Biblical Commentary I ((10+3 MDGC Book) Book 15)
Microbial community composition of nest-carton and adjoining soil of the ant Lasius fuliginosus and the role of host secretions in structuring microbial communities, Fungal Ecology, 1—10 , doi: Using geochemistry to understand water sources and transit times in headwater streams of a temperate rainforest, , 99 , , doi: Drying and rewetting of forest floors: Dynamics of soluble phosphorus, microbial biomass-phosphorus and microbial communities, Biology and Fertility of soils, 54 , doi: Inferring the mycorrhizal status of introduced plants of Cypripedium calceolus Orchidaceae in northern England using stable isotope analysis, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, , , doi: Possible errors in flux measurements due to limited digitalization, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions , doi: Fast response anemometers and its application from the Wolga steppe region to Eastern Siberia, in V.
Analytical modeling of hyporheic flow for in-stream bedforms: The use of agri-environmental measures to address environmental pressures in Germany: Spatial mismatches and options for improvement, Land Use Policy , online: Effects of drought and reduced rainfall on carbon allocation, pools and fluxes in a mediterranean shrub ecosystem - A 13C labeling field study, Science of the Total Environment, , — -- Details. Organic phosphorus in the terrestrial environment: A perspective on the state of the art and future priorities, Plant and Soil, , , doi: Explicit modelling of radon - in HydroGeoSphere during steady state and dynamic transient storage, Groundwater , doi: Hauhs, M ; Lange, H: Hoffmann, S ; Beierkuhnlein, C: Evaluating the potential of protected areas to preserve biodiversity at large scales, , 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas - Conference Volume 1 , p.
Remote sensing of beta diversity: Effects of drying and rewetting on soluble phosphorus and nitrogen in forest floors: An experiment with undisturbed columns, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, , - , doi: Tree species diversity in relation to environmental variables and disturbance gradients in a northeastern forest in Bangladesh, Journal of Forest Research, , doi: Hossain, Md L; Beierkuhnlein, C: Enhanced aboveground biomass by increased precipitation in a central European grassland, Ecological Processes, 7 37 , , doi: Monothioarsenate uptake, transformation, and translocation in rice plants.
Impacts of land use change and summer monsoon on nutrients and sediment exports from an agricultural catchment, Water 5 , doi: Water , 10 5 , ; doi: Global flows of ecosystem services, Ecosystem Services , online: Maize phenology alters the distribution of enzyme activities in soil: Field estimates, Applied Soil Ecology , doi: Interference between arsenic-induced toxicity and hypoxia. The influence of hydrological variability on inherent water use, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, , , doi: Patterns of diversity along a habitat size gradient in a biodiversity hotspot, Ecosphere, 9 4 , , doi: Sustained production of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in forest floors during continuous leaching, Geoderma, , , doi: Proposal to conserve the name Hoodia against Monothylaceum Apocynaceae , Taxon, 67 2 , , doi: Global patterns of non-analogous climates in the past and future derived from thermal and hydraulic factors, Global Change Biology , doi: Luftbeimengungen im Fichtelgebirge, Der Siebenstern, 87 1 , -- Details.
Spatial patterns of enzyme activities in the rhizosphere: Effects of phosphorus-mobilizing bacteria on tomato growth and soil microbial activity, Plant and Soil, , , doi: Relationship between nitrogen isotope ratios of NO 3 - and N 2 O in vertical porewater profiles through a polluted rain-fed peat bog, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, , , doi: Chemistry and Microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera, Catena, , — , doi: The giant mycoheterotrophic orchid Erythrorchis altissima is associated mainly with a divergent set of wood-decaying fungi, Molecular Ecology, 27 , , doi: Interactive influence of livestock grazing and manipulated rainfall on soil properties in a humid tropical savanna, Journal of Soils and Sediments , doi: The diversity and evolution of pollination systems in large plant clades: Apocynaceae as a case study, Annals of Botany Wind observations from a forested hill: Relating turbulence statistics to surface characteristics in hilly and patchy terrain, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 27 1 , , doi: Carbon budgets of top- and subsoil food webs in an arable system, Pedobiologia , doi: Fungal guilds are evenly distributed along a vertical spruce forest soil profile while individual fungi show pronounced niche partitioning, Mycological Progress , doi: Grasslands of China and Mongolia: Spatial Extent, Land Use and Conservation.
Grasslands of the World: Diversity, Management and Conservation. F Proposal to recommend the use of an identifier as an alternative to the citation of the authors of fungal names. Remotely sensed spatial heterogeneity as an exploratory tool for taxonomic and functional diversity study, Ecological Indicators, 85 , — , doi: Unveiling community patterns and trophic niches of tropical and temperate ants using an integrative framework of field data, stable isotopes and fatty acids, PeerJ, 6: Mapping the potential distributions of etiological agent, vectors, and reservoirs of Japanese Encephalitis in Asia and Australia, Acta Tropica, , , online: Characterisation of short-term extreme methane fluxes related to non-turbulent mixing above an Arctic permafrost ecosystem, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, , doi: Exploiting mycorrhizas in broad daylight: Partial mycoheterotrophy is a common nutritional strategy in meadow orchids, Journal of Ecology, , , doi: Multi-temporal surveys for microplastic particles enabled by a novel and fast application of SWIR imaging spectroscopy — Study of an urban watercourse traversing the city of Berlin, Germany, Environmental Pollution, , , doi: Interregional flows of ecosystem services: Concepts, typology and four cases, Ecosystem Services , online: Stable isotope signatures of underground seedlings reveal the organic matter gained by adult orchids from mycorrhizal fungi, Functional Ecology, 32 , , doi: Spohn, M ; Sierra, CA: How long do elements cycle in terrestrial ecosystems?
Temporal variations of phosphorus uptake by soil microbial biomass and young beech trees in two forest soils with contrasting phosphorus stocks, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, , , doi: The role of turbulent hydrodynamics and surface morphology on heat and mass transfer in corals, Journal of the Royal Society Interface , online: Nitrogen pools and cycles in Tibetan Kobresia pastures depending on grazing, Biology and Fertility of Soils A generic workflow for effective sampling of environmental vouchers with UUID assignment and image processing, Database, , 1—10 , doi: Identification of C-terminal regions in Arabidopsis thaliana phytochelatin synthase 1 specifically involved in activation by arsenite.
A novel dendroecological method finds a non-linear relationship between elevation and seasonal growth continuity on an island with trade wind-influenced water availability, AoB PLANTS, , doi: Crop diversity and stability of revenue on farms in Central Europe: Weiser, F ; Beierkuhnlein, C: Insights into fungal communities colonizing the acarosphere in a forest soil habitat, Mycological Progress , doi: Tree growth and water-use in hyper-arid Acacia occurs during the hottest and driest season, Oecologia, 3 , — Zamora, JC; Svensson, M; Fermenters in the Earthworm Gut: Vitamin B2 riboflavin increases drought tolercance of Agaricus bisporus , Mycologia, , , online: Cryptic gene pools in the Hypericum perforatum—H.
Beierkuhnlein, C ; Irl, S: Spatially explicit life cycle impact assessment for soil erosion from global crop production, Ecosystem Services , online: Organic coating on biochar explains its nutrient retention and stimulation of soil fertility, Nature Communications, 8 , , online: Contrasting effects of invasive rabbits on endemic plants driving vegetation change in a subtropical alpine insular environment, Biological Invasions, 20 , — , online: Schwertmannite stability in anoxic Fe II -rich aqueous solution, Geochim. Acta, , , doi: Environmental drivers of spatial patterns of topsoil nitrogen and phosphorus under monsoon conditions in a complex terrain of South Korea, PLoS ONE, 12 8: Taxonomic novelties in Apocynaceae subfam.
Listing of publications BayCEER
Asclepiadoideae from New Caledonia, Bull. BoFeN1, Geomicrobiology Journal, 34 4 , , online: Flux calculation of short turbulent events — comparison of three methods, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10 , , doi: Micrometeorology, 2nd edition, , doi: Zobi, F; Obst, M: Spatial soil nutrients prediction using three supervised learning methods for assessment of land potentials in complex terrain, Catena, , , doi: Origin and early evolution of Ceropegieae Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae , Systematics and Biodiversity, 15 2 , , online: Diversity, composition and host-species relationships of epiphytic orchids and ferns in two forests in Nepal, , 14 6 , doi: Towards a National Ecosystem Assessment in Germany: A Plea for a Comprehensive Approach, Gaia, 26 1 , , online: Six months of L.
Interactive effects of biochar and polyacrylamide on decomposition of maize rhizodeposits: Ixora Rubiaceae on the Philippines-crossroad or cradle?. Biopore history determines the microbial community composition in subsoil hotspots, Biology and Fertility of soils, 53 , , doi: Die Physische Geographie Mitteleuropas. Effects of Cd and Zn on physiological and anatomical properties of hydroponically grown Brassica napus plants. Dynamics of Water Flow in a Forest Soil: Visualization and Modelling in Foken, T.: Homogenizing and diversifying effects of intensive agricultural land-use on plant species beta diversity in Central Europe — A call to adapt our conservation measures.
On the identity of the rubiaceous Timonius quadrasii Guettardeae: Ixoroideae , Webbia , doi: How metal hyperaccumulating plants can advance Zn biofortification, Plant and Soil, , , doi: Umbilicariaceae Lichenized Ascomycota — Trait evolution and a new generic concept, Taxon, 66 6 , — , doi: Patterns and drivers of biodiversity—stability relationships under climate extremes, , Journal of Ecology , doi: Phytosociology in Richardson, D.
The international encyclopedia of geography: Intraspecific variation in response to magnitude and frequency of freeze-thaw cycles in a temperate grass, , AoB Plants , doi: Nutrient addition affects net and gross mineralization of phosphorus in the organic layer of a tropical montane forest, Biogeochemistry, 2 , , doi: Natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana Cd responses and the detection of quantitative trait loci affecting Cd tolerance.
Foken, T ; Babel, W: Entwicklungen bei meteorologischen Messtechniken, Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft, 77 , -- Details. Klima und Klimawandel im Fichtelgebirge, Unser Fichtelgebirge, 6 , Interaction Forest—Clearing in Foken, T.: Foken, T ; Tenhunen, J: Spatial correlation of agri-environmental measures with high levels of ecosystem services, Ecological Indicators, 84 , — , online: Unclosure of the surface energy balance explained by phase difference between vertical velocity and scalars of large atmospheric eddies, Environmental Research Letters, 12 , , doi: Stable isotope natural abundance analysis as a tool for understanding orchid mycorrhizal nutrition in N.
Conservation methods for terrestrial orchids, J. Grassland experiments under climatic extremes: Reproductive fitness versus biomass, , Environmental and Experimental Botany, , [Link] -- Details. Antarctic Marine Animal Forests: Hauhs, M ; Klute, G: Human-environmental relations and african natures editorial, Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society, 5 2 , , doi: Bridging disciplinary gaps in studies of human-environment relations: A modelling framework, Modern Africa: Floral scent and pollinators of Ceropegia trap flowers, Flora, , doi: Rolling in the deep: Priming effects in earthworm biopores in topsoil and subsoil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, , 59—71 , doi: Ecosystem services in European protected areas: Ambiguity in the views of scientists and managers?
Variation in plastic abundance at different lake beach zones - a case study, Science of the Total Environment Do microplastic particles affect Daphnia magna at the morphological, life history and molecular level?
An island view of endemic rarity — environmental drivers and consequences for nature conservation, Diversity and Distributions, 23 10 , , doi: Urban eddy covariance measurements reveal significant missing NOx emissions in Central Europe, Scientific Reports, 7 , , doi: Asclepiadoideae , Bonplandia, 26 2 -- Details.
Land use change and ecosystem services in mountainous watersheds: High-quality eddy-covariance CO 2 budgets under cold climate conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, , , doi: Pushing precipitation to the extremes in distributed experiments: Species richness effects on grassland recovery from drought depend on community productivity in a multi-site experiment, Ecology Letters, 20 11 , , doi: Stocks and dynamics of soil organic carbon and coarse woody debris in three managed and unmanaged termperate forests, European Journal of Forest Research , , , doi: In-situ prediction of soil organic carbon by vis—NIR spectroscopy: Effects of maize roots on aggregate stability and enzyme activities in soil, Geoderma, , Evaluation of a phenology-dependent response method for estimating leaf area index of rice across cllimate gradients, Remote Sensing, 9 20 , doi: The general dynamic model of island biogeography revisited at the level of major flowering plant families.
Catchment Evapotranspiration and Runoff in Foken, T.: Emerging culture-independent tools to enhance our understanding for soil microbial ecology in Tate, K.: Microbial biomass - a new paradigm in terrestrial biogeochemistry, Imperial College Press, Temporal photoperiod sensitivity and forcing requirements for budburst in temperate tree seedlings, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, , , doi: Differential engagement of fermentative taxa in gut contents of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris, Applied and Environmental Microbiology -- Details.
Meve, U ; Liede-Schumann, S: Was ist Cynanchum L. Sex, drugs and pupusas: Disentangling relationships in Echiteae Apocynaceae , Taxon, 66 3 , , doi: Systematics of Prestonia Apocynaceae: Diversity of Diptera families that pollinate Ceropegia Apocynaceae trap flowers: Adaptive root foraging strategies along a boreal-temperate 1 forest gradient, New Phytologist, , , doi: Regular wounding in a natural system: Pausch, J ; Kuzyakov, Y: Carbon input by roots into the soil: Quantification of rhizodeposition from root to ecosystem scale, Global Change Biology , doi: Persoh, D; Borken, W: Impact of woody debris of different tree species on the microbial acitivty and community of an underlying organic horizon, Soil Biology Biochemistry, , , doi: Thioarsenate toxicity and tolerance in the model system Arabidopsis thaliana.
Mikroplastik in der Umwelt, Chemie in unserer Zeit, 51 , , doi: Citation of a taxon name identifier issued by the ICN-recognized registration repositories instead of taxon name author citation, Taxon, 66 5 , — , doi: Sasidharan, R; Bailey-Serres, J; et al. Community recommendations on terminology and procedures used in flooding and low oxygen stress research, New Phytologist, 4 , , doi: Analysing land cover and land use change in the Matobo National Park and surroundings in Zimbabwe, Remote Sensing of Environment, , — , doi: Community-weighted means and functional dispersion of plant functional traits along environmental gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro, Journal of Vegetation Science, accepted , doi: You are what you get from your fungi: Natural colloid mobilization and leaching in wettable and water repellent soil under saturated condition, Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics accepted Serafimovich, A ; Thieme, C: Quantitative analysis of the radiation error for aerial coiled-fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing deployments using reinforcing fabric as support structure, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10 6 , , doi: Spohn, M ; Widdig, M: Turnover of carbon and phosphorus in the microbial biomass depending on phosphorus availability, Soil Biology Biochemistry, , , doi: Resilience of 13C and alkane composition of model ecosystems exposed to repeated annual drought, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science , doi: Short-term carbon dynamics in a temperate grassland and heathland ecosystem exposed to days of drought followed by irrigation, Isotopes in Health and Environmental Studies , doi: Plant invasion and speciation along elevational gradients on the oceanic island La Palma, Canary Islands, Ecology and Evolution, 7 2 , , doi: Drivers for plant species diversity in a characteristic tropical forest landscape in Bangladesh.
Relationships between soil and leaf mineral composition are element-specific, environment-dependent and geographically structured in the emerging model Arabidopsis halleri. Modelling the effects of global climate change on Chikungunya transmission in the 21st century, Scientific Reports, 7 , doi: Phytochelatin synthase has contrasting effects on cadmium and arsenic accumulation in rice grains. Plant community composition affects the species biogeochemical niche, Ecosphere, 8 5 , , doi: Differentiating the effects of climate and land use change on European biodiversity: A scenario analysis, Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment, 46 3 , , doi: Effects of extreme drought on specific leaf area of grassland species: A meta-analysis of experimental studies in temperate and sub-Mediterranean systems.
Isotope Fluxes in Foken, T.: Asynchrony among local communities stabilizes ecosystem function of metacommunities, Ecology Letters A higher-level classification of the Pannonian and western Pontic steppe grasslands Central and Eastern Europe , Applied Vegetation Science, 20 , , doi: Application and characterization of electroactive membranes based on carbon nanotubes and zerovalent iron nanoparticles, Water Research, , , online: Taxonomic revision of Sabicea subgenus Anisophyllae Ixoroideae, Rubiaceae from Tropical Africa, with four new species, Phytotaxa, , , doi: Sigl, R ; Laforsch, C: Alejandro, G J; Meve, U: Gardenieae from the Philippines, Nordic J.
An inter-laboratory comparison of gaseous- and liquid fumigation based methods for measuring microbial phosphorus Pmic in forest soils with differing P stock, Journal of Microbial Methods, , , doi: Geothermal solute flux monitoring and the source and fate of solutes in the Snake River, Yellowstone National Park, WY, Applied Geochemistry 73 , , online: Using 14 C and 3 H to understand groundwater flow and recharge in an aquifer window, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18 12 , , doi: Schweiger, A ; Beierkuhnlein, C: The ecological legacy of 20th century acidification carried on by ecosystem engineers, Applied Vegetation Science, 20 2 , — , doi: The role of vision for navigation in the crown-of-thorns seastar, Acanthaster planci, Scientific Reports, , online: Evidence for potentially pathogenic Vibrio spp.
Effects of throughfall exclusion, soil texture and spatial continuity on soil water repellency in Fichtel Mountains, Germany. How to differentiate facilitation and environmentally driven coexistence, Journal of Vegetation Science, 27 , -- Details. Constitution of a catchment virtual observatory for sharing flow and transport models outputs, Journal of Hydrology, , , doi: Binding of heavy metal ions in aggregates of microbial cells, EPS and biogenic iron minerals measured in-situ using metal- and glycoconjugates-specific fluorophores, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, , , online: Patterns and drivers of phytodiversity in steppe grasslands of Central Podolia Ukraine , Biodiversity and Conservation, 25 , , online: Scale- and taxon-dependent patterns of plant diversity in steppes of Khakassia, South Siberia Russia , Biodiversity and Conservation, 25 , , doi: Limited influence of Si on the preservation of Fe mineral- encrusted microbial cells during experimental diagenesis, Geobiology, 14 , , online: Optimizing sampling approaches along ecological gradients, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7 , , doi: Biogeographic ranges do not support niche theory in radiating Canary Island plant clades, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25 7 , , doi: Late Quaternary climate change shapes island biodiversity, Nature, doi: Organic contamination versus mineral properties: Inducible Defenses with a "Twist": Transferring and implementing the general dynamic model of oceanic island biogeography at the scale of island fragments: Zeitvogel, F; Obst, M: Epiphytic orchids and their ecological niche under anthropogenic influence in central Himalayas, Nepal, Journal of Mountain Science, 13 5 , , doi: Towards a national set of ecosystem service indicators: Insights from Germany, Ecological Indicators, 61 Part 1 , 38—48 , online: Recollection of former Randia species, recognition of a rheophytic species of the Philippine endemic Villaria Octotropideae, Rubiaceae , Phytotaxa, 2 , , doi: Ali, HE ; Reineking, B: Extensive management of field margins enhances their potential for off-site soil erosion mitigation, Journal of Environmental Management, , , doi: Shifting Impacts of Climate Change: Ecotype-specific improvement of nitrogen status in European grasses after drought combined with rewetting, Acta Oecologica, 77 , , online: Weather extremes and extreme climate events as drivers of dynamic trends in nature conservation — a desk review of the literature, Natur und Landschaft, 91 8 , , doi: More than counting pixels — perspectives on the importance of remote sensing training in ecology and conservation.
Acorns of introduced Quercus rubra are neglected by European jay but spread by mice, Annals of Forest Research, 59 2 , , doi: Associative nitrogen fixation in nodules of the conifer Lepidothamnus fonkii Podocarpaceae inhabiting ombrotorphic bogs in soutern Patagonia, Scientific Reports, 6: Oceanic island biogeography through the lens of the general dynamic model: Disentangling the influence of earthworms in sugarcrane rhizosphere, Scientific Reports, 6 , On the influence of provenance to soil quality enhanced stress reaction of young beech trees to summer drought, Ecology and Evolution, 6 22 , — , doi: ASM journals eliminate impact factor information from journal websites Editorial , mBio Clemens, S ; Ma, JF: Clemens, S ; Weber, M: Effects of anthropogenic fragmentation on primary productivity and soil carbon storage in temperate mountain grasslands.
Pro-toxic 1,2-Dehydropyrrolizidine Alkaloid Esters, including unprecedented membered macrocyclic diesters, in the medicinally-used Alafia cf. Nerieae and Apocyneae , Phytochemical Analysis , online: Evapotranspiration and water balance of high-elevation grassland on the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Hydrology, , -- Details.
Plant diversity effects on grassland productivity are robust to both nutrient enrichment and drought, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, , doi: Pay the farmer, or buy the land? Towards mapping and assessing antarctic marine ecosystem services — The weddell sea case study, Ecosystem Services, 22 , — , online: Spatially resolved analysis of variation in barley Hordeum vulgare grain micronutrient accumulation. Drying-rewetting cycles release phosphorus from forest soils, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, , , doi: Ozone differentially affects perception of plant volatiles in western honey bees, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 42 , , doi: Silicon-induced reversibility of cadmium toxicity in rice, Journal of Experimental Botany, 67 , , doi: Recurrence analysis of Eddy covariance fluxes in Webber, C.
Recurrence plots and their quantification: Expanding horizons, Springer, Chapter 16 , , doi: Angewandte Meteorologie, Mikrometeorologische Methoden, , 3. Auflage , 40 S. Frei, S ; Peiffer, S: Large eddies modulating flux convergence and divergence in a disturbed unstable atmospheric surface layer, Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres, , -- Details. Redundant ERF-VII transcription factors bind an evolutionarily-conserved cis-motif to regulate hypoxia-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell, 28 , , doi: Partial mycoheterotrophy is more widespread among orchids than previously assumed, New Phytologist, , , doi: On the value of surface saturated area dynamics mapped with thermal infrared imagery for modeling the hillslope-riparian-stream continuum, Water Resources Research, 52 , doi: Pulling the sting out of nettle systematics — A comprehensive phylogeny of the genus Urtica L.
Urticaceae , Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 1 , , doi: Clonal integration and heavy-metal stress: How plot shape and spatial arrangement affect plant species richness counts: Ceropegia sandersonii mimics attacked honeybees to attract kleptoparasitic flies for pollination, , 26 , [Link] -- Details.
A sugar biomarker proxy for assessing terrestial versus aquatic sedimentary input, Organic Geochemistry, 98 , Predator specific reversibility of morphological defenses in Daphnia barbata, Journal of Plankton Research, , online: Heuck, C ; Spohn, M: Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus net mineralization in organic horizons of temperate forest: Stoichiometry and relations to organic matter quality, Biogeochemistry, , , doi: Hotspots of microbial activity induced by earthworm burrows, old root channels, and their combination in subsoil, Biology and Fertility of Soils , doi: Phosphorus resorption by young beech trees and soil phosphatase activity as dependent on P availability, Oecologia, , , doi: Simulating water flow in variably saturated soils: Formate-derived H2, a driver of hydrogenotrophic processes in the root-zone of a methane-emitting fen.
Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, 18 9 , -- Details. Plant family identity distinguishes patterns of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope abundance and nitrogen concentration in mycoheterotrophic plants associated with ectomycorrhizal fungi. Imhof, HK ; Laforsch, C: Hazardous or not - Are adult and juvenile individuals of Potamopyrgus antipodarum affected by non-buoyant microplastic particles?
Pigments and plastic in limnetic ecosystems: A qualitative and quantitative study on microparticles of different size classes, Water Research, 98 , , online: Plant diversity on high elevation islands — drivers of species richness and endemism, Frontiers of Biogeography, 8 , e , doi: Patterns of island treeline elevation — a global perspective, Ecography, 39 , , doi: Kaldun, B ; Otti, O: Condition-dependent ejaculate production affects male mating behaviour in the common bedbug Cimex lectularius , Ecology and Evolution, 6 8 , , doi: How salt lakes affect atmospheric new particle formation: A case study in Western Australia, Sci.
Total Environment, , A pantropical Asclepiadoid genus revisited, Taxon, 65 3 , — -- Details. Potential effects of sediment processes on water quality of an artificial reservoir in the Asian monsoon region, , Inland Waters 6 , , doi: Stenocephalidae , Microbes and Environments, 31 2 , , doi: Phytochelatin synthesis promotes leaf Zn accumulation of Arabidopsis thaliana plants grown in soil with adequate Zn supply and is essential for survival on Zn-contaminated soil.
Phosphorus in forest ecosystems: New insights from an ecosystem nutrition perspective, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, , , doi: Crop selection under price and yield fluctuation: Analysis of agro-economic time series from South Korea, Agricultural Systems, , , doi: Variability in runoff fluxes of dissolved and particulate carbon and nitrogen from two watersheds of different tree species during intense storm events, Biogeosciences, 13 , , doi: Going west — A subtropical lineage Vincetoxicum , Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae expanding into Europe, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 94 , -- Details.
Enzyme properties down the soil profile - A matter of substrate quality in rhizosphere and detritusphere, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, , Substrate quality affects kinetics and catalytic efficiency of exo-enzymes in rhizosphere and detritusphere, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 92 , Extremophile microbiomes in acidic and hypersaline river sediments of Western Australia, Environmental Microbiology Reports 8 , , doi: Assessing the effectiveness of split fertilization and cover crop cultivation in order to conserve soil and water resources and improve crop productivity, Agricultural Water Management, , — , online: Mahrt, L; Thomas, CK: Surface stress with non-stationary weak winds and stable stratification, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, , , doi: Plant responses to climatic extremes: Phylogeny and circumscription of Antillean Anemotrochus , gen.
Gonolobinae , Willdenowia, 46 3 , [Link] -- Details. Diversity in the Cynanchum gerrardii complex Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae , Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis, 38 , , online: Current pathways towards good forest governance for ecosystem services in the former Soviet republic Tajikistan, Forest Policy and Economics 63 , , online: Distribution ranges and spring phenology explain late frost sensitivity of woody plants from the Northern hemisphere, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25 9 , — , doi: Fungal biomass and extracellular enzyme activitis in coarse woody debris of 13 tree species in the early phase of decomposition, Forest Ecology and Management, , , doi: Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of atmospherically relevant aerosol nanoparticles, Analytical Chemistry, 88 , , doi: Drying-rewetting and flooding impact denitrifier activity rather than community structure in a moderately acidic fen.
High temperature and temperature variation undermine future disease susceptibility in a population of the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus , The Science of Nature formerly Naturwissenschaften , Structure, composition and diversity of forest along the altitudinal gradient in the Himalayas, Nepal, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 14 2 , , doi: Park, JY ; Huwe, B: Effect of pH and soil structure on transport of sulfonamide antibiotics in agricultural soils, Environmental Pollution, Vol. Transport of sulfonamide antibiotics in crop fields during monsoon season, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, published online , online: Fluxes of root-derived carbon into the nematode micro-food web of an arable soil, Food Webs , doi: Rhizosphere priming of barley with and without root hairs, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, , Reaction time scales for sulphate reduction in sediments of acidic pit lakes and its relation to in-lake acidity neutralisation, Applied Geochemistry, 73 , , online: Peiffer, S ; Wan, M: Reductive dissolution and reactivity of Ferric hydr oxides - new insights and implications for environmental redox processes in Faivre, D.: Quantifying nitrate and oxygen reduction rates in the hyporheic zone using Rn to upscale biogeochemical turnover in rivers, Water Resources Research Communities of different forest-types under a varying fire regime, European Journal of Soil Biology, 74 , , doi: National ecosystem services mapping at multiple scales — The German exemplar, Ecological Indicators, 70 , — , online: Geographic heat maps of lichen traits derived by combining LIAS light description and GBIF occurrence data, provided on a new platform, Biodiversity and Conservation, 25 13 , — , doi: Schaeffer, A; Amelung, W; et al.
The impact of chemical pollution on the resilience of soils under multiple stresses: Now before I turn the call over to Christian I want to spend a few minutes on the macro environment. Recently monthly production estimates have been encouraging, however, showing significantly lower production growth and actually projecting oil production to be flat to down in the major basins.
In terms of international production, non-OPEC estimates continue to be trimmed and we see this as an overlooked positive factor. Whether we reach this point in months or quarters Halliburton will continue to take the necessary steps to prepare our global franchise for the eventual recovery and outperform our competitors.
Further it is our view that North America will continue to be the most adaptable market in terms of addressing well economics through both efficiency models and technology uptake. One way to look at it is that the US unconventional business is now the lowest cost, fastest to market incremental barrel of oil available in the world today.
As a result, we believe that when the recovery does come North America will respond the quickest and offer the greatest upside and that Halliburton will be best positioned to lead the way. Now let me turn the call over to Christian to provide more details on our financial results. I will begin with an overview of our first-quarter results. As expected we experienced difficult first-quarter sequential decline in revenue and margins due to the absence of higher year-end software and product sales in the fourth quarter as well as the normal first-quarter weather-related weakness in the North Sea, Russia and the Bakken.
The decline this year was obviously exacerbated by the macro headwinds facing the industry. Now let me compare our geographic results to the first quarter of This excellent improvement was led by solid growth in integrated project activity in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and India that was partially offset by declines in Malaysia and Australia. Significant activity declines in Angola and the Norwegian sector of the North Sea along with currency and sanction-related issues in Russia led to the lower results for the region.
Lower commodity prices have translated into severe reductions in activity levels throughout the first quarter accompanied by significant price reductions. As Jeff indicated we are continuing to take a hard look at our operations. Additional actions will likely be required in the second quarter although we expect further charges will be significantly smaller. Because we manufacture our own equipment we have the utmost flexibility to adjust our capital spend based on our visibility of the market.
Our objective is to look beyond the cycle and we continue to be committed to investing in certain strategic technologies such as the Frac of the Future while retiring older, more costly equipment. Finally, let me give you some comments on our second-quarter operational outlook. As a result, we anticipate a sequential revenue decline in the second quarter but as a reminder we typically outpace changes in the average rig count. We also expect margins to drift lower to the mid single digits with our sequential decrementals improving compared to the first quarter as we begin to see the impact of our cost-reduction initiatives and lower input costs from our suppliers.
Now moving to the Eastern Hemisphere outlook in the second quarter we are anticipating both revenue and margins to be in line with the first-quarter levels as the typical seasonal improvements are expected to be offset by customer budget reductions and pricing concessions. In Latin America for the second quarter we expect a revenue decline in the upper teens with low double-digit margins.
In addition, we expect to see budget constraints in Mexico and reduced activity in Brazil and Colombia. Now I will turn the call over to Mark for an update on the pending Baker acquisition. Let me begin with some of the more recent developments. These results are a strong vote of confidence from our shareholders and we believe reflect their enthusiasm for the strategic and financial merits of the combination. When we announced the transaction last November, we discussed the likelihood of divestitures and our confidence that the combination would be achievable from a regulatory standpoint.
We will begin the marketing process in the coming weeks. The eventual sale of these businesses is subject to obtaining final approval of the pending Baker Hughes acquisition by the competition authorities reviewing the transaction. We expect there will likely be additional divestitures and we plan to provide updates at the appropriate time; however, launching the sale of the drill bits and drilling businesses is a good first step toward expediting this process.
We are continuing to respond to the second information request from the Department of Justice and outside of the US we continue to make progress with the required filings with the competition authorities in foreign jurisdictions. We believe we remain on track to complete the transaction late in the second half of Working in parallel with the Baker Hughes integration team we are bringing together the talent and expertise of both companies to build an even stronger combined organization as well as ensure that the planning efforts results in a robust integration plan for each and every functional and operational area of both businesses.
We are preparing such that on day one after the close we can immediately begin the integration and start capturing the value inherent in this combination and deliver on the estimated synergies. As we evaluate this transaction and move toward completion we are confident that we can achieve our synergy objective. In closing, we remain enthusiastic about and fully committed to closing this compelling transaction. This combination will create a bellwether global oilfield services company and together with Baker Hughes we will combine our highly complementary suites of products and services into a comprehensive offering that will deliver an unsurpassed depth and breadth of solutions to our customers.
To sum it up I want to thank the Halliburton team for avoiding distractions and maintaining their focused during the downturn. There are just not enough convincing data points out there at this time for me to make a conclusion. So whatever scenario you think may happen we have the people, technology and experience to outperform the market. Good morning and good job on the quarter, impressive.
Question on international, impressive performance on the margins, better than what we were anticipating and as well as the second-quarter guide. Are you seeing the impact of some of the pricing concessions in the 1 and 2Q margins internationally? It also demonstrates execution of our mature field strategy which is really inherent in a lot of that activity.
As we look at pricing, though, there is pricing pressure throughout the marketplace and obviously the international markets are not immune to that. Then my follow-up is going to be on North America. You obviously commented on the second quarter for margins but can you help us think a little bit further maybe in the back half of the year?
You noted in the release you are going to carry higher cost as you anticipate closing the Baker transaction. Let me take that. So you have two questions. One is what happens to North American margins in the second half of the year. In terms of the service delivery platform the cost that we are keeping in anticipation of the Baker acquisition, first of all those costs that we are keeping are global in nature but it is certainly more impactful than North America.
There are several examples of those buckets of costs. One is our footprint. The other one is management organization so we have a management layer between the districts and the areas, we would probably considered collapsing them. We would have probably dismantled portions of it as activity declined; however, we are keeping all of those because we are expecting the increased volumes from Baker and in terms of the margin impact of these items they would probably range between to basis points.
Definitely a good quarter. So can you talk about that a little bit as well as the accretion timeline, has that changed at all in your mind? Obviously everything is contingent on us getting the transaction closed. But I think to address your first question there are a couple of things to note. First of all we continue to target internally as synergy cases beyond the two.
In the downturn itself certainly there are actions that are being taken both by Halliburton and Baker Hughes that impact employee counts, facility closures and a lot of other things, some of which you would say would likely would be something that would be in the synergy case itself but the difference is that most of these changes are being done in response to the market downturn. And the question ultimately comes to okay when the market comes back what happens to those costs. Then along with that as far as a follow-up, the cash from the asset sales related to the merger, is the first priority still buying back stock or has that priority changed?
The magnitude of the buyback will obviously be dependent on how much cash we generate during this downturn, the proceeds from the divestitures and so forth but our priority has not changed. Operator Scott Gruber, Citi. Scott Gruber - Citi - Analyst Thanks. And is this trend primarily technology driven or is it more driven by your customers responding to the cyclical downturn? Refrac economics are attractive both for our clients and certainly for Halliburton. However, despite the lack of sensitivity obtained on the latter instrument, a very fast method with run-to-run time of 3.
A metagenomic assessment of viral contamination on fresh parsley plants irrigated with fecally tainted river water. This finding reinforces the idea that the best way to avoid food-borne viral diseases is to introduce good field irrigation and production practices. New strains have been identified that are related to the Picornaviridae and distantly related to the Hepeviridae family. However, the detection of a viral genome alone does not necessarily indicate there is a risk of infection or disease development. Thus, further investigation is crucial for correlating the detection of viral metagenomes in samples with the risk of infection.
There is also an urgent need to develop new methods to improve the sensitivity of current Next Generation Sequencing NGS techniques in the food safety area. Determination of the importance of in-mouth release of volatile phenol glycoconjugates to the flavor of smoke- tainted wines. The volatile phenols guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, syringol, 4-methylsyringol, o-, m-, and p-cresol, as well as their glycoconjugates, have previously been shown to be present in elevated concentrations in smoke- tainted wine.
August - USAGDFA
Sensory descriptive analysis experiments, with addition of free volatile phenols in combination with their glycosidically bound forms, were used to mimic smoke taint in red wines. The addition of volatile phenols together with glycoconjugates gave the strongest off-flavor. The hydrolysis of glycosidically bound flavor compounds in-mouth was further investigated by in vitro and in vivo experiments.
The results indicate that enzymes present in human saliva are able to release the volatile aglycones from their glycoconjugates even under low pH and elevated ethanol conditions, confirming that in-mouth breakdown of monosaccharide and disaccharide glycosides is an important mechanism for smoke flavor from smoke affected wines, and that this mechanism may play an important general role in the flavor and aftertaste of wine.
Three gastroenteritis outbreaks in South Korea caused by the consumption of kimchi tainted by norovirus GI. In April , outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis were reported at three schools in Jeonju, South Korea. Epidemiological investigations were performed to characterize the outbreaks and implement appropriate control measures. Retrospective cohort studies were performed at these schools.
Stool and environmental samples were collected for bacterial and viral assessment. A food supplier of the schools, food company X, was inspected, and samples of cabbage kimchi and groundwater were tested for norovirus by real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The relatedness of the detected norovirus strains was evaluated by phylogenetic analysis. Of the questionnaires distributed, attack rate: Among the consumed food items, kimchi products i. The kimchi products were supplied by food company X.
Among stool samples from 95 students and 34 food handlers at the 3 schools, 39 The samples of groundwater and cabbage kimchi at food company X were positive for norovirus. The predominant genotype of norovirus detected in the patient, groundwater, and cabbage kimchi samples, GI. Kimchi products tainted with norovirus GI. Therefore, kimchi manufacturers in South Korea should apply chlorine disinfection when using groundwater.
Moreover, more stringent sanitation requirements and strict regulations for food companies are recommended. Smoke-derived taint in wine: Although smoke exposure has been associated with the development of smoke taint in grapes and subsequently in wine, to date there have been no studies that have demonstrated a direct link. In this study, postharvest smoke exposure of grapes was utilized to demonstrate that smoke significantly influences the chemical composition and sensory characteristics of wine and causes an apparent 'smoke taint '.
Verdelho grapes were exposed to straw-derived smoke for 1 h and then fermented according to two different winemaking treatments. Control wines were made by fermenting unsmoked grapes. Sensory studies established a perceivable difference between smoked and unsmoked wines; smoked wines were described as exhibiting 'smoky', 'dirty', 'earthy', 'burnt' and 'smoked meat' characteristics.
Quantitative analysis, by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, identified guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, 4-ethylguaiacol, 4-ethylphenol, eugenol, and furfural in each of the wines made from smoked grapes. However, these compounds were not detected in the unsmoked wines, and their origin is therefore attributed to the application of smoke. Increased ethanol concentrations and browning were also observed in wines made from grapes exposed to smoke. Tainted Water, Poison Paint. Recent research shows lead poisoning is more widespread and even more dangerous to infants and young children than previously thought.
A bill proposed in Congress would require schools and day-care centers to test for lead. Summarizes lead's health hazards and how to test drinking water. Simultaneous quantification of the boar- taint compounds skatole and androstenone by surface-enhanced Raman scattering SERS and multivariate data analysis. This study investigates the feasibility of using surface-enhanced Raman scattering SERS for the quantification of absolute levels of the boar- taint compounds skatole and androstenone in porcine fat.
By investigation of different types of nanoparticles, pH and aggregating agents, an optimized environment that promotes SERS of the analytes was developed and tested with different multivariate spectral pre-processing techniques, and this was combined with variable selection on a series of analytical standards.
It is clear that this optimized SERS method, when combined with multivariate analysis, shows great potential for optimization into an on-line application, which will be the first of its kind, and opens up possibilities for simultaneous detection of other meat-quality metabolites or pathogen markers. Graphical abstract Artistic rendering of a laser-illuminated gold colloid sphere with skatole and androstenone adsorbed on the surface. Boar taint , meat quality and fail rate in entire male pigs and male pigs immunized against gonadotrophin releasing factor as related to body weight and feeding regime.
The objective of this experiment was to compare the pork quality of entire male pigs and pigs immunized against GnRF IC males at both light Fail rates were reduced by 9. Fungal strains isolated from cork stoppers and the formation of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole involved in the cork taint of wine. Cork taint is mainly due to 2,4,6-trichloroanisole TCA produced through the activity of undesirable fungal strains.
In contrast more fungi diversity was observed in TCA-containing stoppers. Penicillium spp Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium glabrum , Aspergillus spp Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae , Chrysonilia sitophila, Mucor racemosus, Paecilomyces sp. Conidia were numerous close to the lenticels and present from the lateral surface through to the centre of the stoppers. The best yields of conversion were obtained by green fungi Paecilomyces sp.
Chysonilia sitophila and Penicillium sp. Boar taint is a specific off-odour of boar meat products, known to be caused by at least three unpleasant odorants, with very low odour thresholds. Androstenone is a boar pheromone produced in the testes, whereas skatole and indole originate from the microbial breakdown of tryptophan in the intestinal tract.
The new method is characterised by a simple and solvent-free dynamic headspace sampling. The deuterated compounds d3-androstenone, d3-skatole and d6-indole were used as internal standards to eliminate matrix effects. Examination of body burden and taint for Iceland scallop Chlamys islandica and American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides near the Terra Nova offshore oil development over ten years of drilling on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Canada. This paper presents results of analyses of body burdens of metals and hydrocarbons, and taste tests for taint , in Iceland scallop and American plaice performed as part of the Environmental Effects Monitoring EEM program for the Terra Nova offshore oil development Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Canada.
Scallop and plaice were collected in a Study Area located within approximately 1 km of drill centres at Terra Nova and in a Reference Area located approximately 20 km from the development. Samples were collected in to establish a baseline, and from to , during drilling periods. Scallop viscera was contaminated with hydrocarbons resembling drilling fluid in SBMs near drill centres in all EEM years except Therefore, evidence from both muscle and viscera indicates a decrease in tissue hydrocarbon contamination in recent years.
Barium, another major constituent in drilling muds, has not been noted in scallop adductor muscles at concentrations above the reporting detection limit, but barium was detected in viscera in baseline and EEM years. The concentration of metals other than barium in scallop tissues was similar between the Terra Nova Study Area and the Reference Area.
The Guardsman: Book 3: Wrath and Retribution:
Cork Taint of Wines: Cork taint is a musty or moldy off-odor in wine mainly caused by 2,4,6-trichloroanisole 2,4,6-TCA. We examined the role of 14 fungal strains isolated from cork samples in the production of 2,4,6-TCA by O methylation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 2,4,6-TCP. The fungal strains isolated belong to the genera Penicillium four isolates ; Trichoderma two isolates ; and Acremonium, Chrysonilia, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Mortierella, Mucor, Paecilomyces, and Verticillium one isolate each.
The highest levels of bioconversion were carried out by the Trichoderma and Fusarium strains. One strain of Trichoderma longibrachiatum could also efficiently produce 2,4,6-TCA in liquid medium.

However, no detectable levels of 2,4,6-TCA production by this strain could be detected on cork when putative precursors other than 2,4,6-TCP, including several anisoles, dichlorophenols, trichlorophenols, or other highly chlorinated compounds, were tested. The reaction was inhibited by S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine, an inhibitor of SAM-dependent methylation, suggesting that SAM is the natural methyl donor.
These findings increase our understanding of the mechanism underlying the origin of 2,4,6-TCA on cork, which is poorly understood despite its great economic importance for the wine industry, and they could also help us improve our knowledge about the biodegradation and detoxification processes associated with chlorinated phenols.
Baby factories taint surrogacy in Nigeria. The practice of reproductive medicine in Nigeria is facing new challenges with the proliferation of 'baby factories'. Baby factories are buildings, hospitals or orphanages that have been converted into places for young girls and women to give birth to children for sale on the black market, often to infertile couples, or into trafficking rings. This practice illegally provides outcomes children similar to surrogacy.
While surrogacy has not been well accepted in this environment, the proliferation of baby factories further threatens its acceptance. The involvement of medical and allied health workers in the operation of baby factories raises ethical concerns. The lack of a properly defined legal framework and code of practice for surrogacy makes it difficult to prosecute baby factory owners, especially when they are health workers claiming to be providing services to clients. In this environment, surrogacy and other assisted reproductive techniques urgently require regulation in order to define when ethico-legal lines have been crossed in providing surrogacy or surrogacy-like services.
The Ethics and Rhetoric of Divestment. A former college president and corporate foundation president examines moral and economic issues relating to college withdrawal of investments in South Africa, using the experiences of Harvard University and Exxon stock for illustration. Three homicides with darts tainted with succinylcholine: In emergency departments, intoxication with the muscle relaxant succinylcholine SUX often leads to a potentially lethal respiratory paralysis or other deleterious side effects.
However, homicide cases with SUX poisoning are very rare because the toxic or lethal concentration ranges of SUX have not yet been determined. We described three uncommon homicide cases due to acute poisoning by darts contaminated with SUX. SMC concentrations of 0. The main pathological changes consisted of hemorrhage of the injured soft tissues, visceral congestion, severe pulmonary edema, and multifocal petechial hemorrhage of the heart and lungs. Taken together, the findings supported a diagnosis of fatal SUX poisoning.
Futhermore, our study provided a reference for the lethal concentrations of SUX poisoning. Inflaming the diseased brain: Inflammation plays a crucial role in neurodegenerative diseases, but the irritants responsible for this response remain largely unknown. This report addressed the hypothesis that hypochlorous acid reacts with dopamine to produce melanic precipitates that promote cerebral inflammation. Spectrophotometric studies demonstrated that nM amounts of HOCl and dopamine react within seconds.
A second-order rate constant for the reaction of HOCl and dopamine of 2. Gravimetric measurements, electron microscopy, elemental analysis, and a novel use of flow cytometry confirmed that the major product of this reaction is a precipitate with an average diameter of 1. Flow cytometry was also used to demonstrate the preferential reaction of HOCl with dopamine rather than albumin. These studies indicate that HOCl and dopamine react quickly and preferentially with each other to produce particles that promote inflammation and neuronal death in the brain. The quality of public discourse and the ethical implications of divestment for universities as well as for corporations are discussed.
Harvard's divestment of Exxon's stock is discussed and the question of whether Harvard should continue to accept Exxon's philanthropic grants is debated. Moral ambivalence and legitimation work in the private security industry. The private security industry is often represented - and typically represents itself - as an expanding business, confident of its place in the world and sure of its ability to meet a rising demand for security. But closer inspection of the ways in which industry players talk about its past, present and future suggests that this self-promotion is accompanied by unease about the industry's condition and legitimacy.
In this paper, we analyse the self-understandings of those who sell security - as revealed in interviews conducted with key industry players and in a range of trade materials - in order to highlight and dissect the constitutive elements of this ambivalence. This analysis begins by describing the reputational problems that are currently thought to beset the industry and the underlying fears about its status and worth that these difficulties disclose.
We then examine how security players seek to legitimate the industry using various narratives of professionalization. Four such narratives are identified - regulation, education, association and borrowing - each of which seeks to justify private security and enhance the industry's social worth. What is striking about these legitimation claims is that they tend not to justify the selling of security in market terms.
In conclusion we ask why this is the case and argue that market justifications are 'closed-off' by a moral ambivalence that attaches to an industry trading in products which cannot guarantee to deliver the condition that its consumers crave. The Epicc [3] tool precisely analyzes inter-app communication in Android.
By looking at intents By placing adjustable limitations on what resources applications can use, Android allows users a large degree of control over how much trust One of the core assumptions of the Android permission system is that an application that. One of the core assumptions of the Android permission system is that an application that lacks permission to access a The Case of the " Tainted " Taco Shells: This case study introduces students to the use of genetically modified foods.
Students learn how genetically modified plants are made, and then they read primary literature papers to evaluate the environmental, economic, and health issues. Diner's claim of blood- tainted food is set for appeal. The Alabama Department of Forensic Science determined the red substance in the biscuit was blood but could not identify the blood type or test it for HIV.
In an appeal to the Alabama Supreme Court, Flagstar's attorney will argue that [name removed] did not present any substantial evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Hardee's and the judge erred in allowing the suit to go to trial. Does the portrayal of menstruation in menstrual product advertisements reflect cultural myths about menstruation? We analyse the reception of menstruation in contemporary and historical menstruation product advertisements.
In menstrual product advertisements, menstruation is depicted as an unclean attribute, discrediting an ideal femininity and creating the need to conceal it. This tendency to taboo menstruation in menstrual product advertising contributes--by conveying a negative definition of femaleness--to a negative self-perception, particularly in young women. Ontario appellate court overturns judgment for plaintiffs infected through tainted blood. On 29 November , the Ontario Court of Appeal issued a lengthy decision overturning a lower-court judgment in favour of three hemophiliacs infected with HIV in through contaminated blood-factor concentrate.
The joint decision in the three cases of Robb, Rintoul, and Farrow is the latest decision in litigation dating back to The plaintiffs alleged negligence by the Canadian Red Cross Society and the Canadian government for delays in introducing heat-treated concentrate after the risks posed by unheated product were known. In England, globalisation and neoliberal political agendas have created an environment in which teachers are constantly measured and ranked and subjected to a discourse of marketisation, managerialism, and performativity.
This measuring, ranking, and subjection is particularly strongly felt in urban schools, where a discourse that recognised the…. Determination of haloanisoles and halophenols in cork matrix: Analytical methods of haloanisoles and halophenols quantification in cork matrix are summarized in the current review. Sample-preparation and sample-treatment techniques have been compared and discussed from the perspective of their efficiency, time- and extractant-optimization, easiness of performance.
Primary interest of these analyses usually addresses to 2,4,6-trichloroanisole TCA , which is a major wine contaminant among haloanisoles. Two concepts of TCA determination are described in the review: Chromatographic, bioanalytical and sensorial methods were compared according to their application in the cork industry and in scientific investigations. Finally, it was shown that modern analytical techniques are able to provide required sensitivity, selectivity and repeatability for haloanisoles and halophenols determination. This study aimed to assess whether repeated exposure affects subjects' ability to detect androstenone.
Olfactory acuity of 77 female and 44 male subjects age Replicate triangle tests using various dilutions of androstenone 0. For the low, the intermediate, and the high level of androstenone presented, detection rate increased from Results suggest that mere exposure during repeated olfactory testing increased subjects' ability to correctly discriminate androstenone.
Androstenone detection appears to be associated with its individual appreciation. Toxicological properties of thio- and alkylphenols causing flavor tainting in fish from the upper Wisconsin River. EC50 Microtox 5 min, 25 degrees C assay values for 2-isopropylphenol, 3-isopropylphenol, 4-isopropylphenol, 2,4-diisopropylphenol, 2,5-diisopropylphenol 2,6-diisopropylphenol, 3,5-diisopropylphenol, carvacrol, thymol, thiophenol, and thiocresol ranged from 2 x 10 -2 mM for thymol least toxic to 2 x 10 -4 mM for 2,4-diisopropylphenol and 4-isopropylphenol most toxic.
Findings of suspected phthalate- tainted foodstuffs during the phthalates incident in Taiwan. During May-October, , food items were sent by individual citizens or companies to a government-accredited laboratory for the analyses of six main phthalate chemicals, including DEHP, DINP, di-isodecyl phthalate, di n-octyl phthalate, di-n-butyl phthalate, and butyl benzyl phthalate.
The overall positive rate was The positive rate of possibly affected foods was similar between sanctioned and non-sanctioned foods categorized as "Others" by the government There were 33 food items, most of which belonged to the Others category, sent twice by companies on different dates. Of these, the positive rates of affected foods significantly decreased from Introduction The current report detailed an investigation of melamine-linked urinary stones in children exposed to contaminated formula. Material and methods A total of children fed with melamine-contaminated infant formula were screened for urinary stones.
Sixty healthy children without melamine exposure were recruited as a control group. Ultrasonography of the urinary tract system was performed. Urinalysis, renal function, liver status, and serum electrolytes were determined.
- Search results.
- Narrative of Facts in the Case of Passmore Williamson.
- Submission Roleplay Fun.
- Souvenirs entomologiques - Livre III (French Edition).
- Classification of Universal Brains ("10+3 MDGC Book" Universal Vision's Summary Book 133)?
Results We encountered 49 affected children from the screened ones, at a rate of 4. Thirty-two were male, and 17 were female. The affected children ranged in age from 1 month to 96 months, with a mean of 25 months. Duration of exposure was from 1. Most affected children were asymptomatic with no urinary findings. Patients with urinary stones exhibited lower urine pH and serum HCO3 — than those in the healthy children, whereas for serum uric acid, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and anion gap the opposite trends were observed. The stone diameter ranged from 2 mm to 18 mm with a median of 6.
Multiple stones were noted in all patients. After 1 week of conservative management, stone diameters of 38 cases Among them, urinary stones were discharged completely in 21 affected children Conclusions The short-term outcome of melamine-linked urinary stones is satisfactory. Some of the threats to internal validity that arise when evaluating the impact of water conservation programs during a drought are illustrated. These include differential response to the drought, self-selection bias, and measurement error. How to deal with these problems when high-quality disaggregate data are available is discussed.
The Google news effect: Many factors influence a mother's decision to breastfeed. We investigated whether the melamine scandal involving infant formula influenced the decision to breastfeed. News of the melamine scandal was revealed in September and rapidly spread via the Internet. We illustrate that this scandal significantly and rapidly impacted the pattern of newborn feeding among Chinese women who delivered at a hospital in the eastern district of Paris.
This area is home to one of the largest groups of Chinese people in France. Numerous patients utilize the Internet to access medical information, and these findings highlight the Internet's role in the healthcare equation. As part of a larger study examining the effects of the design of the off-street sex industry on sex worker's health and safety practices, eight sex work experts who had experience as sex workers and as advocates and service providers were interviewed to garner their community engagement expertise in shaping the research. During narrative interviews, these experts discussed how stigma influenced their personal lives and their social justice work among sex workers.
Their insights into stigma are unique to the literature because our experts simultaneously confronted direct instances of stigma that were a part of their personal and professional lives, sometimes concealing their sex work histories during the course of their professional support and advocacy work. As a result of this concealment, and because of how sex workers are sometimes mistreated, experts experienced stigma vicariously indirectly when their own sex work histories were not apparent. As a result of these experiences, participants became proficient at managing discrediting information about themselves when in the presence of those they mistrusted.
They supported sex workers through stigmatising ordeals by using knowledge gained from these intersecting direct and vicarious experiences stigma, continuously building capacity within themselves and among other sex workers to resist stigma. The detection limit and precision of radioactive cesium measurement in beef by gamma-ray spectrometry with a germanium semiconductor detector were evaluated. Beef is heterogeneous, containing muscle and complex fat layers. Depending on the sampled parts, the measurement value is variable.
Many taxa, from plants to zooplankton, produce long-lasting dormant propagules capable of temporal dispersal. In some cases, propagules can persist for decades or even centuries before emerging from seed and egg banks. Despite impressive longevity, relatively little is known about how the chemical environment experienced before or during dormancy affects the fate and performance of individuals. This study examines the hatching rate and developmental success of Daphnia hatched from diapausing eggs isolated from sediments from four lakes that experienced varying levels of metal contamination.
Two hundred seventy-three animals were hatched from lake sediments deposited over the past century. Hatching rate was negatively influenced by metal contamination and sediment age. There was a robust positive relationship between sediment metal concentrations and juvenile mortality in Daphnia hatching from those sediments. The negative effect of metals on Daphnia hatching and juvenile survival may stem from metal bioaccumulation, genetic effects, or reduced maternal investment in diapausing embryos. Regardless of the specific mechanism driving this trend, exposure to metals may impose strong selection on Daphnia diapausing egg banks.
Despite the increasing prevalence of ethnic diversity, findings regarding its effects on team performance remain contradictory. We suggest that past inconsistencies can be reconciled by examining the joint impact of leader behavior and leader categorization tendencies in ethnically diverse teams. We propose that leaders who exhibit high levels of visionary leader behavior and also have the tendency to categorize their team members into in- and out-groups will facilitate a negative effect of ethnic diversity on team communication and financial performance, whereas leaders who exhibit visionary behaviors but do not tend to categorize will lead ethnically diverse teams to positive outcomes.
We find support for these ideas in a study of retail outlets. Paradoxes of an assimilation politics: Canadian media discourses on gay men's sexuality and political inclusion serve as a rich site for understanding current tensions in debates on sexual citizenship under biopolitical regimes. This paper addresses how public health reporting in one health news media source, Canada's leading newspaper The Globe and Mail, discursively produced contiguous understandings of the moral, social and biological dimensions of gay male subjectivity and sexuality within the context of HIV risk discourses.
Specifically, we critically examine the newspaper's coverage of what constitutes the public good when national blood supplies are at stake. Our analysis reveals a profound dichotomy in which gay men - as sexual subjects and subjects of rights - are recalibrated following the political and economic investments of bourgeoisie communities of interest. However encompassing the securing of legal social rights might be, gay men's sexuality is resistant to a reformatting under a heteronormative regulatory regime, as the social traumas caused by HIV continue to cast a shadow on sexual behaviours that purportedly risk leakage of contamination into the body politic.
Low uptake affinity cultivars with biochar to tackle Cd- tainted rice--A field study over four rice seasons in Hunan, China. Biochar is becoming an environmentally friendly material for remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils and improving food safety. A field trial over four rice seasons was conducted to investigate the use of biochar and low Cd accumulating cultivars on Cd uptake in a heavy metal contaminated soil. Wheat straw derived biochar was applied at 0, 20 and 40 t ha Two rice cultivars with differing Cd accumulation abilities were selected in each season.
The results showed that both biochar and low Cd affinity cultivars significantly reduced rice grain Cd accumulation. Biochar was more effective for mitigating grain Cd accumulation in low Cd affinity cultivars than in high affinity cultivars. It indicated that the management of combining biochar and low Cd affinity cultivars should be an efficient way to remediate Cd contaminated rice paddies and reduce health risk associated with consuming rice from these soils.
Islam is characterized as an extremely homophobic religion, which strictly forbids the union of two people of the same sex. This belief causes an immeasurable amount of strain and anxiety for lesbians because their feelings, desires, and emotions are considered "unnatural" and aberrant. The homophobic Islamic model of homosexuality thus celebrates heteronormative performances of gender and sexuality. In the present study, the issue of how religious identity interplays with sexual identity is examined.
Using data gained from online interviews with five Muslim lesbians, the article considers whether the women are able to create their lesbian identity within a discourse that negates their sexual orientation. Their lives as Muslim lesbians produces a unique intersection where religion and sexuality converge, yet they are forced apart by religiously sanctioned homophobia, preventing them from exploring and expressing their sexuality.
The article further examines whether Islam is a source upon which the women draw strength to understand their sexuality and to cope with being in the closet. Despite being members of Imaan, a Muslim LGBT lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender support group, the women continue to experience a significant degree of conflict. A reconciliation of faith with their sexuality is undermined by an unrelenting and intolerant religious attitude toward homosexuality. The South African coloured identity is a profoundly complex construction that, on the one hand, is interpreted as an ambiguous and "in-between" identity and, on the other hand, its own ambiguity and complexity provides multiple means and strategies of production and articulation within various contexts.
This dissertation seeks to examine…. System suitability was evaluated by determining the correlation between skatole concentrations in a subset of 38 paired meat juice and back fat samples selected from 90 fattened boars. High correlation was observed between both matrices and conclusions about the partitioning of skatole as well as of androstenone between fat and lean compartments in vivo were drawn. Federal Register , , , , This rule is effective May 13, Pigs should be slaughtered no earlier than 3 weeks and no later than 10 weeks after the second Natural cork stoppers with sensory deviations other than the typical cork taint were subgrouped according to their sensory descriptions and compared with unaffected control cork stoppers.
The assessment of purge and trap extracts obtained from corresponding cork soaks was performed by heart-cut multidimensional gas chromatography-olfactometry MDGC-O. The identification of compounds responsible for atypical cork taint detected in MDGC-O was further supported with additional multidimensional GC analysis in combination with mass spectrometric detection. Geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol were mainly found in cork stoppers described as moldy and cellarlike; 3-isopropylmethoxypyrazine and 3-isobutylmethoxypyrazine were found in cork stoppers described with green attributes.
Across all cork subgroups, the impact compound for typical cork taint , 2,4,6-trichloroanisole TCA , was present and is therefore a good marker for cork taint in general. Another potent aroma compound, 3,5-dimethylmethoxypyrazine MDMP , was also detected in each subgroup, obviously playing an important role with regard to the atypical cork taint. Sensory deviations possibly affecting the wine could be generated by MDMP and its presence should thus be monitored in routine quality control.
Marijuana cigarettes are dipped into or laced with other substances, typically formaldehyde, phencyclidine, or both. Inhaling smoke from these cigarettes can cause lung injuries. In both patients, progressive hypoxemic respiratory failure necessitated rescue therapy with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. After lengthy hospitalizations, both patients recovered with only mild pulmonary function abnormalities. To our knowledge, this is the first 2-patient report of severe respiratory failure and rescue therapy with extracorporeal oxygenation after the smoking of marijuana cigarettes thus tainted.
We believe that, in young adults with an unexplained presentation of severe respiratory failure, the possibility of exposure to tainted marijuana cigarettes should be considered. Clear and Present Danger. Whether the donations are from once-friendly foreign governments now scorned or from famous entrepreneurs subsequently convicted of fraud, gifts gone bad "are the kinds of things that keep every chief advancement officer awake at night.
In this commentary, we embrace their call for a more solidly scientific approach to questions in this…. N-nitrosodimethylamine NDMA is a highly toxic microcontaminant that was first detected in groundwater tainted by rocket fuel manufacturing wastes. More recently NDMA has been detected as a by-product of other industrial processes including the chlorination of treated wastewater