The Craftsman Magazine-Volume 4, Number 2-May 1903
The first issue of Gustav Stickley's The Craftsman magazine was produced in This can be seen quite clearly with its first issue, which was dedicated entirely to the recently deceased William Morris, while the second issue was dedicated to the also recently deceased John Ruskin. The magazine promoted an all-encompassing simple life philosophy, which included in its remit, architecture, interior design and decoration, gardening and lifestyle.
This largely home-grown idyll had elements of colonial reminiscences, so while the English movement tried to foster links with the English and European medieval period, the American tried to forge links with its own historical infancy. It did much to bolster a reconnection that those cultures had with their own native history and traditions, which were then transmitted into contemporary architecture, design and craft.
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The Craftsman magazine ceased publication in The impending threat of American involvement in the First World War and the general disruption of markets and finances caused by that war put an end to the magazine. However, during its fifteen years of publication it had become the most read magazine of its type across North America and had helped to foster a dynamism within American mediums like architecture, interior decoration, furniture, metalwork and ceramics, which was to long outlive its short publication run.
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The Studio (magazine) - Wikipedia
Set up a giveaway. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Not Enabled Word Wise: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art was an illustrated fine arts and decorative arts magazine published in London from until The founder and first editor was Charles Holme. The magazine exerted a major influence on the development of the Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts movements.
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The Studio was founded by Charles Holme in Holme retired from trade in order to start The Studio. The first edition was published in April with Joseph Gleeson White as editor. Holme retired as editor in for reasons of health, and was succeeded by his son Charles Geoffrey Holme, who was already the editor of special numbers and year-books of the magazine.

In keeping with Holme's original concept, the magazine was international in scope. It promoted the work of "New Art" artists, designers and architects—it played a major part in introducing the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Charles Voysey to a wide audience—and it was especially influential in Europe.
In and then from on, special numbers of the magazine were also published, normally three times a year. These carried various titles; of them were issued between and From onwards The Studio published an annual, The Studio Year-Book of Decorative Art , which dealt with architecture, interior design and design of furniture, lighting, glassware, textiles, metalwork and ceramics.
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These annuals promoted Modernism in the s, and later the Good Design movement. The last edition was published in May after which the magazine was absorbed into Studio International. A French edition was published in Paris, differing from the English one only in that the spine and parts of the cover were printed in French, and there was an insert consisting of a French translation of the article text and some French advertisements. The American edition was titled The International Studio.
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It had its own editorial staff, and the content was different from that of the English edition, although many articles from that were reprinted.