sweet. The hardest part for me to process was when Jake and Ax crossed the line in the final book and commited a serious war crime, even though he knew some Yeerks didn't want to control people, and that they had the potential to be a cooperative symbiotic species instead. Nalini Singh has a paranormal romance series that features changelings, a race of people who can change into animal forms leopards, wolves, and the like.
Iron Druid by Kevin Hearne. His druids get 3 animal forms, and they also hang out with other shapeshifters and some werewolves. The Silvered by Tanya Huff is in a fantasy world and includes a large group of shapeshifters, and focuses on a couple of them, though one of the main characters isn't.
In the Pellinor series their magic skills are powerful enough for shapeshifting, but I do not remember how often they do it. I've been following an author here on reddit that's written a sci fi fantasy saga that includes a planet full of people able to assume multiple forms using technology.

Changer by Jane Lindskold, followed by Legends Walking. The Changer is amongst the oldest of the Athanor, the legends and myths of our world. He is the brother to the sea and a master of shapes, spending time more often as an animal than a human. While living as a coyote, someone attempts to murder his family. He goes in search of vengeance, but finds a much wider web threatening all of his people.
This is one of my favorite books, and I wish there were more of them.
Lindskold balances the mythic and modern well. For example, the Internet is a fantastic way for the non-anthropomorphic Athanor bigfoots, satyrs, fauns, tengu and others to keep in communication. There are several shapeshifters beyond the main character as well. All in all it is an outstanding couple of books. Note for anybody trying to track down these excellent books: They become more prevalent as the series goes on. Not sure if you're much for urban fantasy, but Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson novels have a coyote shifter as the protagonist and feature numerous secondary characters that are werewolves.
The first book is Moon Called.
Crossing the Line Series by Tessa Bailey
Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series brings the shifters, too. First book is Bitten. Faith Hunter's Jane Yellowrock series has a main character who is a skinwalker. First book is aptly titled Skinwalker. The Last Dragonlord by Joanne Bertin features the titular dragonlords, who can shift between human and dragon forms.
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Word of warning, I thought it was the bee's knees in high school, but I have no idea how it stands up. It had some cringey soul-mate romance going on that was awesome when I was 15 but maybe now not so much. The Anita Blake series has all kinds of shapeshifters. Some good, some bad. While the protagonist isen't a shapeshifter there are lots and I mean lots of shapeshifters in this book, and many different kinds. And throughout the series she interacts a lot with them. Consider Phlebas by Iain M Banks has a shapeshifter alien as the main protagonist.
- Shifter Saga by Olivia Hale.
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