Cope by Faith: Partnering With God to Get Through and Triumph From the Cancer Experience
Once a user has signed up for the app, there's a short on-boarding process that sets up the blockchain user with their private key and a "title" for their data. Users are also connected to a point system, similar to a retail store's rewards card, where each time they authorize use of their data they receive points that can be redeemed for products, such as clothing in an online store. Hu-manity's stated — and somewhat lofty — goal is to establish personal data as having the same rights as other forms of property, real or intellectual, and to eventually allow owners to be involved in fair market negotiation for its use.
That would allow it to be leased, donated or passed on as part of an estate. When it's stolen, you can't go to the police station and report someone stole your medical data like someone stole your car. The My31 App got its name from personal data ownership being pitched as a 31st human right by Hu-manity. The upside of creating a blockchain-based ledger through which all kinds of personal data can be sold is that it allows consumers to profit and businesses buying it to get higher quality information, Etwaru said.
They're also really nervous about re-identification. In other words, personal medical information is being sold — and in the process of making that transcation legal it is stripped of 18 types of information; doing so meets HIPAA de-identification requirements, but significantly reduces the data's value for legitimate research. Karlin is formerly the head of clinical, informatics and regulatory strategy at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Hu-manity will not itself be holding medical info; its role is to offer permissioned records and to create the means by which the patient can set permissions and receive compensation.
While the personally identifiable information PII by law must be "de-identified," data brokers, such as insurance companies that sell claims data, also often add unique numbers to keep track of disparate pieces of information coming from the same person.
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At the same time, today's powerful data analytics software is capable of piecing the trail data breadcrumbs back to their origin: Cynthia Burghard, also an IDC research director, said document service LexusNexus can take around 40 data elements from a healthcare organization at the patient level and match it to their social determinants database, so "it is not hard to imagine reverse engineering that, unless the anonymized data were really stripped. Once a person has ownership of their own anonymized data via an encrypted electronic ledger, the possibility of a person's identity being exposed decreases, Etwaru said, because it is hidden behind a hashed number on the blockchain.
The owner is certified, but the identity of that owner rests behind an encrypted key.
See a Problem?
The data's owner can also authorize access to greater amounts of data, depending on what they want to share, and the data is more trustworthy data because it's been confirmed and verified to be real through the blockchain. China has been relatively quiet, Xinhau News making no comment today, and yesterday relaying a press release that was the only press release available to all media outlets. Canada has released partial information given a ban on media was requested and granted on Ms. Which would make the Iran sanctions violation a distraction over the real reason for the arrest.
He later joined the Communist Party of China. Due to his military and Party affiliations, India felt Huawei presented a security concern and barred them from winning particular contracts.
Other countries have made similar security concern comments, but no one — did anything. They have been on the radar and skated. Hauwei manufactures telecommunications equipment, smartphones, and networking equipment. As such, miffed, August , they stated that they would pull out of the US market. Not quite so easily done. Huawei is enmeshed in various partnerships with: Well ingrained in equipment throughout the world, it has overtaken Apple in sales of smartphones and is well on its way to being one of the top five cloud computing companies.
Obviously the Iran sanction violation is a media distraction. The gag order is being contested. But given the fact that China is actually being relatively silent regarding the entire situation would indicate that they know considerably more. For an arrest to have been made, evidence of the allegations would be necessary. He is an avid Trump supporter, and faithful to draining The Swamp. Further, the Pact states that data collection will become a strategized goal whereby a global programme will determine a countries national capacity.
Migration will no longer be classified as having a refugee status, all migrants will be created equal. And all arms will point back to the global powerhead — the UN! In so doing all immigrants will receive a work permit, a certificate of nationality, counseling, legal guidance on their rights according to International Law, gender responsive support, training, and a job. As their Human Right.
As Africa sees mass exodus as a direct result of these freebies, African states will likely be more vulnerable and subject to takeover. Land grabs will be more prolific and Green Climate Funds derived from the Paris Accord will suddenly make sense in their diversion. Full circle to a Continent untapped and in need of vast infrastructure improvement in order to adequately cultivate those resources. Ta-Da — Africa Couped! In the meantime, the UN will extend their arm of Global Leader.

Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, and Iceland. If countries cannot funds these through domestic resources, the international community pledges to provide international assistance. Countries also agreed to work together to fund infrastructure for energy, transport, and water and sanitation, as well as step-up investments in agriculture and nutrition. Of course, the biggest issue in implementing Addis Ababa was Tax.
They will help countries to collect and audit the implemented tax that will fund the fund that funds that funds the fund within the ODA fund that gives the money to recreate Africa after all the mass exodus of natives and their relocation with freebies across the EU, North and South America. Guidelines will map global sites of entry and the UN will determine the welfare administration of these displaced migrants.
Currently, war and conflicts have been the primary means of achieving exodus. But this was based on refugee status and excluded simple immigrants. These UN provisions would alter that censorship of migration and Open Borders to all. The New World Order is under the gun and fighting a ravage brawl in its home base of Germany. There are Seven major conflicts going on in Africa right now — and the media is silent.
The war in Myanmar has been ongoing since , Somali since , Nigeria since and Mali since The war in Afghanistan remains as the largest number of casualties cumulatively at over 2,, and for — 36, And not a peep out of the media. In Myanmar, like Syria, the number of small fragmented opposition armies are disjointed and their affiliation a veritable guessing game, however China would appear to be the largest outside player which is likely why no one else wants to become involved.
In , the UN attempted to integrate into the Somalia conflict only to run home a beleaguered failure after suffering significant casualties by The UN attempted to integrate Muslims into the government in as a means of peace, but the people revolted and war re-erupted. The immigrant invasions precipitated by the Huns and other barbarians ended with the conquest of Rome and ultimately led to The Fall Of The Roman Empire sometime between and AD. Mismanagement allowed the invasions.
The Turkic people of Asia, Europe and North Africa were forced into migration during the rise of Islam under Muhammad between the 6 th and 11 th centuries. In the 19 th century over 50 million people fled the horrors of Europe and settled in the US as a result of migrant chaos.
Migration has seen the collapse of entire societies. When migrants from Europe began to descend on the US, they came through Ellis Island where they were required to submit to a health examination, legal checks to assure they were not criminals, and a head tax. The Immigration Act of stated that persons likely to become public charges, persons suffering from certain contagious disease, felons, persons convicted of other crimes or misdemeanors, polygamists, aliens assisted by others by payment of passage would not be admitted.
Those who did not comply with these rules were deported. In Chinese immigrants were specifically not allowed, only white and blacks were allowed per the Naturalization Act. In the Anarchist Exclusion Act allowed for the prohibition of an immigrant based on their political beliefs. And in American women were prohibited from bringing foreign men nto the US as citizens based on marriage. Settling in New York and other major cities on the east coast, they immediately banded to create controlled territories where racketeering, smuggling, fraud, money laundering, robbery, etc… were their mainstay.
They were — immigrants. Buddhist and Hindu Indians.
It has NOT resolved. They followed him back to Russia wherein the Bloody Revolution was instituted and Russia fell to communist rule for decades. Many if not most Bolsheviks — were immigrants. For the media to continue to hail the fact that the US was built on immigration is censoring the entire story and virtually rewriting history. Immigration has led to the fall of Empires since the beginning of history. It has created massive wars, the death of millions, the destruction of homelands, and the loss of societal rule.
The UN and European governments are well aware of this fact and yet it would appear that despite history they embrace the absolute collapse of all of Europe in the coming future as cultures clash, crime spirals out of control, and the military and police are told by their governments to — stand down. Sharia Law is upheld. Europe is facing a catastrophic fall parallel to The Great Fall of Rome. The reality is that Merkel, Macron and May have sold Europe to chaos. I would venture, this is not the will of The People.
It is however, the will of the Government, and as such is being actioned. It does not define the Catholic People, it defines a corrupt Vatican. It does not define a Political People, it defines a corrupt government. A corrupt power block. And it is time, to take back our world.
It is time to shift the axis from the imbalance of evil and embrace — good. Because in a universe that thrives on good and evil, sometimes, the balance skews. It is more important than ever to fight! Empty words without action that somehow makes the members feel all cozy. Fair and Sustainable Development with a focus on people. Africa where there is no footprint. In essence, these meetings are held to give the impression that the UN has some actual authority and change is being made under their auspices when in fact they continue to be a burgeoning bloated waste of money without successes, mired in sex scandals, and wholly non-transparent in financial and asset statements.
The US contributes an amount equal to the total contributions of: The Board noted that the UN was using temp employees to fill high level leadership positions, and noted shortlistings of unsuitable and unavailable candidates. The Board noted a lack of reporting and oversight mechanisms in delegation of procurement authority. Their computer systems are so outdated that the Audit Board is required to manually make financial adjustments to their record keeping, a process that is ridiculously expensive, tedious, and subject to error.
The report goes on and on ad nauseum identifying malfunctions within their self health insurance plan that had not been updated since Funds that are deposited in the wrong account. And admonishing because the Geneva staffing is bursting at the seams with useless staff and desperately is in need of massive streamlining.
This is what happens when politicians run the finances of the world. And I want a refund. According to the UN, they need heavy equipment! And still, the supposed deal she executed that was approved by the EU but not her constituents or the people, will likely fail. Trade and borders will remain unaffected. Migration will likely increase as May has announced that she will vote to uphold the UN migration pact.
And in the end, the only change will be the ante! Sounds a bit like the last tanking initiated under the guidance of George Soros when the Bank of England — tanked, September 16, The pedophilia scandal that was purported to involve over perpetrators and hundreds of thousands of victims — has stalled. UK crime rates have been on an uptick spike since The jobs market and earnings growth have dropped. One might feel sorry for her if she were simply a victim, but she chose her allies and bartered the UK.
If a country chooses to defy either, Soros will seek vengeance, create sanctions, and undermine law and the economy. Fake information has become the tagline target as everything anti EU, everything anti-Soros, everything anti-Socialism is targeted as fake information. Of course Soros wants control of this power. From his perspective, Zuckerberg is a peon, worthless in his game of thrones. In the game of chess, the moves are never random, they are thought out with a future checkmate preconceived. All the pieces are aligned, the opponents moves calculated instinctively.
Better quality data, and compensation for the owner
Theresa May had no chess game, she simply moved her pawns randomly in one failed directive, BREXIT, while the queen, bishops, and horsemen yawned. Is that not an age old ploy utilized by politicians in their eye rolling game? Delay until anxiety is so high the people will accept anything…. While the people of Germany have succumbed to Socialism, the people of the UK have succumbed to the Lords of chaos. Ultimately, both will suddenly awaken and fight for their lives and salvation only to realize that too is all part of the chess game.
It gave hope wherein the hope would not be attained, at least not within the same frame that it was created. The only way to rise above the chessmen is to understand the game, see the reality of who is good and who is evil, and join forces with the likes of William Wallace. He may have been a Scotsman, but he represents all men who fight for their country! Our Universe is created within the absolutes of good and evil. One can not exist without the other, just as light only exists because there is darkness.
I'm Proud of You: My Friendship with Fred Rogers by Tim Madigan
Our small world is subject to these universal laws. Our genetic makeup predisposes us to certain diseases, such as cancer and Alzheimers, it also predicates down syndrome and intellect. It is also accepted that every individual is born with good and evil DNA. Thousands of years and every society known to man has created a concept of good and evil representative according to their unique vision. Mythology, Paganism they always depict good vs evil in some form. Christianity has God vs Satan. The American Indians had Ioskeha and Tawiscara as their good and evil symbolism.
The forces of these two opponents that battle for eternity can shift wherein an imbalance occurs and Discordia reigns. Everything on this natural God-made earth was intricately created in a perfect pattern. In the rain forest it is most evident. Every creature, every flora, have a purpose.
I'm Proud of You: My Friendship with Fred Rogers
Disrupt that purpose, extract a single subject matter of the natural flow and the entire rain forest system begins to implode devolving into chaos. GMO flowers have no scent, GMO fruits lack the same vitamins and minerals, and farm fish have no color, it has to be injected into them. They have manipulated weather patterns having no idea what the negative ramifications will be, they have injected us with vaccines without any testing as to the entire cocktail effect, and they now want to inject particles into the atmosphere to black the sun so as to slow global warming.