
Cäsars Rolle in der Katilinarischen Verschwörung (German Edition)

The Quest of The Demon Hunter 6. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Learn more More Like This. A story about albanian drug village lazarat and the war against the police. He opens it and is shocked to find a note inside referring to him as Batman.

The note is attached to a picture of Robin tied up. Just then, a mysterious man and his servant enter the Batcave, revealing that they know who he is. The man introduces himself as Ra's al Ghul , and his servant as Ubu. He tells Batman that Robin and his daughter, Talia were abducted on the same night, and proposes an alliance.

As they talk, Ra's begins coughing explosively, but waves off Batman's offer of help, saying he is simply very old. Based on clues in the photograph, Batman deduces that they may be in Calcutta. As they start to exit the cave, Batman starts to walk past Ra's, but Ubu, overzealous, shoves him back, calling him "Infidel!

Batman angrily does nothing, calling Ubu's reaction "strike one". On Ra's plane, he explains that he deduced Batman's secret identity based on a worldwide survey of goods bought that could be used as equipment. After Talia saw him without his mask, her description was all that was necessary to confirm his identity as Bruce Wayne. Ra's begins coughing again and Batman expresses concern. Ra's tells him that he's fine, as Napoleon himself once told him a strong will can aide a weak body.

Batman gets the feeling Ra's isn't being completely honest with him. They make it to India and search for the mercenary cult supposedly responsible for the kidnappings. Ubu once again pushes Batman back so that Ra's may go first, to which Batman considers "strike two". The mercenaries attack and Batman easily defeats them. He interrogates one of them and learns the children are now in Malaysia. While driving through a rain forest in Malaysia, Ra's goes on at length and about humanity's destruction of the environment.

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Batman defends Wayne Enterprises ' environmental activity, but Ra's says that force is required, not just money. They make it to a temple and Batman goes inside only to find that it's a trap. The door is closed and a black panther is released into the room. Batman and the panther fight for a moment, but its abilities are no match for Batman's skills and ingenuity.

He finally manages to defeat the panther by using a sleeping gas capsule on it. With the panther sedated, Ra's comes in and they find a map inside to a location in the Himalayas.

Once again they head out, but this time Batman lets Ra's go first. Over the Himalayas, Batman prepares to parachute down while Ra's and Ubu wait on the helicopter.

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Ra's starts coughing again and Ubu makes mention of how they must get him to one of the "pits". No sooner has Batman jumped than a missile is launched that zooms past him and destroys the helicopter.

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Batman lands and confronts a team of armed thugs, but defeats them with ease. Batman finally finds Robin but is attacked by a group of thugs. They are no match for him, and Robin is freed. Just then, the torches light and the jackal-masked man comes in, applauding.

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Batman unmasks him, revealing Ra's asks how long Batman has been on to him. Batman replies, from the very beginning: The thugs who attacked them always knew exactly where they were and when they'd be there. Finally, the one time Ubu didn't care that Batman walked ahead of Ra's was when he entered the temple to confront the panther, something beyond Ra's control.

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