My Boyfriend the Squire
Like I said, the premise was good. The plot was creative and the love between Lucinda and Chadwick and then Lucinda and Chad was very sweet and innocent. I would have no prob The premise of this book is good, but I probably would have enjoyed it more if I were 12 years old.
I would have no problem if one of my nieces said that they wanted to read this book when they got older They're 9, 2 and 17 months, so I have awhile. If one of my sisters asked me, I would recommend it.
It is much more innocent than many books aimed at pre-teens and teens these days. In my opinion, that is NOT a bad thing! But, as a 35 year old, I had a hard time getting into it.
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- Smashwords – My Boyfriend the Squire – a book by Tracy Kauffman;
I would definitely recommend this for younger girls tweens , but older teenagers and young adults probably would find it to be a little simplistic. I received a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own and may differ from yours. Mar 31, Victoria Brinius rated it it was amazing.
This was a sweet romance that is perfect for young adults.
My Boyfriend The Squire Ffgtg3 by Tracy Kauffman - FictionDB
I really liked it myself. It is the perfect length and had perfect characters. I really enjoyed reading about Lucinda becoming a princess. The author did a great job with the time travel aspect of the story and the book had a really good flow. The ending also had a nice surprise that I did not see coming at all.
I hope that there is another book on its way to continue Lucinda's story. I also really liked that Lucinda got to be a princess This was a sweet romance that is perfect for young adults. I also really liked that Lucinda got to be a princess. What girl does not want to be a princess? What a good guy. He took Lucinda under his wing and taught her what he needed to know to be the perfect princess. Without him I don't think Lucinda would have made it in the past. A lot of authors write about time travel, but very few flow as easy as this book did for me.
I got a copy to review, however all opinions are my own! Mar 19, Liz Terek rated it liked it. Lucinda boarded an early morning flight. After a trip to the restroom, she reemerges to find the plane replaced by a portal. What awaits 16 year old Lucinda in Fr Lucinda boarded an early morning flight.
My Boyfriend the Squire
What awaits 16 year old Lucinda in France? Will she find joy or danger? From a YA perspective, this book would most likely appeal to the preteen crowd- mostly year old girls. It is simplistically written. I need a bit more substance. Deidre Barnes rated it it was ok Jul 20, Literary Directory rated it it was amazing Jan 08, Vivek rated it it was amazing Jul 28, Joel Schwan rated it liked it Mar 02, Tracy Kauffman rated it it was amazing Apr 23, Roy Huff rated it it was amazing Apr 19, Clarke added it Mar 03, Katie added it Mar 04, Lori Chandler marked it as to-read Mar 18, Lucia marked it as to-read Apr 15, Cassie Polla marked it as to-read May 20, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
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I am a Christian author from North AL. I enjoy writing fiction fantasy books for children and young adults, but would venture out on a different genre if the thought provoked me. I hope to encourage, edify and inspire others through my writings. You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping.
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Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. My Boyfriend the Squire by Tracy Kauffman. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! My Boyfriend the Squire is a time travel romance for the ages. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews.
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Overall rating No ratings yet 0. Lucinda was brought back in time to help the countess, since she is the spitting image of Princess Grace. Lucinda meets a squire training for knighthood and falls for him. The Countess tells them that they must travel far to find a magical box. Lucinda travels back to the plane, but misses Chadwick.
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She is happy to see her brother Caleb and his friend. Chad who looks just like the squire. They become closer as they see the sights of the city. Will Lucinda fall in love with Chad or be reunited with her true love?