Yahwehs Women
Eve in Genesis 3. Eve and the Serpent 6. It is important to understand that the story told in Genesis about Eve and the serpent has a larger religious and political context which is the real historical struggle waged by the prophets of Yahweh and the indigenous Canaanite cult of Baal. Baal, who appears to have arrived in Canaan with the Phoenicians, was the son and consort of the Mother Goddess Asherah. Baal was primarily a fertility god and appears not only in the form of a man and a bull like his father 'El , but also in the form of a serpent.
By stressing through these forms his potency and virility, Baal represents the masculine element, and serves as the fertilizing, life-giving, and life-renewing aspect through whom the Mother Goddess fulfills her functions. The name Baal ba'al in Hebrew means "lord" and was an appellation applied to various manifestations of the god which were referred to in the plural as Baalim.
It is apparent that in early times the Israelites worshipped Baal as the true God. Initially the association was with Baal's father, the Canaanite god 'El, with whom Yahweh was closely related. It is has even been suggested that like 'El, Yahweh, too, had as a consort the goddess Asherah. As the cult of Yahweh developed, it drew on the myths of Baal. For example, the language used in the earliest poetic sources in which Yahweh is depicted as a divine warrior manifest is borrowed almost directly from Canaanite descriptions of the theophany of Baal as storm god.
However, as the adherents of the Yahwist sect or the "Yahweh-alone party" as one scholar has called them engaged in the struggle to establish Yahweh as the one true God, Baal became the enemy of Israel. Baal and the Baalim were represented as false pagan gods and the cult associated with idolatry. However, it is clear from the Old Testament that the cult of Baal remained popular and was not easily suppressed.
The overarching narrative of the Old Testament is the struggle of the Yahwists against Baal for religious dominance in Israel.
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Time and again the preexilic biblical prophets admonish the Israelites for worshipping Baal. Although the impression the prophets wish to convey is one of relapse from Yahwism, it is not difficult to discern the fact that the cult of Baal was well-established and widespread in ancient Palestine. In this light, much of the Old Testament can be read as an extended Yahwist propaganda tract against Baal. While this study is entitled "The Role of Women in the Body of Messiah" it is actually more than that. It is about the role of both men and women in the assembly, and in the home.
They are all related and quite inseparable. I believe Yahweh wants to give us abundant blessings in a great and mighty way but I am concerned that our cultural mindset has affected our understanding of scripture. One of the ways that our culture has affected us strongly is understanding the roles of men and women in a marriage, and in the congregation.
Today, men often behave as women and women often behave as men. I do not believe it is easy for any of us to truly be content and at peace until we appreciate and desire to fulfill the purpose Yahweh created us to fulfill. The main purpose of this study is to see what the scriptures have to say concerning the position of a woman in the family and in the assembly according to the word of Yahweh. Once a woman's purpose is understood, it quickly becomes evident what a man needs to be doing. I know that some will inevitably be scoffers of this message. One of the best ways to understand the proper role of women in the assembly is to have a good understanding of what Yahweh's intended purpose was for woman from the very beginning.
For this reason, we will spend some time examining the first couple chapters of Genesis. Adam was made in the image of Elohim. Before woman was formed, Adam was created to ' have dominion ' over all creation. But in all creation there was not found an 'help meet' for man: Note that Yahweh brought Adam the very things he was to have dominion over so that he could give names to them.
Throughout scripture, those who gave names had authority over who or what was being named. Yahweh the Father named His son "Yahushua" just as parents name their own children. So when a person received a name, it was by one who was in authority over them. Yahweh named Himself since there is none greater. Sadly though, man seeks to exalt himself by renaming him the Lord, God, Adonai, etc. Notice also that of all the animals and birds that were brought to Adam, there were none that were considered a help meet for him. At this point I would like you to i magine for a moment that you are Adam.
Longing to not be alone, you had just given names to all that was in your dominion and you sought diligently for a helper that was suitable, but found none. The next thing you know Yahweh brings you a woman whom He created out of your own flesh.
At that moment I think I would have been saying, "What an awesome gift from Yahweh! So she is to be treated as an awesome gift from Yahweh, to be loved and cherished. To love and cherish her is an act of thanksgiving to Yahweh. What a beautiful thing Yahweh has done! Now do we see any indication here that Yahweh wanted woman to have any dominion over Adam? No, she was made from Adam and Adam is the one who named her "woman" Hebrew: She was not created to be his authority figure. Rather, the purpose Yahweh had in mind when creating woman was for her to help or assist the man.
As we will see later, this is the reason why a woman is not to have authority over a man. This is her role all throughout the scriptures. She is to be loved and cherished by man in the home, and in the assembly. Every scripture which speaks of a man's and woman's role must be interpreted with this understanding as its backdrop.
In the same way a fish was made to swim in the water and a bird to fly in the heavens, woman was created to be a help and companion to man. Now imagine for a moment that you are Eve "Chawah", as Adam named her in Gen. Before Yahweh took her from Adam she did not exist. So in one moment she was nothing, and in the next moment she was. She was then brought to Adam to be a help to him. I think we can be sure that she didn't have any problem understanding her purpose.
She was created for Adam, to be a companion, to be a help and to assist him. Just as he is called to love and cherish her as the gift from Yahweh that she is, her expression of thanksgiving to Yahweh for creating her is to walk out the calling Yahweh created her to walk in. In his dominion mission, he needs support and assistance. Any successful army desiring to take dominion requires a support system behind them. Women are called to walk in the role of supporter and helper. It is an infinitely valuable, essential and important role. In this, the dominion mission becomes a mission for both men and women to accomplish togetherwith each of them fulfilling important parts of it.
Both are equipped spiritually, emotionally and in every other way If she fulfills her part, she receives equal reward Numbers Understanding this foundation will help us to understand the role of women in the body of Messiah. We can be sure that her role in the body of Messiah fits well with what she was created to do.
It is sure to be a role that is one of support, help and assistance to the man. The fall of mankind is surely the saddest story in all of scripture. The sinful and rebellious nature we struggle against every day is a result of the fall. It was this fall that has brought all of the suffering and pain in this world. It was this fall that brought Yahushua to this earth to bear our sin and suffer for us. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath Elohim said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? The serpent was first seeking to cause her to doubt Yahweh's word. She responded very well: The reason why I believe she responded very well is because she quoted Yahweh's words.
This is what Yahushua did when he was tempted by satan compare Matt 4: Now some claim that she misquoted Yahweh because we don't have a record of Yahweh saying, "neither shall ye touch" the tree, but scripture does not always record everything spoken. So Yahweh could have told them at some point that they were not to "touch" the tree either.
We all know where touching it would lead anyway. This is the first lie recorded in scripture. This lie deceived Eve into believing that if she would eat from the tree, she would be "as elohim, knowing good and evil". The temptation was that she could rise up out of the place Yahweh created her to be, and be just like Yahweh Himself. The "subtle" implication from the serpent was that Yahweh had only forbidden her from eating that tree because He didn't want her to be like Him, the "Most High".
So this temptation was not only an attempt to get Eve to rise up out of the place Yahweh created her to be, but it was also an attack on the integrity of Yahweh's word. It is an imitation of satan himself to exalt yourself and seek to be "like the Most High" Isaiah Today, with the "women's lib" movement and world view, women have again fallen prey to the temptation of rising up out of the place Yahweh created her to be.
So Eve's response to this temptation was to look at the fruit with her eyes, and after noticing that it was good for food and what she thought it would do for her, she took the fruit and ate. As we know, it did not give her what she had hoped. She was greatly deceived! Now let's not fall prey to the idea that this was just a cute little story about the beginning of creation.
This is what brought the world into the awful condition it is today! Think of all the sin you have read, heard about or experienced yourself. The most heinous crimes imaginable are here because of this one decision. Notice also that she " gave also unto her husband with her , and he did eat ". So Adam was right there with her while all of this was going on! Adam failed to exercise his authority and take the lead in this situation. I think He could have said, "Eve, let's get out of here" or at least quote Yahweh's words as Yahushua did when he was tempted.
But instead he went ahead and ate the fruit when she handed it to him. Why did he eat the fruit? Was he deceived also? As we will see, Adam was not deceived but he simply chose to do what he knew was wrong. Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. Notice the two different responses. Eve said that the serpent 'beguiled' deceived her, but Adam just said that the woman gave her the fruit and he ate it. So the serpent was cursed and Yahweh predicted the seed of satan would ultimately bruise the heel of the woman's seed.
But in light of the fact that man also has a role in begetting children, why was this promise given to the woman instead of the man? We do know that Yahushua was born of a woman but because of the virgin birth He had Yahweh as His Father. And while Adam failed to exercise his dominion over the serpent, Yahushua would overcome the serpent's temptations and not yield, though He would be wounded in the process.
Therefore, Yahushua is worthy to receive all power and authority Matt We who are in Messiah again have authority over the serpent because while he may be the ruler of this world, we are part of a greater kingdom and have a greater King! We who are in Messiah will likewise triumph if we participate in His death and resurrection: For if we died with Him, We shall also live with Him. If we deny Him, He also will deny us. But those who do not choose this way will continue in their sins and are considered children of the devil: For this purpose the Son of Elohim was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.
Whosoever is born of Elohim doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: The evidence of one being a child of Yahweh versus a child of the devil is whether or not a person is doing righteousness. As mothers and fathers, we want to bear children who are children of Elohim. This is Yahweh's will for marriage. This is why Yahushua warned so strongly about offending the little ones or putting a stumbling block in their path. Both men and women are capable of being a stumbling block to this goal being reached.
Thus, it is written: You cover the altar of Yahweh with tears, With weeping and crying; So He does not regard the offering anymore, Nor receive it with goodwill from your hands. He seeks godly offspring Hebrew: Therefore take heed to your spirit, And let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth. A man dealing treacherously with this wife by divorcing her is a hindrance to Yahweh's desire of having a "Seed of Elohim" as these verses declare.
Today's divorce rate accompanied with hurting and weeping children is indeed evidence of that. In scripture, a man's role is compared to that of Messiah and a woman's role is compared to the role of the assembly, His bride. Together, they are to bear children for the purposes of having a 'seed of Elohim' that will build the kingdom of Yahweh and destroy the works of the devil. When either one fails to fulfill the role they were created to be in, it is a hindrance to their children being the 'seed of Elohim' that Yahweh desires. Getting back to Genesis, we see that the woman was predicted to bear the seed that would destroy the works of the devil.
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But Yahweh says she will bring forth children in sorrow, and in case any might think that her lofty goal was successful in any way, Yahweh clarifies that she will still be under her husband's authority rather than being "like Elohim" as satan claimed. Yahweh punished Adam because he " hearkened listened unto the voice of his wife ".
So it was the act of Adam obeying her voice that also brought this world into its current state. Man was created to lead and have dominion. Woman was created to be a help to Adam. It was her decision to take the lead that resulted in the fall of man. Again, this is no small thing! To save us from this poor decision, Yahweh had to send His only begotten Son into the world and Yahushua endured a tremendous amount of grief, pain and suffering to redeem us back to righteousness again.
The message in Genesis is clear. Woman was not created to lead man. And as we will see later, this is why she is to be submissive and this is why she is to "learn in silence" rather than taking a leadership role in the body of Messiah. In light of the above, it is understandable why men have the power to overrule the words of his daughter or wife But if her father overrules her on the day that he hears, then none of her vows nor her agreements by which she has bound herself shall stand; and Yahweh will release her, because her father overruled her.
If indeed she takes a husband, while bound by her vows or by a rash utterance from her lips by which she bound herself, and her husband hears [it], and makes no response to her on the day that he hears, then her vows shall stand, and her agreements by which she bound herself shall stand. But if her husband overrules her on the day that he hears [it], he shall make void her vow which she took and what she uttered with her lips, by which she bound herself, and Yahweh will release her.
Also any vow of a widow or a divorced woman, by which she has bound herself, shall stand against her. If she vowed in her husband's house, or bound herself by an agreement with an oath, and her husband heard [it], and made no response to her [and] did not overrule her, then all her vows shall stand, and every agreement by which she bound herself shall stand.
But if her husband truly made them void on the day he heard [them], then whatever proceeded from her lips concerning her vows or concerning the agreement binding her, it shall not stand; her husband has made them void, and Yahweh will release her. Every vow and every binding oath to afflict her soul, her husband may confirm it, or her husband may make it void.
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It must be understood clearly that it is Yahweh's will for the man to be the voice of the family. Just as in the garden of Eden, his mere silence can mean a lot! If the wife had done anything even an oath to Yahweh that wasn't according to the husband's will, then the husband was given the authority to overrule it. The authority of a father over a daughter is on even par with the authority of the husband over a wife. So it is the position of the wife, as directed by the will of Yahweh, to be subject to her husband and her husband has the right to reverse and overrule her words and decisions, even if it were an oath to Yahweh.
I realize that this is quite foreign to our culture and the way little girls are raised today, but no matter how far our culture strays from the scriptures, it does not change the scriptures. Yahweh does not need to change because Yahweh is not wrong, it is man who is wrong. To resist or scoff at this notion as some do today is to resist and scoff at Yahweh's will.
The principle here is entirely consistent with the way Yahweh created man and woman. This word that is translated "husband" is the Hebrew word "Bah'al" which according to Strong's Lexicon means "Master, hence a husband or fig.

Here is one example: Here the word Bah'al is used when describing how a man would "own" an ox. We can dismiss this on "culture" all we want, but when Yahweh brought the children of Israel out of Egypt the world , He was establishing a new culture. He was establishing a culture that pleased Him. This is the will and word of Yahweh. This is why it is so important that a woman have a righteous husband who will treat her with respect, dignity and honor!
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Young women, take note! Choose the husband that Yahweh chooses for you. When a man married a virgin, he had to pay a 'bride-price' to her father to cover his losses. As we examined earlier, Yahushua is often referred to as the "bridegroom" and the assembly is called the "bride". Yahushua bought us with His life: Therefore, we see that the husband is the owner of the wife just as the bride of Messiah is owned by the Messiah.
These things establish the extent of a man's authority over a woman.
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The reason I have brought these things up is because our modern society does not recognize these things and we have a mindset that we need to rid ourselves of. We need to let our worldview and our understanding of a man's and woman's role to be the same as Yahweh's. Some claim that in the "New Testament", a woman is "liberated" and she can now take on the leadership role in the body of Messiah. Furthermore, some claim that woman is now equal in authority to a man in marriage.
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But are there any "new testament" scriptures which would contradict the role and position of women in the Tanakh or so called "Old Testament"? To the contrary, here is one of many that support this same role: For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in Yahweh also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him master, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.
Here we see a "new testament" scripture which clearly demonstrates that a woman should be looking to women of "Former times" as examples of how to live. Notice that women are instructed to not be afraid when they submit to their husbands. Fear is what drives many women to try their hand at overthrowing her husband's decisions by striving, contending, and arguing with them. Generally, the fear is that a husband's decision will result in an unpleasant circumstance. In fact, Yahweh doesn't promise that women will not endure any unpleasant circumstances when we submit to Him!
Rather, look at what Yahushua went through and remember that He is our example of how to respond to unpleasant circumstances: By humbly, quietly trusting in Yahweh. Sarah trusted in Yahweh when she submitted to her husband's decision to tell everyone she was his sister. As a result, she ended up in the harem of a king but Yahweh intervened and delivered her unharmed. Abraham and Sarah walked away from that incident with abundant possessions. Read about it in Genesis In the verses we read above, Sarah called her husband "master", or "Adon" if you look it up in the Hebrew.
Notice also that it says "Sarah obeyed Abraham". The word "Obeyed" here in 1Pet 3: And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! So we can see that the word "Submissive" is equated with "Obeying". The women are to be submissive just as Sarah obeyed Abraham and the wind and water obeyed Yahushua. This is the example that women are called to follow in the "new testament". The man is still in authority. Keeping this in mind, there are many other scriptures that are very clear about women needing to be in submission and therefore obedient to their husbands: According to this verse, if a woman decided not to obey her husband in a matter then she would give occasion for the word of Yahweh to be blasphemed!
The word translated "Blasphemed" means "to malign or bring reproach". We ought to be magnifying the word of Yahweh rather than bringing reproach and blasphemy upon it through our behavior. Why as to Yahweh? If he refuses to lead, he will be held accountable. Adam's failure to lead contributed to the fall of man. Did his excuse, "The woman that you gave me" work? Men should rise up and take their place that Yahweh has given them as the leader of their home and as leaders in the assembly.
This does not mean "control everyone. Perhaps you feel inadequate. But you weren't given the authority because you were so smart or so perfect. Josiah's grandfather Manasseh had erected one such statue 2 Kings Further evidence includes, for example, an 8th-century combination of iconography and inscriptions discovered at Kuntillet Ajrud in the northern Sinai desert [17] where a storage jar shows three anthropomorphic figures and several inscriptions.
For example, she is found under trees 1K Trees described as being an asherah or part of an asherah include grapevines , pomegranates , walnuts , myrtles , and willows Danby: Some scholars have found an early link between Asherah and Eve, based upon the coincidence of their common title as "the mother of all living" in Genesis 3: Asherah poles , which were sacred trees or poles, are mentioned many times in the Hebrew Bible.
The Asherah pole was prohibited by the Deuteronomic Code which commanded "You shall not plant any tree as an Asherah beside the altar of the Lord your God". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the small research submarine, see Asherah submarine. Mythology portal Ancient Near East portal.
The Triumph of the Elohim: From Yahwisms to Judaisms.