As High As the Heavens
But in the close quarters of the cottage there is more stirring than political rebellion. Paperback , pages. Published January 1st by Fleming H. Revell Company first published September 1st Scottish Highlands , To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about As High as the Heavens , please sign up.
Be the first to ask a question about As High as the Heavens. Lists with This Book. Nov 27, Jeni Enjaian rated it liked it Shelves: I'm glad I had extra time today because once I got started again on this book, I could not put it down.
As High As The Heavens
This book embodies every thing I love about the genre. It's fairly well written. The characters though they're always extremely good-looking but that comes with the territory are just flawed enough to make them believable and sympathetic. The plot unfolds at a reasonable yet gripping pace. It took me a little while to get into this one, not sure why but once I was in, I was hooked. I loved I'm glad I had extra time today because once I got started again on this book, I could not put it down.
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God's Love Is as High as the Heavens |
Jun 25, Catherine rated it really liked it Shelves: I really enjoyed this book. I liked that the characters actually came to know each other and understand each other, while still in an intersting plot. The references to their belief in God were not over the top as they are in some books, but seemed believable. Heather is asked by her father to help Duncan learn how to be a noble so that he can help rescue the Queen.
But things don't go exactly as planned. Dec 12, Kaziar Rawls added it. Kathleen Morgan is a brilliant author. I absolutely fell in love with this book! She makes you feel everything that both characters were experiencing and made it especially easy for me to relate to the female main character. I definitely recommend this to anybody! It is a romance, but the action is also incredible! I must admit I lost interest. It just seemed predictable, but a fun read. Kind of missed the Christianity, though that might be my mistake. Apr 07, Paige McQueen rated it it was amazing.
This book just automatically cathes your attention! I mean look at the cover! She's gorgeos, he's even more gorgeos, The castle and hills, the title. And I have to admit, thats why I originally bought it from my favorite book store. I know, I know, dont judge a book by its cover. But I have to say,I think the story far surpasses the cover! Heather Gordon is a woman of sixteenth-century nobility, accostemed to the finer things in life.
And yet, she's always longed for something more fullfilling This book just automatically cathes your attention! And yet, she's always longed for something more fullfilling than pretty gowns and a rich husband, something that truely means something. And suddenly, it seems her life might just change As in, going to go live with an extremely cute guy and teach him how to be a courtly gentleman Forget his parents and the fact that they don't exactly get along with each other all that great. Duncan Mackenzie is a rugged highlander who is accostemed to living the.. What he's not accustmed to is being told he has a twin brother and their both part of the nobility.
Didnt see that one comin'! Oh and did I mention Duncan has to play the role of his brother in a daring plot to save Queen Mary? But Duncan was brought to the highlands as a baby and knows no other way of life but wearing a kilt not tights , carrying a claymore not those sissy little things noblemans carry , and being pretty rough around the edges. So Heather, the noblemans daughter,is enlisted to teach him how to act the proper young lord. She's beautifull, feiry, and altogether to frusterating and haughty for the stong-willed Duncan.
And so the journey begins Unlike so many others, this book grabbed you from the start. It was like I was there with heather, I wanted to slap Duncan one moment and kiss him the next! Obviously, this is pretty romantic, which is my favorite kind of book.
With strong and relateable characters, I think anyone would enjoy this book! Exept maybe your brother or boyfriend Morgan, another awesome novel!!! This one is frind approved!! Mar 13, Betty Strohecker rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is a captivating book based upon an attempt to free Mary, Queen of Scots, from captivity in Lochleven Castle. Mary has been forced to abdicate in favor of her young son, and her half-brother now rules as regent. Powerful lords have moved the country to Protestantism, but Mary's Catholic supporters seek to restore her to the throne.
The time is January, , and noblewoman, Heather Gordon is enlisted by her father to travel to the Highlands to seek the help of the only man who can get into This is a captivating book based upon an attempt to free Mary, Queen of Scots, from captivity in Lochleven Castle. The time is January, , and noblewoman, Heather Gordon is enlisted by her father to travel to the Highlands to seek the help of the only man who can get into the castle to rescue the queen.
He is the twin of one Colin Stewart, separated as a baby when his father was going into battle and wanted to be sure one of his sons would survive as heir. Colin grew up never knowing he had a brother, as did the brother, thinking he was the son of highlander peasants. Heather must educate this man in the ways of court and nobility, so he can take Colin's place for a rescue planned in May, since Colin has aligned with those currently in power and is on friendly terms with Mary's gaoler. This story is suspenseful from beginning to end. The mystery of children separated at birth and told as adults about their true heritage is emotional to say the least.
Characters are bold, believable, and have emotional depth. Not only is this an interesting story, but it is a look at the beauty of Scotland and life of the times told through marvelous descriptive passages. It always amazes me to read how much people were able to accomplish in these long ago times, from traveling through the frigid winter to living off the land in remote, rugged areas. There is just enough Scottish dialogue to make the reader feel you are in Scotland, but not too much to make it difficult to read and enjoy. Feb 22, Jennifer Taylor rated it really liked it.
Anyone who has read my previous reviews of Kathleen Morgan's work, knows that I love her writing style. This book is no exception in drawing you into the story and giving one a bird's eye view of each character. The plot is well-planned and carries through as one might expect, unfolding and revealing the motivations of each character. This isn't the type of book where you will be surprised by hidden twists and turns.
- For As High As The Heavens Lyrics & Chords | WeAreWorship UK?
- Psalm NIV - For as high as the heavens are above - Bible Gateway.
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The key highlight of betrayal is carefully woven through the story and builds f Anyone who has read my previous reviews of Kathleen Morgan's work, knows that I love her writing style. The key highlight of betrayal is carefully woven through the story and builds from the beginning and doesn't disappoint. I do believe that sensuality and attraction are a must in a romance, even a Christian romance. However, I felt like the first quarter of this book concentrated very heavily on the hero and heroine's thoughts about each others bodies a bit more than necessary.
Still, this book stays true to Christian romance standards and is a wonderful tale.

I'm glad I discovered it and would readily recommend it for anyone who enjoys historical Christian fiction set in bonny Scotland! Mar 04, Elisabeth rated it really liked it Recommends it for: More of a 4. Loved the setting--the Scottish Highlands who wouldn't love that! The story was really amazing I could go on! The theme of love--whether it is love lost, love never given, the dangers of love, the thrills of love, the fulfillment of love, the true love we receive through our Savior--runs through the entire book and creates a fulfillin Super good! The theme of love--whether it is love lost, love never given, the dangers of love, the thrills of love, the fulfillment of love, the true love we receive through our Savior--runs through the entire book and creates a fulfilling ending.
There were times I couldn't put the book down because I was just dying to know what happened to Heather and Duncan. The action is pretty intense at times and I admit to shedding a few tears. Overall, a great book and one I would definitely recommend if you love Scotland, historical fiction, action and adventure, and love stories. Dec 01, Ruth Apollonia rated it liked it. I love the setting of the book--the Scottish Highlands--and the fact that the plot was somewhat inspired by a historical event--the attempted rescue of Mary, Queen of the Scots.
I enjoyed the read though, at times, the plot was very predictable.
The romance between the two main characters, Heather and Duncan, was a mixture of sweetness and annoyance at different times throughout the book with an over-protective mother to boot. In the end, it is a decent story but it seems to lack spiritual subst I love the setting of the book--the Scottish Highlands--and the fact that the plot was somewhat inspired by a historical event--the attempted rescue of Mary, Queen of the Scots.
In the end, it is a decent story but it seems to lack spiritual substance.
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There is mention of Christian beliefs but, to me, it seemed somewhat forced into the scenes. Apr 25, Miss Pippi the Librarian rated it really liked it Shelves: Mary, Queen of Scots, needs to be rescued. English Refrain First Line: God's love, God's love Copyright: God's love is as high as the heavens Tune Title: God's love, God's love First Line: GOD'S love is as high as the heavens Author: Skip to main content.
Hymnary Friends, Please pardon this brief interruption, and please consider a gift today to support the work of Hymnary. On behalf of the entire Hymnary. God's Love Is as High as the Heavens. God's love is as high as the heavens Author: The Cyber Hymnal The Song Book of the Salvation Army