Partial sun and slightly moister or drier conditions are also tolerated. This plant can withstand occasional flooding for short periods of time. The foliage is not bothered by pests and disease to any significant extent. The native Smooth Ironweed is fairly common in in the northern half of Illinois, but uncommon elsewhere in the state see Distribution Map.
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- Vernonia fasciculata (Prairie Ironweed): Minnesota Wildflowers.
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- Ironweed - Wikipedia.
Habitats include wet to moist black soil prairies, riverbottom prairies, marshes, sloughs along railroads, and edges of fields. Smooth Ironweed is found in wetland habitats to a greater extent than other species of Ironweeds. The flowers attract long-tongued bees, butterflies, and skippers primarily.
Other visitors include bee flies and Halictid bees. These insects seek nectar, although bees also collect pollen.
Ironweed (film) - Wikipedia
Among the long-tongued bees, are such visitors as bumblebees, Epeoline cuckoo bees, Miner bees, and large Leaf-Cutting bees. An oligolectic bee of Ironweeds is Melissodes vernoniae.
The bitter foliage of Ironweed deters consumption by mamamalian herbivores — it is known as an 'increaser' because it is one of the last plants to be eaten in overgrazed pastures. The photographs were taken of plants growing in a moist prairie along a railroad in Iroquois County, Illinois. Another common name for this plant is Common Ironweed.
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- Ironweed by William Kennedy.
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However, in southern Illinois, this species is not common. Smooth Ironweed is one of the smaller Ironweeds with a compact inflorescence and smooth hairless leaves. Other Ironweed species have hairy stems or leaves.
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An exception is Vernonia gigantea Tall Ironweed , which has hairless leaves and stems upon occasion. However, Tall Ironweed has a spreading inflorescence, and it is usually a taller plant as the name implies. Some authorities state that Smooth Ironweed has black dots on the undersides of the leaves, but this is not always true.
However, control with glyphosate may provide variable results.

The authors attributed low control to rainfall and the poor growing conditions of those years. For sufficient efficacy on perennial weeds, glyphosate requires the weed to be translocating efficiently. Glyphosate efficacy is increased when weeds are growing in good conditions. Glyphosate can only be applied as a directed application, such as a wiper application or as a spot application for it can injure or control desired grasses and legumes.
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Herbicides containing the active ingredients dicamba [Banvel, Clarity], 2,4-D [many], and triclopyr [Garlon 4 Ultra, Garlon 3A] were investigated for the control of tall ironweed3. Accessed October 15, Biology and Control of Tall Ironweed Verona altissima. Weed Control Guidelines for Ohio and Indiana. If you have trouble accessing this page because of a disability, please contact the Webmaster.
From a fortune cookie to a Pulitzer: the story behind William Kennedy's Ironweed
Invasive Species and Other Current Interests. Click image to enlarge Figure 1. Glenn Nice Figure 2.