The eschatological future does not give us a precise mandate for action now but, as 1 Thessalonians 1: Future eschatology also means Christian hope is ultimately for embodied life in a renewed physical creation, of which the firstfruits is the resurrection of Jesus. The body that is sown perishable and in dishonour is the body that is raised imperishable and glorious.
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Having discussed what ought to be common to all Christian eschatologies, we can now address a key area of difference among evangelical eschatologies, the question of the thousand-year period spoken of in Revelation 20 vv. Broadly speaking, millennial theologies divide into three camps: The radical prophetic and pessimistic sermons of Edward Irving sparked the renewal of premillennialism in the s, and caused many evangelicals to retreat as far as they could from politics, in which they had previously been heavily engaged.
For a while his commitment to the cause of abolishing slavery hung in the balance. Thus SIM missionary G. Brooke in Sudan in wrote:. I see no hope given in the Bible that wickedness in this world will be subdued by civilisation or preaching of the gospel — until the Messiah the prince come. And to hasten that time is… the function of foreign missions… I therefore should be inclined to frame any missionary plans with a view to giving a simple gospel message to the greatest number possible of ignorant heathen in the shortest possible time.
However, many notable premillennialists have played an active role in secular politics. In Britain, the seventh Lord Shaftesbury — , who took a lively interest in prophecy conferences, led reform of factory conditions, treatment of the mentally ill, and many more causes. He was inspired to urgent social action by a blend of acute awareness of judgement at the return of Christ and old-fashioned aristocratic paternalism.
7 Reasons Your Church Should Take Eschatology Seriously | The Master's Seminary
In any event, even if one held a consistent and thoroughly pessimistic historical eschatology, along with a strong belief in the imminent return of Christ, that would not require withdrawal from every attempt to ameliorate social or political evil. Pessimistic premillennialists do not refuse to work, or to get involved with settling disputes. They do not refuse their pay cheques or reject the use of seatbelts! Each of these things has a bearing on wider political life, and Christians have an interest in those things being done honestly and well.
As in theory, so in history: While most eschatological belief systems have less impact on political engagement than we might expect, and few logically issue in any precise programmes, there is one that is currently popular and tightly bound to a particular active political programme.
Some dispensational premillennialists give a ready ear and ready cash to usually American televangelists and parachurch movements calling for aid to Jews seeking to emigrate to Israel, and to various charitable bodies operating there. They are also strident in their political lobbying, seeking to ensure that pro-Israel politicians are elected to office and ensure that the US government supports Israel. Furthermore, it is far from clear that aggressive policies of settlement, land seizure and discrimination are actually in the long-term interests of the Zionist cause, however strong Israel appears to be in relation to the Arab states today.
7 Reasons Your Church Should Take Eschatology Seriously
Christians must not contribute to this issue by simplistic and one-sided policy extrapolations from an eccentric eschatology. Eschatology is neither remote nor esoteric, but is highly relevant to Christian living. Worldly politics influences our lives whether we like it or not, and Christian politics i.
Be inspired that your labour in the Lord is not in vain, and that how you conduct your relationships and wield the influence God has granted you truly matters both now and in the everlasting future. The disputed details of millennial schemes should not deflect us. The agreed contours of eschatology, including the certainty of final judgement, should shape our political engagement. Canon Press, , p. Living in the Light of the Future , Nottingham: Dumbrell, Covenant and Creation: Wright, The Challenge of Jesus , London: Vicit Agnus Noster , 2 nd edn.
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The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically. Canon Press, , pp.
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Reed, In Search of Paul: SPCK, ; see also N. A more cautious approach to this theme is found in the works of Seyoon Kim and John Barclay. Against the frequently-heard claim that 2 Pet. Grenz, The Millennial Maze: IVP, , helpfully analyses the distinctive strengths and weaknesses contributed by each millennial position. Allen Lane, , pp. How to use a word that literally drives some people nuts. The awkward case of 'his or her'.
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Christian eschatology
Examples of eschatology in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web The book of revelations — which to Christian eschatology is, well, the Bible — has been applied to virtually every historical epoch to show the end is coming. When the Hill Rivaled Harlem," 9 Mar. Behind the Swine Flu Hysteria," 22 June Its delirious eschatology foretells a final unity with the technological divine, through which the elect will make the transition from time into eternity.
First Known Use of eschatology , in the meaning defined at sense 1. History and Etymology for eschatology Greek eschatos last, farthest. Learn More about eschatology.

Resources for eschatology Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared. Dictionary Entries near eschatology eschatocol eschatological eschatologist eschatology escheat escheator Escher.
Nature and significance
Statistics for eschatology Look-up Popularity. Time Traveler for eschatology The first known use of eschatology was in See more words from the same year. More from Merriam-Webster on eschatology Rhyming Dictionary: Words that rhyme with eschatology Nglish: Translation of eschatology for Spanish Speakers Britannica.