No More Running
It was fun and I plan on doing it again. Also worth mentioning, since people ask: I know it sounds idealistic, but my long-term plan is for CDR to be supported directly by readers, Lord willing, via my Patreon page. The sale of the Bee is basically subsidizing CDR in the short-term.
I fully realize that a major reason the Bee and my webcomic, for that matter was able to blow up like it did was because of social media — Facebook in particular.
More trains will be running to accommodate the growing number of passengers
This is just how it goes when you make things for the internet: But the power that Facebook held over me as a content creator began to make me very uneasy. True crime fascinates me, and this is a comparison that often comes to mind: But then, if it does, they own you. You have to conform to their rules and their worldview, and jump through every hoop they put in front of you, if you want to remain a successful content creator. Facebook has the power to kill publishers, and they do, not only based on publishing techniques, but based on worldview.
Just think about that. This takes us into the bigger and scarier picture, which is that Facebook and Google have a practical duopoly on information. The web is where everyone gets information about everything, and they literally control what information the world sees.
No More Running Away Lyrics
Suffice it to say, my worldview combined with my job description gives me a unique vantage point from which to view the current state of things. As a follower of Christ, I am primarily concerned with glorifying God, loving my neighbor, and spreading the gospel. Maybe the single biggest threat.
It is tyranny over information.
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I am no conspiracy theorist; never have been. From where I sit, this danger is as clear as day. All of this is to say nothing about the long-term ramifications of the massive collection of personal data, or the incalculable intrapersonal effects social media is having on us. I have come to a place where I no longer feel morally OK being a part of the Facebook and Google machine, and because of their surveillance-capitalism business models, just existing on their platforms makes me a paying customer.
How does CDR grow without social media? The Bee has become something of a social phenomenon. When I launched it, I had a strong hunch that it would become popular, but I had no idea it would explode to the extent that it did. With that comes, of course, lots of attention. Believe me, I am super grateful for all the nice things people say about the Bee, all the event invitations, all the interview requests. It makes me very uncomfortable, especially in person.
As a general rule I never told people that I ran the Bee, but, you know, people find out. I never could get used to it. This would give travelers an extra option if they miss their main connection.
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As the majority of train travelers arrive at the train station via car or bicycle, ProRail is also considering adding additional parking options. Let us know in the comments below! How about bigger trains too? For example sprinters are one level only, could be turned into double deckers ones like intercity.
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Learn how your comment data is processed. Home Dutch News No more timetables! Trains in the Netherlands will be running every More trains will be running to accommodate the growing number of passengers ProRail wants to have more trains run in the future to accommodate the growth in the number of passengers.
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Scooters might not be moved to the road because bureaucracy. Video of Near-misses posted to Raise Awareness against stupidity.

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