The Imperative Mood
Imperative mood - Wikipedia
No, you wait another 10 minutes. Imperative Addressed to a Group of People In some situations, we must speak to a clearly-defined group of people.
In that case, we can use words like somebody , everybody , and all. Somebody call an ambulance. Everybody sit down, please. Do come and visit us next time. Do help yourselves to the buffet! All of these phrases, which you will definitely find very useful, are taken from an ABA English video class.
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Imperatives in English: how are they used?
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- 5. Imperative Mood.
- The Imperative Mood in English | ABA English.
- A Nova Era Digital - Reformulando o Futuro das Pessoas, das Nações e da Economia (Portuguese Edition).
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The Imperative in English
Continue Find out more. Moods In grammar, mood is used to refer to a verb category or form which indicates whether the verb expresses a fact the indicative mood , a command the imperative mood , a question the interrogative mood , a condition the conditional mood , or a wish or possibility the subjunctive mood.
The indicative mood The form of a verb that is used to express statements of fact: Whales are mammals, not fish. She liked Jack as soon as she met him. The imperative mood The imperative is used in commands and instructions.
Imperative mood
The interrogative mood This mood is used to ask questions. Interrogatives are formed by adding an auxiliary verb to another verb, with the auxiliary verb typically being placed before the subject: Where have they gone? The subjunctive mood The subjunctive mood is used to express a wish or possibility. The subjunctive is typically found in rather formal English constructions with that and with verbs such as suggest , demand , insist , ask , recommend , etc.: