The Adventures Of Donkey Tom Volume 1: Turn Around Day
It tells the story of Gideon and how he led his people to victory using pots as weapons of war with the help of God. It tells the story of Samson's birth , the story of his betrayal by Delilah and how he regains his strength to fulfil one last mission by God. The birth of Jesus. It narrates numerous events in Jesus' life such as: The finding of the lost year-old Jesus at the temple in Jerusalem ; The baptism of Jesus by John The Baptist ; The wedding at Cana ; The healing of the paralytic in the bed ; The Sermon at the Mount ; The multiplication of the loaves ; and Jesus walks on the water and helps Peter to do the same.
The death and resurrection of Jesus. It tells the story of how Ruth became the wife of Boaz ; and her mother Naomi. It tells the story of how Satan challenges Job about his character, integrity and faith in God. It tells the story of how Jonah was swallowed by a whale after trying to avoid God's order of preaching repentance to the people of Nineveh.
It tells the story of the prophet Samuel and his anointing of Israel's first king, Saul. It tells the story of David. It includes the killing of Goliath ; his anointment as the next King of Israel by Samuel; his friendship with Jonathan ; and how he eludes King Saul's attempts on his life. It tells the story of how Solomon is anointed as the next King of Israel; how God granted him great wisdom ; the building of the temple where the Ark of the Covenant was placed; and the meeting between him and the Queen of Sheba.
It tells the story of how Elijah was challenged to prove God's existence over the existence of Baal by setting fire to stone. It tells the story of how Elisha helped cure General Naaman of Syria and how he helped the Israelites win the war against the Syrians. It tells the story of how Daniel escapes death after being placed in the lion's den by King Darius.
It tells the story of how Nehemiah led the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and the purification of the Israelite people. It tells the story of Queen Esther and how she stood up for her people as well as her adopted father cousin Mordecai. It tells the story of the conversion of Saul into becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ and his rise as the Apostle Paul. The series premiere wherein Ruffles gets sucked into the newly "computerized" Superbook. Uri and Gizmo start their search by going back into Ancient times.
God tells Abram, who was later renamed as Abraham, that he is going to become the "father of many nations, but his numerous descendants would become a great, special, and powerful nation that would take possession of Canaan and would bless all the nations of the world. Abraham is praised by Melchizedek , the king of Salem, but does not take anything from Bera , the king of Sodom. However, the Lord promises to spare Abraham's nephew Lot , who is still living in the wicked city of Sodom.
During the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and his daughters escape from Sodom. Lot's wife dies by being turned into a pillar of salt after looking back while Sodom is being destroyed. Three travelers two of them angels while another God Himself visit Abraham and Sarah that tell them that they are going to have a son and they are going to name him Isaac. But upon seeing his faith, God stops him and gives him a ram to do otherwise. God then tells Abraham that his descendants will become too numerous to count, they will be set apart to God, they will become a great and powerful nation, they will be enslaved and oppressed in a foreign land but freed by God, they will take possession of Canaan and the cities of their enemies, the Savior of the world will come from them, and all the nations of the world will be blessed by them.
Abraham tells his servant to find a wife for Isaac in Haran. At that place, the servant finds Rebekah. Later, Isaac and Rebekah fall in love upon seeing each other and get married. The story of Jacob and his twelve sons particularly Joseph, who happens to be his father's favorite. Also, it narrates how Joseph was sold by his brothers as a slave in Egypt.
The story of the rise of Joseph as he becomes vizier of Egypt from being a slave. Also, it narrates how Joseph was put into prison and how he interpreted dreams for his fellow prisoners and the Pharaoh.
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The interpretation of Joseph's dream comes true as Egypt experiences seven years of prosperity and seven years of famine. Joseph, the current vizier of Egypt, meets his brothers when they ask Egypt for food and he asks them to bring Benjamin with them next time. Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers. Also, he gets reunited with his father, Jacob. But everything happened after Joseph made a plan to test his brothers by placing a silver cup in Benjamin's sack and accusing him of theft. It ends with Jacob and his family settling in the land of Goshen in Egypt , Jacob's death, and the brothers' oath to bring Joseph's bones to buried when they leave Egypt and go to the land of Canaan.
A new Pharaoh comes to power and out of fear enslaves the Israelites. When the slavery only increases the Israelite population, the cruel Pharaoh gives a terrible order to his men that all Israelite babies are to be drowned in the Nile River. The Pharaoh's daughter finds a Israelite baby placed in a basket and names him Moses.
Miriam offers her services to become the nurse of the baby. Moses grows up as a part of the royal family but later escapes from Egypt into the land of the Midianites after murdering an Egyptian, who happens to have beaten an Israelite slave. Moses settles in Midian as a shepherd and marries a woman named Zipporah the daughter of Jethro the Midianite and has two sons named Gershom and Elizar.
Years pass while Moses is in Midian and the old Pharaoh dies and his son succeeds him, while only making the Israelites work even harder. God talks to Moses in the burning bush in the land of Midianites and gives him instructions to return to Egypt and talk to the new Pharaoh to free the Israelites. He takes Aaron with him. The new Pharaoh becomes stubborn as he refuses to follow Moses. Also, Moses clashes with the Pharaoh's magicians. Then, plagues starts to happen to Egypt as the river turns into blood , frogs come up on the land , gnats infest everything , flies are everywhere, the cattle die , boils come on the Egyptians' skin , hailstones mixed with fire come hurling down, locusts eat the crops , and darkness covers all Egypt.
But in each of these, Israel is not affected by the Nine Plagues. Finally, the Pharaoh agrees to let the Israelites go after many first born sons were killed including his by the Angel of Death, the Tenth and Final Plague. The episode also includes the parting of the Red Sea when the Pharaoh and his chariots chased the Israelites after changing his mind.
The story of journey of the Israelites towards the Promised Land that includes the following: Moses appoints Joshua as the new leader of the Israelites as they continue their journey towards the Promised Land — the bronze serpent , Balaam and the ass and the blessing of Moses. It also includes the Battle of Jericho, the enormous walled city that Joshua eventually defeats and conquers.
In the end, the Israelites finally reach the land of milk and honey and kill all the people living in the Promised Land — the Canaanites , Amorites , Hittites , Perizzites , Jebusites , Hivitites , Girgushites, and other heathen "ites" who do evil in the land of milk and honey. Othniel , the first of many Judges , was sent by God to deliver them from Chushan-Rishathaim , the king of the Canaanites and the ruler of Mesopotamia. It narrates how he led them to a successful battle by calling out to God and how he was rewarded with the hand of Achsah , the daughter of Caleb, for his victory. Ehud , a judge sent by God, leads the Israelites and delivers them from the Moabites.
He also kills King Eglon who was a very fat man with a double-edged sword by concealing it on his right thigh being left handed. Deborah , a prophetess and a female judge, is sent by God to deliver Israel from the Canaanites. She summoned Barak to become the commander of her army and led the Israelites to overcome the armies from Canaan led by King Jabin and Sisera , their military commander. Jephthah , a judge sent by God, was tasked with leading the Israelites and delivering them from the Ammonites. Before the battle, he made a vow to God about sacrificing the first thing to meet him should he return in triumph.
It turned out to be his daughter and his only child. Later, he fights and defeats the jealous Ephraimites. This tells the story of how Samuel became a judge and prophet of God. Hannah prayed to God and asked for a child. She gave birth to a son and called him Samuel.
She offered him to be of service to God and he undergoes training under Eli , who is a judge in Israel. One important part in this story is when God speaks to Samuel and tells him of the judgment about to come on Eli's house because of his two corrupt sons. It also tells the story of how the Israelites were able to recapture the Ark of the Covenant from the Philistines. After their obedience to Samuel, the Israelites defeated the Philistines.
Also, he selects Saul and anoints him to become the first King of Israel after the people asked Samuel for a king. Then, King Saul leads the Israelites after their war against the Philistines begins once again. Samuel selects another king of Israel with God's guidance after he becomes displeased with King Saul.
He particularly selects Jesse's youngest son, David, who works as a shepherd. Also, King Saul calls for David to play the harp for him and became friends with the king's children, Jonathan and Michal. The Israelites and the Philistines go into war which particularly features the battle between David and Goliath, the giant from Gath who is the champion of the Philistines. David kills Goliath and gains popularity among the Israelites. King Saul becomes jealous of David's greater popularity among the Israelites.
Then David leads the Israelites to another big victory against the Philistines and acquires Michal's hand in marriage as a reward.
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King Saul tries to kill David but his best friend, Jonathan, helps him escape from the palace. King Saul continues to harbour feelings of envy towards David so he and his soldiers continue to pursue him. But in the end, the king and his son, Jonathan, are killed in their battle against the Philistines. After their death, David becomes the king of Israel and rules them for thirty-three years. While ruling, King David captures the city of Jerusalem , once held by the Jebusites. King David, however, commits the sin of adultery with Bathsheba and the sin of pride with the census.
But God is merciful and makes a promise to David that one from his line will reign as king forever and his kingdom will have no end. The story of King Solomon and his great wisdom. It also narrates how he makes judgement about two women arguing and claiming to be the mother of a baby; and when the Queen of Sheba visits him.
Fall Children’s Sneak Previews
Athaliah the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel , the sister of Ahaziah and Joram , her brothers, the sons of Ahab and Jezebel was Queen of Judah and she was known for her wickedness. Queen Athlaiah practiced idolatry, she had her husband King Jehoram of Judah lead the nation of Judah to evil and cruelty, and ordered the death of the entire extended family of her son King Ahaziah of Judah to put a stop on the worship of God.
However, one grandson named Joash was rescued and raised in secret by the priest Jehoiada. After six years, Jehoiada led a revolt to overthrow Queen Athaliah and the seven-year-old Joash became the new King of Judah. The story of King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah.
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It narrates how the Israelites were able to free themselves from the Assyrians and the miraculous recovery of King Hezekiah from his illness and Hezekiah's rash display of the wealth in Jerusalem to the Babylonian ambassadors. The prophet Isaiah tells Hezekiah because he has done this, the Babylonians will one day conquer Jerusalem and take everyone and everything away.
Also, it is the final episode as Uri and Gizmo find Ruffles. The new trio — Chris, Joy, and Gizmo — find themselves at the Creation of the Earth and witness the glory of Heaven , the fall of Lucifer , Adam and Eve , and even the fall of man. Superbook then brings them back home before Satan the Devil , starts making Earth his kingdom and they apologize for sneak peeking at their father's, a brilliant scientist's, work. Superbook takes the Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to these biblical places to teach them wise lessons that they will use in life.
Chris, Joy, and Gizmo are transported to the time of where Abraham's faith in God tested. Superbook then brings the kids home and they learn to keep their faith strong no matter what happens. Ruffles makes a cameo appearance at the end of this episode. Chris, Joy and Gizmo are teleported back in time to the period the Israelites where enslaved at the Egyptians' hands , how God chose Moses to save Israel , confrontation of Moses to the Pharaoh , the Ten Plagues , the Passover , and the aprting of the Red Sea. Superbook takes them back home and they learn to follow the Lord completely.
Joy, Chris, and Gizmo are taken back in time to the exodus of the Israelites and they witness the Israelites' food: Superbook brings them home and they learn to honor God by keeping his laws. Gizmo, Joy, and Chris are transported to the time when they witness Samuel 's prophecy and David killing Goliath. Superbook teleports the kids back home where Chris has the courage to play guitar in front of a large crowd just as David had the courage to face a large enemy.
When Chris finds it difficult to stand up for a boy harassed by a school bully , he, Joy, and Gizmo are transported to the time of Daniel who was under the reign of King Darius.
They witness three shrewd advisers planning to get rid of Daniel, King Darius agreeing to their plan, Daniel being thrown into the lion's den , and ultimately Daniel being spared from his fate. Chris then learns that it is important to stand up for the right even at the risk of your life and confronts the school bully to stop picking on the school boy.

At Christmas Eve , when Chris thinks that the holiday of Christmas time is just about getting presents , Joy, and Gizmo are taken to the birth of Jesus by His parents , Mary and Joseph , and witness the shepherds arriving at the manger and the three wise men from the East coming to greet the new King with gifts. Instead, it is about giving and whate God gave to the world: Satan the Devil appears in every scene and is watching Jesus. He declares that he and Jesus are far from through and that their battle has only begun.
Satan the Devil is shown possessing Judas and watching as Judas betrays Jesus to the Pharisees and Sadducees who hate the Lord very much. Satan the Devil is seen watching Judas betray Jesus in the garden and is seen gloating over Jesus' death not knowing his reign over Earth had ended. When a bad teen comes into Chris' life and Chris doesn't believe that there is hope for such a punk such as the kid, he, Joy, and Gizmo travel back to the time where the disciples of Jesus are being persecuted by sinister Saul of Tarsus.
They witness Saul hunting down all Christians , Saul going to Damascus , Jesus appearing to Saul in a blinding light and Ananias restoring Saul's sight. Chris then learns that if an evil man like Saul can be changed that a rebellious teen can surely be changed and so Chris befriends the young kid. Case 3 by Trisha Speed Shaskan, illus. Millbrook takes a spin with The Ghostly Carousel: Postcards from an Octopus by Irene Latham, illus. Bell, featuring a mother and father expressing their infinite love for their child.
Toalson, a free-verse historical novel focused on a family dealing with loss during the desegregation strife that took place in Houston, Tex. Little, Brown logs on for Code Girls: Henry Holt signs, seals, and delivers the season with Dear Heartbreak by Heather Demetrios, pairing personal letters from teens and advice from popular YA authors; Lost in the Library by Josh Funk, illus. Edison, Westinghouse, Tesla, and the Race to Light the World by Michael Winchell, an account of the scientific competition to bring the power of electricity to the world; Potato Pants!
Priddy Books spells it out with the following early concept books by Roger Priddy: A First Sensory Book. Flash Point salutes Jack Montgomery: Gallantry on the Beaches of Anzio and Ryan Pitts: David Macaulay Studio weighs anchor with Crossing on Time: Armentrout, first in a series featuring the secretive world of the alien Luxen; and A Screaming in the Mind by Julia Keller, a standalone sequel to The Dark Intercept , in which Violet discovers that The Intercept, the emotional surveillance device thought to have been destroyed, is still running—and in the hands of a killer.
Wednesday Books welcomes Sadie by Courtney Summers, a novel about a missing girl on a journey of revenge, and a Serial -like podcast that follows the clues she's left behind; The Lost Map of Chaos by Laura Burns and Melinda Metz, a YA suspense story featuring dangerous secrets and dark mythology that threaten to destroy everything year-old Memphis holds dear; and Wind Rider by P. Cast, the third installment in the bestselling Tale of New World series. The Adventures of Anatole by Nancy Willard, illus. Orca tunes in for On the News: Ways of Understanding Death by Merrie-Ellen Wilcox, examining the history, beliefs, and customs surrounding death in cultures around the world; My Life as a Diamond by Jenny Manzer, in which a talented baseball player has a secret—he used to live life as a girl; The Night the Forest Came to Town by Charles Ghigna, illus.
Owlkids takes in the view with Earthrise: Looking for Patterns in Nature by Patchen Barss, illus. Page Street blazes a trail with Uncharted by Erin Cashman, a contemporary fantasy that uncovers an ancient secret some would die to protect, and others would kill to expose; Home and Away by Candice Montgomery, a debut novel in which black and fabulous Tasia grapples with her identity after she learns an explosive secret; Afterimage by Naomi Hughes, a debut thriller about a girl who is the sole survivor of an explosion that kills thousands; and The Freedom Trials by Meredith Tate, following inmates who compete in seven challenges to win their freedom or die trying.
Papercutz goes prehistoric with Dinosaur Explorers, Vol. Charmz dresses up for Beauty Queen, Vol. Celebrating Animal Underdogs by Melissa Stewart, offering a look at animals who have characteristics that may seem like weaknesses, but are actually strengths; Countdown: Peachtree Petite marks the calendar for Babies in the Park: Autumn and Babies in the Park: Winter by Kathryn O.
My Life Story by Sonia Sotomayor, illus. Puffin puts it all together with Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, launching Puffin Graphic Classics, a line of graphic novel adaptations of classic works followed by the original unabridged text; and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, which helps kick off the Puffin Plated line of books pairing full-color classics with recipes contributed by celebrity chefs. Singer, the tale of a native Los Angelino who takes on an alien invasion, time travel, and heartbreak. Razorbill changes it up with Metamorphosis Nine by Heidi Lang, in which a teen girl fresh out of rehab wins a place on a dangerous near-Earth asteroid mission; Whispers in the Thunder by Tochi Onyebuchi, sequel to the fantasy-adventure Beasts Made of Night ; Seafire by Natalie C.
Warne flits into fall with tie-ins, in various formats, to the following properties: Flower Fairies , Peter Rabbit , and Spot. Penguin Workshop takes a swat at fall with Klawde 1: Penguin Young Readers is all smiles for Croc and Ally: Friends Forever by Derek Anderson, featuring a crocodile and an alligator who are best friends; and the following leveled readers: Life in the Gobi Desert by Ginjer L.
Phaidon fires up the oven for Cook in a Book: Today is George's first day at playgroup. He soon gets introduced to everybody and shows his interest in dinosaurs. Peppa breaks Mummy Pig's computer while she is working. Peppa keeps teasing George with their ball, because he cannot catch it.
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Daddy Pig has lost his glasses, so Peppa and George look for them. George drinks his juice too quickly and gets hiccups. Peppa attempts to cure them. Peppa notices her bike is quite "babyish" after teasing George about it. Peppa has a secret box. The family fly a kite on a windy day, but it soon gets stuck in a tree. The family have a picnic, while Daddy Pig gets chased by a wasp. Peppa and George dress up as Mummy and Daddy Pig, making them laugh. Peppa loves her new red shoes so much she doesn't want to take them off. The family go to the School Fate. Peppa loses a tooth, this means a visit from the Tooth Fairy.
The family borrow a car when their old one breaks down. Granny and Grandpa Pig prepare a treasure hunt for Peppa and George. Peppa is sick and has red spots all over her face. Peppa and George have fun in the snow, throwing snowballs and making a snowman. Peppa finds the "grown-up" games that Chloe Pig knows quite difficult. The family have pancakes for tea. Daddy Pig however flips his all the way to the top of the kitchen and gets stuck. Peppa goes to her first ballet lesson. Peppa and George learn about thunderstorms. The family want to go out for a drive, but the car is filthy.
George is hesitant and picky to eat vegetables. Daddy Pig is too big to get inside the tent, so he sleeps outside, but not for long. Mummy and Daddy Pig make up a story for Peppa and George to go to sleep. Grandpa Pig shows Peppa and George the new tree house he built for them.
Peppa holds a fancy dress party at her house, but she notices it is hard to pick the best costume. The family go to the museum. The family find ways to stay cool on a hot day after the muddy puddles dry up.