North American Energy Access Act
In the National Energy Program was launched to create oil self-sufficiency within Canada.
H.R. 2042 – Ratepayer Protection Act of 2015
It attempted to use tax incentives to discourage oil exports mostly from Western Canada, primarily the province of Alberta to the US, and redirect these towards to the oil importing provinces of Eastern Canada. These policies were bitterly opposed by the provincial government of Alberta, and were repealed and reversed during the Conservative government of — which sought closer economic ties with the U.
In a poll of energy experts by Foreign Policy magazine, almost two-thirds of respondents said energy independence was not a sensible goal. Highlighting the difficulty of separating domestic and foreign oil sources, journalist Robert Bryce stated in that "the trends of energy interdependence are growing and are inexorable" and branded the idea of being able to choose where your oil came from as "hogwash".
Roger Howard [28] has argued [29] in the Wall Street Journal that oil dependence has significant benefits for the US and other oil-importing nations. Second, this fear restrains destructive actions by exporters: Howard cites the example of Russia's invasion of Georgia. Bush used the phrase addicted to oil , a phrase widely discussed in the media. Andy Grove argues that energy independence is a flawed and infeasible objective, particularly in a network of integrated global exchange. He suggests instead that the objective should be energy resilience: Resilience is one of the best features of market processes ; the information transmission function of prices means that individual buyers and sellers can adapt to changes in supply and demand conditions in a decentralized way.
His suggestion for how to increase the resilience of the U. In former vice president Al Gore challenged the United States to commit to producing all electricity from renewable sources AERS like solar and wind power in 10 years.
H.R. 8 - North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act - Energy and Commerce Committee
President Barack Obama has repeatedly stated that the U. Yet in November , U. President Barack Obama rejected the proposal to build the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to the Gulf coast because of domestic environmental concerns over water quality as well as the general antipathy of the environmental movement to pipeline building, and the production practices in the source the Athabasca Oil Sands.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Energy conservation , Energy development , and Mitigation of peak oil. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.
December Learn how and when to remove this template message. Renewable energy portal Energy portal. Retrieved December 16, The North American Energy Infrastructure Act would prohibit any person from constructing, connecting, operating, or maintaining an oil or natural gas pipeline or electric transmission facility at the national boundary of the United States for the import or export of oil, natural gas, or electricity to or from Canada or Mexico without obtaining approval under this Act.
The bill would require the United States Secretary of Commerce , with respect to oil pipelines, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FERC , with respect to natural gas pipelines, or the United States Secretary of Energy DOE , with respect to electric transmission facilities, to approve a request for approval of construction, connection, operation, or maintenance unless it is not in U. The bill would declare that such an approval shall not be construed to constitute a major federal action for purposes of environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act of NEPA.
This summary is based largely on the summary provided by the Congressional Budget Office , as ordered reported by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on May 8, This is a public domain source. In particular, the bill would eliminate the existing requirement on sponsors of such infrastructure to obtain a Presidential permit. Fred Upton R, MI On June 19, , the bill was reported amended by the Committee on Energy and Commerce alongside House Report part 1. One of the effect of the legislation, if it were to pass, is that it would no longer be the President of the United States ' responsibility to approve cross-border pipelines similar to the Keystone Pipeline , but the approval process for the Keystone Pipeline would not be changed.
It produced around 6. The Grand Coulee Dam is the 5th largest hydroelectric power station in the world. Several large solar thermal power stations have also been built. The largest of these solar thermal power stations is the SEGS group of plants in the Mojave Desert with a total generating capacity of MW, making the system the largest solar plant of any kind in the world. As of early , new projects are underway. At this rate of development, geothermal production in the United States could exceed 15, MW by The development of renewable energy and energy efficiency marks "a new era of energy exploration" in the United States , according to President Barack Obama.
This policy-stimulus combination represents the largest federal commitment in U. As a result of these new initiatives, many more utilities are expected to strengthen their clean energy programs. In recent years there has been an increased interest in biofuels — bioethanol and biodiesel — derived from common agricultural staples or waste.
North American Energy Infrastructure Act
Increased domestic production of these fuels could reduce US expenditure on foreign oil and improve energy security if methods of producing and transporting the fuels do not involve heavy inputs of fossil fuels, as current agriculture does. Most cars on the road today in the U.
By mid, there were approximately 6 million Ecompatible vehicles on U. The Renewable Fuels Association counts U. Expanding ethanol fuel and biodiesel industries provide jobs in plant construction, operations, and maintenance, mostly in rural communities. According to the Renewable Fuels Association , the ethanol industry created almost , U.
S. 535 – Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015
In recent years, there has been criticism about the production of ethanol fuel from food crops. There are many different types of energy efficiency innovation , including efficient water heaters; improved refrigerators and freezers; advanced building control technologies and advances in heating, ventilation, and cooling HVAC ; smart windows that adapt to maintain a comfortable interior environment; new building codes to reduce needless energy use; and compact fluorescent lights.
Improvements in buildings alone, where over sixty percent of all energy is used, can save tens of billions of dollars per year. Several states, including California, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin, have consistently deployed energy efficiency innovations. Their state planning officials, citizens, and industry leaders, have found these very cost-effective, often providing greater service at lower personal and social cost than simply adding more fossil-fuel based supply.
This is the case for several reasons. Energy efficient technologies often represent upgrades in service through superior performance e. So these innovations can provide a better, less expensive service.
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- American Jobs Now: A Legislative Hearing on H.R. 3548, the North American Energy Access Act.
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A wide range of energy efficient technologies have ancillary benefits in improved quality of life, such as advanced windows that not only save on heating and cooling expenses, but also make the workplace or home more comfortable. Another example is more efficient vehicles, which not only save immediately on fuel purchases, but also emit fewer pollutants, improving health and saving on medical costs to the individual and to society.
In , Amory Lovins developed the design concept of the Hypercar. This vehicle would have ultra-light construction with an aerodynamic body using advanced composite materials , low- drag design, and hybrid drive. An incentive resulting from US energy policy is a factor that provides motive for a specific course of action regarding the use of energy. Examples of these include tax breaks, tax reductions, tax exemptions, rebates, loans and specific funding.
Throughout US history there have been many incentives created through U. Most recently the Energy Policy Act of , Energy Independence and Security Act of , and Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of , each promote various energy efficiency improvements and encourage development of specific energy sources. Energy policy incentives can serve as a strategic manner to develop certain industries that plan to reduce America's dependence on foreign petroleum products and create jobs and industries that boost the national economy. The ability to do this depends upon which industries and products the government chooses to subsidize.
The budget that President Obama submitted to Congress calls for a 70 percent increase over the allocation for federal research and development activities related to renewable energy. Public investment can enable the development of infrastructure projects through the use of public funds, grants , loans or other financing options.
These funds provide a means for allocating the capital necessary for the development of renewable energy technologies. Federal tax incentives can be designed to accelerate market adoption, create jobs, encourage investment in a public good reduced pollution or encourage investment in renewable technology research and development. The Production Tax Credit PTC reduces the federal income taxes of qualified tax-paying owners of renewable energy projects based on the electrical output measured in kWh of grid-connected renewable energy facilities.
The Investment Tax Credit ITC reduces federal income taxes for qualified tax-paying owners based on dollars of capital investment in renewable energy projects. The Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit MTC awards tax credits to new, expanded, or re-equipped domestic manufacturing facilities that support clean energy development. The program is scheduled to end on September 30, , unless Congress passes further legislation.
A Renewable Portfolio Standard RPS is a mandate that requires electricity providers to supply to their customers a minimum amount of power from renewable sources, usually as a percentage of total energy use. In the United States, biofuel subsidies have been justified on the following grounds: Several economists from Iowa State University found "there is no evidence to disprove that the primary objective of biofuel policy is to support farm income. Consumers who purchase hybrid vehicles are eligible for a tax credit that depends upon the type of vehicle and the difference in fuel economy in comparison to vehicles of similar weights.
These credits range from several hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Recent energy policy incentives have provided, among other things, billions of dollars in tax reductions for nuclear power, fossil fuel production, clean coal technologies , renewable electricity production, and conservation and efficiency improvements. Ceasing to issue new leases for fossil fuel extraction on federal lands and waters, and avoiding renewals of existing leases for resources that are not yet producing would reduce global CO 2 emissions by million tonnes per year by , and by greater amounts thereafter.
Long distance electric power transmission results in energy loss, through electrical resistance , heat generation, electromagnetic induction and less-than-perfect electrical insulation. In the generation and delivery of electrical power, system losses along the delivery chain are pronounced. Of five units of energy going into most large power plants, only about one unit of energy is delivered to the consumer in a usable form.
Distributed generation and distributed storage are means of reducing total and transmission losses. The EPA has the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, under the Clean Air Act , and is one of the agency's seven priorities. The public is also quite clear on its priorities when it comes to promoting energy conservation versus increasing the supply of oil, coal, and natural gas.
When asked which of these should be the higher priority, the public chooses energy conservation by a very wide 68 percent-to percent margin. Ninety-two percent of Americans now support such requirements. However, when energy policy and climate change are compared to other issues, they are rated extremely low in terms of importance. A Pew Research Center poll on public priorities for found that global warming ranked last of twenty-two possible policy priorities.
The same survey in found similar results. Gallup found that from through the latest poll in March , public opinion has been nearly evenly split on whether to give priority to the environment or to developing energy sources such as oil, gas, and coal. This represents a shift from poll results from through , when clear pluralities of Americans wanted environmental concerns to take priority over developing fossil fuel resources.
However, public opinion still heavily favors an emphasis on wind and solar energy 59 percent over fossil fuels 31 percent. The current head of the U. Ernest Moniz in March Although exceeded by China since , [] the United States has historically been the world's largest producer of greenhouse gases. The state of Texas produces approximately 1. China, Russia, Japan, India, and Germany. Despite signing the Kyoto Protocol , the United States has neither ratified nor withdrawn from it. In the absence of ratification it remains non-binding on the US. The Obama Administration has promised to take specific action towards mitigation of climate change.
In addition, at state and local levels, there are currently a number of initiatives. As of March 11, , mayors of US cities in 50 states have endorsed the Kyoto protocol, after Mayor Greg Nickels of Seattle started a nationwide effort to get cities to agree to the protocol. On August 31, , the California Legislature reached an agreement with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to reduce the state's greenhouse-gas emissions, which rank at 12th-largest carbon emitter in the world, [] by 25 percent by the year This resulted in the Global Warming Solutions Act which effectively puts California in line with the Kyoto limitations, but at a date later than the — Kyoto commitment period.
They envisage a global cap-and-trade system that would apply to both industrialized nations and developing countries , and hoped that this would be in place by Chemistry Professor Nathan Lewis at Caltech estimates that to keep atmospheric carbon levels below ppm , a level at which serious climate change would occur, by the year , the United States would need to generate twice as much energy from renewable sources as is generated by all power sources combined today. The roadmap calls for nuclear power to decrease to zero at the same time, with the reduction also beginning in In his book Hell and High Water , author Joseph Romm calls for the rapid deployment of existing technologies to decrease carbon emissions.
In a follow-up article in Nature. This means accelerating the deployment of the 11 wedges so they begin to take effect in and are completely operational in much less time than originally modelled by Socolow and Pacala. In , the National Renewable Energy Laboratory assessed the technical potential for renewable electricity for each of the 50 states, and concluded that each state has technical potential for renewable electricity, mostly from solar power and wind power , greater than its current electricity consumption.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History of the petroleum industry in the United States and History of coal mining in the United States. Coal power in the United States. Shale gas in the United States. Nuclear power in the United States. Renewable energy in the United States. Biofuel in the United States , Food vs. List of United States Energy Acts. Greenhouse gas emissions by the United States and Kyoto Protocol. Politics portal Energy portal United States portal. Archived from the original on January 15, Energy Policy and the Pursuit of Failure.