Stone Hunts (The Fraternity - #20)
Following the destruction of the entire Multiverse and its eventual restoration, the destroyed Infinity Gems were recreated and scattered across the universe. They decided to go under the radar since they discovered the Nova Corps was compromised due to the presence of Fraternity of Raptors spies. Since Bakian's squadron stole funds and resources to build a fortress to protect themselves, Commander Adsit caught notice of their activities, and sent Star-Lord and Rich Rider to investigate. Unfortunately, a Fraternity of Raptors spy overheard Star-Lord and Nova talking about the Power Stone, and managed to alert his superiors, [19] so Xitaung was soon besieged by the Raptors, as well as the Chitauri , who had also learned about it.
Using this principle, Star-Lord made the Power Stone hand-sized. After using the Stone to beat back Chitauri and Raptors alike, the Guardians fled Xitaung as it collapsed without the Power Stone to hold it together.
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Gamora attacked a meeting of the new Infinity Watch on Earth , [25] and eventually claimed all the remaining Infinity Stones from their wielders. The Power Gem gives the owner access to all power and energy that ever has or will exist, and can back the other gems and boost their effects. Its most basic powers grant its user unlimited stamina and can increase the user's strength to unlimited levels depending on how much the gem is drawn upon. It allows the user to duplicate practically any physical superhuman ability and become invincible.
It can also be used as an unlimited power supply for any machine. She used it to fend off against the Ultimates when her outpost was attacked.
An energy surge from the Gem caused Commander Crimson to disintegrate, and the gem to melt the ground and fall straight down into Earth's core. After the Dark Ultimates stole the five Infinity Gems the Ultimates had retrieved, their leader, the Maker , started looking for a way to retrieve the Power Gem. Attempts at using H. Kang had to take the Gem forcefully from Pietro, who had realized Reed planned on eradicating mutantkind when he completed the Infinity Gauntlet. They fought for the grasp of the final Gem. Shortly after Tony Stark got his hands on all of the six Infinity Gems, a tear in the fabric of reality caused by a Wolverine echoed through the Multiverse, and shattered the Infinity Gems.
In this reality, the Power Gem is renamed the Power Stone , which has the power to destroy any living material that comes into contact with it. Sealed in an Orb , it was hidden on the planet Morag until it was found by the former Ravager Peter Quill , also known as "Star-Lord," who was unaware of its great power. Only moments after Quill found the Orb, the Kree warrior Korath tried to take it from him on behalf of his commander Ronan , who made a deal with Thanos to retrieve the Infinity Stone for him in exchange for the destruction of the planet Xandar.
However, the Broker backed down on their deal when he learned Ronan was also after the Orb. Quill was soon after attacked by Gamora , Thanos' adopted daughter who was hoping to sell the Orb to the Collector to prevent it from falling into her father's hands, but a distraction from the bounty hunters Rocket and Groot prevented her from taking it and the four of them were taken into the custody of the Nova Corps.
The five of them then took the Orb to the Collector's base at Knowhere to sell it to him. There, he removed the Stone from the Orb and revealed to them its true nature, which led one of his slaves, Carina , to grab the Stone in a desperate attempt to free herself. However, the Stone's power overwhelmed her, destroying her and a good portion of her master's collection.
Gamora quickly put the Stone back in the Orb, planning to return it to the Nova Corps if only to prevent it from falling into Ronan's hands; however, Drax had contacted Ronan's ship, the Dark Aster , while they were meeting with the Collector, and he personally led an assault on Knowhere to retrieve the Orb. Although they fought valiantly against Ronan's forces, Nebula managed to retrieve the Orb for Ronan. With Ronan aware of the true power of the Orb, he kept it for himself, believing he could use the Stone to destroy Xandar without Thanos' help, and placed the Stone in his hammer.
The fanatical Kree then led his ship to assault Xandar, but the crew of the Milano - now calling themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy , the Ravagers, and the Nova Corps were able to intercept him. Star-Lord, Drax, Groot, and Gamora confronted Ronan in the ship's bridge, but were unable to kill him.
Rocket then crashed his ship into the Dark Aster , causing it to crash.
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Groot sacrificed himself to protect his comrades, while Ronan appeared from the wreckage unfazed. Ronan began threatening the Xandarian people before him with annihilation, but Star-Lord was able to distract him with a dance long enough for Drax to fire the Hadron Enforcer at him. The Stone fell out of Ronan's hammer, and Quill was able to grab it as it flew through the air. The Stone's power slowly started to overwhelm him as it did with Carina, but his fellow Guardians grabbed him to lessen the burden on him. Star-Lord then used the Stone's power to destroy Ronan.
Power Gem | Marvel Database | FANDOM powered by Wikia
With the threat from Ronan gone, the Guardians of the Galaxy handed the Orb over to the Nova Corps, where it would be safe from the likes of Thanos or anyone else who would want the Stone's power for themselves. Four years later, however, Thanos invaded Xandar, obtained the Power Stone, and used it to obliterate half of Xandar's population. He later used it to torture Thor Odinson and obliterate the Statesman. The Power Stone proved to be his favored Stone, as he wielded its abilities more than any other in combat. He had his ship heavily damaged, which caused most of the Stones to be scattered all over the Earth.
The Avengers took possession of the Power Stone after they arrived to investigate the crash.
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The Avengers tracked down Arsenal , a robot with the capacity to contain the Power Stone. Thanos arrived shortly after, in order to retrieve the Stone, but Arsenal was reactivated, and seized the Stone.
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The robot proceeded to focus the energy of the Stone and destroy the Mad Titan's fleets. When the Avengers were lured to the Blue Area of the Moon by Thanos , the team brought Arsenal, to use his ability to project the energy of the Power Stone as a last resort if they couldn't defeat the Mad Titan.

Thanos proved to be a challenge for the Avengers. When Tony was thrown to the Watcher's Citadel , he noticed the Watcher could have had some equipment to help Arsenal focus the beam from the Power Stone, as it was rather unstable. Using lenses and other scrap from the Watcher's weapons, Tony built focusing machine which made the beam from the Power Stone strong enough to hurt Thanos.
However, Thanos possessed the Infinity Gauntlet , an object made to contain the five Infinity Stones, and also draw it to him from Arsenal. After recovering the Stone, Thanos set out to destroy the Earth in revenge for Avengers' opposition. Arsenal recommended to use the absorbed blast from the nuclear missile to defeat Thanos. Tony was initially skeptical because the release would destroy Arsenal, but he ultimately agreed. While the Avengers distracted Thanos, Arsenal synchronized its frequency with that of the energy of the Power Stone, to be able to destroy it.
Arsenal then released the nuclear blast to Thanos from behind, and seemingly destroyed the Power Stone, while the Mad Titan was blasted "half way across the universe".
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Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This book is mainly setting up plot points for the next book in the installment that should be epic. Don't know when the next book will be released but the author has had an extended break this time.. Hoping the extra time taken should show.. As the second book of a triptec, it is a good book, but I've either missed the publication of Match, or the ending is just fiction of the author's imagination.
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