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Alternatively, New Jersey had the high moving rate for outbound moves. Sixty-five percent of people involved in New Jersey moves were leaving the state. Illinois was last in the report from Allied, with 1, more outbound moves than it had inbound moves. Experts maintain that the states with the most inbound moves have better job growth, better weather and cheaper housing prices. By Karen Kidd Dec 14, By Kyla Asbury Dec 12, By Bree Gonzales Dec 10, By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from Palmetto Business Daily.
You can unsubscribe at any time. Which college golf program grossed the most in the U. Just a quick comparison of acceptable societal behavior from the good-ole days when Bible literacy was high to the modern day sheds light on what Bible illiteracy has wrought.
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Bible illiteracy has also lead to unfortunate consequences within the Christian community. However, each of us plays an integral role in this arduous task.
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Start by becoming Bible literate yourself. Insert the Bible where it belongs in your life and in your conversations with others.
Teach your children about its importance. Here are a few tips.
Be the example God has called all Christians to be. Bible Illiteracy High And Rising. Briley Hughes August 10, The Reality of Bible Illiteracy In modern America, reading the Bible and praying every day has become a rarity, leading to previously unreached levels of Bible illiteracy.

Ed Stetzer of Christianity Today explains the situation well: We recommend that devotions a quiet time to read the scripture and pray be enjoyed in the morning at a set place, a set time and with a specific Bible. There is no better way to start the day than to begin it with the Creator.
Affiliations – Palmetto Health
A regular place, time, and copy of the scripture will help develop the habit. We also recommend that you take advantage of modern technology. Briley Hughes Communications Director.