Seek Knowledge: Thought and Travel in the House of Islam
Subjects Knowledge, Theory of Islam Thought and thinking. Travel -- Religious aspects -- Islam. The Mysteries of Islam 2. Falsafa as Tasawwuf 4.

The Breath of Felicity: Penitent Pilgrim and Observant Traveller 7. Arabia and the Pilgrim Paradigm of Ibn Battuta: A Braudelian Approach 9. Tourist Adab and Cairene Architecture: Notes Includes bibliographical references and index. View online Borrow Buy Freely available Show 0 more links Related resource Publisher description at http: Set up My libraries How do I set up "My libraries"?
These 3 locations in All: Open to the public. Read, and your Lord is Most Generous, Who taught man reading and writing by the pen, Who besides that taught man all that which he did not know. In addition to the description of Allah Almighty being the Creator and Sustainer, two branches of knowledge are mentioned, embryology and sociology. Acquisition of knowledge embraces within in its fold all of its branches, both religious and secular, which are productive for mankind. It is important to note that this is not restricted to the purview of the traditional religious sciences.
Thus it would be wrong to allow women to just partake in learning of the religious sciences and prohibit her from gaining a wider scope in her learning. Another misnomer is the view that suggests women are only allowed to gain knowledge from female teachers and that instruction from men is prohibited due to the demands of purdah.
Although an ideal environment would dictate women teaching women, we do not live in an ideal world where this is always possible. Since Islam is a religion for all nations and all times, it is based on practical reality. There is no stipulation that only women can teach other women or a bar regarding male teachers for women.
If the rules of attire and dress are properly observed then men can teach female students under Sharia. If attending a school or college in the pursuit of knowledge constitutes breaking the laws of purdah then anytime a women steps out of her home would entail the same breakage of laws. This would of course create a ludicrous situation where a woman could never leave her home for any reason.
If one looks at the verses regarding the veil Allah Almighty states:. And direct the believing women that they too must keep their eyes lowered and guard their chastity, and must not show off their adornments and beautification except that part of it which becomes visible itself. Say to your wives, your daughters and the women of believers that, whilst going out, they should draw their veils as coverings over them. It is more likely that this way they may be recognized as pious, free women , and may not be hurt considered by mistake as roving slave girls.
Neither of these verses prohibits a woman leaving her house.
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In fact they merely stipulate that when she leaves the house she should observe the veil whilst outside. Indeed these commandments are themselves a great justification for women stepping out of their homes and becoming active members within society. Moreover if the act of a woman stepping out of her home was prohibited, why did the revered wives of the Holy Prophet blessings and peace be upon him participate in battles? If we study the following traditions we come to know the range of functions women performed during the period of Prophethood. Malik may Allah be well pleased with him narrates: They would bring water-bags upon their back, offer it to the thirsty Muslims and then return.
Curzon Press, , pp.
Ian Richard Netton, Seek Knowledge: Thought and Travel in the House of Islam - PhilPapers
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