Modeling Dynamic Economic Systems (Modeling Dynamic Systems)
Changes in structural significance modify that behavior pattern which, in turn, feeds back to change the relative significance of structural components.
- Modeling Dynamic Economic Systems by Matthias Ruth.
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- Modeling Dynamic Economic Systems : Matthias Ruth : .
We develop a macroeconomic model through which we can study the characteristics of the feedback between structure and behavior. This model is based on multiplier-accelerator model, and inventory — adjustment model.
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This work is an extension of the work by Nathan Forrester on the use of basic macroeconomic theory to stabilize policy analysis. The design of a System Dynamics model begins with a problem and a time frame that contribute to the problem. They are listed and their structural relationships sketched the factors with particular attention to characterizing them as levels or stocks and rates or flows that feed or drain them.
A dynamic monetary multi-sectoral model of production
Levels and rates must alternate in the model; no level can control another without an intervening rate or any rate influence another without an intervening level. Karl E, case, Ray c. Rubio-Ramerez Estimating Macroeconomic Models: Allenna Leonard with Stafford Beer The system perspective: Methods and Models for the future. Kirkwood System Dynamics Methods: Angelides System Dynamics Modeling in supply chain Management: The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Product details Format Hardback pages Dimensions x x Looking for beautiful books?
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- Modeling Dynamic Economic Systems - Matthias Ruth, Bruce Hannon - Google Книги.
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- Modeling Dynamic Economic Systems - Matthias Ruth, Bruce M. Hannon - Google Книги!
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Other books in this series. Dynamic Modeling Bruce Hannon. Landscape Simulation Modeling Robert Costanza. Back cover copy Economists model the ways in which humans meet their needs using given endowments of resources and technologies. This book explores the dynamic processes in economic systems, concentrating on the extraction of resources that are required to meet economic needs.
Using the STELLA R software, Modeling Dynamic Economic Systems applies methods of computer modeling to a wide range of real-world economic phenomena, demonstrating how to make informed decisions about economic performance and environmental quality. Sections of the book cover: The book does not require a substantial background in mathematics or computer science and encourages all students and scholars to actively incorporate modeling into their education and research.
About the Series The availability of powerful, intuitive software for developing and running computer models of real-world phenomena promises a revolution in studying, teaching and thinking about complex problems that range from the functioning of a cell to that of an ecosystem to that of a national economy. The books in the series Modeling Dynamic Systems promote the spread of "systems thinking" by integrating state-of-the-art modeling techniques with the theories and concepts of specific disciplines or interdisciplinary topics.
The unifying theme of the series is the ease, power, and transparency of model building. Table of contents Foreword.