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Retrieved June 12, Monitor Latino in Spanish. Retrieved June 11, Back to You" in Finnish. Retrieved June 17, Retrieved June 22, Retrieved November 15, Single track Top 40 lista. Retrieved June 21, Retrieved 1 September The Official Lebanese Top Archived from the original on 11 September Retrieved 11 September Recording Industry Association of Malaysia. Retrieved June 2, Retrieved June 8, Dutch Top 40 Retrieved June 16, Retrieved June 23, Polish Airplay Top Retrieved July 30, AFP Top Singles. Retrieved June 18, Recording Industry Association Singapore.
Archived from the original PDF on June 28, Retrieved September 4, Retrieved 5 November Retrieved September 25, Retrieved October 30, Retrieved October 9, Retrieved September 18, Retrieved December 4, Retrieved December 5, Australian Recording Industry Association. Retrieved August 11, Retrieved December 14, Retrieved November 30, Retrieved September 11, Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana. Retrieved October 1, Retrieved July 13, Retrieved September 29, Type Selena Gomez in the top right search bar. It was introduced into spiritual formation circles by Catholic retreat leader Richard Rohr and several other Jesuit priests.
Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile provide a readable and witty introduction to the Enneagram with chapters on each of the nine types. They begin by giving some of the background of the Enneagram and list each of the nine types and the corresponding deadly sin each type is most susceptible to. Also each type is modified by one or both of their wings the types adjacent to them and have a type the gravitate to under stress and when they are secure.
Sound a little confusing? Cron and Stabile walk us through all this both in introduction and the survey of each type. Starting with the Anger or Gut triad and Type 8, they devote a chapter to each type, beginning with a list of 20 points of what it is like to be that type, describing the type in its healthy, average, and unhealthy expressions, and talk about its deadly sin. Then they give a more detailed description, talk about the type as a child, in their relationships and at work. Then they explore how the "wings" and the types they tend toward when feeling stressed or secure shape the expression of their type.
They conclude with what spiritual transformation looks like for the type and ten steps for each type to take in transformation. I found myself laughing as they describe the different types, until I got to my own, where I found myself alternately saying "yes" and "ouch! Rather, here is what they recommend: When I first read my number I felt humiliated.
It's not pleasant to be the rat in a dark kitchen who is so focused on devouring crumbs that he doesn't hear the stealthy homeowners approaching and therefore doesn't have time to take cover before they suddenly switch on the light and catch the rat in the act with a bagel in its mouth. On the other hand I felt consoled. I didn't know there were other rats like me. So if this happens, don't despair. Remember each number has its assets and liabilities, blessings and blights. The embarrassment will pass, but in the words of novelist David Foster Wallace, 'The truth will set you free, but not until it's done with you.
The one thing worse than knowing this stuff about ourselves is for it to be present in our lives and to not know it. Knowing helps us pursue paths of growth along the lines of who we are rather than who we aren't. And it helps us to be gentler with all those other types, whose unique predicament parallels our own.

Most of all, it begins to help us understand the depths of the grace of God that meets each of us uniquely and in the depths of our own deadly sins. If you are ready for and hungry for that kind of knowledge, then this book is a good place to begin. Aug 09, Charlsa rated it it was amazing. I discovered this book by listening to Anne Bogel's whatshouldireadnext podcast, episode She and Ian Morgan Cron were talking about the Enneagram s of various authors and characters in books. I had already taken to test to determine my Enneagram type, but I still wasn't sure.
I listened to the audiobook first, narrated by the author, then purchased the book. I needed to go through it in detail. This book really helped me to narrow down my type. I like that he shared the h isotry of the E I discovered this book by listening to Anne Bogel's whatshouldireadnext podcast, episode I like that he shared the h isotry of the Ennegram. He explains it and gives examples that shows the reader that it isn't just your actions by the motive behind your actions that determines your type. I'll be referring to this book often.
One of the most accessible, readable books on the Enneagram I've encountered. Jun 26, Carol Ann rated it it was amazing.
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The authors break down a complicated subject into a clear, concise, and entertaining guide to self-discovery. The authors tell it like it is and provide relatable and often humorous examples. As I read through the different personality types searching for myself, it seem "There are others [personality typing systems] that describe and encourage you to embrace who you are, which isn't very helpful if who you are is a jerk. As I read through the different personality types searching for myself, it seemed at first that all of them held pieces of me.
But then I came to the chapter that powerfully resonated with me. How did it make me feel? It explained why I see the world the way I do, why I do what I do, that I am not alone, and provided manageable tips to save me from my self-defeating self and move toward my wiser more compassionate self. What I like best about this typing system is that it removes judgement from the equation and focuses on the motivation behind the behavior. But it doesn't stop there. Accountability is addressed, too. This book leads you to the glorious, attainable path of becoming your best self.
Apr 14, K. Weiland rated it really liked it. Sound basics of the Enneagram. May 04, Karyssa rated it really liked it Shelves: Some of my family members introduced me to this book. I had never heard of it before, and they were going to read it and then discuss it together. Once I found out it was about personality types, I really wanted to get in on the discussion. So I bought the book so that I would be able to contribute to the conversation. Even if we don't end up discussing it, I'm really glad that I got the book.
I really enjoyed it, and it's very interesting how the Enneagram works. Most of my friends who are into Some of my family members introduced me to this book. Most of my friends who are into personality types stuff really like the Myers-Briggs, and I like it too, but I think I kinda like the Enneagram more. This would have gotten five stars, but there were a few times when not-so-nice words were used.
Back to You (Selena Gomez song)
And the author said some things that didn't really have to do with the Enneagram per se that I just didn't agree with. But, overall, this was a really good book and if you're interested in personality type tests, then maybe give this one a try. View all 4 comments. Oct 12, Claire Johnson rated it it was amazing Shelves: Dec 28, Laura rated it it was amazing. This book was written with lots of compassion, humor, and insight.
It would be a good introduction to the Enneagram or a good supplement for those who are already familiar--it does a better job than most of reflecting on being in community with different Enneagram types. Jul 05, Blythe rated it liked it Shelves: That said, for what it is, I really loved it. I highly recommend for someone wanting to learn more about the Enneagram from a Christian perspective! Apr 17, Rachel rated it it was amazing. Definitely a book I want to own and know I will find myself coming back to to help refresh my understanding of the enneagram.
I've heard from several people who have thoroughly studied and read about the enneagram that this is a great book for beginners, and I'd have to say that's true. It was a quick listen that had me thoroughly engaged as he explored and combed out the differences of the nine types. May 05, Aliza Latta rated it it was amazing. I love this book. I have recommended it to everyone as a guide for deeper understanding into the Enneagram. I read it front to back, but now use it more as a guide and pull it out often to look up certain types.
I found this book extremely helpful in my own Enneagram journey. Sep 05, Lindsay Franklin rated it it was amazing. A good primer on Enneagram from a Christian perspective. Jul 22, Jill Robinson rated it really liked it Shelves: Personality type fascinates me. I knew some about the Enneagram before reading this but this book helped me want to understand people better in order to love them well. View all 5 comments. Apr 07, Chrystal rated it it was amazing. The enneagram has opened up so much to think on. I have learned so much about myself and have so much more to learn.
I love that this book takes the approach of the enneagram through the lens of the Gospel. I think I've figured out my number a 6 but I'm not still not certain which I think is pretty characteristic of a 6! I would love to dig deeper with an enneagram class. I also love how this book helps you see each number's strength and weakness, where you tend to go in stress and wher Wow. I also love how this book helps you see each number's strength and weakness, where you tend to go in stress and where you tend to go in security.
I highly recommend this if you want to learn more about yourself and others and learn to have more compassion for those who behave differently from you. May 09, Deanna rated it it was amazing Shelves: We can't stop talking abt it and rereading. It has given us so much clarity!! If you're a personality type junkie I highly recommend.
There's a bunch of podcasts abt this book right now too that you can listen if you're more inclined that way. Entreleadership and story brand I've never felt more called out on my personality type. It's just been so good for us and we've had so many "a-ha's". We took the free tests online. Definitely nailed our personalities!
It was pretty hysterical-well for the one not getting read about that is. Jan 31, Sarah Wells rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved this introduction to the enneagram and its overview of the nine personality types.
Louis Tomlinson - Back To You feat. Bebe Rexha - text, překlad -
Clear and entertaining, each chapter provided informative and entertaining explanations of each type's nuances as well as calls to action and development for each type to understand how they operate best and what they should watch out for. For those who love personality types and understanding other people better, this is a great choice.
Apr 19, Michele rated it it was amazing. I listened to audiobook on audible, and the author was a great narrator.
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I think I'll listen to parts of this again and again. It would be nice to have the hard copy for reference, though. This knowledge will actually change the way perceive myself and others. Hopefully, it will also influence my actions as I seek to become healthier. Aug 12, Laurie rated it really liked it Shelves: This is an extremely accessible and enjoyable introduction to the enneagram as a tool for personal and spiritual growth. Ian Cron, the author, narrates and is extremely easy and pleasant to listen to! May 01, Aaron West rated it liked it. More than a personality test, and less than a prescriptive cookie cutter of your every action and thought, the Enneagram has more or less been developed over the course of hundreds of years by everyone from cloisters of Desert Fathers to Richard Rohr in his seemingly infinite wisdom, himself.
The enneagram is the name of a nine-pointed star, and when it comes to THE Enneagram, a system in which a number resides at the end of each point, Each number signifies a different type of personality, complete with motivations for actions, tell-tale behaviors, performance in relationships and at work, and other such insights, as well as how these numbers relate to, and act as, one another. Throughout the book, Ian Morgan Cron delves in to each type, and provides the spiritual applications that are useful in dealing with the wounding message each number has internalized and believed since supposed childhood.
The book is coauthored by Suzanne Stabile, though Ian Cron writes the words and only alludes to her experiences throughout. But, as I was continually reminded by my more Enneagram-literate friends, it is about motivation rather than outward expression.
What motivates each number to act is at the core of what the Enneagram explores. And even so, Cron states that each number can express themselves in an infinite combination of ways. I give the book the high end of three stars. The writing is accessible, interesting, and spiritually engaging.
To quote Ian Cron himself: I do not stand uncomfortably close to people at cocktail parties and tell them I was able to guess their Enneagram number based on their choice of footwear. People who do that are an evil begging to be overcome. It is not infallible or inerrant. It is not the be-all and end-all of Christian spirituality. At best, it is an imprecise model of personality Oct 16, Carmen Marie rated it really liked it.
As someone who finds personality typing fascinating, I am more steeped in Myers-Briggs. Over the past few years, I have heard more about the Enneagram personality typing system and how it differs from Myers-Briggs. There's a lot of info to take in here as it is an introduction to the Enneagram's nine types. Instead of breaking one's personality down to four different letters as Myers-Briggs does, the Enneagram takes the personality as a whole encompassing both strengths and the major weaknesses. The Enneagram reveals what's riding beneath the surface or what motivates each of the nine personality types.