Come the Blue Moon
Unlike the blue moon that you can see Friday night and can count on like clockwork every 2. To do so, you might have to be patient for quite a while—and wait around for a massive volcanic explosion. Subscribe or Give a Gift. Humans Reached the Roof of the World 40, Years. Learning to Speak Latino. Science Age of Humans. A New Treatment for Blindness.
Blue Moon: The Strange Evolution of a Phrase
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Photos Submit to Our Contest. The intention may simply be that Jeffrey makes an absurd statement, "the moon is blue", to make the point that priests require laymen to believe in statements even if they are patently false. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Maine Farmers' Almanac listed blue moon dates for farmers. These correspond to the third full moon in a quarter of the year when there were four full moons normally a quarter year has three full moons.
The meaning and origin of the expression: Once in a blue moon
Full moon names were given to each lunation in a season. The seasons used were those of the mean tropical year , equal in length, as opposed to the astronomical seasons which vary in length because the earth's speed in its orbit round the sun is not uniform. To compare, in the equal seasons began at 1. When a season has four full moons the third is called the "blue moon" so that the last can continue to be called with the proper name for that season.
This gives 11 months with one full moon each and one with two. This second in a month, so I interpret it, was called Blue Moon. The most literal meaning of blue moon is when the moon not necessarily a full moon appears to a casual observer to be unusually bluish, which is a rare event.
The effect can be caused by smoke or dust particles in the atmosphere, as has happened after forest fires in Sweden and Canada in and , [13] and after the eruption of Krakatoa in , which caused the moon to appear blue for nearly two years. Other less potent volcanoes have also turned the moon blue. Helens in and Mount Pinatubo in On September 23, , several muskeg fires that had been smoldering for several years in Alberta, Canada, suddenly blew up into major—and very smoky—fires.
Winds carried the smoke eastward and southward with unusual speed, and the conditions of the fire produced large quantities of oily droplets of just the right size about 1 micrometre in diameter to scatter red and yellow light. Wherever the smoke cleared enough so that the sun was visible, it was lavender or blue. Ontario, Canada, and much of the east coast of the United States were affected by the following day, and two days later, observers in Britain reported an indigo sun in smoke-dimmed skies, followed by an equally blue moon that evening.
The key to a blue moon is having lots of particles slightly wider than the wavelength of red light 0.
It is rare, but volcanoes sometimes produce such clouds, as do forest fires. Ash and dust clouds thrown into the atmosphere by fires and storms usually contain a mixture of particles with a wide range of sizes, with most smaller than 1 micrometer, and they tend to scatter blue light.
Blue Moon: The Strange Evolution of a Phrase
This kind of cloud makes the moon turn red; thus red moons are far more common than blue moons. The following blue moons occur between and These dates use UTC as the timezone; exact dates vary with different timezones. Using the Maine Farmers' Almanac definition of blue moon meaning the third full moon in a season of four full moons, but referenced to astronomical rather than equal seasons , blue moons have occurred or will occur on:. Unlike the astronomical seasonal definition, these dates are dependent on the Gregorian calendar and time zones.
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- What Is a Blue Moon??
Two full moons in one month the second of which is a "blue moon": At that time there will be a total lunar eclipse. There are more modern songs, like Beck 's " Blue Moon. In the paranormal romance fiction novel by Laurell K. Hamilton of the same name, Blue Moon refers to two full moons occurring within the same month. In the novels of Simon R. Green the blue moon plays a significant magical role, and also figures in titles of three of his novels: The Smurfs TV show also featured the blue moon in an episode.
When does a Blue Moon occur?
Blue moon is the name of a country in Nintendo's Advance Wars series. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- Origin of the term!
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- Where Did the Term Blue Moon Come From? | Science | Smithsonian!
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- What's the meaning of the phrase 'Once in a blue moon'?;
- What Is a Blue Moon?.
This article is about an additional full moon that appears in a subdivision of a year. For other uses, see Blue Moon disambiguation. Retrieved 4 November