Konstruktionsbegleitende Kostenrechnung (German Edition)
Saaty, , Lee et al. CO 2 -neutrale Transporte, an. So betont der Leiter von AudiMarkenlogistik, Dr. Zur Messbarkeit von Nachhaltigkeit in der Logistik vgl. Daraufhin wurde ein Online-Fragebogen an dieser verladenden Unternehmen versandt. Fragebogen zur ersten Forschungsfrage 3. Spezifikation der Entscheidungssituation Die Teilnehmer der Studie mussten angeben, bei welchem konkreten Preis die CO 2 freie Transportleistung als billig bzw. Die Teilnehmer der Studie mussten daher noch angeben, bei welchem konkreten Preis die CO 2 -freie Transportleistung als zu billig bzw. Frage 3 und Frage 4 des Fragebogens 3.
Es zeigt sich eine gute Abdeckung der Branchen mit hohem Transportbedarf. Umsatz der befragten Unternehmen 4 Studienergebnisse 4. Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz belegen in der Rangfolge der Kriterien lediglich den Schon im Rahmen der Leistungsausschreibung werden bestimmte Mindeststandards z. Orsato, und Straube et al. Er stellt die Schwelle dar, ab der das Kaufinteresse dramatisch ab- 26 27 Vgl.
Der PMC ist mit ca. Dies zeigt auch ein OPP von ca. Des Weiteren zeigt sich, dass Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz keine bedeutenden Kriterien bei der Bewertung und Auswahl von Logistikdienstleistern darstellen, da diese in der betrieblichen Praxis bereits auf der Stufe der Lieferantenvorauswahl gefordert werden bzw. Nachhaltigkeit im Einkauf von Logistikdienstleistungen — Erste Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie, in: Mobility in a Globalised World , Bamberg, S.
Industrie und Logistik in der Mitte unserer Gesellschaft, in: Do the right thing, in: When does it pay to be green? California Management Review, Vol. Global Supply Chain Survey WiSt, Heft 2, S. The analytic hierarchy process, New York. Make-or-Buy-Entscheidungen in der Logistik, Wiesbaden. Nachhaltigkeit in der Logistik, in: Industrie Management 29 5, S. A model for dynamic strategic vendor selection, in: Nachhaltigkeit als Wettbewerbsfaktor, in: Sustainable Supply Chain Management Integration: A qualitative Analysis of the German manufacturing industry, in: Journal of Business Ethics, , S.
Zeit Online, ; Spiegel Online, Aufgaben des SCMs zu sehen. Dies soll im vorliegenden Beitrag geschehen. Deren Anzahl unterscheidet sich von Autor zu Autor. Dabei gibt es eine Vielzahl an Modellen, wie sich Risiken strukturieren lassen. Shodi und Tang identifizieren bspw.
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Kundenanforderungen, Bedarfsprognose 25 Vgl. ASCM ist nicht reaktiv konzipiert, d. Konkrete Instrumente im Zusammenhang mit 32 Vgl. Lieferanten, Produktion, Distribution, Kontrollsysteme sowie Unternehmenskultur. So findet sich die Lieferantenpolitik in beiden Feldern. Dieser Meinung wird im vorliegenden Beitrag nicht gefolgt. Zudem werden flexible Strategien und Instrumente definiert. Treten Planabweichungen auf, so bleiben die stabilen Komponenten davon unbeeinflusst.
Die flexiblen Bausteine werden entsprechend angepasst. Abschnitt ein Fallbeispiel betrachtet. Dabei wird die Perspektive des Herstellers eingenommen. Komponente K1 wird von Komponentenlieferant 1 und 2, Komponente K2 von Komponentenlieferant 3 bezogen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung sind in den Tabellen dargestellt. Auf der anderen Seite zeigt sich, dass die einzelnen Konzepte bis jetzt nicht klar voneinander abgegrenzt sind. Ein erster Schritt zu einer solchen Abgrenzung erfolgt im 4.
Dementsprechend erfolgt die Einordnung in Abbildung 7 in das rechte obere Viertel. Daher bedarf es des RoSCM. Ein solches Vorgehen ist aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht nachvollziehbar. Diese Tatsachen zeigt das vorgestellte Fallbeispiel auf und weist auf weitere Forschungsaufgaben hin: Der Megatrend der Globalisierung ist nicht abgeschlossen. Agile supply chain transformation matrix: An International Journal, 12, 5, S. An empirically derived agenda of critical research issues for managing supply-chain disruptions, in: International Journal of Production Research, Vol.

A model to define and assess the agility of supply chains: Industrial Marketing Management, 29, 1, S. Creating agile supply chains in the fashion industry, in: Building the Resilient Supply Chain, in: More Than a New Name for Logistics, in: The Severity of Supply Chain Disruptions: Design Characteristics and Mitigation Capabilities, in: Supply Chain Risk Mitigation: Modeling the Enablers, in: Business Process Management Journal, Vol.
Supply Chain Risk Management: Outlining an Agenda for Future Research, in: International Journal of Logistics: Research and applications, Vol. The design of robust value-creating supply chain networks: A critical review, in: European Journal of Operational Research, , 2, S. Supply chain management — processes, partnerships, performance, Jacksonville.
Issues in Supply Chain Management, in: Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. Implementation Issues and Research Opportunities, in: A blaze in Albuquerque sets off major crisis for cell-phone giants — Nokia handels supply shock with aplomb as Ericsson of Sweden gets burned — Was SISU the difference? Wall Street Jorunal, Global Supply Chain Risk Management, in: Journal of Business Logistics, 29, 1, S.
Managerial Perspectives on Risk and Risk Taking, in: Management Science, 33, 11, S. Journal of International Business Studies, 23, 2, S. Integrating the lean and agile manufacturing paradigms in the total supply chain, in: International Journal of Production Economics, 62, , Drivers of supply chain vulnerability: Business Risk Management, London u.
Roland Berger Strategy Consultents Manufacturing Engineer, 84, 5, S. Sloan Management Review, 47, 1, S. Robust strategies for mitigating supply chain disruptions, in: Reaearch and Applications, 9, 1, S. Journal of Operations Management, Vol. Supply Chain Risk Management, Bodmin. Foxconn stoppt Produktion nach http: Ob sich diese Merkmale auch bei deutschen Logistikdienstleistern finden lassen, untersucht der vorliegende Beitrag mit Hilfe einer breit angelegten online-Umfrage.
Der Preis wird somit zum entscheidenden Verkaufsargument. Logistische Mehrwertdienstleistungen werden auch als Value Added Services bezeichnet. Besonders Dienstleistungen auf Basis von innovativen Technologien, wie z. Deutsche Post AG, , S. Einen Teil der dabei erzielten Ergebnisse fasst dieser Beitrag zusammen. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf der Kunden- und Technologieorientierung des Managements sowie auf dem Prozessformalisierungsgrad bei der Entwicklung neuer Angebote. Denn mit der wissenschaftlichen Profession des Service Engineering steht seit ca.
Zum anderen scheint es, als ob sie es noch nicht geschafft haben, ein strukturiertes Innovationsmanagement in ihren Unternehmen zu etablieren. Wagner und Busse 23 Vgl. Die finale Stichprobe umfasste Logistikdienstleister mit ihren Kontaktinformationen. An diese Unternehmen wurde dann eine E-Mail verschickt, die zur Teilnahme an der online-basierten Umfrage eingeladen hat.
Als erstes stellt sich die Frage, ob und in welchem Umfang die befragten Logistikdienstleister insbesondere AIDC-technologiebasierte Mehrwertdienstleistungen anbieten bzw.
Insgesamt bieten der befragten Logistikdienstleister noch keine der gelisteten Mehrwertdienstleistungen an. So ist zu vermuten, dass sich z. Mehrwertdienstleistungen in der Logistik 53 Abbildung 1: Wie oben skizziert, sind Logistikdienstleister stark kundengetrieben. Folglich kann man in diesem Fall davon sprechen, dass die Unternehmen eine gewisse Kundenorientierung verinnerlicht haben, es aber an ihrer systematischen Umsetzung, z. Eine eindeutige Tendenz ergibt sich bei einem Blick auf Abbildung 3.
Mehrwertdienstleistungen in der Logistik 55 Abbildung 3: Umfrageergebnisse zur Bedeutung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien als Unternehmensressource bei deutschen Logistikdienstleistern Die Umfrageergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass sich deutsche Logistikdienstleister sowohl der Bedeutung einer Kunden- wie auch einer Technologieorientierung bewusst sind.
Haben sie den Erfolgsbeitrag formalisierter Entwicklungsprozesse verstanden und ihre Entwicklungsprozesse im Sinne eines Service Engineering definiert? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wurde der Prozessformalisierungsgrad bei der Dienstleistungsentwicklung erhoben. Hier ergibt sich folgendes Bild. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es erste Unternehmen, die ihren Dienstleistungsentwicklungsprozess formalisiert haben.
Erstens scheint es, dass die befragten Logistikdienstleister sowohl eine gewisse Kundenorientierung- wie auch Technologieorientierung aufweisen. Eine erste Empfehlung betrifft das Angebot an Mehrwertdienstleistungen. Eine zweite Empfehlung betrifft die strukturierte Entwicklung neuer Dienstleistungsangebote. Mit der oben gezeigten Kunden- und Technologieorientierung ist der erste Schritt in Richtung eines differenzierten Angebotsportfolios getan. Eine dritte Empfehlung zielt auf eine umfassendere Kundenintegration in die Ideengewinnung und die Dienstleistungsentwicklung ab.
Umfassende Listen finden sich z. In der aktuellen Diskussion um den Einsatz und die Vor- und Nachteile bestimmter Forschungsmethoden, wird besonders im Bereich der Logistik- und Supply Chain Management-Wissenschaft zunehmend der Ruf nach mehr qualitativen Methoden laut. Interessant erscheint hierbei vor allem die statistische Untersuchung von Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen. Estimating nonresponse bias in mail surveys, in: Journal of Marketing Research 14 3 , S. Is There a Future?
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Service Engineering internationaler Dienstleistungen, Stuttgart. Grundlagen - Besonderheiten — Erfahrungen, 2. International Journal of Production Economics 85 3 , S. A Procedure for Secondary Data Analysis: Innovation by Logistics Service Providers, in: Journal of Supply Chain Management 46 4 , S. Innovation management of logistics service providers.
Foundations, review, and research agenda, in: Journal of Product Innova-tion Management 11, S. Research approaches in logistics: Trends and alternative future directions, in: Branding a B2B service: Does a brand differen-tiate a logistics service provider? Industrial Marketing Management 37, S. Influence on Capabilities and Performance, in: Journal of Business Logistics 30 1 , S. European Journal of Marketing 25 2 , S. Customer Needs in and Beyond. A Global Delphi Study, Bonn. Customer integration within service development - A review of methods and an analysis of insitu and exsitu contributions, in: Technovation 32 , S.
Entwicklung und Gestaltung innovativer Dienstleistungen, Berlin, S. Journal of Business Logistics 26 1 , S. An International Study, in: Journal of Business Logistics 29 1 , S. Antecedents of New Service Development Effectiveness. Journal of Service Research 3 1 , S.
Dienstleistungsinnovation bei den mobilen Diensten. Wie die Dienstleistung mit der Dienstleistung zum Klienten kommt, Berlin.
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Grundlagen, Konzepte, Instrumente, 3. Logistics Services - Ein Commodity als Differenzierungsfaktor, in: Grundlagen - Besonderheiten - Erfahrungen, 2. Die Top der Logistik. Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement, Wiesbaden, S. Results and Findings of the 10th Annual Study, Atlanta. Journal of Applied Psychology 86 1 , S. Reframing Supply Chain Management: A Service-Dominant Logic Perspective, in: Journal of Supply Chain Management 47 1 , S.
Service Engineering im Trend. Ergebnisse einer Studie unter technischen Dienstleistern, Stuttgart. The new competitive edge for logistics service provid-ers, Bern, S. Self-Reports in Organizational Research: Problems and Prospects, in: Journal of Management 12 4 , S. Common Method Biases in Behavioral Research: Journal of Applied Psychology 88 5 , S. Pioneering Supply Chain Design. Design and management of service processes. Keeping customers for life, Reading.
Kundenmitwirkung bei der Entwicklung von industriellen Dienstleistungen - eine phasenbezogene Analyse, in: Twilight in the desert. The coming Saudi oil shock and the world economy, Hoboken. How logistics-service providers can develop value-added services for SMEs: Co-Design von Software und Services. Innovation Management in the German Transportation Industry, in: Journal of Business Logistics 29 2 , S. Why LSPs don't leverage innovations, in: Supply Chain Quarterly 4, S.
Handling Nonresponse in Logistics Research, in: Journal of Business Logistics 31 2 , S. Innovation in logistics outsourcing relationships: Journal of Supply Chain Management 45 2 , S. Mehrwertdienstleistungen in der Logistik 61 Wilding, R. Customer perceptions on logistics outsourcing in the European consumer goods industry, in: In information systems and computer science, mobility is used for the concept of mobile computing, in which a computer is transported by a person during normal use, often defined as the use of a portable computer capable of wireless networking.
Social networks are increasingly replacing the traditional media channels such as TV, radio and newspapers in terms of creating public opinion and delivering information. Similarly, the corporate data is increasingly being processed outside the traditional IT environment. Moreover, the social media, mobility, analytics, and cloud SMAC phenomenon is emerging as a disruptive force for the international services industry.
Each of the elements of SMAC can and in some cases have already started to have a significant impact on the global services industry. Therefore, we were glad to receive the huge support of our colleagues Prof. This diversity of mobility aspects in the field of information systems, media and computer science is reflected in the contributions selected for this thematic section. The contribution presents a new kind of graphical password that is especially well suited to mobile devices equipped with a touch screen. By using the LEN model, Sebastain Kurowski is able to discuss the viability of information security tasks in terms of the applicability of incentives, and their additional workload on employees and also consider potential costsavings by the supplier as well as discussing the role of such cost-savings on the relationship between an organization and an employee.
The testbed consists of a tool chain with each tool fulfilling a certain task within the testing process to allow for an efficient, and for the most part automated testing of the mobile client. These four contributions discuss important and very different aspects of mobility within informatics as well as media.
In this contribution we present a new kind of graphical password that is especially well suited for mobile devices equipped with a touch screen. A prototype running on the Android platform was implemented and tested in a small-scale user study at Stuttgart Media University. One well-known problem with textual passwords is the possibility of a socalled dictionary attack, in which an attacker can guess a user's password from a much smaller subset of the entire password space according to some collected personal information of the target user.
It has been shown that the success rate of such a dictionary attack is quite high in the real world 1, because most users tend to make their password highly dependent on their own personal information as clues to avoid forgetting their passwords. If, on the other hand, a password is chosen at random, it is difficult to remember, especially if it is long enough to withstand a brute-force attack.
Over the last two decades, enabled by the introduction of alternative input devices such as mouse, stylus and touch screen, graphical passwords have therefore caught the attention of many IT security researchers.
Mobility in a Globalised World 2013 - OPUS 4
In a graphical password scheme, the shared secret i. Psychological and neurological research has shown that humans seem to possess a remarkable ability for recalling pictures, whether they show real or artificial objects. Especially, there is a substantial improvement of performance in recall and recognition with pictorial representations over verbal representations 2. Given these facts, it is hoped that graphical passwords can offer a better balance between usability and security than existing textbased passwords. According to a recent survey 3, graphical password schemes proposed thus far can be classified into the following three categories: DAS is currently used as an optional means by some androidbased smart phones to unlock the screen cf.
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The recognition-based system receiving the most attention is a commercial system called PassFaces 5, where the user pre-selects a set of human faces as her password and needs to recognize them again for authentication cf. PassPoints 6 was one of the earliest systems in this category. Nowadays, a similar system is used for authen1 See Klein , Naranayan and Shmatikov and Weir et al. Unfortunately, for all graphical passwords mentioned above, dictionary attacks still can work because the user has a similar tendency of choosing weak and predictable passwords: In Windows 8 Picture Password, for example, nose and eyes are the most popular regions 4.
An attacker can exploit these human tendencies to build a graphical dictionary and launch a dictionary attack as in the case of textual passwords. In the present paper, we describe a novel graphical password system belonging to the category of cued-recall systems that is based on fractals. In the proposed system, the user is not required to click on a single pixel of an underlying image, but rather to specify a certain Pass-Region, i.
In order to authenticate, it suffices to specify a region lying inside the original Pass-Region with the mouse. Pass-Regions can be very small smaller than a single pixel in the original image , because the user is allowed to zoom into the picture several times before defining the Pass-Region.
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For the Pass-Regions concept to work, the underlying image needs to be capable of revealing more and more details when the user zooms in. Moreover, for security considerations, it is important that the zoomed images contain details of uniform nature; i. Therefore, we choose the Mandelbrot Set 5 as a first instantiation of the concept of Pass-Regions. The Mandelbrot Set is the prototype example of a fractal, i. Fractals have the remarkable property of being self-similar, i.
In principle, the zooming steps can be infinitely repeated. We call the graphical password generated by this new approach Fractal Password, or Pass-Fractal for short. As a fractal is a purely abstract, mathematical object, it is hoped that fractal passwords are not less prone to personal user preferences than the previous approaches.
We have implemented a prototype version for android based smartphones and tested its performance in a small user study. It can be 1 easily visualized by iterating the sequence above for a given c very often e. If this is the case, the point corresponding to c is rendered in black. All other c may be given different colours, depending on how large zn has become cf. Figure 2, upper left corner. Besides its capability of showing finer and finer detail upon zooming in, the Mandelbrot Set or fractals in general have a number of additional interesting properties that makes them ideally suited for use in a cued-recall graphical password system: In practice there is of course a certain limit set by the maximum computation accuracy of the computer, but in any case the password space is by far larger than in other click-based graphical password systems.
In fact, it grows exponentially with every zoom-in step cf. The same is true for the required zooming-in steps. Not surprisingly, there is an abundance of tools for browsing fractals available on the Internet 7. Pass-Fractals are therefore very resistant to social engineering attacks. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine how a Fractal Password could be written up or transferred by other means from user to user.
Although this might also means longer login time, users might be willing to pay the price. Since there is an ideally infinite number of details in a fractal image, it will be quite easy for her to do so. Because the new password will normally have quite different features from the old ones, it should be relatively easy for the user not to confuse them. This hypothesis, however, still needs to be confirmed by a corresponding largescale user study.
The last two points are beautifully illustrated by the following quote from Benoit Mandelbrot himself, talking about the set named after him: One possible example of such a password based on the Mandelbrot set is shown in Fig. Denoting the verifier by C and the user by H, the authentication process can be described as follows: C displays a fractal image or part of it on the screen 2. The process is shown in Fig. C verifies if the current region displayed on the screen is a subset of the PassRegion. C accepts H if the answer is yes, otherwise rejects H.
See Cheswick 72 Roland Schmitz Fig. In order to implement this desirable feature for Pass-Fractals as well, the server stores only the size s of the pass region specified by the user in cleartext, together with a hash value of the index c of the grid cell corresponding the pass region cf. Normally, the user authenticates by indicating a certain subset lying inside the originally specified pass region. In order to check the validity of the indicated subset, the server generates a grid the size of the original pass region and computes the index of the cell the indicated subset lies in.
This index is hashed and compared to the value stored in the database. Mobile Fractal Passwords 73 Fig. The number of available Pass-Regions at a certain resolution can be approximated by using the so called Box Dimension d B 10of the boundary of the Mandelbrot Set: Given a certain resolution r, the number N r of pixels lying on the fractal boundary fulfills the following equation: The second factor approximates the fraction of cells having a nonempty intersection with the fractal boundary at a certain resolution r.
Plugging these numbers into equations 1 and 2 , we arrive at a final number of about 3 0. This means the size grows exponentially by a factor of about 33 with each zoom step. We did not try to check on the hypothesis that passwords are evenly distributed over the fractal, which was the focus of an earlier web-based study To evaluate the usability of fractal passwords on mobile devices, a small-scale user study with eleven computer science students of Stuttgart Media University was set up. All users did not have any previous contact with the system.
After a short introduction, they were allowed to play with the system and define their own passwords for a while. After having defined a final password, user were asked to leave the lab for 30 minutes and try to authenticate again afterwards. Despite some previous fears that the rendering times for the fractal views might be too slow on a mobile, we got very encouraging results from this lab study. Although the code was based on Java and not optimized for speed, the average login time measured was In the questionnaires, the login time was rated satisfactory average 2.
Four participants stated that they would proba- 11 See Schmitz Mobile Fractal Passwords 75 bly change their password more often than usual in order to see more regions of the fractal, which is in accordance with the observations in the earlier web-based study. The mobile prototype has shown that the computing performance of modern smartphones is sufficient to render the necessary zoom-in steps quickly enough and that the usability of mobile fractal passwords is on a relatively high level, given their high security standard.
In the future, more extensive user studies need to be carried out in order to give further evidence to the hypothesis that fractal passwords are uniformly distributed, and to perform long-term studies on the memorability of fractal passwords. In particular, the performance of different fractal passwords used for different services needs to be investigated.
Learning from the first generation. User interface design affects security: Patterns in click-based graphical passwords. International Journal of Information Security, 8, 5 On user choice in graphical password schemes. Click passwords under investigation.
Proceedings , vol. The design and analysis of graphical passwords. A survey of, and improvements to, password security. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 1 , pp. Analyzing user choice in graphical passwords. Fast dictionary attacks on passwords using timespace tradeoff. Analysis for Computer Scientists, Springer.
Why are Pictures Easier to Recall than Words? Psychonomic Science 11 , pp. In Proceedings of 5. Human-seeded attacks and exploiting hot-spots in graphical passwords. Password cracking using probabilistic context-free grammars. Design and longitudinal evaluation of a graphical password system. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 63, , — On the Security of Picture Authentication. As consumers spend more and more time using mobile apps and mobile websites, both of these mobile media formats have become important channels to deliver advertisements. Jeff Bezos and the Rise of Amazon.
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