Darstellung der neueren Diskussion um einen offenen Unterricht (German Edition)
Das Unerreichbare, das in weiter Ferne liegt, ist oft das, was uns reizt, was wir unbedingt erreichen wollen. Gott gibt Dich nicht auf.

Es ist nur die Frage, wie man damit umgeht. Gebet ist eins davon. Wenn ich ins Universum blicke und dann auf ein Atom ist mir das Beweis genug: Wenn ich kein Vertrauen in Gott habe, ist es kein Wunder, wenn ich keine Wunder erlebe. Es gibt Zeiten, da kann man sich auf seine Freunde nicht verlassen, auf Gott aber schon. Zu wissen, dass Gott dich ohne Vorbedingungen liebt: Es ist aber der Geburtstag von Jesus Christus.
Neue Konzertlesung mit Michael Nickel und Martin. Martin und Michael verbindet nicht viel. Andere Generation, anderer spiritueller Hintergrund, andere Begabungen. Und doch gibt es eine sehr breite und tiefe Basis: Keine Angst vor Provokation. Youtube Video auf Erfolgsspur.
Ich hatte kein Konzept, nur eine lose Idee. Bis heute ist der Film in unendlichen vielen Gottesdiensten gelaufen. Zumindest bei mir hat er das getan. Gesamte Auflage liegt jetzt bei Ab sofort offiziell im Handel eine brandneue Ausgabe mit super schicken neuem Cover. Die Luther Dekade ist ja nun vorbei. Regarding the RDF modeling and the related questions of which RDF properties from which vocabularies to use and how, the different data publishers mostly oriented themselves towards prior LOD publication projects. Thus, the different LOD publications don't differ in the broader approach, e.
Nonetheless, the datasets slightly differ in what RDF properties they use and how they apply them. In order to easily work with and combine different datasets it would make things easier, though, to have some agreed-upon best practices established for representing library catalog data in RDF. Currently the group consists of representatives from most German-speaking library service centers, from the German and Swiss National Libraries as well as from other institutions.
The group will soon publish the first stable version of the recommendations in German which are currently focused on bibliographic descriptions of textual resources and thus leave out descriptions of audio -visual media etc. At the hbz, we are promoting the re-use of existing vocabularies instead of creating a new one for every application. For our LOD service lobid , we only create new properties or SKOS vocabularies if we can't find anything from an existing vocabulary that looks serious and is still maintained. But as we have seen, re-using vocabularies doesn't by itself guarantee interoperability on the linked data web.
Even if two projects select the same RDF properties for publishing their data, their use of these properties might differ significantly. That is why documentation of vocabulary usage in the form of application profiles makes sense. Principally, the goal of the "Titeldaten" group is nothing else but creating an application profile recently also called "community profile" for publishing library catalogs as linked data.
The concept of an application profile has its origin in the Dublin Core community. In a Dublin Core glossary published in , "application profile" is explained as follows:. A set of metadata elements, policies, and guidelines defined for a particular application. The elements may be from one or more element sets, thus allowing a given application to meet its functional requirements by using metadata from several element sets including locally defined sets.
For example, a given application might choose a subset of the Dublin Core that meets its needs, or may include elements from the Dublin Core, another element set, and several locally defined elements, all combined in a single schema. An Application profile is not complete without documentation that defines the policies and best practices appropriate to the application. So, an application profile is an element set that draws together elements from other element sets. Element sets aren't necessarily encoded in RDF, though.
So you can say that an application profile is a selection of RDF properties from different vocabularies.
Integrierte Gesamtschule des Landkreises Gießen
But it is more than that as the last sentence of the quote indicates. An important part of any application profile is a "documentation that defines the policies and best practices appropriate to the application". We like the concept of an application profile and we think it should play an important role in a linked data world where vocabularies for different domains are published all over the web and can be used by anybody for exposing their linked data. We believe, that the LOD community would benefit from a broader practice of documentation and sharing of application profiles.
But how to do this properly? Regarding the choice of language, the approach of the "Titeldaten" group probably isn't the best as we stuck to German as the language for discussing and publishing the profile. As the recommendations are directed toward the German-speaking community this might nonetheless make sense. For documentation, we chose a wiki which probably is fine for anybody interested in understanding and using the application profile for their LOD publication.
However, what we at hbz like to have is a simple overview of the properties used for an application property along with maybe some additional information like whether URIs or strings should be used in object position. At best, we would like to publish this simple list in a standard machine-readable way so that it could even directly be used by applications.
Also, this would make it possible for people to fork the application profile on github and to extend it while one could easily see the differences between both profiles. Thus, JSON-LD could be a big step forward for the linked data community as it makes it quite easy for web developers to understand the virtues of linked data.
In other cases, the ' id' keyword is used to make clear that a URI is used as value i. The second and third line make statements about the resource using the elements 'title' and 'creator' from the DC terms vocabulary. So the context documents maps JSON terms here: The thing that makes a context interesting in the context of application profiles is that it can be published at a different location than the descriptive part of the JSON document and may only be referenced in the document, e. Let's look at an excerpt. This part of the context document catches some core information of the recommendations in a clear and concise form: I think this provides a good starting point for someone who wants to quickly get familiar with an application profile - and it is even comprehensible for people not at all familiar with German.
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- Private Waldschule Kaliski?
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As usual, this approach also has some shortcomings. One of them is, that you can't specify a list of terms that are intended to be used as values of the listed properties. Notably, this is a temporary solution as currently now sensible solution for indication of carrier and media type exists. However, there is definitely no way to express this in a JSON-LD context document so that this part of the recommendations can't be found in the context document.
Linked Data might be actionable data for machines but in the end you always want to present that data to humans. That is when you need human-readable labels for the properties you use. Often, you don't want to use the label that is declared in the respective vocabulary with rdfs: And even if the vocabulary provides a label in the language you need, you might want to choose another one for a specific application e.
However, it might make a lot of sense to specify property labels in an application profile so that e. Thus, I tried to provide this kind of information in a context document but unfortunately this is not valid JSON-LD see the invalid document here. As said above, a context document only is a syntactic mechanism but isn't intended for containing this kind of semantic information that you can express with a vocabulary defined with RDFS.
We will explore these options deeper when we come to the point of replacing our current setup for the lobid. It is not difficult and doesn't take much time to encode the core content of an application profile as a JSON context document. As it is a useful addition to a human-readable documentation of an application profile it may well be worth the effort to publish the core information of an application profile as a JSON-LD context document.
Our LOD service http: As you might have discovered, some geo location entries are not correct. So, if you discover wrong geo coordinates for German institutions, the best way to correct them is to update the original database which is the German Online-ISIL-Verzeichnis. You can edit this online formular OR you can contact the Institution find the E-Mail for the institution on that same lobid-organisation website where you have found the incorrect geolocation on the map , make them aware of the importance of updating their coordinates and lobid.
We have recently updated the organisations data in lobid. To be more appealing for re-users we chose to switch to a sustainable URI namespace at purl. Some of these changes were already present in the triple store data but weren't reflected on the lobid. We've automated the updating process so that from now on the organisations data will be updated on a monthly basis. If you want to make use of the new data by querying subject headings, say: You will be disappointed, because this simple query about a small dataset of only k triples took 10 minutes at the first time, without cache and will not bring full result because of "hit of complexity".
The problem is not SPARQL per se, but that you deal with literals, for which a triple store is understandable not optimized. This directly leads to another desiderata: Subject Headings should not be literals, but URIs. That's already the case in the lobid data describing bibliographic resources but not in the organisation descriptions.
URIs as subject headings have other positive side effects. Auf einer am Politik mit Ecken und Kanten, Berlin , S. Peter Bierl, "Nazinamen raus.
Geburtstag wirft die Luftwaffe in einem Fliegerhorst in Bayern historischen Ballast ab"; in: Jahrhundert, Paderborn , S. Wilhelm Sievers vom Brief an Fritz von Forell vom Juli gebracht worden. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte Galen jedoch lediglich die erste seiner drei kritischen Reden gehalten. The Luftwaffe in Spain , London Projektion, Propaganda, Politik; in: Emilio Mola Vidal , spanischer Heeresoffizier. Privattagebuch Wolfram von Richthofen, Eintrag vom 2.
Renzo di Felice Hrsg.
Private Waldschule Kaliski – Wikipedia
Diario , Mailand , S. Nach Recherchen von Kurt Braatz ist auch ein versehentlicher Abschuss durch eine deutsche Messerschmitt denkbar; vgl. La chute de capitaine Moelders, http: Pascal Lenoir, 'Juin Lenoir, Juin , S.
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Da sowohl Grandfresnoy als auch Cany im Departement l'Oise und somit in der deutsch besetzten Zone lagen Feldkommandantur , standen der Festnahme keine juristischen oder politischen Hindernisse im Wege. Bei Kriegsende von den Amerikanern an Frankreich ausgeliefert und nach Hochverratsprozess am Gilbert Joseph, Fernand de Brinon, l'aristocrate de la collaboration, Paris Nach Rehabilitation Verwendung am Reichskriegsgericht.
Klaus Harpprecht, Arletty und ihr deutscher Offizier. Eine Liebe in Zeiten des Krieges, Frankfurt Marc Pilot, Croix noire et cocardes, in: Bernd Lemke, Moral Micrology vs. Global War Studies 7 , S. Lemke, Moral Micrology, S. Die Kriegsgerichtsbarkeit wurde durch eine Weisung vom Eine Teilnehmerliste liegt dem Dokument nicht bei. Gruppe des JG Das Recht hierzu hat jeder Offizier! Die Rolle Kesselrings bei der Weitergabe der 'verbrecherischen Befehle' harrt noch einer wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung. Andrew Sangster, Field-Marshal Kesselring.