Good Intentions (The Dead War Series Book 1)
Yet, after reading a little bit more and seeing the characters, I feel that it would certainly be very interesting to read about. Well, in my opinion at least, Cassian was hot. But hot characters are always a pleasure to read about: Yes, the plot was good and interesting. Yet, it did succeed in pulling me in.
It just felt a little bit unnatural to me, at least for the dialogue. Many characters felt a bit one-dimensional to me. I do hope for more character development and seeing more sides to each main character in future books though. I am really looking forward to the next book in the series, and I cannot wait to pick it up once its out. It was an entertaining read and I cannot wait to see how the plot in its entirety pans out over the series. Good Intentions (The Dead War Series Book 1) eBook: D.N. Simmons: Kindle Store
Combining science together with zombies and more, I feel that this is a series that I could very much enjoy. This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review. All views expressed here is my own. A little bit rusty heh. Dec 02, Jennifer Laube rated it it was amazing. Simmons is the first book in the "Dead War Series".
SciTech Labs was hired by the government to create a special serum that would not only cure every disease known to man, but also heal broken bones within seconds. This serum would create a super soldier. But the problem is that the lab was given 6 months to create the serum and the government was tight-lipped about its origin and base elements. As time was running out, the SciTech scientists think they may have found what they needed to complete the assignment, but something went wrong, way wrong and now something that was meant to help, just might put the humans race into extinction.
Can the sole survivor of the SciTech incident help find a cure? And now instead of flesh eating zombies against the US Military, we add in vampires? Somebody has to find a way of saving the Human Race! This was a fast-paced story about how sometimes good intentions just are not enough. Playing God had its consequences and at what price. The main characters the ones who actually survive the epidemic are in a race against time to help right their wrong before it becomes a global epidemic.
It seems that nothing can stop the maddness. They need to find a cure or a way of containing the outbreak before all of humanity becomes extinct. This was a great read only around pages. I enjoyed this so much that I passed this on to my 15 year-old son to read for an assignment in his English class. My only complaint but it's a good one is that it ended so abruptly. Now I will be on pins and needles waiting for book 2 called "Desperate Times".
I hope it comes out soon, because this book was too good to put down and I didn't want it to end. Dec 05, Melissa Haggerty rated it it was amazing. Why do all these scientists try to improve the world and then poof, we have a zombie apocalypse? Good Intentions is an example of that very thing, but with some interesting twists. First, these zombies can move! No, if you blink these suckers are on you. Of course the scientists made super zombies! Then you add in something that can be equally as scary as the zombies, vampires. Yes, Why do all these scientists try to improve the world and then poof, we have a zombie apocalypse?
Yes, zombies and vampires fighting over the right to eat humans. The characters are interesting but not entirely in depth. I think that is because the action is a huge focus. They tended to be a little self-centered, too. Sometimes I just wanted to shake them and tell them to get busy killing these things instead of whining and whimpering.
The gory details were just that, gory. I am both grossed out and excited to say that visualizing the horror was so easy thanks to the descriptions in this book. Some of the best parts for me were rather late in the book. I loved the times when actual fighting was going on. The book held a lot of intensity. I never knew what was going to happen. Zombies can be predictable. Really they chase you down and eat you, sometimes originality can be hard.
Simmons rocked this book. She kept the book moving and added some awesome twists to make it more exciting. I cannot wait for the next book. I think that zombie fans will love this book. I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Dec 02, Kristin rated it it was amazing Shelves: I'd like to thank the author and Promotional Book Tours for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is the fourth book I've read from DN Simmons, and she has yet to disappoint me. She has definitely been one of my favorite authors this year. Her Knights of Darkness Chronicles was amazing, but this new series, the Dead War Series is shaping up to be even better. Usually I avoid zombie books at all costs, they freak me out, they're way too close to possible to feel comfort I'd like to thank the author and Promotional Book Tours for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review. Usually I avoid zombie books at all costs, they freak me out, they're way too close to possible to feel comfortable with The author writes so well that I could see the entire scenario unfolding in my head.
The poor scientists, just trying to do a job they were given, and yet bringing about the end of the world with their work. And then, it goes horribly, awfully wrong in the matter of seconds. Then it just explodes into a country-wide scenario, completely uncontainable and chaotic. It made for a thrilling read from the very first page till the last. I can't wait till the next! Nov 30, Gina's Library rated it it was amazing Shelves: Let me first say you are totally against using animals for science and don't like to even read about it.. This book is not for you.
With that said, here is my review. The scientists were told to work on an undisclosed serum. They have no idea what it is which makes their job harder. Suddenly they figure out what it is the Military asked for. However something went wrong, horribly horribly wrong. Their test subject suddenly comes back to life an starts to savagely attack the scientists.
That is whe Let me first say you are totally against using animals for science and don't like to even read about it..
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That is where things go even worse! This book will keep you up late at night for a few reasons. With nightmares wondering if this can really happen. What would happen if we really did have zombie attack? Where would you go? What would you do? Just when the Military has a game plan in the works This is a paranormal's dream book. I can't wait to read book 2 to find out what happened! Pretty good but I wanted more!! The way the outbreak started was different than other books I have read.
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It kept me hooked and I probably would story 2 but I can't find it. The only thing that was wrong and why I gave this a 4 star is because of the vampire angle.
- M R Forbes.
- The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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Totally unnecessary and quite jarring. It was quite good without it and actually pulled the book down when you got to that part. The rest of the story was quite g Pretty good but I wanted more!! The rest of the story was quite gripping. I really don't understand why it was felt that vampires were needed.
Vampires do not make everything better. This book is an example of that. If U are looking for a different zombie story it fits the bill. Well at least up til the vampire part.. It is worth 4 stars but if it would have stayed on track I would have given it 5 stars. Apr 24, Nikki McCarver rated it it was amazing. I'm not a huge fan of zombie books, but I swear to you, this book may be a turning point in my reading career! Anyone who knows me understands that I am a detail craver and I love books that are full of unique ideas and descriptions.
This author continues to amaze and delight me with every book she comes out with. Some of her books are not for everyone, but reading them in order gives you a better grasp and understanding of the c I'm not a huge fan of zombie books, but I swear to you, this book may be a turning point in my reading career!
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Some of her books are not for everyone, but reading them in order gives you a better grasp and understanding of the characters. This book was action packed and I can't wait to see where this series is going!! Hats off to D. Oct 02, Susan rated it it was amazing Shelves: Simmons pens "Good Intentions" filled with apocalyptic horror and zombie outbreaks. A wild ride with great character chemistry that kept me at the edge of the seat! Be warned there is a cliffhanger at the end and you will find yourself wishing the next installment was out already.
Highly recommended for all horror and zombie fans. This review is based on a complimentary copy from the author which was provided for an honest review. Dec 10, Niki rated it it was amazing. Mix of horror, terror and action in this book. How does creating Super soldiers go into a Zombie Apocalypse, when it goes all wrong and Zombies are born. Super strong and fast Zombies. Many people die because of this experiment. A few people get into hiding to create an anti serum before the Zombies take over all States.
I could see it all before me, it pulls you right in. During negotiation , groups that are encouraged to understand the point of view of the other parties are worse at this than those whose perspective is not enlightened. Stephen Garrard Post , writing about altruism , suggests that good intentions are often not what they seem and that mankind normally acts from less worthy, selfish motives—"If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, it is partly because that is the road they generally start out on.
In the movie Highway to Hell , the phrase is taken literally to create one particular scene. Pink used the phrase in her song Dear Mr. Madonna uses this line in her single " 4 Minutes ," featuring Justin Timberlake and Timbaland , off her eleventh studio album Hard Candy. The phrase is used in the Star Trek: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 28, Psychosocial Basis of Health Care. Life of Samuel Johnson. Works of Love, Princeton University Press, p. And if you could enter any video game world which would it be? Gods among us , at the moment.
My favorite all-time video game is Final Fantasy 7. If I had to enter a gaming world, I guess I'd pick Tekken and hopefully I can pick up some great fighting skills. If you were an ice cream sundae what would be your toppings? Sprinkles, hot fudge and strawberries. What are your plans for The Dead War Series?
And are you done with the Knights of Darkness Chronicles? I have no idea how many books I'm planning for the Dead War Series. Wherever the story takes me. D The Knights of the Darkness Chronicles is complete.

Each book builds on the last one and takes readers on one hell of a ride. Do attend reader or multi-media conventions? I do when I can. You wrote a great post on your experiences and thoughts on Self-publishing link What method of marketing do you think works best for self pub authors? To be honest, I'm still trying to find that spark. That spark that ignites reader interest in the author and her books. Blog tours are awesome and I really enjoy doing them. Another thing that works is interacting with potential readers and friends via Facebook. Simon Says or Mother May I?