
British Borneo Sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo

At length, seeing that isolation made him powerless, he went to Rome in to request that the Propaganda place the mission in charge of an institute. From Rome Father Cuarteron went to Spain, where he soon died. The prefect Apostolic lives at Labuan. The stations served are Labuan and Kuching Sarawak , the two most important towns. Outside of these two places where the missionaries live ten stations are visited: According to the " Missions-Atlas " of P.

Streit, the statistics of the Catholic mission in the early 20th century were: The British had obtained the island of Labuan in ; they gradually extended their power over the petty rulers of the northern part of Borneo until, in , the British protectorate of North Borneo was formally acknowledged.

North Borneo - Wikipedia

The first prefect Apostolic appointed under the new administration was the Rev. The society continued in charge of the mission.

  • North Borneo Chartered Company - Wikipedia.
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They destroyed the airfields, and especially the oil fields there and in Brunei before the Japanese landed on 16 December The small British forces surrendered. In , the Chinese population of about 50, rebelled against Japan and seized some towns. They were overwhelmed with many executed. Australia sent special operation forces, which trained and armed local militia units and aided the landing of an Australian division in June Japanese forces numbered about 31,, and held out until October , long after the Emperor had surrendered. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Lane, Roger Dewardt Encyclopedia Small Silver Coins.

Property and Politics in Sabah, Malaysia: Native Struggles Over Land Rights. University of Washington Press. Divers Paths to Justice: Bibliographic Set 2 Vol Set. Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities. Jones, Geoffrey G A History of Brunei. Alexander Dalrymple and the Expansion of British Trade. Nationalism, Empire and State-Building. From the Age of Commerce to the 21st Century.

A History of Malaysia. Braithwaite, Richard Wallace An Intimate History of the Sandakan Tragedy.

  • Nine Men Dancing (Roger the Chapman Mysteries Book 12).
  • North Borneo Chartered Company — Wikipédia?
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  • British Borneo?
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  • British Borneo: sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo?

The Rise of the Global Company: Multinationals and the Making of the Modern World. South China Morning Post. Archived from the original on 31 July Borneo Trilogy Volume 1: Archived from the original on 19 July Contracts and Conmen in Europe's Scramble for Africa. Protectorates and Crown colonies of British Malaya and Borneo. Occupied jointly with the United States. In , Canada and other British dominions obtained self-government through the Statute of Westminster.

See Name of Canada. Gave up self-rule in , but remained a de jure Dominion until it joined Canada in Now a department of Colombia. League of Nations mandate. Self-governing Southern Rhodesia unilaterally declared independence in as Rhodesia and continued as an unrecognised state until the Lancaster House Agreement. After recognised independence in , Zimbabwe was a member of the Commonwealth until it withdrew in Iraq's mandate was not enacted and replaced by the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty.

North Borneo

Antarctica and South Atlantic. Governors, Civil Commissioners, and Administrators of British dependencies. Lucia Governor of St. Other links to related articles. History of East Malaysia. Nicobar Islands — North Borneo — Tianjin concession — Canton Trading Partner Delagoa Bay Mocha Trading Partner Franz Josef Land — unofficial. Territories claimed by the Philippines.

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Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 26 October , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. North Borneo border, Protectorate of the United Kingdom. Kudat — ; Sandakan — ; Jesselton Chartered company , Protectorate.

William Hood Treacher first. Charles Robert Smith last. Crown Colony of Labuan. Japanese occupation of British Borneo. British Military Administration Borneo. Crown Colony of North Borneo. Prehistoric Malaysia Prehistoric Malaysia. Early kingdoms Gangga Negara.

Australia’s 9th Division Liberated North Borneo in June 1945

Rise of Muslim states Kedah Sultanate. Colonial era Portuguese Malacca. Siamese invasion of Kedah. The company also temporarily administered the island of Labuan in before it became part of the Straits Settlements. Its founder and first chairman was Alfred Dent. The company was founded along similar lines as the British East India Company. German businessman and diplomat Baron von Overbeck , along with the heads of a British trading company in Shanghai and London , Alfred Dent and Edward Dent, together met with the thalassocratic rulers of the northern Borneo area to obtain a concession for their colonial interests.

The Sultan agreed to make the concession for 15, Spanish dollars.

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However, since it turned out that the Sultan of Brunei had already ceded some areas to the Sultan of Sulu , further negotiations were needed. With the assistance of William Clark Cowie , a Scottish adventurer and friend of Sultan Jamal-ul Azam of Sulu, the Sultan signed a concession treaty on 22 January and received 5, Spanish dollars. Following the successful concessions, Overbeck and the Dent brothers became the rulers of an area in northern Borneo. Overbeck withdrew in after failing to attract the interest of his country, leaving Alfred Dent to manage the territory.

Dent then planned to register a company to represent the British but since a considerably delay seemed likely, he decided to found a provisional company first. The charter contract for a company with a capital of two million pounds was sealed on 1 November The provisional company was thus dissolved and the following year, a chartered company was established with a first settlement on Gaya Island.

Due to such resistance, establishing law and order as well as recruiting Sikh policemen from northern India became one of the company's earlies priorities, along with expanding trade; instituting a government, courts, and penal system; building a railway line from Jesselton to Tenom ; and encouraging the harvesting and barter trade of local crops, as well as establishment of plantations.

By the end of the war, it was already foreseeable that the company would be unable to finance remediation for the devastation to land and infrastructure. With the signing of an agreement on 26 June , the company officially dissolved. The government's offer to repay all other claims by paying 2. For the negotiation of further financial compensation, the British government appointed Lord Uthwatt as an independent arbitrator. The news triggered a bitter disappointment among shareholders. In just overnight, the value of the company share fell from 17 s to 9s 6 p.

With the founding of the company, the administrative divisions of North Borneo introduced by Overbeck were maintained by the establishment of the West Coast Residency and the East Coast Residency. The seat of the two residents was in Sandakan , where the governor was based. Each residency, in turn, was divided into several provinces managed by a district officer. The provinces were initially named after the members of the board: The senior residents occupied Sandakan and the West Coast, while the other three residents with the second class residencies occupied Interior, East Coast and Kudat.

The election of Cowie to the board of directors in marked the beginning of a major change in the style of administration: Before, North Borneo was governed by the company, and the governors were fully empowered and fully responsible. But since Cowie took over, he mostly pulled strings from London. Instead of the development of North Borneo, the satisfaction of the shareholders was in the foreground. Alfred Dent, who fiercely opposed Cowie's costly and money-wasting ideas, finally resigned and withdrew from the company.

Under Neill Malcolm , the administration was ordered to strictly supervise expenditure. Douglas James Jardine , who become the governor in , completed the process by merging the Tawau Residency with the Sandakan Residency on the one hand and the Interior Residency with the West Coast on the other hand.

He also removed the District Officer in Papar.