Earthbound Misfits
AM, fantastic, thanks for the report, they are great entertainers and no mistake Best Rod. July 14, 9: They always make me smile when I see them out and about at various events. Like you said Rod good old fashioned street entertainment on a par with those you see in Covent Garden. July 14, 7: Mrs HH, I believe they do all sorts of workshops, visit schools etc - a young woman told me the other day she still remember when the Earthbound Misfits went to Healing School - how nice is that! August 5, 7: Picture Update, taken at Cleethorpes, more pictures of the Carnival Here.
Caption This: Earthbound Misfits
Sean - a Misfit if ever there was one! A Touch of Steampunk! September 4, September 4, 6: September 5, RSS feed for comments on this post. Name Required Make one up if You want. He looked at her with a hint of repressed suspicion, regarding the jelly beans with an expression of curiosity he seemed to be trying to hide.
They both picked out a bean each, Severus opting for a strangely beige one and Lily choosing a fascinatingly grey-brown bean. With a shared smile, they popped the jelly beans into their mouths at the same time. She looked suspiciously at the remaining beans.

Slowly, she closed the box up, to consider at a later date. Magical people obviously had strange tastes. He offered her a tube, and she gratefully ate one. The sweet, aromatic flavour was a pleasant replacement for the heady taste of dirt. It was a mysterious talent that Lily was only too happy to benefit from.
As the British countryside passed by, the landscape taking on the drama of the north as they wound their way towards the unknown destination, Lily grumpily wondered why the train had to leave from London.
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Her parma violet finished, she judged it to be lunch time. Severus titled his head slightly in consideration at the appearance of her lunch, and she hoped franticly that he had something to eat besides parma violets. He still seemed to be bothered by something, as if something had disturbed him. To her relief, he moved towards his battered satchel, which may once have been either green or black, it was hard to really be sure.
From it he withdrew what looked to be sandwiches. She handed one of her sandwiches over to him, which he carefully placed on the seat.
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He examined both of his sandwiches, giving them both a cursory sniff, before handing one over to her. She was fairly confident that he had on occasion eaten slightly mouldy bread rather than give it to her, so she would always unflinchingly eat whatever it was he gave her in the knowledge that he always kept the worst for himself.
If she refused it, he would reluctantly hand back her much nicer cheese and pickle sandwich and to her that was a far more unbearable option. These sandwiches had clearly been made by his mother. Severus tended to make slightly better sandwiches and meals in general.
Earthbound Misfits
One of the most delightful aspects of their friendship was the way in which he would constantly be able to find berries or fruit for them to snack on while they were out playing. Logically, Lily knew that meant his first time leaving Cokeworth would have to have been the trip he undoubtably took to Diagon Alley. It had been a source of frustration that they had not been allowed to go together, and now hearing this she dearly wished they had.
She gestured to him to show he was welcome to share them, but he hesitated slightly. Part of the reason she knew was because Severus hated it with a passion. He didn't tend to give too much detail about his home life, but she knew that he hated going to church and hated bathing in the cold water after his parents. He reminded her somewhat of the time her grandmother had washed her cat. The cat, which normally kept itself clean perfectly well, had screamed like a demon and scratched everyone it could reach in its unholy fury.
- Caption This: Earthbound Misfits | Blue Skies Magazine.
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It had hissed and sulked in the corner of the bathroom afterwards, dripping and scraggly. His hair looked to still be a bit damp, hanging in lank chunks and looking unpleasantly greasy, which made Lily wonder about the effectiveness of whatever his mother had used to wash him. She could empathise with his obvious irritation. She accepted the necessity of her twice weekly baths, but she resented every time her mother would finely comb through her hair, tutting, and subject her to a horrible smelling shampoo.
They crunched away at the crisps in comparable silence, the bad temper of the morning fading. This was a relief to the both of them, as arriving in a new environment without the comforting reminder of their friendship would have made the whole experience more intimidating.
Severus still seemed to have something on his mind, but Lily waited as patiently as she could. Once the crisps were finished, Lily considered whether it would be a good move to start reading the Standard Book of Spells she had shoved into her satchel, in preparation for their arrival at Hogwarts, when Severus began to speak slowly and with a degree of reluctance.
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- earthboundmisfits | Juggling with Forces.
Mark will hand pick from the study group, able assistants who will help him in conducting his crazy experiments using the ancient skills of juggling. This and a little bit of comedy will be used to unlock and understand the world of forces and motion that is around us all.
EarthBound Misfits ~ Who are they & What do they do ? » Rod Collins
The study group will also join him on a time traveling journey into history, to the very moment of discovery and naming of Gravity by Sir Isaac Newton himself. So remember what goes up must come down. School Hall, x2 Chairs, 1 Table. Requirements x2 Chairs x1 Table.