Task Force Desperate (American Praetorians Book 1)
The narrator has a kind of even, monotone delivery that kind of sounds like he's a little perturbed to have to read the story. However, as the book progressed I noticed the pauses and tone less. I'm not sure if I got used to them, just got absorbed in the story, or he go better!
I'm glad I stuck with it. I'm hoping the next book is released on audible! Despite my reservations with the narration, I really liked the story and want to know what happens next. Action and adventure in the Horn of Africa. While on contract to protect shipping, a group of ex US special forces are asked to find US hostages in Jambutti. Murphy and the CIA do not help the Praetorian's Excellent characters, great attention to tactics and weapons. I am waiting eagerly for the rest of this series to come out on Audible.
Wyntner Woody is a surprise as a narrator. I like his voice, and pacing. I guess it is okay for actors to not know how to check pronunciation.
Task Force Desperate (American Praetorians, #1) by Peter Nealen
Audio book narrator IS a job. Do it with pride or find something else to do. Of course the words he screwed up are on my list of pet peeves for pronunciation. All in all I give this audio book a 4. Peter Nealen Narrated by: Give as a gift. I understand that Nealen did this for the sake of realism.
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Very rarely will you find four to six guys mowing down everything in sight if things go right. At the same time, it's very, very difficult to involve so many characters without the reader losing track. This was my own personal nitpick, but about halfway through the book, I started to recognize names and associate them with roles. All in all, I found it to be an excellent book and I'm anxiously awaiting further entries in the series. Nov 06, Henry Brown rated it it was amazing Shelves: One unique aspect of this novel is that it's narrated in first-person.
Not much military fiction I can think of does that. Well, not any, to tell the truth. And since I've drawn attention to the writing itself already, I'll add that this is a very well-written book--way, way, way above average in this age of self-publishing. Jeff Stone call sign: The good guys in this novel are mercs; the bad guys are pirat One unique aspect of this novel is that it's narrated in first-person. The good guys in this novel are mercs; the bad guys are pirates and terrorists. Jeff is a contractor in a PMC working in the third world's hottest spot, along with some other seasoned professionals.
The story takes place in the near future, after the collapse of the US dollar, and the chaos in North Africa and the Middle East is probably no worse than it is back in the US. You get the idea that the Praetorian Security shooters are orphans of a sort; men without a country.
They choose to live by the sword because they like the warrior life, but also because there's nothing to go back to It bonds them into a tightly-knit unit That's the impression I got. You won't be disappointed in the action. There is tension on every page from cover to cover and it only gets higher as the plot drives on. Through no fault of the book, I had to read it piecemeal over a period of weeks, and yet I consider it a fast read.
And the details were right. Looking at the new wave of military fiction, it's got a much better chance with a younger audience than the old classics I enjoyed back in the day.
They want to make a buck just as much as the old cigar-smoking mid-list genre writers banging at their typewriters in a Manhattan efficiency apartment did, but there remains a level of pride in their former profession which compels them to sweat the details. They want to get it right. Pete Nealen strikes me as just such an author; and he did get it right.
I recommend Task Force Desperate to everyone who likes military fiction. Feb 22, Nick Brett rated it liked it. An interesting one this, with some ideas that help raise it above the usual military novel. It is set in the near future where the USA is cash-strapped and no longer dominant. The Preatorians of the title are on board protection against piracy in the Gulf of Aden. They are all ex-military and well-armed and experienced guys who take their freighter protection role seriously. When a US base is attacked on-shore and hostages taken, the US have no force in the area and the Preatorians are asked to s An interesting one this, with some ideas that help raise it above the usual military novel.
When a US base is attacked on-shore and hostages taken, the US have no force in the area and the Preatorians are asked to slip ashore and do some recon for the US forces yet to arrive.
As the story develops it appears that there will be no back-up and the guys have to decide whether to risk all against challenging odds and a hostile environment. The focus here is on action and the author has the background to really know his stuff. As a result the bad guys have more power and less fear and the good guys know that the cavalry may not be coming.
A bit different and a lot of fun. Highly impressed with this read. Had me from the beginning. What I liked most was that you kept it simple enough for a civilian to understand yet technical enough for a combat vet! Apr 06, John Davies rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is a good intro to the Mercenary company, American Praetorians. They were originally hired to guard ships sailing near Somalia, and kill any pirates that tried to attack.
While there, Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti gets attacked, and over Americans taken hostage. The Govt won't commit American forces for a rescue without confirmation of their location, so the Praetorians are tasked by the CIA to find them. The mission keeps on getting more and more difficult, but they succeed in rescuing ar This is a good intro to the Mercenary company, American Praetorians.
The mission keeps on getting more and more difficult, but they succeed in rescuing around 25 or so soldiers, only to suffer setbacks and betrayals. Eventually, they get tasked with rescuing the rest of the hostages, who have been moved to Somalia. As they attempt to infiltrate the enemy base, an IED kills 3 of them, severely wounds another, and the rescue fails.
By now, it's clear that the enemy is ready for any rescue bid, so they instead target the head of the Islamic groups that are meeting in Yemen. The Praetorians manage to get in, kill the bad guys and get out, although they take more casualties in the process. The book ends with the head of the company happy with the result, even though the rescue ultimately failed.
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I look forward to the next book. Aug 14, Dallas T. Good Read The book is staged in areas of current conflict and US involvement to some extent. Run toward the sounds of gunfire and get it today! Mullah Abdullah Al Hakim has established himself, with Praetorian assistance, as the leader of the autonomous province of Basra in the wake of the bombing that killed the Iraqi Parliament. They have to escape from both the oncoming troops and treachery from within their erstwhile allies. Once out, however, they receive a new mission. Only vague descriptions and fuzzy photos of him exist.
American Praetorians Series
What is known about him is that he is the up-and-coming power in the converging underworlds of guerrilla warfare, spies, terrorists, and organized crime. He is known to have ties with Islamist extremists, Communist guerrillas, drug cartels, gun runners…if it is involved in global chaos, he has a hand in it.
Now Praetorian Security has been contracted to hunt him down. Jeff Stone and his team pick up the scent in northern Mexico. But the closer they get, the more elusive El Duque seems to become.
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Jeff and his compatriots have long since learned that in the shadowy world of modern conflict, little is ever exactly what it seems. But as the manhunt leads them into some of the darkest, most lawless corners of the Western Hemisphere, they come upon an explosive revelation that changes everything.
No one is coming out the other side of this mission the same. The Special Operations contractors of Praetorian Security go to the darkest corners of the world, to face the worst that the underworld of modern conflict has to offer.