Wie ich mein Kind vor den Gefahren der Handystrahlung schütze (German Edition)
Ein Novum in einem Regierungsprogramm. Fassung des Umweltausschusses vom Der Mobilfunk-Antennenwald breitet sich unkontrolliert aus. So geht es nicht weiter!

Sie fordern ein Mobilfunkvorsorgekonzept, ausgearbeitet von Fachleuten. Dort will die Telekom jetzt mit dem Bau eines Mastes beginnen. Auf der Kundgebung sagte sie: Diese Kinder sind die erste Generation, die von klein auf ununterbrochen der Mikrowellen - Strahlung der Handys und Masten ausgesetzt sind. Er ist elektrosensibel und konnte wegen der schon bestehenden Strahlenbelastung in seiner Wohnung im oberen Stockwerk nicht mehr schlafen: Nach einem Umzug in eine untere Wohnung waren die Symptome weg.
Wie soll es weitergehen? Der Stuttgarter Westen ist unsere Heimat, seine Verstrahlung muss verhindert werden. Sie waren sich mit den Anwohnern einig: Luftballons in der Widerstandsfarbe Orange machen auf den Handymasten aufmerksam. Und wieder bestrahlt der Mast zwei Schulen. Die Folgen kontrolliert niemand, die Politik muss hier endlich regulierend eingreifen. Eine junge Mutter brachte die Sorgen auf den Punkt: Dieser Feldversuch macht mir Angst, deshalb wehre ich mich. Bericht im Stuttgarter Wochenblatt vom Take an egg from the fridge and place it in the egg cup in the centre of the table.
Switch on the radio or hifi and turn it up to a comfortable volume. Switch on phone A and place it on the table such that the antenna the pokey thing at the top is about half an inch from the egg you may need to experiment to get the relative heights correct - paperbacks are good if you have any - if not you may be able to get some wood off cuts from your local hardware shop. Switch on phone B and ring phone A then place phone B on the table in a similar but complementary position to Phone A.
Answer phone A - you should be able to do this without removing it from the table. If not, don't panic, just return the phone to where you originally placed on the table. This very much depends on the power output of your mobile phone. For instance, a pair of mobiles each with 2 Watts of transmitter output will take three minutes to boil a large free range egg.
Check your user manual and remember that cooking time will be proportional to the inverse square of the output power for a given distance from egg to phone. Cut out these instructions for future reference. Wem ist es gelungen das o. Have a look at this amazing school science experiment - easy for anyone to replicate execonn.
A school study using official data shows a link between cancer and cellular masts. Between and seven thousand had been diagnosed, each year in the researched area. Mehrheit will Handy an Schulen verbieten Eine Antenne bestrahlt die Grundschule Finnentrop Die Gemeindeverwaltung verstecke sich hinter Grenzwerten und juristischen Formulierungen. EMF schools survey Lee Chung-yi, a Taiwanese professor of public health at Fu Jen Catholic University, maybe doesn't have to worry so much about the schools that are close to EMF sources, if he would only listen to a swedish Public Health representative - professor Anders Ahlbom who tends more to the "don't worry, be happy" approach: A total of elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan are exposed to dangerous electromagnetic fields, according to Monday's China Times newspaper.
Judged by the locations of the schools, the survey found that 95 elementary schools and 49 junior high schools have part of their campus within 20 meters of high-voltage power lines or within a meters radius of a substation. In theory, such areas are affected by extreme low-frequency electromagnetic fields with an intensity of more than 4 milligauss , which has been linked to high incidence of cancer among children, according to the survey.
As it is "impossible" to relocate the schools or ask the power company to move the power lines or power facilities, the paper quoted an education official as saying that the Education Ministry has asked these schools to "avoid using campus and classrooms" near affected areas. By Maubo Chang cna. This with your wife always staying home and not working anywhere else, and having mind that you once will retire in this home, and one of your kids will move in and raise a family of two or three children?
Your response would be very much appreciated. Thank you, Hans Karow Re: Anders Ahlbom January 15, To: Also the involved risk, if any is small and would affect a small fraction of the population.
16. Mai 2014, 19.30 Uhr, Bürgerzentrum Stuttgart-West:
Yet, I would try to avoid a home with the exposure level you mention, particularly with children at home. Best wishes, Anders Ahlbom Office: Tuesday, January 17, 2: Protecting Children's Health Dear Dr. Havas that the environmental exposures need to include EMF also. I wanted to know if you would be willing to review the concerns detailed in Dr. I to would like to meet with you to discuss pursuing the best Preventative Measures for our children. I strongly encourage you to meet with Dr. Havas as she may further elaborate on the elements of the electrical pollution spectrum and how it applies and is present in a variety of different settings.
I have been committed to raising awareness of the concerns of electrical pollution to the public during the past 18 months through the work of our community group S. We lobbied all government levels for alternative methods of delivering power and more environmentally principles in power planning. More information can be found at stop-emf. Our case includes an elementary school adjacent to the corridor and an existing residential community on the opposite side. The potential for long term exposure at home and school for children is an alarming and increasing trend which could have serious repercussions for the future.
Needless to say the issues I have raised as a Health and Safety concern on behalf of students and staff have been neglectfully disregarded. The School Board has been the worst offender and is failing to take into account the health and welfare of those involved in a responsible or timely fashion.
Our group is still awaiting replies from the various Health Officials for recommendations. I am a parent of this school St. Monica CS and have been an advocate for the children at this school; but without demanding attention to this matter and seeking intervention from outside health authorities I have little faith that these concerns will be given high regard promptly and effectively based on the responses to date by our Board.
They took one EMF reading of the portable cables strung over the school yard and communicated it to the school community. There is a discrepancy with this reading. I asked for board Representatives to join me in verifying it with similar instrumentation in my presence. My request continues to be dismissed. I have to question the credibility of the readings analyed of the hydro corridor also. As a parent I feel my child's rights are being abandoned.
All school Boards have a responsibility to provide a safe school environment and to fully disclose what readings have been taken and collected. This involves agreeing to a comprehensive, detailed EMF survey of indoor and outdoor locations. No one has taken responsibility in correcting this. There has been no accountability in rectifying this problem. We are attempting to meet with Town and Utility staff to rectify this.
I agree that the vulnerability of children is greater than adults to contaminants and EMF is a carcinogen that is emitted in schools and the environment and remains uncontrolled. School boards need to be ordered not to open schools in close proximity to lines or substations. By not developing a National policy such as the California Children's Electromagnetic Field Risk Reduction Act the quality of children's health will be continually compromised. This is totally unacceptable. Until prudent policies are developed and enforced by Health Canada the health effects you quoted such as asthma, leukemia, tumours, learning problems will continue to increase.
Havas provided will lend a good understanding of the association being made and linked to these exposures and these diseases. We are a community with evidence of these conditions presenting themselves in our children. How many more cases around the country do we need to attribute to this before we take notice? Premier McGuinty and Health Canada have been deficient in answering the public's appeals to assist also. They should be reduced to the most protective level that being 2 mG to protect the public. Exposures in public settings should be strictly enforced so that the unassuming public is not placed at further increased risk.
I agree our legislation is inadequate and there is a significant void in leadership in this respect. Havas has clearly outlined the extent of the concerns to various facets of electrical pollution and how they relate to children's exposure. There is great value in acting with precaution for our children's well being.
I would love to hear of your interest in collaborating with York Region Health Services or other elected officials so that our City does come up with effective and appropriate measures that serves the public health well. We require more individuals such as yourself to initiate and follow through on the position you have proposed. Helena Jaczek's attempts and efforts to raise the issue locally and with other officials. I would be glad to assist by linking you with other citizens committed in acting as liasons to further distribute the much needed information to schools and establishing policies in schools that reflect an investment in protecting our children's future and health.
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I would appreciate to hear any new news you may have. Citizens of Toronto, York Region and municpalites across the country have demonstrated that more protective action must be taken than what W. A more distinct position has to be taken that benefits the public rather than the Industry Culprits responsible for preventable exposure.
The lack of a National EMF Policy should be a prime public interest issue in this Federal election with all candidates regardless of Party name. These concerns were repeatedly raised by community and scientific representatives across Canada and Internationally.
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I can provide you with a listing of notable International Precedents. Canada hangs its hat on finding inconclusive proof and allowing the industry offenders to gain further momentum in practicing negligence. The existing research has been enough for other countries to heed and recognize the implications involved. Instead our government is not sharing this information through education programs. The information of the hazards is being suppresssed and directed by a politically induced uncertainty.
EMF affects all Canadians at home, school, and work. Some more than others. Our children need and deserve this consideration. Would you be committed to reviewing current research that Dr. Would you review the research by Dr. Anthony Miller, and Don Maisch and countless others that have lended their expert testimony on the subject?
Havas can connect you with the experts in the field of EMF and has travelled the world to consult with other governments. It is scandalous that our government locally, provincially and Federally has not tapped into an important and knowledgeable resource. I hope you do respond and look forward to your reply. I extend my assistance in sharing the wealth of references gained over the past year and a half of my experience to date. Regards, Sue Fusco Director, S.
Committee Sue Fusco Director, S. Committee Original Message From: Magda Havas ; Ronald Macfarlane Sent: Friday, January 06, McKeown I recently read your September report on the Environmental Threats to Children, which is a very good document for the public. However, I was disappointed to see that electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation were not mentioned in this document.
This is a serious oversight since we are now exposing children to more electromagnetic energy in the form of cell phones, computers, video games, television, and radio frequency guided toys air planes, cars. The Stewart Report in the UK a few years ago recommended that children not use cell phones except for critical calls. Several studies report increased incidents of brain tumors among adults who have used a cell phone for greater than 10 years. These tumors occur on the same side of the head that they use to talk on their cell phone.
Children are much more vulnerable since they have a thinner skull, a small head size so the RF penetrates more deeply into the brain, and they are growing more rapidly. Brain tumors in Australia are increasing rapidly especially among children. People who live near antennas are reporting various symptoms that have now been classified as "Electrical Hypersensitivity" EHS.
Symptoms of radio wave sickness Firstenberg Neurological: More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke. Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields: Studies show an increased risk for children developing leukemia when they are exposed to magnetic fields above mG. There is evidence of a dose-response relationship and night-time exposure seems to be the most critical. I've attached a document that reviews these studies in more detail.
Because of computers and other electronic equipment we have more high frequency transients and harmonics on our electrical wiring resulting in poor power quality.
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This poor power quality has been a problem for industry for decades and they often install large capacitors to clean the electricity before they use it. People are also reacting to poor power quality.
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When capacitors are used to clean up a home or school environment the occupant's health improves in a variety of ways. Diabetics and people with MS also respond to poor power quality or dirty electricity. Their symptoms become more severe when they are living or working in an environment with dirty electricity.
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I am attaching some research that I've conducted in this area. Ronald MacFarlane at Toronto Public Health is familiar with this research if you would like to discuss it with him. McKeown, this is such a serious concern not only for children but also for adults. Our Health Authorities are in an ideal position to inform the public and to help individuals minimize their exposure just as they were for lead by removing it from paint etc. Teachers and parents are trying to keep these antennas away from schools and they are being silenced by the School Board. Sheela Basrur was concerned about cell phone antennas when she was the MOE for Toronto and she organized a public meeting to discuss this serious issue.
I was one of the speakers she invited to that meeting. Available for download now. Provide feedback about this page. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon.