Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Splash!
The Last Polar Bears. The Rabbit And The Carrots. Smudgie's Big Night Out. A Splash of Magic 3. Charlie Rabbit Goes to the Zoo. Bramble and the Treasure Hunt. The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
Written and Illustrated By Beatrix Potter. Ready Rabbit Gets Ready! Bunjitsu Bunny's Best Move. The Spectacular Tale of Peter Rabbit. The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart. Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia.
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Clever Jack Takes the Cake. On the Day I Died. Go Sleep in Your Own Bed. Ben Franklin's in My Bathroom! Eleanor Roosevelt's in My Garage! The Amazing Collection of Joey Cornell: Based on the Childhood of a Great American Artist. Wonder Dog of the Silver Screen. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long.
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Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. This book was cute. I won't say it's a favorite, but it was cute.
My daughter enjoyed the bunnies. It's a story about a man who just wants to have a relaxing day by himself without the bunnies around. So he decided to go to the beach! Well, unbeknownst to him, the bunnies sneak in the car to join him and end up bothering him all day!
with audio recording
The story was cute, and focused on the fact that the bunnies weren't actually bothering him, they just wanted to do the same things - they just happened to be better This book was cute. The story was cute, and focused on the fact that the bunnies weren't actually bothering him, they just wanted to do the same things - they just happened to be better.
And the fact that they were better made him so angry! He was basically jealous. But in the end, he decides to team up with them in the sandcastle competition, and they make an amazing castle!! He discovered that it's not so bad, and letting them tag along might not be so terrible. The illustrations were fun - my daughter liked all the different things the bunnies did on the beach.
We were at the beach recently, which I think is why she really enjoyed this book. Overall a solid 3 star book. Jul 05, Melissa Trumbo added it Shelves: A cute book that teaches acceptance of others and how working together can be fun and rewarding. McGreely went to the beach to escape from the three bunnies who were always around. The bunnies secretly followed him to the beach. McGreely did activities by himself, such as collecting sea shells and surfing and got mad when he saw the bunnies were doing the same activities he was and were having fun. He entered a sand castle making contest and realized he needed the bunnies help in order t A cute book that teaches acceptance of others and how working together can be fun and rewarding.
He entered a sand castle making contest and realized he needed the bunnies help in order to win the prize of a free lunch. They all worked together, had fun and won the prize. Aug 08, Alice rated it it was ok. The cover of this book looked like it would be a fun book. As friend to some very special Bunnies, I was excited to read this book.
However I found it long and boring. Sorry, I really wanted to like it!! The Mr McGreely is tired of these bunnies that have taken over his life so he goes on vacation to the beach. The bunnies follow him "Tippy Tippy Tippy Splash" and make him angry. In the end they work it out, but is was very long and not very fun! I do like the illustrations so that gets a littl The cover of this book looked like it would be a fun book. I do like the illustrations so that gets a little bit of bump on the ratings but, I thought this was a yawn: Apr 03, Cemeread rated it really liked it Shelves: It's the rabbits and Mr.
This time around Mr. McGreely is headed to the beach to get away from all those rabbits. Of course, they sneak into the car when he isn't looking and proceed to ruin all his fun as they copy his beach activities. When it comes to building a sandcastle he just isn't having fun until they all work on it together.
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A good variety of things to do at the beach are shown. Children can join in on the tippy refrain.
Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Splash! by Candace Fleming | Scholastic
Apr 12, Barbra rated it really liked it Shelves: McGreely has had enough of rabbits in his garden, his shed, and even his bed, he decides to head for the beach. But the rascally rabbits sneak onto his car. They continue to drive him crazy until he decides to team up with them in the sandcastle-making contest.
- Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Splash! by Candace Fleming.
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- Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Splash!;
A great fun read for ages four to eight. Sep 22, Shannon Brasher rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a fun book children will enjoy reading about three mischievous bunnies who steal away in Mr. McGreely's car and end up joining him on his beach vacation. The illustrations are playful and very eye-catching and children will love the repetitiveness of hearing tippy-tippy-tippy every few pages.
Would be a fun book to read in the classroom for fun or to use to discuss onomatopoeia. Mar 26, Samantha rated it liked it Shelves: Everything they can do, McGreely can do better, or so he thinks, which actually pays off in a lot of fun ways for him. It's when he teams up with the bunnies, though, that they all win. Truly charming through and through. Gouache, acrylic, and pencil illustrations bring each scene to life in all its beachy glory. Apr 26, Kelsey rated it really liked it Shelves: Bunnies Candace Fleming keeps Muncha!
Words are rhymed with precision but not overabundance and the characters even Mr. McGreeley are interesting and well developed. Not much is life-altering in this addition but it is certainly satisfying. Apr 11, Mary rated it liked it Shelves: This is a good story about friendship and about the importance of working together.
Even though the main character wants to get away from everything and is upset when some of who he's trying to escape come with him, he ends up being happy that they were there. The pictures are fun, and the story would be good to be read aloud to ECE or early elementary readers. Jan 16, The Brothers rated it it was amazing Shelves: McGreely has had it with those pesky pufftails! He's taking a vacation to the beach to get away from them. But, they manage to hitch a ride and come along. Once there, those twitch-whiskers manage to out-do him on all his activities.
It's only when they join forces to win the sand castle contest does Mr.

McGreely really seem like he's having fun. Mar 25, Lynn rated it really liked it. I loved this latest installment of the Mr. McGreely and the pesky pufftails! Best enjoyed after reading the others first though, I think. Our focus group LOVED this series as little guys and I found them reading this when they should have been doing their 6th grade homework ;-. Aug 29, Mary rated it liked it Shelves: The rabbits on the farm annoy the farmer so much he takes a vacation to the beach to get away from them.
BUT they stow away in his truck and are ruining his vacation. Finally they are both at a loss and are forced to work together to accomplish something. May 07, Bree rated it liked it Shelves: Jun 01, Naomi rated it liked it. A cute story for the young reader about overcoming objections and coming together to complete projects successfully. The illustrations were adorable and playful. I loved the ones of the bunnies in particular.
Sep 11, Allison rated it really liked it Shelves: Those pesky bunnies are up to it again! May 13, Robin rated it liked it Shelves: Recommended for those who enjoyed Muncha! Apr 01, Angie rated it really liked it. Great Kindergarten read-aloud for SRC visits! Apr 23, carissa rated it it was amazing Shelves: Fed up with the constant presence of rabbits in his house and yard, Mr.
McGreely goes to the beach for some fun but the pesky pufftails will not give him a break. Dec 19, Maia rated it really liked it. Oh those wily twitchwhiskers! Another adventure for mr. McGreely and his garden friends. Just as charming and warm hearted as the first two. Mar 01, Stephanie rated it liked it.