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During this time the society experienced its greatest success, and Besant made it welcome in India by her support of Indian nationalism and her founding of numerous schools. She traveled and lectured widely and authored numerous books and articles, which contain useful introductions to theosophical belief. Impressed by the aura he perceived from Jiddu Krishnamurti — , an obscure Indian youth, Leadbeater convinced Besant that Krishnamurti was the coming World Teacher, the messianic figure proclaimed by the Esoteric Section.
Besant educated and promoted Krishnamurti and in the s toured the world with him, but in Krishnamurti suddenly resigned from his designated role and broke with the society. Membership plunged, and the organization never returned to its earlier strength.
Krishnamurti began a career as an independent writer and teacher. In he made the first of several annual tours through India, the United States, and Europe, where his books and lectures became quite popular; he also founded several schools. His teachings are preserved and disseminated by the Krishnamurti Foundation, which has branches throughout the world. Despite its relatively small membership, the Theosophical Society has been very influential.

The society not only pioneered the promotion of Eastern thought in the West but also inspired the creation of more than esoteric religious movements, including the Alice Bailey movement Arcane School , the I Am movement , the Church Universal and Triumphant , and the Liberal Catholic Church. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind.
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Hume had joined the Theosophical Society in , as had many young Indians, who found in theosophy a movement most flattering to Indian civilization. The foundation aimed to preserve and popularize bharata natyam and other Indian traditions as well as to spread the ideals of theosophy. Reexamination of the universe Indian nationalist movement In India: Origins of the nationalist movement Jewish mysticism In Judaism: Nature and characteristics system of Sufism In Sufism: The Catholic Encyclopedia - Theosophy.
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Theosophical Society
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Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Other Words from theosophy Did You Know? Example Sentences Learn More about theosophy. Examples of theosophy in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web This may have been the nerdiest moment in American politics since Henry Wallace wandered into theosophy. Pierce, Esquire , "We Were Close to a Eureka Moment During James Comey's Testimony," 8 June These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'theosophy. First Known Use of theosophy , in the meaning defined at sense 1.
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