Kandy,, The Failed City
The Portuguese swiftly turned their attentions to Kandy, though their first expedition against the city ended in failure when the puppet ruler they placed on the throne was ousted by the formidable Vimala Dharma Suriya , the first of many Kandyan rulers who tenaciously resisted the European invaders. As the remainder of the island fell to the Portuguese and subsequently the Dutch , the Kandyan kingdom clung stubbornly to its independence, remaining a secretive and inward-looking place, protected by its own inaccessibility — Kandyan kings repeatedly issued orders prohibiting the construction of bridges or the widening of footpaths into the city, fearing that they would become conduits for foreign attack.
The city was repeatedly besieged and captured by the Portuguese in , , and and the Dutch in , but each time the Kandyans foiled their attackers by burning the city to the ground and retreating into the surrounding forests, from where they continued to harry the invaders until they were forced to withdraw to the coast. The Nayakkar embraced Buddhism and cleverly played on the rivalries of the local Sinhalese nobles who, despite their dislike of the foreign rulers, failed to unite behind a single local leader.
In a characteristically Kandyan paradox, it was under the foreign Nayakkar that the city enjoyed its great Buddhist revival. Kirti Sri Rajasinha came to the throne in and began to devote himself — whether for political or spiritual reasons — to his adopted religion, reviving religious education, restoring and building temples and overseeing the reinvention of the Esala Perahera as a Buddhist rather than a Hindu festival.
These years saw the development of a distinctively Kandyan style of architecture and dance, a unique synthesis of local Sinhalese traditions and southern Indian styles. Having gained control of the island in , the British quickly attempted to rid themselves of this final remnant of Sinhalese independence, although their first expedition against the kingdom, in , resulted in a humiliating defeat.
Despite this initial reverse, the kingdom survived little more than a decade, though it eventually fell not through military conquest but thanks to internal opposition to the excesses and cruelties of the last king of Kandy, Sri Wickrama Rajasinha ruled — On March 2, , a convention of Kandyan chiefs signed a document handing over sovereignty of the kingdom to the British, who in return promised to preserve its laws, customs and institutions. Within two years, however, the Kandyans had decided they had had enough of their new rulers and rebelled , an uprising which soon spread across the entire hill country.
The British were obliged to call for troops from India and exert their full military might in order to put down the uprising. Fears of resurgent Kandyan nationalism continued to haunt the British during the following decades — it was partly the desire to be able to move troops quickly to Kandy which prompted the construction of the first road to the city in the s, one of the marvels of Victorian engineering in Sri Lanka.
- Kingdom of Kandy.
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Despite the uncertain political climate, Kandy soon developed into an important centre of British rule and trade, with the usual hotels, courthouses and churches servicing a burgeoning community of planters and traders. When the Dutch continued the conquest into the jungles the following year, they suffered constantly from disease, heat, lack of provisions, and Kandyan sharpshooters, who hid in the jungle and inflicted heavy losses on the Dutch. Learning from their experience, the Dutch fielded a force prepared for the hardships in January of , replacing their troops' bayonets with machetes and using more practical uniforms and tactics suited to rapid movement.
They initially met with success, capturing the capital that had been deserted by the Kandyans who withdrew to the jungles, refusing to engage in open battle. The Dutch, worn down by constant attrition, came to terms in Citing Senkadagalapura, the name Kandy popularly went by, as a sacred Buddhist site serving as the last capital of the Sinhala kings.
Their support fostered a golden age in which the Dinahala culture flourished for over 2, years. The Palace of the Tooth relic, the palace complex, and the holy city of Kandy directly connect to the spread of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. A gold casket containing the tooth rides on a royal male elephant.
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During the procession, eighty elephants join in. Dancers colorfully swirl torches to fend of curses, the total number of dancers reaching 3, The procession goes on for ten days. The city of Kandy sits at an altitude of about m above sea level. Its plan developed around two open spaces: A public garden adds to the openness of the city's spatial organization. Inspired by the temples of Sri Lanka's former capital city, Anuradhapura , the Dalanda Maligawa had been reconstructed in the eighteenth century on a base of granite.
An array of materials limestone , marble , sculpted wood, and ivory contribute to the richness of this temple. A number of recently built Buddhist monasteries dot the city. Kandy has expanded, encompassing Peradeniya, home to the University of Peradeniya and the Botanical Gardens, Katugastota to the north, and east to Kundasale, Tennekumbura and Gurudeniya. The Botanical Garden of Peradeniya, about five kilometers to the west of the city center at Peradeniya, attracts 1. Kandy has a modest range of restaurants, as well as an abundance of confectioneries. Kandyans love rugby union. On one side, there are piles of stones stored on railway line side.
On the other side, bowsers fill petrol. In the past, petrol was transported to the nearby filling station using the railway. For a decade or so, this practice has been abandoned. Instead bowsers are used. Along the Peradeniya-Panideniya stretch, one can see waiting bowsers on one side of the road limiting space available for traffic. It is rumoured that this change was to allow particular authority figures to make profits by deploying such bowsers.
This practice needs immediate investigation. Foreign tourists and locals look for aesthetic enjoyment in public places such as railway stations instead of mud, dust and large petrol bowsers. It is incomprehensible why authorities that of course travel in air-conditioned comfort with escorts neglect such an important place! A renovation plan for the Peradeniya station premises should be a priority. What I have described here is an example of the pathetic sense of neglect by those in charge of roads and railways. As a result, the public who use public transport and suffer from health conditions develop antagonistic emotions on top of physical discomforts.
Panideniya should also be included in the Kandy City Council area. Addressing the pollution and congestion issues in Kandy can provide an economic and social dividend as well as benefits to the resident population and visitors. What is needed is foresight in planning for the next generation. Where I am living, widening the roads or building new roads never had work.
Kandy - New World Encyclopedia
Instead, single occupancy vehicles, promote multiple occupancy and mass transit. Can give enough examples how clergy have been looked after by politicians on controversial issues:. Asgiriya man is a crook and a pervert. He does not care about the health of the people of the area, but is reported to have readily accepted bribes according to Lankenews. The only solution is to lock up all those who support the closure of the road in front of the temple, including the podian from Malwatte and open up the exhausts of a number of diesel vehicles into the room.
Jim Shitty I thought you live in an asylum? No government in their right mind will ever let someone like you live alone in a house. Jim Shitty, can you really hear yourself? Then you are probably in a cave. Is that where they are keeping you these days? Jim Shitty, are you are still reading kiddie story books about donkeys? It is about time, you started reading some English comic books, which might fit your mental capacity. Tamil from the north — You got everything wrong. The jimsofty who lived in freezing mobile home in Canada is missing for quite sometimes, probably head hunted to replace Gnanasara.
This is another dimwit using his name. This one might replace Assgiria one day. Please wish him well. The main problem with Kandy is the lack of proper state administrators. The Commissioner rarely makes independent decisions but always passes the buck, the Governor only gets involved in issues if the news cameras are attending and heaven knows what the Chief Minister does. The clock tower bus stand needs to be re-located, police need to take action against bus drivers that block traffic to pick up passengers. Right now the police are blind to buses.
Are no funds allocated to develop Kandy? I fully agree that the pavements on Peradeniya road should be widened. As it is there are gaping holes. I saw even an electricity pole located against the footpath. The city council has not provided wide enough footpath to the public who walk in front of shops, eating places etc onward from the police station. The mentality of planners and authorities seems to be to focus on those who drive cars. Not those who walk, use cycles, etc. Crossings are a joke. They are not monitored by traffic police.
I heard during my visit, that the Boga,bara prison complex is to be given to a hotel chain…, watch the space.
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It should be public property and it can easily be converted to a cultural centre. A Tourist information centre instead of tourist police , Buddhist publication society outlet, a cafe or two, parking, etc could be located there together with public space for relaxation. At the moment, it is the Kandy City Centre, a commercial establishment, which provides such space.
Opening the road in front of Dalada Mailigawa should receive top priority. This has been used for over years and was closed only due to terrorist problems. Now such a treat is not there and it is hard to comprehend why auhtorities are so scared of the asgiriya priests who support the former president. Just before elections Maithripala Sirisena promised to pen the road in 2 weeks. Kandy Peradeniya main road and William Gopallawa roads should be made one way.
It was stoppedd only because of some business people objecting to this and as a resut whole city suffers.. Police inaction is also largely responsible. Penideniya Kandy buses stop anywhere on the road to pick up passengers and police take no action. Similarly three wheelers are a law onto themselves and police always ignore their mistakes while they are quick to stop a person driving in a small car not the big Pajeros for the same offence. One piece of advice to Siri, when you travel next time from Peradeniya to Kandy take the train, it only takes 8 minutes.
To improve air quality, the government should impose strict regulations to reduce vehicle emissions. Anybody can see the Temple was there before the road was built.
Kandy and the hill country
The first car was brought to Sri Lanka only in A road should never have been built near the Temple in the first place which is too close to the Temple. If the road is opened, the emissions from vehicles and the noise will not only pollute the Temple but also ruin ancient murals, centuries old walls and even the sacrosanct chamber where the Sacred Tooth Relics is placed, not to mention how much disturbance and inconvenience the noise from vehicles could cause to the centuries old Sri Dalada rituals.
This is the Most Venerated Buddhist Temple, therefore the priority should be the Temple not the traffic or the road. The road next to the Temple of Sacred Tooth Relics should be permanently closed by a gazette notification. Some suggest building a bridge across the Kandy Lake to ease the traffic congestion. The problem is there is no proper traffic control mechanism in place.
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People drive the way they want. That is what causes the traffic. The most idiotic comment of the century!. Most definitely not from this planet. Which is more valuable to you? Please make sure this error is rectified. Vatican is the remains of the Roman Kingdom. Catholics were too strict, so the christians came. Evengelical christianity is like Wahabism to Islam.
It is there to derstroy their founding religions. YOu can not translate Sathi Sampajannaya as conscience. Cross was used to punish the traitors of the Roman Kingdom. My Dear Softy, I think you are more of a genuine character than most of the participant writers.
I do agree with some of the things you have mentioned, for instance: This sentence does not makeany sense to me. Please be more precise in what you meant.
Kandy Traffic Problem: Congestion, Pollution & Kandy Kassa
An Outline of the teaching of the Buddha in the words of the Pali canon. Compiled, translated, and explained by. Thank for your comment. At that time, I had forgotten it. Dimwit Jim Shitty, bible was a fiction? Go to Israel and see for yourself whether it is fiction or not. Your mahawansa is a day dream you fools have been cooking up. When did Buddha ever say that he was God or he had Godly powers. You made him God!!! I cannot believe there are idiots of such low caliber living amongst us. Keep dreaming about Buddhism, idiot!!! Please go back to the beginning of the lesson.
It is not 32, it is Who says Lord Buddha ever said not to worship his corporal remains even when he himself gave away flocks of his hair whenever he visited Sri Lanka which were deposited to build stupas? Lord Buddha clearly stated whose corporal remains are worthy for enshrining i. After the parinirvana, the four canine teeth were taken away by Gods, Nagas, a King and a Monk. The one took by the Monk was given to King Kalinga who sent it to Sri Lanka for protection when it received threats from Brahma rulers which is now in the Temple in Kandy.
Sacred Tooth Relics came a long way despite various attacks but miraculously saved from all atrocities. Therefore, humans should improve their understanding to respect a clean environment and show a genuine interest to overcome the problem which can easily be achieved by following traffic rules and not using vehicles that are major pollutant contributors. Idiot Champa, Buddha never visited Lanka. That story is a fabrication by the safron Toga wearing rogues. Buddha never asked anybody to worship parts of his body nor did ask you and me to worship the shitters, better known a Monks. Buddha wanted us to worship his Dhamma and nothing else.
The bloody ganayas had been demanding women not only of yore but even today. He said listen to Dhamma and follow the path. Stop insulting this greatest human being ever lived, Stupid. Ignorance is unbelievably corrupting all views of Sri Lankans, including on road congestion. OMG, is this only what you know about the word Lord? In religion, the meaning of Lord is different. It is used to show respect and admiration. Some people inadvertently describe their own self when insulting others. I am sure you can do better. The simple answer is that the Sinhalese call him Budu Hamudurowo.
My answer was relevant to the comment made by Pena Kiyanna. Champoo, Are you sure the Tooth Relic is real. It is about 3 inches long. Yes, I am sure. Do you know Christians and Muslims believe Adam was 30 feet tall? How big is Lord Shiva? It is believed that his head is equal to that of a full grown ancient stallion. The Buddhist scriptures state that he was a man of normal size. Please tell us what scripture says otherwise? What others believe about their gods is not relevant. Are you saying that Buddhists must believe bogus fairytales because others do it? Christians allowed the Shroud of Turin to be tested.
It was a fake. Why not the Tooth Relic??? Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth with an image of a crucified man which had no origin. Some blood particles had found in the linen. Obviously, you have your own selective version of the truth. There is no such problem with the Sacred Tooth Relics. And most importantly, unlike the Shroud of Turin, Buddhists have no problem with that. What non-Buddhists think about the Tooth Relics is not our concern.
Champoo the liar, The Shroud of Turin was dated to around the 13th Century. So it is a fake. If it is real, no need to be afraid. Of course you are in doubt. When there are reasons for doubt, uncertainty is born. You are non arguably in the fourth. Kalama Sutta, I know, was not preached targetting Buddhism. What Lord Buddha meant was; as there were many religious leaders who forced people to belive in them as their respective doctrine is the only one that tells the truth and not others, and as a result people became vulnerable not knowing who to believe, Lord Buddha said people should feel free to inquire and then believe in such doctrines.
Buddhism is preserved in Sri Lanka due to great efforts by people who are genuine Buddhists. Buddhism is not only Dhamma, it is Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. Buddhists need to protect Sangha too. That is why we need to protect our temples, Ashrama and holy shrines like Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relics so that Buddhism will prevail for future generations.
Buddhism is a part and parcel of Sinhalese Buddhists which is what shapes our nation. There is no stopping.

The manner in which you all have expressed your opinion on another religion shows who you are.