Kommunikationsfähigkeit und deren Verbesserung: Tools und Techniken (German Edition)
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DE07 00 BIC: Despite carefully checking the contents of external links, we assume no liability. Responsible for external links are only their operators. First of all the theatre history and various techniques of theatre productions were presented. Later a set decoration and stage modules were developed and implemented, an own storyboard was thought up and realized in a straight theatre. Finally a musical was concepted. In a final performance including the self-made set decoration and accompanied by a band the children presented what they had learned. During the project an increasing self-confidence of the children and often a self-initiated willing to take responsibility could be observed.
Moreover the participants developed communicative skills, learned to work in a team as well as artisanal techniques and artistic forms of expression. The justification — the kids felt chosen from the school to participate in the dance project and also felt chosen to be on the island. Through the exploration of the conflicts seen in the novel in terms of team vs. In particular, a theme which was explored was the action and reaction aspect of dealing with unfamiliar people and place, and how these actions and reactions impact the formation of an in-group.
The medium of paper with all of its artistic possibilities should inspire countless ideas in the children. The life situations perpetuated on the paper became independent and ultimately came alive with elements of theater. Daily life and art were linked together and made palpable. The sense of connection, realization of each other, and understanding of the environment were strengthened. We are happy that we as a company in which people play the most important roll, through this project can provide at least some children access to other worlds.
Friendly greetings, Claudia Seidensticker. We are actively involved in the direct integration of refugee children. Our mobile studio, packed with our artists and art therapists, donated materials and volunteers, visits refugee accommodations on a weekly basis.
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We give children and teenagers between 6 and 18 years of age the opportunity to develop creatively, overcome traumas and develop social and personality competences. All without the problem of the language barrier, because in the visual communication there are no translation problems.

Especially today, where a lot of fear and hate arise, we have to counteract. And it is best to start with the little ones: Once a week, currently on Mondays, the students of Alfred-Herrhausen-School, set up in a fixed group, make an effort to develop their artistic potential. This year the students, guided by a supervisor, learned how to safely handle a fretsaw, hammer or drill, giving free reign to their own creativity.
Working together in a common creative process helps the kids to promote and develop their social competencies and communicative skills. These types of classes aim at specifically teach children and young adolescents without prior knowledge of the German language according to their individual needs. The main focus is on teaching the German language, however, all subjects are taught. In return, this project, offered once a week for two hours, is attached to attending German classes.
While passing through various artistic processes, the students learn how to overcome communication barriers and how to gain self-reflection and mutual respect. For instance, life-sized self-portraits are drawn and presented in the group. Each student therefore introduces his or her neighbor and describes their drawing as detailed as possible. Apart from describing anatomic details, the students are also asked to describe memories of their homeland as well as wishes for the future.
This exercise particularly focuses on mutual compliments and the appreciation for one another. Afterwards, the drawings are exhibited in the school library. The using of art gives participants an understanding of self-image, co-responsibility and diversity in community. Dealing with aggression and conflict resolution are the central point of this course. Participation is free of charge and the workshop duration is two hours. We are starting with a Monster Generator on Friday, 15th July , from 4 — 6 p. The local Anne Frank high school would like to start a music project, where kids would have the opportunity to give up their time after school to learn an instrument or express themselves through singing.
We were more than happy to supply the funds needed to support this marvelous project and even convinced a local musician Pat Skirt to serve as teacher and mentor on the team!
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And thus, instrumental and vocal lessons were provided to all kids who wished to participate, covering a range of instruments such as piano, drums and bass across all age groups of children. To serve as the cherry on top a grand concert was held at the Anne Frank School to allow our young musicians to show off their newly acquired skills.
In addition, the bus regularly visits the various accommodations for refugees in the state capital. Especially the children in the refugee homes are happy about the colorful change whenever the bus arrives. The offer is directed at all children and young people who simply can join instantly without any registration. The bus has all utensils for artistic design on board, ranging from paint, paper and brushes to special things that Sabbouh-Eggert brings along.
From time to time she also brings fabric, being an essential part of her own artistic work. There are no strict guidelines: The children are then allowed to freely develop artistically.
And of course there is also a lot of praise and recognition for the small artistic souls. Educational experience and artistic knowledge are prerequisite in order to conduct this project. But above all, the lively exchange with the children is not only fun for them, but also for her.
Anyone willing to join the project, can also make an appointment for a personal talk at c. Lying in hospital for weeks or months is an awful situation — even for adults. An extreme load for sick children and their parents. In addition to the physical discomfort come endless days and thus often simple boredom. Especially for children a comprehensive treatment beyond the purely medical support is important on the way to recovery. Necessary treatments during the time of illness can strongly limit children in their physical and mental agility.
Music can help pick up courage and have fun again regardless of the situation. Every Wednesday from The free music event forms a great alternative to the well-organized hospital routine and gives courage. In China agricultural labor, according to UN estimates, mio. Because agricultural labor is poorly paid, many people benefit by moving from the rural areas to Shanghai. They usually leave the children at home with relatives. For the equivalent of euros a month these Chinese migrant workers work up to 16 hours a day, seven days a week.
Cooper ation part ners and advertising measures. It is a non-profit art project for the purpose of art education. It is a solid offering conducted on a regular weekly basis. All participants are children of migrant workers in Shanghai and are taught by professional artists. Financial support for those with special needs. Workshops in schools and kindergarden. Out of that number, , lack the basic daily nutritional needs. The problems of poverty and social exclusion are increasing. Our contribution to the future of our society is the support of artistic, medial and at the same time social projects by giving children and teenagers important creative and social skills to take along.
We have a great supporting network consisting of caring, qualified and committed volunteers; generous supporters and collaborations with other foundations like museums and theaters. Press and media presence are very important. My name is Benjamin Fleig and I am a photographer, art curator and gallery owner.
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I have been demonstrating my social ability within our creative workshops since by working largely with kids and teenagers. My true motivation to have an influence on kids here in Eupen lies with my sister-in-law Nina Mosblech, who also showed me how to give children access to art from an early age. We believe that the social and personal development of children can be stimulated positively from an early age through art. However, in Belgium, most of the opportunities for young children in this area are only for children over the age of six. I benefit from my broad network of schools and artistic institutions in the European region of Maas-Rhein as well as the cultural structure in Eupen.
I find it important to take help from firms and private individuals who are interested in supporting us. Jutta Limburg is in charge of the creative direction. By being exposed to art, kids increase their confidence and are able to positively develop as individuals.
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Trier was founded in March as the first dependence in Germany, through the cooperation with several businesses. All of these courses are still running to date. Our music teacher Sakiko Idei teaches the children in percussion. Our biggest and greatest project up until now was a group project with 68 kids and took a whole year to complete. By getting in touch with schools, kids, teachers, parents and grandparents all cooperated in building a 3 meter high plastic.
In April, the plastic was given a permanent place in an amusement park by a lake in the city of Riol. The plastic is still being modified artistically with monthly new additions and moderations. Our focus in is to get more kids enthusiastic about art in schools and the youth group we have set up. My name is Arno Lindenberg and I am a media creator, anti-stress coach and creativity trainer.
I have been working with and for children, teenagers and adults for 20 years now. My artistic strengths lie with the creation of playful methods to initiate an accessible path to creativity for everyone. My job is to create a platform, freed from social margins we live in, to allow kids from all over the world to interact with one another and learn about other cultures whilst discovering themselves on a playful and artistic journey. Therefore the projects are built upon the business philosophies of the firms with whom I work. The project has taken place in Germany, Peru, Eritrea, India, Ghana, Cambodia and China, where children depicted how they would like to live in 20 years.
By using short and playful questionnaires and their own paintings, children exchanged their hopes for the future across borders. In in Cologne during an auction by the Rhine, the silhouette of the famous Cologne Cathedral was recreated using individual paintings. Diminishing boundaries created by age and geographical boarders, people between the ages of 4 and 80, from over 30 countries came together in Cologne and found a sense of unity.
In Wuppertal leben viele Familien ohne Zugang zu kultureller Bildung. Unser Engagement soll den Kindern zukommen. Mit dem Social Franchising System von Krass e. My name is Samdra Born and I am an art therapist. Programs and projects are planned this way, not only for refugees, but also together with German children, as painting and music are wonderful ways of communicating, has the ability to overcome language barriers and promote integration.
Thus creative abilities, social and self competence can be promoted. During the open studio children and teenagers have the opportunity to express themselves creatively. We also want to integrate mothers with children. Sandra Born Heinser Weg 9 Melkeck email: For several years, I have been predominantly conceiving and deriving ceramic courses and workshops in various educational institutions. My methodology is to bring tools and techniques to the children in a playful way in order to get them enthusiastic about artistic and handcrafted design.
This way the children learn about the power of their imagination and the possibilities of creative work. For me personally the formation process is more important than the product itself. All children have a special gift: This special gift I want to help maintain and develop further. Through creative experience children and teenagers can broaden their worldview and strengthen their personality.
Skills and talents are encouraged and supported. Children have the basic need to implement their creative ideas. They want to understand the world with their own hands and leave traces. Therefore they need space and time. Anyone who is able to empathize with another person on stage is able to deal with new situations better in everyday life and to reflect human reactions and actions.
Combining creative energy and rehearsing for a goal is not only fun for children and youngsters, it also enables them to gain new experience and to compensate for inhibitions and uncertainties. By acting together and developing a play within the team, the self-awareness and personality development is strengthened in a variety of ways. By dancing, we want to make this sensuous art form directly experienceable and promote cognitive and social skills in children and youngsters. Through individual and creative participation, dance allows a free space in which children and young people can express themselves and implement their own ideas.
Emotions and actions, mimic, gesture and whole-body dance movements are expressed. The kids are encouraged to experiment with their own movements and create choreographies together. The dynamic of the dance shapes the personal strength of the individual as well as the relevance as a team member. By achieving shaping skills and sense of success, the personality as well as perseverance and the gain of motivation are strengthened.
The training through motor activities contributes to a general increase in movement, to the sensitization of the body language, the feeling of the body and the posture. Making music together creates lightness and joy, a sense of belonging together and promotes self-esteem. In a creative, social, and participatory sense, making music can expand the field of action of the individual. Our teaching of music creates a safe and familiar framework for the kids who are from different life situations. The integrative effect of music also has a positive effect on them. By helping them to express their feelings through music, we contribute to a peaceful, shared future.
Art creates a space of access and expression in a variety of ways. The processing of emotions through art strengthens the creative abilities and the sensual perception. Through the expression of design, the kids can process experiences and express their inner worlds. A dialogue that takes place over design creates an extended access that bridges the gap between the designer and the viewer.
There are no boundaries: Experiments and unconventional solutions allow the growth of ideas to grow and promote the courage and the risk-tolerance of the individual. By working together in groups, sharing ideas and experimenting ideas, tolerance and teamwork as well as language development and expression can be promoted and strengthened. Martinstaler Prize of the City of Duesseldorf. Please see the video of the laudation from the City Mayor Thomas Geisel. This celebration is also a good reason to warmly thank all the helpers and supporters.
Refugee children, who have gone through a traumatic experience, need freedom to settle in, express themselves, just be kids, and to paint, create, and play. This foundation was founded on In North Rhine Westfalia around 5 million people are campaigning for various causes. The gorgeous sunrays shone as the bright-eyed children made delightful, creative pictures. Painting in two continents to unite and fight poverty and hunger! This was then screened on TV. Everything was exhibited on a 60km stretch of highway, which was closed especially for the day!
Guinness World Record Proudly, the young artists presented their work and were thrilled about the special space of honour their work got in their school. There were many serious applications for this prize. We can all be very proud and look forward to establish more wonderful projects with the prize money.
Young and old on an artistic search for traces. We are not allowed to do that anywhere else! May I try everything? The untiring engagement for education, culture and social work received a very special recognition through this nomination. Uwe Rittmann, a partner from PwC, is responsible for the project. For an entire school year, the young people of the eighth grade learned and tried out new artistic techniques.
Dagmar Reichel, cultural educator and project leader , said: They bring with them everything that artists need, such as paper, colored pencils, paint, craft utensils, tables, and benches. Painting instead of swinging? Crafts instead of sliding? They also learned what light, tone, color and we ourselves have to do with oscillation as well as why the ear can see and the eye can hear and other amazing facts. The success of education depends very highly on the familial background of the students.
Referring to this situation we want to start, to react and to operate! Then children are the most invaluable present we could ever get. In future, they will create the society and will be responsible for it. We strongly believe that each and every child regardless of his or her social background is entitled to a childhood free of worries and full of happiness.
We offer access to projects and grants of fines arts and a safe location to come to and join art classes for children and young people. We help children and teens to develop a healthy self-esteem, learn about their strengths and find ways to express themselves. We believe that learning about fine arts and being creative helps children to build a positive future for themselves. We give grants to financially disadvantaged or talented children. We operate mobile art studios for children, we run art projects in schools, we sponsor schools for children with special needs and we transfer our knowledge to partners in other cities and other countries.
We are proud that out of more than projects, ours was chosen for the Solidarity Award. Art for all children! Painting is also prevention: These creations result in success stories: The goal of the newly established foundation is to strengthen and promote children and young people through the means of art and culture. The children and young people are motivated through common actions, individual supervision offerings and scholarships, and additionally through cooperation with public and private institutions.
At the same time, through its public work the foundation gives children a voice and draws attention to their needs. Children and young people are the focus of the foundation! Claudia Seidensticker was supported in the preparation of many months by the Competence Center. The board of trustees is comprised of a circle of engaged artists, pedagogues, attorneys, specialized journalists, and other professionals. This is a colorful work of art to fight child poverty in Europe! Again a new gorgeous flower in our European bouquet! The school children painted the landmarks of their country, such as the connecting Drava River and the access to the sea, and were happy at work.
Children complete Europe with colorful life. The Europe canvas, which was on tour through 27 European countries and on which the children of our Europe painted a colorful potpourri of a glimpse of the future while connecting countries, is back. Again a piece of colorful, imaginative Europe was added. KRASS wins idea competition! A studio just for children! Because every child is a little artist! The children took delight in a potpourri of colors at the Rheinbahndepot! Color frenzy in the fight against hunger and poverty so the world is a little more colorful and happy! The children let their creativity run wild!
Eight hundred canvases — in support of a world without hunger and poverty! More security for our children! Children have a higher rate of accidents. T he Rheinbahn is crazy about art! The Rheinbahn allows children to be mobile with colors. Article in the NRZ newspaper from As an association for cultural education, it is one of our greatest desire to find ways of supporting socially disadvantaged children and teenagers, who have special skills and talent in arts.
With an art scholarship these young talents have the opportunity of receiving optimal support in developing their own personal strengths. In addition to art classes, they receive a wide range of know-how and experience from pedagogically trained artists. Furthermore, our concept provides for support of excursions to the zoo or urgently needed clothes. The individual care of children contributes to their personal development and excites and motivates these young people. Teaching social skills such as responsibility, teamwork, motivation, perseverance and self-confidence are just as important as the cultural development.
With our concept, until this day we have allowed a good start in life to several children. We would like to share some of our impressive stories with you:. Having dropped out of education earlier, she became a motivated teenager with extraordinary final records in secondary school. Sandra 16 years old was able to boost her self-esteem through our art scholarship, which supported her in coping with her family issues.
She has also started a training in Social Pedagogy, after successfully finishing her secondary education followed by a cultural educational internship. Her aim is to support other children and young people through her own positive development and experience. Become a direct supporter for our gifted kids, like Mohama and Sandra, via your monthly donation. With your help, young people are given the chance to start a successful and happy life, regardless of their background or family situation. Education is the key to social participation and personal future prospects in our society.
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You can help us with a sustaining membership. They will build the ship on their own. Lavina Guo Director Shanghai l. Christofer Tak Artistic Director c. Margit Quicker-Coluccini Head of Volunteer m. Inger Etzel Marketing i. It is permanently funded and follows a cause that is determined by its sponsors. Moreover, a trustee administrates the endowment capital. The managing directorate executes the decisions and reports regularly on their progress. Next to the transmission of artistic and media content, we greatly value the adherence to educational standards.
The artists have to meet these when working with children and adolescents. As a general rule children should be supported in their personality. Our projects and programs communicate the following points:. Transposing and designing ideas usefully, through writing, image, objects and materials. Own ideas will of course be presented and critically discussed in the end. Formation of interesting connections between known and new things. In general, we try to use all different artistic areas and media to follow through with our vision.
We are, however, always striving to give our activities a great variety. The work in the different locations is carefully adjusted to site-specific and staff circumstances. Trage mich in den Newsletter ein! It is the focus of the association at large. That is why the vision is of central importance and is always considered before all other matters. The statute is the legitimization of all our activities. It is valid for each member. The manual covers all areas concerning the association: This ensures a correct realization of the project.
KRASS is in need for your support. Because we want our programs and projects to benefit as many people as possible we are eager to spread our vision and increase our impact in all regions of the world. In order to make this happen we rely on the support of locals and local institutions. Our previously tested projects and programs can easily be adapted to local conditions. We introduce you to the concept: Next there will be a founding meeting with two of our members during which all questions regarding finance, networking and target group reachability are resolved.
After signing the contract you will get a personalized handbook that considers your specific conditions and a one-day training. An opening ceremony with important guests from your region will be held. Also, further questions will be answered. On site groups offer socially deprived children and teenagers access to art, media and culture projects and programs. If so, please write us an e-mail: We are excited to meet you! In our cultural education projects, we primarily work together with private and public educational institutions and youth leisure facilities.
Cooperations with schools, companies and other associations take place in order to make the best use of existing resources. Our work is divided into different areas:. School projects This includes extracurricular and supplementary projects to promote artistic and creative competences. The following projects are currently being held in cooperation with different schools:.
Holiday and leisure projects Projects with the aim to promote self-confidence, creativity or learn how to deal with the social environment as well as art and music activities. Culture is diversity People from different countries bring new cultural influences to our country. To understand diversity as an opportunity for all also means the sharpening of intercultural awareness by dealing with different cultures. Thanks to targeted sponsors, we are able to offer regularly talented young scholarships in art and culture. Needs-based individual case studies An important part of our work is the fast and appropriate support of individual persons, contact points for children and youngsters or schools, which address us with their individual concerns.
This includes various workshops and training courses that we either organize ourselves or offer in cooperation with other cultural providers. Both are simply a result of our work. Winning an award does not mean success. An award, however, confirms the success of our work. Therefore, our success is measured by the planning, execution and organization of our projects and programs and is reflected in current numbers and facts. With our work we primarily aim at reaching children and adolescents.
K R A S S especially enables contact with art and media for children and adolescents of socially disadvantaged and less educated families. Factors such as religion, social standing, or nationality are irrelevant. We want to address children and adolescents in between the ages of 6 and We want to enable the development of a confident, self-governed human being, by pointing out perspectives for their personality and expression, using creative and media-based roads to success.
Our educational standards should strengthen children and adolescents for their life ahead and contribute to a community with true social values. Our projects and programs support exchange and communication amongst each other. Eine Besonderheit ist das Social Franchising System. Was bedeutet Social Franchising?
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