Complete Works of George Gissing
It looks like he died of emphysema, but he may well have been suffering from tertiary syphilis too. He had a lesion on his face and dilated pupils, both symptoms. Tertiary syphilis symptoms do not appear to include lung dise I have read before that George Gissing was George Orwell's favourite author.

I came across this webpage, which surprisingly appears to be Russian, on Orwell's review of Gissing's work I have noticed some similarities in Gissing's style. Gissing is obsessed with the economics of marriage. For an educated gentleman to marry someone of his own class and education, he needs to have sufficient income to keep her. The problem is this may take years to achieve, if ever.
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He may marry a woman from a lower class, but then she will not be his educational equal, and will hinder his career. From an educated, middle-class woman's point of view, she has few ways of earning a sufficient income to support herself. She fears poverty and degradation. She has to measure up marrying for love against marryin I was reading a bit about George Gissing last night.
He idolized his father who died when he was thirteen, but did not get on so well with his mother. His father was intellectual; his mother was a hard-working, rather moralistic housewife. After his father died, he was sent away to school where he worked extremely hard and won a whole series of scholarly prizes, enabling him to attend Owens College, now Manchester University. He seems to have been a sensitive lad, but not entirely so. He discovered girls in a big way at Manchester. In particular he discovered young prostitutes, and he was not the only one of his friends to do that.
I read a letter one wrote to him, joking about the symptoms George Gissing, who lived in London in the late s, appears to be a stunningly interesting writer from a sociological point of view. I sometimes regret that there have never been many working class authors. Most authors were middle class who wrote for middle class readers. Even today, I don't think you get many working class views in fiction.
The only working class author I can think of off the top of my head is Andy McNab, who writes war stories. Most of Dickens' heroes are actually lower middle class, although they certainly rub shoulders with the working class. Thomas Hardy seems to have specialised in the rural poor, but I wondered if anyone wrote about factory workers and the city p I've spent quite a bit of time sitting on the floor of the library searching for an Essay that Blp recomended. I was unable to find it, and needed to turn to the internet for the text, but in my search I came across George Gissings - My Old Penholder.
I still get a giggle when I pick up My Blue Papermate Pen, and know that i'm not alone in the oddness of appreciating the devine texture it provides. Having a cherished Penholder of my own, I came to the realization that had I been born in a simpler time as I'd often wished , My hair would never be it's true color.
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Biography of George Gissing George Gissing English author considered one of the most valuable contributors to late Victorian era literature, author of New Grub Street Posted By kev67 in Gissing, George 1 Reply. Posted By kev67 in Gissing, George 0 Replies. Gissing's interesting life I was reading a bit about George Gissing last night. Posted By kev67 in Gissing, George 5 Replies. Gissing from a sociological point of view George Gissing, who lived in London in the late s, appears to be a stunningly interesting writer from a sociological point of view.
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A Story of English Socialism. Fate and the Apothecary. In the Year of Jubilee. Our Friend the Charlatan. The Crown of Life. The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft. By The Ionian Sea. A Daughter of the Lodge. The House of Cobwebs.
Complete Works of George Gissing by George Gissing
A Lodger in Maze Pond. The Pig and Whistle. The Salt of the Earth. George Gissing Biographical 10 questions Quiz: Sorry, no links available. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read.
George Gissing
Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. George Gissing was one of the leading novelists at the end of the nineteenth century, lauded by critics and admired by his literary friends. Once these works enter the public domain, they will be added to the eBook as a free update. Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Complete Works of George Gissing , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Complete Works of George Gissing.
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