Biological Psychology
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Electrodes are attached to the scalp and brain waves can be traced. During this, our brain waves begin to resemble those of our waking state though we are still fast asleep and it seems that this is when we dream whether we remember it or not. More recently methods of studying the brain have been developed using various types of scanning equipment hooked up to powerful computers. Even more sophisticated is the PET scan Positron Emission Tomography which uses a radioactive marker as a way of studying the brain at work. The procedure is based on the principle that the brain requires energy to function and that the regions more involved in the performance of a task will use up more energy.
What the scan, therefore, enables researchers to do is to provide ongoing pictures of the brain as it engages in mental activity. These and other methods for producing images of brain structure and functioning have been extensively used to study language and PET scans, in particular, are producing evidence that suggests that the Wernicke-Gerschwind model may not after all be the answer to the question of how language is possible.
Theories within the biological approach support nature over nurture. However, it is limiting to describe behavior solely in terms of either nature or nurture, and attempts to do this underestimate the complexity of human behavior. It is more likely that behavior is due to an interaction between nature biology and nurture environment.
For example, individuals may be predisposed to certain behaviors, but these behaviors may not be displayed unless they are triggered by factors in the environment. A strength of the biological approach is that it provides clear predictions, for example, about the effects of neurotransmitters, or the behaviors of people who are genetically related. A limitation is that most biological explanations are reductionist , as it reduces behavior to the outcome of genes and other biological processes, neglecting the effects of childhood and our social and cultural environment.
Familial studies of intelligence: Science, , Passage of an iron rod through the head. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal , 39, — The psychological foundations of culture. Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture. Biological Psychology Saul McLeod , updated Psychology should be seen as a science, to be studied in a scientific manner.
Behavior can be largely explained in terms of biology e. Human genes have evolved over millions of years to adapt behavior to the environment. The biological approach provides clear predictions that can.
This means that explanations can be scientifically tested and support with evidence. Experimental Method Twin Research. Bio psychological theories often over-simplify the huge complexity of physical systems and their interaction with the environment.
Investigation of Inheritance
Sex differences in the brain What has neuroscience ever done for us? Are Bigger Brains Better? Nurture BBC Radio 4: The influence of evolutionary theory, phrenology and a hole in Phineas Gage's head. All aspects of psychological functioning, including psychopathology, are germane.
Biological Psychology
The Journal concentrates on work with human subjects, but may consider work with animal subjects if conceptually related to issues in human biological psychology. Empirical reports are the core of the Journal, but review articles as well as technical notes relevant to biological psychology are encouraged. A brief report section publishes well written papers of fewer than words with minimal delay from the submission date.
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Biological psychology
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