Mediensozialisation und Konsequenzen für den Deutschunterricht (German Edition)
These words account for This kind of text is subject to the accumulation of low frequency words especially those of content words and limited of words from GSL. It could also defeat the development of students' reading skills and vocabulary enrichment. Dictionaries for text production. Dictionaries for Text Production are information tools that are designed and constructed for helping users to produce i. These can be broadly divided into two groups: Dictionary; b general text production dictionaries, i.
A review of existing production dictionaries reveals that there are many specialized text production dictionaries but only a few general Instant Sublime Text starter. A starter which teaches the basic tasks to be performed with Sublime Text with the necessary practical examples and screenshots. This book requires only basic knowledge of the Internet and basic familiarity with any one of the three major operating systems, Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X.
However, as Sublime Text 2 is primarily a text editor for writing software, many of the topics discussed will be specifically relevant to software development. That being said, the Sublime Text 2 Starter is also suitable for someone without a programming background who may be looking to learn one of the tools of. Security in the internet; Sicherheitsaspekte im Internet.
Aim of the study: Is it possible to use the Internet as a secure media for transport of telemedicine? Which risks exist for routine use? In this article state of the art methods of security were analysed. Telemedicine in the Internet has severe risks, because patient data and hospital data of a secure Intranet can be manipulated by connecting it to the Web. Establishing of a firewall and the introduction of HPC Health Professional Card are minimizing the risk of un-authorized access to the hospital server.
HPC allows good safety with digital signature and authentication of host and client of medical data. Planning all activities exactly as well as following legal regulations are important requisites for reduction of safety risks in Internet. Es sollten die Fragen beantwortet werden, ob es moeglich ist, das Internet als sicheres Uebermittlungsmedium fuer Telemedizin zu nutzen und welche Sicherheitsrisiken bestehen.
Dazu wurden die gaengigen Sicherheitsmethoden analysiert. Telemedizin im Internet ist mit Sicherheitsrisiken behaftet, die durch die Oeffnung eines Intranets mit der Moeglichkeit zur unberechtigten Manipulation von aussen bedingt sind.
abbildungen im text: Topics by
Diese Sicherheitsrisiken koennen durch eine Firewall weitgehend unterbunden werden. Chipkarten wie die Health professional card ermoeglichen eine hohe Sicherheit bei digitaler Signatur und sicherer Authentifikation der Sender und Empfaenger von Daten im Internet. Auch Standards wie Pretty good privacy sind inzwischen fuer sichere e-mails einfach einzusetzen.
Wichtige Voraussetzung fuer die Reduktion von Sicherheitsrisiken ist unter Beruecksichtigung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben die exakte Planung aller Aktivitaeten im Internet, bei denen medizinische Patientendaten versandt werden sollen, in einem Team aus Aerzten und Informatikern. Linguistics in Text Interpretation. A model for how text interpretation proceeds from what is pronounced, through what is said to what is comunicated, and definition of the concepts 'presupposition' and 'implicature' After completing development, we mined the latest research publications for three organisms: To present background, principles, and procedures for a strategy for qualitative analysis called systematic text condensation and discuss this approach compared with related strategies A chemistry teacher describes the elements of the ideal chemistry textbook.
The perfect text is focused and helps students draw a coherent whole out of the myriad fragments of information and interpretation. The text would show chemistry as the central science necessary for understanding other sciences and would also root chemistry firmly in the…. Text 2 Mind Map. This is a review of the web resource ' Text 2 Mind Map' www. It covers what the resource is, and how it might be used in Library and education context, in particular for School Librarians. The use of Ion Mobility Spectrometry IMS in the Detection of Contraband Sandia researchers use ion mobility spectrometers for trace chemical detection and analysis in a variety of projects and applications.
The emphasis to date has been on explosives detection, but the detection of chemical agents has also been pursued and Verweise mit Demonstrativa im Gesprochenen Deutsch Verweise mit Demonstrativa im gesprochenen Deutsch: Grammatik, Zweitspracherwerb und Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Berlin ; New York: Corporate Venture Capital im Bankensektor: Zum Bildungspotenzial biblischer Texte. Full Text Available Biblical education as a holistic process goes far beyond biblical learning. It must be understood as a lifelong process, in which both biblical texts and their understanders operate appropriating their counterpart in a dialogical way.
The recipient discovers the meaning of the biblical text recomposing it by existential appropriation. So the text is brought to live in each individual reality. Unfortunately, a special negative association obscures the approach of the bible very often: Moreover, the bible is getting misused for teaching moral terms or pontifications. Such downfalls can be disrupted by biblical didactics which are empowerment didactics. Thus each the text and the recipient become subjects in a dialogue. The approach of the Biblical-Enabling-Didactics leads the Bible to become always new a book of life.
Understanding them from within their hermeneutics, empowerment didactics could be raised to the principle of biblical didactics in general and grow into an essential element of holistic education. Politische Inhalte im Internet: Welche Bedeutung kommt dem Internet in der Politikvermittlung zu? It provides a clean separation between services, signaling, and media with the potential to enable control and management of services over multiple transport technologies. In the scope of fixed-mobile convergence, this paper is dedicated to presenting a review of how cable networks can be integrated into IMS technology to achieve 3G-cable horizontal convergence.
Cable networks, as one of the major fixed broadband access technologies with PacketCable architecture, are able to provide broadband internet access and VoIP in addition to cable TV. In this way, we consider the standardization and research activities to address this integration. We review some important challenges such as SIP protocol compatibility, defining unique user profile, required enhancement in authentication process, QoS and charging system.
Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi telekomunikasi yang semakin pesat, membuat para operator dan vendor telekomunikasi harus dapat menyediakan layanan telekomunikasi yang aman, cepat, dan multi guna, untuk mendorong terciptanya ekosistem layanan telekomunikasi yang beragam bagi para penggunanya. Next Generation Network NGN merupakan sebuah teknologi masa depan yang mendukung beberapa layanan terintegrasi seperti voice, data, dan multimedia. Agar pengiriman data dalam layanan IMS menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien maka diperlukan sebuah teori antrian yang tepat untuk digunakan sebagai pengatur aliran paket data.
Dari hasil simulasi dapat diketahui bahwa teori antrian WFQ pada layanan video conference menghasilkan rata-rata delay sebesar 9. Sedangkan untuk layanan VoIP menghasilkan rata-rata delay sebesar ms, delay variation sebesar 0. Examines chemical engineering students' attitudes to text and other parts of English language textbooks. A questionnaire was administered to a group of undergraduates. Results reveal one way students get around the problem of textbook reading. Homi Bhabha uses the words of Salman Rushdie to underline the fact that new I could not conceptualise an African-language-to-African-language dictionary.
Plagiarism in Academic Texts. Full Text Available The ethical and social responsibility of citing the sources in a scientific or artistic work is undeniable. This paper explores, in a preliminary way, academic plagiarism in its various forms.
- und chronischer sinusitis: Topics by
- Annies Faith: A Search for Meaning.
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- A Million Dirty Secrets: The Million Dollar Duet Part One.
It includes findings based on a forensic analysis. The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness on the importance of considering these details when writing and publishing a text. Hopefully, this analysis may put the issue under discussion. Machine Translation from Text. Beyond being a well defined application that stands on its own, MT from text is the link between the automatic speech recognition component and the distillation component. The three languages represent a wide range of linguistic diversity and make the GALE MT task rather challenging and exciting.
The empirical study of career paths in marketing points out that differences emerge even when men and women supposedly do the same thing. Extending IM beyond the Reference Desk: Full Text Available Openfire is an open source IM network and a single unified application that meets the needs of chat reference and internal communications.
This case study describes the chat reference and internal communications environment at the CSUSM Library and the selection, implementation, and evaluation of Openfire. In addition, the authors discuss the benefits of deploying an integrated instant messaging and chat reference network. Erstmals werden 45 stratifiziert aufgesammelte Individuen von Euproops untersucht.
Einige Details der Morphologie sowie eine dichte Behaarung werden beschrieben. Auf der Basis dieser Merkmale sowie der Verteilung juveniler und adulter Individuen im geologischen Profil wird eine Deutung des Lebensraumes der Euproopiden versucht. In this paper 45 individuals of the genus Euproops, sampled from particular levels in the profile, are reported on for the first time. Analysis of the fossil material reveals new morphological details — especially setae densely covering the ventral side — that, combined with the geological setting of the profile, gives novel insights into the palaeoenvironment and to the hypothesis of subaerial activity.
Young individuals of Euproops may have been "litter dwellers" inhabiting forest-litter and partly decayed plant material that had washed ashore. By contrast, adults formed a principal component of the nearshore benthic fauna. They were able to leave the water, but only for short periods. This is proved by the occurence of adults and juveniles in different lithologies.
The four 50 MJ generators connected in series were chosen because they represent the minimum cost configuration and also represent a minimal scale up from the successful 5. December, 10, , Wollongong, Australia: Information institutions use text -based information retrieval systems to store, index and retrieve metadata, full- text , or both metadata and full- text hybrid contents.
The aim of this research was to evaluate impact of these contents on information retrieval performance. In order to evaluate Evolution oder Revolution anhand konkreter Beispiele. Das Energiesystem als Gesamtes und die Verteilnetze im Speziellen werden smart. Diese Entwicklung ist eine Evolution, nicht aber eine Revolution. Einheit und Vielfalt in der Rechtsgeschichte im Ostseeraum.
Unity and plurality in the legal history of the Baltic Sea area Sechster Rechtshistorikertag im Ostseeraum, 3. Frankfurt am Main u. Information Management System IMS is an essential tool in supporting the provision of information needed for planning and decision making in any organization. Proper IMS facilitates the smooth flow of information both vertical and horizontal.
This paper presents the findings of a survey on information needs of the Gender New mathematical cuneiform texts. This monograph presents in great detail a large number of both unpublished and previously published Babylonian mathematical texts in the cuneiform script. A table of reciprocals from the end of the third millennium BC, differing radically from well-documented but younger tables of reciprocals from the Neo-Sumerian and Old-Babylonian periods, as well as a fragment of a Neo-Sumerian clay tablet showing a new type of a labyrinth are also discussed.
The material is presen The Emar Lexical Texts. This four-part work provides a philological analysis and a theoretical interpretation of the cuneiform lexical texts found in the Late Bronze Age city of Emar, in present-day Syria. These word and sign lists, commonly dated to around BC, were almost all found in the archive of a single school.
Text Induced Spelling Correction. We present TISC, a language-independent and context-sensitive spelling checking and correction system designed to facilitate the automatic removal of non-word spelling errors in large corpora. Its lexicon is derived from a very large corpus of raw text , without supervision, and contains word.
Notes that, since fictional discourse need not reflect prevailing systems of meaning and norms or values, readers gain detachment from their own presuppositions; by constituting and formulating text -sense, readers are constituting and formulating their own cognition and becoming aware of the operations for doing so. Documents and legal texts. This section treats of the following documents and legal texts: Emotionen der Lernenden beim Fremdsprachenlehr- und Lernprozess spielen eine wichtige Rolle.
Die Auswertung des Interviews folgte mit einer Transkription und einer Interpretation der Tonaufnahmen. Doing religion im Phowa-Kurs: Praxeologische und reflexionslogische Studien zum "bewussten Sterben" im Diamantweg-Buddhismus. Freilich ist die Lesbarkeit nicht immer gegeben. Full Text Available In this article possibilities of application of Kuznets Curve in the domain of urban development and urban transport are tested. Second, the managers produce new texts based on the original strategy document by using four different ways of translation models.
Firstly, it shows that translation is more than a sociological process. Secondly, it shows that even though a strategy text is in singular, the translation makes strategy plural. Thirdly, the article proposes a way to open up the black box of what This article shows empirically how managers translate a strategy plan at an individual level. By analysing how managers in three organizations translate strategies, it identifies that the translation happens in two steps: First, the managers decipher the strategy by coding the different parts Support interoperability and reusability of emerging forms of assessment: Antarctic observations available for IMS correlative analyses.
A review is provided of the wide-ranging observational programs of 25 stations operating on and around the continent of Antarctica during the International Magnetospheric Study IMS. Attention is given to observations of geomagnetism, short period fluctuations of the earth's electromagnetic field, observations of the ionosphere and of whistler mode signals, observational programs in ionospheric and magnetospheric physics, upper atmosphere physics observations, details of magnetospheric programs conducted at Kerguelen, H-component magnetograms, magnetic field line oscillations, dynamic spectra of whistlers, and the variation of plasmapause position derived from recorded whistlers.
The considered studies suggest that, in principle, if the level of magnetic activity is known, predictions can be made concerning the time at which the trough occurs, and the shape and the movement of the main trough. Most research on cognates has focused on words presented in isolation that are easily defined as cognate between L1 and L2. In contrast, this study investigates what counts as cognate in authentic texts and how such cognates are read. Participants with L1 Danish read news articles in their highly The experiment shows a cognate advantage for morphologically simple words, but only when cognateness is defined relative to translation equivalents that are appropriate in the context.
For morphologically complex words, a cognate disadvantage Act on Subsidisation, etc. The study applied a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, i. Weitere Texte physiognomischen Inhalts. Full Text Available The present article offers the edition of three cuneiform texts belonging to the Akkadian handbook of omens drawn from the physical appearance as well as the morals and behaviour of man. Utah Text Retrieval Project. The Utah Text Retrieval project seeks well-engineered solutions to the implementation of large, inexpensive, rapid text information retrieval systems.
The project has three major components. Perhaps the best known is the work on the specialized processors, particularly search engines, necessary to achieve the desired performance and cost. The other two concern the user interface to the system and the system's internal structure. The work on user interface development is not only concentrating on the syntax and semantics of the query language, but also on the overall environment the system presents to the user. Environmental enhancements include convenient ways to browse through retrieved documents, access to other information retrieval systems through gateways supporting a common command interface, and interfaces to word processing systems.
The system's internal structure is based on a high-level data communications protocol linking the user interface, index processor, search processor, and other system modules. This allows them to be easily distributed in a multi- or specialized-processor configuration. It also allows new modules, such as a knowledge-based query reformulator, to be added. Foto-impacto en las portadas globales. Im Besonderen wurde bei der Gestaltung des neuen Lehrkonzeptes Wert darauf gelegt, die Lehre praxisbezogen zu gestalten.
An der Evaluation nahmen insgesamt 84 Studierende teil. This section reprints a selection of recently published legislative texts and documents: In Deutschland leben ca. Diese kann angeboren oder im Laufe des Lebens erworben sein. Der Beitrag stellt Partizipationsformen anhand exemplarischer Fragekategorien vor und diskutiert diese aufgrund von Aussagen aus einer evaluativen Gruppendiskussion.
This Paper argues whether cyber bullying can be understood as violating speach act with reference to Judith Butler by starting with a definition of cyber bullying respectively the term cyber 'mobbing' which is used synonymously in German speaking countries and an outline of Butler's theory. After that, the question of a new or different understanding of cyber bullying and its consequences is discussed. This section treats of the following Documents and legal texts: Nuclear Liability and Compensation Act An Act respecting civil liability and compensation for damage in case of a nuclear incident, repealing the Nuclear Liability Act and making consequential amendments to other acts ; 2 - Japan: Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage The purpose of this act is to protect persons suffering from nuclear damage and to contribute to the sound development of the nuclear industry by establishing a basic system regarding compensation in case of nuclear damage caused by reactor operation etc.
This section of the Bulletin presents the recently published documents and legal texts sorted by country: Lernsoftware umfasst eine breite Palette von sehr unterschiedlichen Produkten. Full Text Available This paper presents a novel method for broken rotor bar detection in a squirrel-cage induction motor IM. The proposed method applies a single-phase AC voltage as a test signal on motor terminals, resulting in a stator backward-rotating magnetic field.
The field ultimately causes additional current components in the stator windings whose magnitudes depend on the broken bar fault severity, even if the motor is unloaded. This allows robust broken bar fault detection based only on standard motor current signature analysis MCSA technique. The proposed fault detection method is at first verified via simulations, using an IM model based on finite element analysis FEA and multiple coupled circuit approach MCCA. The subsequent experimental investigations have shown good agreement with both theoretical predictions and simulation results.
Full Text Available Results: The most important concept of IMS is chronic pain illness that may develop into hypersensitivity of the nerves, i. Muscle shortening may be triggered by stress, including emotional, physical, external, and internal factors. Muscle shortening increases mechanical tension on the muscles as well as inducing abrasion of the tissues by stretching ligament, tendon, cartilage, bone, and etc.
Pain from neuropathy is normally manifested on musculoskeletal system and spasm or shortening play as the central axis of this pain. Neuropathy often appears at the nerve root level and the most important decisive factor of radiculopathy is muscle shortening. Spondylosis is the most common cause of radiculopathy. The most significant treatment principle of IMS is to relieve muscle shortening and remove stimulating determinant from the vertebrae. Dry needling is quite effective for treating various pain caused by muscle shortening.
Von der klassischen Definition des Nationalstaates ausgehend, werden zuerst drei staatszentrierte Bezugssysteme Rechtsstaat, Sozialstaat, Territorialstaat skizziert. Euphemismen und Dysphemismen im Flexibilisierungsdiskurs. Auf dem Weg zu einem mehrperspektivischen Untersuchungsdesign. Full Text Available Semenjak abad ke M, telah tumbuh perjumpaan intensifantara dunia Muslim dengan peradaban Barat, yangmelahirkan implikasi yang cukup mencengangkan bagiperubahan struktur sosial dunia Muslim.
Clinical neuroanatomy and diagnostic imaging and evaluation of the brain. MRI and CT atlas. Atlas der Magnetresonanztomographie und Computertomographie. New features of this 3rd German edition are: Ihre Anzahl wurde nahezu verdoppelt. In den nun grossen Abbildungen konnte die Zahl der bezeichneten Hirnstrukturen wesentlich erhoeht werden. Neues Wissen wurde in den Text und in die Abbildungen aufgenommen.
Mit Terror zur Arbeitsdisziplin: Die Arbeitserziehungslager im Nationalsozialismus waren polizeiliche Straflager, in denen Personen inhaftiert wurden, die sich nicht im Sinne der geforderten Arbeitsdisziplin der Kriegswirtschaft verhielten. These were punishment camps governed by the police where people not conforming to the requirements of discipline at work in war economy were held. Unmanned observatory for auroral physics study on the Antarctic Continent-Multipoint ground-based observations during the IMS period In order to study polar magnetic substorms, a multipoint ground observation network was planned around Syowa, including unmanned stations.
In the construction of an unmanned observatory system in Antarctica, there have been difficulties, such as insuffcient information about enviromental conditions, the construction support capability, power supply and others. During the IMS period, the U. In this report, we describe the development of a JARE unmanned observatory for upper atmosphere physics and also the scientific results. Full Text Available Common sense, the thinking of the people par excellence, asserts that: This is a big mistake.
The images are not carriers of meanings. The images always go through three basic processes are: These processes are always determined in the time and social space. They are always the result of multiple relationships social, ideological, political, moral, religious, etc. Always there are so many elements beyond the image, which determines its meaning. The meaning of an image always depends on the relationships established with it in a historical time and space, socially and culturally determined.
The images are never alone. To decrypt their meanings, you must first know the symbolic life of the societies in which they appear. Images do not have a single meaning because it depends on the historical and cultural geography which presents. The images always have a close relationship with the society they were born. The Muhammad cartoons not offend everyone equally. Lo cual es un grave error. Full Text Available Islam is a holistic religion. It means that Islam is a religion which does not only focus on the vertical relation between humans and God but also contains rules of horizontal relation between man and man.
Copyright c by Al-Ihkam. Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to contribute to learning, knowledge creation and knowledge transfer for building organization innovability by integrating the management systems in the SIMPRO- IMS web based environment. The paper content consists of the interpretation of role-play simulation, role-play simulation process description, methodology, and the employment of role-play simulation outcomes, as well as the discussion of the knowledge thus obtained. At the same time contributes to the preservation of organization memory in response to the growing challenges of globalization and digitalization.
The research is limited by the complexity of a real system and possible empiric results verification. The results achieved are verified when people really overcome the resistance to change. This can be assessed thoughtfully only after some period of time.
- No customer reviews;
- Jenseits des leuchtenden Horizonts: Roman (Allgemeine Reihe. Bastei Lübbe Taschenbücher) (German Edition)?
- Monsterboy and the Boocoo Man.
- Neugründung eines DOB-Fachgeschäfts (German Edition).
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- Pathways (Full Circle)?
- Bye-Bye Space-Time, or, For Whom the Brain Slimes (Pulp This! Adventure Serials Book 6)?
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- Ping 2 - Les Impatiences de Ping (French Edition);
Another limitation is presented by measurability of real enhancement achieved in quality, safety and environmentality of production, and business continuity and social responsibility of an organization. This software integrates the whole control of the equipment in an IMS station, including the management of consumables used in daily or periodic operation. It permits an easy retrieval access of the technical features, suppliers, etc.
Although this project is still in a starting phase, a preliminary version of this software is being used in radionuclide station RN01 Buenos Aires , having already demonstrated its usefulness and potential for the improvement of IMS station management. Proceedings of Adaptive Hypermedia. Retrieved June 30th, , from http: The presentation gives an overview of the approach of the development programme of the OTEC department towards the development of Open Source. Preussen und Livland im Zeichen der Reformation. Quantensprung Digitalisierung - Energiewirtschaft im Energieversorger, die sich dem Wandel nicht stellen, drohen den Anschluss zu verpassen.
Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im Sport in Sachsen-Anhalt. Wie sieht Supply-Chain-Management im Jahr aus? Wir und die Anderen: Mit der Querschnittsstudie "Wir und die Anderen — Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im organisierten Sport in Sachsen" wurde erstmals das Syndrom Gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit im organisierten Sport untersucht. Der Bericht beinhaltet Ergebnisse von Fleischuntersuchungen auf den Eisengehalt. Vor 30 Jahren lag der Eisengehalt In der Literatur existiert eine eigene Welt, die mit Raum und Zeit verbunden ist.
Jahrhundert gewinnen beide, Raum und Zeit, an Bedeutung als bewusst eingesetzte Gestaltungselemente. Deutsche Wirtschaft im Aufschwung. Coherent ambient infrasound recorded by the global IMS network. The International Monitoring System IMS includes a global network of infrasound arrays, which is designed to detect atmospheric nuclear explosions anywhere on the planet. The infrasound network also has potential application in detection of natural hazards such as large volcanic explosions and severe weather. Ambient noise recorded by the network includes incoherent wind noise and coherent infrasound.
We present a statistical analysis of coherent infrasound recorded by the IMS network. We have applied broadband 0. We show that IMS arrays consistently record coherent ambient infrasound across the broad frequency range from 0. Multi-year averaging of PMCC detection bulletins emphasizes continuous signals such as oceanic microbaroms, as well as persistent transient signals such as repetitive volcanic, surf, or anthropogenic activity e.
While many of these continuous or repetitive signals are of interest in their own right, they may dominate IMS array detection bulletins and obscure or complicate detection of specific signals of interest. The new PMCC detection bulletins have numerous further applications, including in volcano and microbarom studies, and in IMS data quality assessment.
In the German Literature Archive DLA began to evaluate appropriate deacidification processes for its unique archive and library stock. The article describes the. Der Tatort im studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht ab B2. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt ein solches Konzept vor. Ausgehend von der Arbeit am Tatort werden drei Lernbereiche vorgestellt, die neben der Arbeit am Film auch die Arbeit an angrenzenden Themen und Texten sowie darauf aufbauend die Entwicklung studienbegleitender kommunikativer Handlungskompetenz vorsehen.
Current discussions on teaching German alongside the core subjects at university show the necessity to consider both institutional requirements and the students' individual goals when establishing teaching objectives. Flexible concepts are needed which serve as a framework and which can be realized with texts and tasks focusing on what is required by a specific learning context.
This paper presents such an approach, using the German feature film Tatort. Besides ideas for working with the audiovisual material we will present opportunities that come along with the various texts and discussions in media and social networks arising around the film as well as ways for combining these aspects with developing language skills for the academic context.
Full Text Available In the current networking field many research works are going on regarding the integration of different wireless technologies, with the aim of providing uninterrupted connectivity to the user anywhere, with high data rates due to increased demand. However, the number of objects like smart devices, industrial machines, smart homes, connected by wireless interface is dramatically increasing due to the evolution of cloud computing and internet of things technology. This Paper begins with the challenges involved in such integrations and then explains the role of different couplings and different architectures.
This paper also gives further improvement in the LTE and Wimax integration architectures to provide seamless vertical handover and flexible quality of service for supporting voice, video, multimedia services over IP network and mobility management with the help of IMS networks. Evaluation of various parameters like handover delay, cost of signalling, packet loss,, is done and the performance of the interworking architecture is analysed from the simulation results. Finally, it concludes that the cross layer scenario is better than the non cross layer scenario. Politik ergibt sich nach Herbart aus einem Konflikt hinsichtlich der Frage, wie das Zusammenleben von Menschen geregelt sein sollte.
Primary fibrosarcoma im small intestine of dog - Case report. The fibrosarcoma is extremely rare in the intestine of animals of this species therefore, little is known about the macroscopic and behavior of this tumor. Given this unusual intestinal disease in dogs, the present study aimed to report a case of intestinal fibrosarcoma in a poodle breed dog, 15 years old, with no apparent clinical signs. The mass was pedunculated, whitish and firm consistency. The diagnosis was made by histopathology. After four months of surgical excision, there was no recurrence and metastasis.
We conclude that the intestinal fibrosarcoma has low aggressiveness, are rare and can present macroscopic pediculated. Habitusformen von Eltern im Kontext der Computerspielnutzung ihrer Kinder. Die Ergebnisse zeigen u. This article shows parental points of view on computer game habits of children and the educational acting of parents concerning computer games. The results are product of the research project "Parental views on children and adolescents playing computer games" of the Faculty of Educational Science of Bielefeld University.
The empirical study from includes 28 qualitative interviews with both parents. The results show among other things that the media-related habitus of parents influences their media-educational habitus. In modern societies freedom and equality belong to those core values that are positive as well as vague. The contributions are divided into four themes: Of central interest to the study are the transformations in gender relations and gender arrangements in practice as well as the possibilities for feminist gender-political interventions.
The purpose of this act is to safeguard against the dangers and harmful effects of radioactive waste and to contribute to public safety and environmental protection by laying down requirements for the safe and efficient management of radioactive waste.
We will find definitions, interrelation with other legislation, responsibilities of the state and local governments, responsibilities of radioactive waste management companies and generators, formulation of the basic plan for the control of radioactive waste, radioactive waste management with public information, financing and part of spent fuel management , Korea radioactive waste management corporation business activities, budget , establishment of a radioactive waste fund in order to secure the financial resources required for radioactive waste management, and penalties in case of improper operation of radioactive waste management.
Grundlegende Steuerungsverfahren im heterogenen Logistiknetz mit Kanban. In vielen Unternehmen werden heterogene verschiedene Steuerungen in einem abgestimmten Konzept kombiniert. Die wesentliche Fragestellung sollte folglich lauten: Warum ist der Ablauf nicht mit einer einfachen Steuerung wie Kanban abzubilden? Full Text Available Abstract Background Socio-cultural differences for country-specific activities are rarely addressed in physical activity questionnaires. Criterion validity was moderate for total activity and MVPA. Reliability and validity were comparable for urban and rural participants but lower in women than men.
Increasing time spent in total activity or MVPA, and decreasing time in sedentary activity were associated with decreasing BMI, percent body fat and pulse rate, thereby demonstrating construct validity. It is an appropriate tool for ranking PA of individuals in India.
Some refinements may be required for sedentary populations and women in India. With the evolution of third generation network, more and more multimedia services are developed and deployed. Any new service to be deployed in IMS network is required to inter-work with existing Internet communities or legacy terminal users in order to appreciate the end users, who are the main drivers for the service to succeed.
This is because each network has its own routable address schema. For instance, the address for Google Talk user is xmpp: It is an end-to-end solution built on IMS infrastructure. The detailed technical description and the corresponding use cases are present. The comparison with other alternatives is made. The benefits of the proposed solution are highlighted.
Ion mobility alone is insufficient to identify an unknown chemical agent. Collision cross section, upon which mobility is based, is not sufficiently unique or predictable a priori to be able to make a confident peak assignment unless the compounds present are already identified. Molecular mass, on the other hand, is much more readily interpreted and related to compounds. For a given compound, the molecular mass can be determined using a pocket calculator or in one's head while a reasonable value of the cross-section might require hours of computation time.
Thus a mass spectrum provides chemical specificity and identity not accessible in the mobility spectrum alone. In addition, several advanced mass spectrometric methods, such as tandem MS, have been extensively developed for the purpose of molecular identification. With an appropriate mass spectrometer connected to an ion mobility spectrometer, these advanced identification methods become available, providing greater characterization capability.
Examining the Affordances of Children's Informational Texts. This study investigated the affordances of informational texts to serve as model texts for teaching text structure to elementary school children. Content analysis of a random sampling of children's informational texts from top publishers was conducted on text structure organization and on the inclusion of text features as signals of text….
Psalms en hulle Sitz e im Leben. This especially applies for the texts of the psalms. But, vague formulations and generalised language, though, make this effort in the psalms extremely difficult. In view of the eclectic chosen examples of Psalms 55 and 74, this article shows how several Sitz e im Leben are identified by exegetes for the understanding of a psalm. More than one historical situation could have instigated the origin and content of a psalm.
To determine the socalled "original" Sitz of psalms, is therefore almost impossible. But, this state of affairs should not cause the exegete or preacher to be sinical about exegetical method or diachronic research of psalm texts. Various identified Sitz e behind the text should create a common dealer - an athmosphere or interpretation-direction - which create afreedom in the exegete or reader's mind to identifY suitable situations for the reinterpretation or actualisation of a psalm.
In this regard, a literary or textimmanent reading is not complete without diachronic exegesis. Despite uncertainty about the so-called "original" Sitz im Leben behind most psalms, exegetes should be more than enthusiastic to struggle with the search for a historic or cultic Sitz e behind the text. This will add value to the understanding of every psalm.
Transplantate und Implantate im Mittelohrbereich - Teil 1 Stand The Common Core set a standard for all children to read increasingly complex texts throughout schooling. The purpose of the present study was to explore text characteristics specifically in relation to early-grades text complexity. Three hundred fifty primary-grades texts were selected and digitized. Twenty-two text characteristics were identified…. Ein Querschnitt der Gesellschaft sitzt im Klassenraum und auf diesen muss sich eingestellt werden.
Deutschland sollte aus der eigenen Geschichte heraus zudem die aufmerksame und sensible Handhabung mit extremem Gedankengut im Allgemeinen und mit rechtsextremistischem Gedankengut im Besonderen haben. Dieses Zeichensystem ist im semiotische Information management system study results. The information management system IMS special emphasis task was performed as an adjunct to the modular space station study, with the objective of providing extended depth of analysis and design in selected key areas of the information management system. The effective control of pollutants in ambient air requires their fast in situ identification and concentration determination of chemical compounds in the range of micrograms per m 3.
These systems are relatively expensive. The use of tritium sources is an advantage in comparison with other IMS being equipped by nickel, the application of which is rather critical in respect of the radiation protection. On the other hand an integrated separation column allows to reduce interferences by matrix effects. The paper specifically aims at the selection of the most appropriate method for the specific type of traffic and traffic management concept using AC methods on multiple nodes.
The potential benefit and disadvantage of the used solution is evaluated. Hinderniserkennung und -verfolgung mit einer PMD-kamera im automobil. Nach einem initialen Filterprozess werden im Tiefenbild mit Hilfe eines Bereichswachstumsverfahrens Hindernisse gesucht. Text analysis methods, text analysis apparatuses, and articles of manufacture. Text analysis methods, text analysis apparatuses, and articles of manufacture are described according to some aspects.
In one aspect, a text analysis method includes accessing information indicative of data content of a collection of text comprising a plurality of different topics, using a computing device, analyzing the information indicative of the data content, and using results of the analysis, identifying a presence of a new topic in the collection of text.
Classroom Texting in College Students. A item survey on texting in the classroom was given to college students. Of the students who texted in the classroom, most texted friends or significant others, and indicate the reason for classroom texting is boredom or work. Students who texted sent a mean of Full Text Available Objective The effects of vaccinating day-old chicken embryos with the combination of recombinant Eimeria profilin plus Clostridium perfringens C.

After post-hatch birds were challenged with our NE experimental disease model, body weights, intestinal lesions, serum antibody levels to NetB, and proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine mRNA levels in intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes were measured. Conclusion These results suggest that the Montanide IMS adjuvants potentiate host immunity to experimentally-induced avian NE when administered in ovo in conjunction with the profilin and.
The branching fractions relative to that of [Formula: Zunehmend treten internationale Rechtsbestimmungen, Abkommen, Standards und andere Normen an die Stelle nationaler Regelungen. Current status and the way forward. The complete IMS verification system for primary and auxiliary seismic together with that of radionuclide, hydroacoustic and infrasound is plotted on a global map and Africa in particular showing its status. This article presents 34 characteristics of texts and tasks " text features" that can make continuous prose , noncontinuous document , and quantitative texts easier or more difficult for adolescents and adults to comprehend and use.
The text features were identified by examining the assessment tasks and associated texts in the national…. Vapor pressures of 1,3-dimethylimidazolium bis trifluoromethylsulfonyl imide, [C 1 C 1 im ][NTf 2 ] and 1-ethylpropylimidazolium bis trifluoromethylsulfonyl imide, [C 2 C 3 im ][NTf 2 ] ionic liquids were measured as a function of temperature using a Knudsen effusion apparatus combined with a quartz crystal microbalance.
Enthalpies and entropies of vaporization were derived from the fitting of vapor pressure and temperature results to the Clarke and Glew equation. The enthalpy of vaporization of [C 2 C 3 im ][NTf 2 ] lies in between the asymmetric and symmetric ionic liquid series, reflecting a decrease in the electrostatic interactions due to a decrease of the charge accessibility between the ionic pairs when the methyl group is replaced by an ethyl group. The obtained higher volatility of [C 2 C 3 im ][NTf 2 ] arises from its asymmetric character, leading to an higher entropic contribution that compensates the enthalpic penalty.
From Text to Political Positions: Text analysis across disciplines. Drawing on political science, computational methods and discourse analysis, it presents a diverse collection of analytical models including pure quantitative and. Please, cite this publication as follows: Atomnaya Energia , Vol. Growing Up with Self-Esteem. This document presents " I'm Positive: Growing Up With Self-Esteem," an informal, personal study course designed to strengthen the reader's ability to nurture self-esteem in children from birth through adolescence.
Special emphasis is given to four parenting skills: Weekly activities are provided…. First inter metatarsal IM angles in Nigerians and their relationship To determine from radiographs the normal value of the first inter metatarsal IM angle and to establish if IMS Learning Design provides a counter to the trend towards designing for lone-learners reading from screens.
It guides staff and educational developers to start not with content, but with learning activities and the achievement of learning objectives. It recognises that learning can happen without. Distance tracking scheme for seamless handover in IMS -based In the scheme the location, direction and movement pattern of a Mobile Node MN in a network cell are Text mining from ontology learning to automated text processing applications.
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This book comprises a set of articles that specify the methodology of text mining, describe the creation of lexical resources in the framework of text mining and use text mining for various tasks in natural language processing NLP. The analysis of large amounts of textual data is a prerequisite to build lexical resources such as dictionaries and ontologies and also has direct applications in automated text processing in fields such as history, healthcare and mobile applications, just to name a few.
This volume gives an update in terms of the recent gains in text mining methods and reflects. With virtual library services increasing, public services librarians may find themselves with questions such as: What instant messaging services IM are available? Which IM service would best suit my patrons' needs? Which IM service best suits my library's technology profile? This column describes the features and functionality of major instant….
Working with text tools, techniques and approaches for text mining. Text mining tools and technologies have long been a part of the repository world, where they have been applied to a variety of purposes, from pragmatic aims to support tools. Research areas as diverse as biology, chemistry, sociology and criminology have seen effective use made of text mining technologies.
Working With Text collects a subset of the best contributions from the 'Working with text: Tools, techniques and approaches for text mining' workshop, alongside contributions from experts in the area. Text mining tools and technologies in support of academic research include supporting research on the basis of a large body of documents, facilitating access to and reuse of extant work, and bridging between the formal academic world and areas such as traditional and social media.
Contents are developed from workshop submissions and invited contributions, including: Legal considerations in te Difficulties in language and communication are diagnostic criteria of autism spectrum disorders ASD and these difficulties are taken as an important variable in determining the severity of the disorder for the children with ASD. It is accepted that language development of children with ASD is heterogeneous. While some of the children can never acquire language, some of them may show language use similar to their peers with typical development.
In this review developmental characteristics of children with ASD in language and communication skills are examined. Children with ASD show. Dies belegen eine ganze Reihe von Merkmalen, so z. Parallele Namengebung mit zeitweiliger Mehrnamigkeit 3.
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Benennungsparallelismus im deutsch-slawischen Kontaktgebiet 6. Jahrhundert in die Untersuchung mit einbezogen. His study also includes the social and societal background of the 19th century. Full Text Available The aim of this work was to study monoalkyl ester synthesis catalyzed by immobilized lipase Lipozyme RM IM via the esterification reaction. What constitutes an informational text covers a broad swath of different types of texts.
Many physicians and practice staff use short messaging service SMS text messaging to communicate with patients. In addition, the short and abbreviated nature of text messages creates opportunities for misinterpretation, and can negatively impact patient safety and care. Until recently, asking patients to sign a statement that they understand and accept these risks--as well as having policies, device encryption, and cyber insurance in place--would have been enough to mitigate the risk of using SMS text in a medical practice.
But new trends and policies have made SMS text messaging unsafe under any circumstance. This article explains these trends and policies, as well as why only secure texting or secure messaging should be used for physician-patient communication. Melalui duta IM 3 sebagai brand ambassador, Indosatmencoba meraih pasar anak muda dengan melakukan kegiatan promosi. Sreenivasa Rao discusses proposed methods along with state-of-the-art techniques for the acquisition and incorporation of prosodic knowledge for developing speech systems.
Positional, contextual and phonological features are proposed for representing the linguistic and production constraints of the sound units present in the text. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers working in the area of speech processing. Monitoring interaction and collective text production through text mining.
Full Text Available This article presents the Concepts Network tool, developed using text mining technology. The main objective of this tool is to extract and relate terms of greatest incidence from a text and exhibit the results in the form of a graph. The Network was implemented in the Collective Text Editor CTE which is an online tool that allows the production of texts in synchronized or non-synchronized forms.
This article describes the application of the Network both in texts produced collectively and texts produced in a forum. The purpose of the tool is to offer support to the teacher in managing the high volume of data generated in the process of interaction amongst students and in the construction of the text. The results suggest that the Concepts Network can aid the teacher, as it provides indicators of the quality of the text produced. Moreover, messages posted in forums can be analyzed without their content necessarily having to be pre-read.
Unter demselben Titel mit identischem Text auch: Text recycling, also referred to as self-plagiarism, is the reproduction of an author's own text from a previous publication in a new publication. Opinions on the acceptability of this practice vary, with some viewing it as acceptable and efficient, and others as misleading and unacceptable. In light of the lack of consensus, journal editors often have difficulty deciding how to act upon the discovery of text recycling.
In response to these difficulties, we have created a set of guidelines for journal editors on how to deal with text recycling. In this editorial, we discuss some of the challenges of developing these guidelines, and how authors can avoid undisclosed text recycling. Schreiberfahrungen internationaler Studierender im deutschen Hochschulkontext. It ties in with existing studies located in the field of academic writing research and contrastive rhetoric, yet attempts a paradigm shift by moving away from pure text analysis towards a more informant-focused approach.
Full Text Available This study looks at demonstrative descriptions, regarding them as text -deictic procedures which contribute to weave discourse reference. Text deixis is thought of as a metaphorical referential device which maps the ground of utterance onto the text itself. Demonstrative expressions with textual antecedent-triggers, considered as the most important text -deictic units, are identified in a narrative corpus consisting of J.
Some linguistic and discourse variables related to DemNPs are analysed to characterise adequately text deixis. Usability test of the Im PRO, computer-based procedure system. Im PRO is a computer based procedure in both flowchart and success logic tree. It is evaluated on the basis of computer based procedure guidelines.
It satisfies most requirements such as presentations and functionalities. Im PRO is a software engine which can interpret procedure script language, so that Im PRO is reliable by nature and verified with formal method. One bug, however, had hidden one year after release, but it was fixed. Counterbalancing the Hegemony of Assessment.
A study examined whether composition specialists can counterbalance the potential privileging of the assessment perspective, or of self-appointed interpreters of that perspective, through the study of assessment discourse as text. Fourteen assessment texts were examined, most of them journal articles and most of them featuring the common…. Full Text Available Many new biomedical research articles are published every day, accumulating rich information, such as genetic variants, genes, diseases, and treatments.
Rapid yet accurate text mining on large-scale scientific literature can discover novel knowledge to better understand human diseases and to improve the quality of disease diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. In this study, we designed and developed an efficient text mining framework called Spark Text on a Big Data infrastructure, which is composed of Apache Spark data streaming and machine learning methods, combined with a Cassandra NoSQL database.
To demonstrate its performance for classifying cancer types, we extracted information e. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Not Enabled Word Wise: Not Enabled Screen Reader: Enabled Amazon Best Sellers Rank: Amazon Music Stream millions of songs.
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