Find Gold in the Golden Triangle
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Triangle Gold
Early Australian Gold Discoveries: Beginners Guide to Gold Prospecting in Australia: Product description Product Description Find Gold in the Golden Triangle of Victoria, Australia using Geological Maps and Geologist Reports to help locate the original source of gold found in the old alluvial workings. Kindle Edition File Size: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.
- Fossicking and prospecting.
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Huge golden nugget found in Australia worth a staggering amount
Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Remove or damage any shrubs or trees. Disturb, destroy, interfere with or endanger an archaeological site or Aboriginal place or object. You must repair any damage to the land arising out of the search.
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Do not disturb or remove any heritage features or objects such as stone tools, middens, earthen mounds, bricks, building stone and old mining machinery. Treasure troves hidden valuables that may be discovered while fossicking belong to the Crown and must be reported to the Police.
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Failure to comply with the above can result in prosecution. Where can I go prospecting?
Parks Victoria - Fossicking and prospecting
Prospecting is also permitted in designated areas in the following parks: The possibility that nuggets can grow in situ from groundwater solutions deserves serious consideration. There is ample evidence that gold can be transported in solution and deposited elsewhere under the low-temperature, low-pressure conditions which prevail at the Earth's surface.
What would be required to grow a large nugget in situ? The basic requirements appear to be:.

How could these requirements have been met within the Golden Triangle? A source of gold is no problem given the number of reefs present.
The most likely experimentally-proven reaction whereby gold in the reefs could have been dissolved involves chloride and hydrogen ions and oxygen: Salt could have been concentrated in groundwater by evaporation when an arid climate prevailed. Acid could have been produced by the weathering of pyrite iron sulphide which is abundant in Victorian reefs. Air would have been present within the pores of the weathered rock above the watertable the surface below which all the spaces in the rock are filled with water. Steady delivery of gold to a precipitation site would require a very stable watertable i.