The Ghostly and the Ghosted in Literature and Film: Spectral Identities
A graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi, he spent thirty years in the Mississippi State Park system as park ranger, park assistant manager, park manager, and district manager. She is the author of Transit of Empire: Indigenous Critiques of Colonialism Currently, she is completing a monograph titled Red States: She is also coproducer of the documentary film Uneasy Remains, which examines the history of the collection and study of indigenous human remains within the University of California system.
He is now contributing to the Digital Yoknapatawpha project.
He is the author of American Metempsychosis: Currently, she is working on a book project for McFarland Publishers about voodoo aesthetics. She has published articles on Faulkner and African American literature, and she has an article forthcoming in the Faulkner and Hurston collection.
She also works on the Digital Yoknapatawpha web project. Author of Creek Country: The European Invasion and the Transformation of the Mississippian World, —, she has also coedited three scholarly collections on the ethnohistory of southeastern Indians and is coeditor in chief of the journal Native South.
A former editor and projects officer at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, she is the author of Choctaw Genesis — and Practicing Ethnohistory: He wrote his dissertation on the representation of homosexuality in the works of William Faulkner and has published on Faulkner and Alice Walker.
He has a forthcoming essay in the Journal of Popular Culture on representations of bullying and teen suicide in recent LGBT narratives. His Living in Mississippi: The Life and Times of Evans Harrington is forthcoming from the same press.

Her many books include two novels, Shell Shaker and Miko Kings: American Indians and Film He is the author or editor of seven books, including Calypso Magnolia: The Crosscurrents of Caribbean and Southern Literature Meyers is an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Mississippi, where she joined the faculty in She is the coeditor of Archaeological Perspectives of the Southern Appalachians: A Multiscalar Perspective The Big Book of Canadian Hauntings. Encounters between the Living and the Dead in Ancient Greece.
Spectres of the Self: Thinking about Ghosts and Ghost-seeing in England, The Japanese Ghost Survival Guide.
The Ghostly and the Ghosted in Literature and Film
The Ghostly and the Ghosted in Literature and Film: Spectrality in the Novels of Toni Morrison. Note that if any of these links fail to work, we put all the blame on the Ghost in the Machine. Looking for a specific resource? Popular Services Research Assistance. Help with Citing Sources. Expand search box Collapse search box.