Taken By Centaurs (Paranormal Erotica)
That being said, this was better than a lot here in Kindle land. Sep 09, Omega rated it it was ok Shelves: I kind of liked it, even if it wasn't even close to some great paranormal romances I've read so far. First of all, I had a problem figuiring out what was going on for the large part of the beginning.
It was told from centaur's point of view and since he was remembering time when he was drunk and wandered in a world not even his own so it was kind of understandable. Still, after a while I was starting to get tired of guessing just who or what was the mother of Aydin. Anyway, it was rather typical I kind of liked it, even if it wasn't even close to some great paranormal romances I've read so far. Anyway, it was rather typical story with plot mainly pushed forward by mistakes and presumptions caused by miscommunication, or rather lack of comunication.
The attitude of Chandler and his brother was bordering on fanatical when it came to their opinion about humans. I understand there was hate between the races, but centaurs were supposed to be a sentient race and it shouldn't be so difficult to figure out that since Sarah wasn't even from their world all those facts and truths they knew about humans didn't really apply?
Now then, if we talk about Sarah, I was really annoyed by her constantly pushing asside every semblance of reason and common sense. Didn't they teach her in school, if not at home, where the kids came from? I wasn't sure if I would like this but I did to my surprise. The beginning is focused on what is happening, not world building. The reader puts the world together along with the heroine, which didn't bother me as it was done fast enough to not be irritating. Events happen quickly and the h is reacting much of the time. I thought that she was mostly realistic. I would have been concerned for my sister faster than she was though.
The relationship bet I wasn't sure if I would like this but I did to my surprise. The relationship between the h and H and H was simple and without pesky triangle oh-who-do-I-choose drivel. I would read this again and will recommend this to those who don't mind menage only one 3-way. A few misspelled words, the format of the dialogue, view spoiler [ the culture of the centaurs-they don't mind having sex in the same tent as a sleeping child hide spoiler ] and no explanation of some important parts of the world brought this down a star.
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Well, I haven't finished it, but so far, it's just standard paranormal romance. This is not Dark Erotica!!
Centaur's Prize: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Sagittarius by Catherine Banks
Yeah, she's abducted, but doesn't really mind, since it's for a good cause, etc. I read edgier stuff from Christine Feehan in Memory Game than here. Now if the heroine gets the "full centaur" treatment later on, that could be interesting, but halfway thru- still hadn't got to it. Spoilers This book- I just decided to give up. It's got the kind of sex scenes you'd see in Harlequin Romance Bla Well, I haven't finished it, but so far, it's just standard paranormal romance.
It's got the kind of sex scenes you'd see in Harlequin Romance Blase or temptation. And I was annoyed with it's most unrealistic feature- she just up and leaves her life as a vet- a veterinarian where people depend onher, and she has school loans to pay, and her sister has always leaned on her and she just throws it all away to be, basically, a stay-at-home mom to a sickly baby centaur and love toy for two guys. She just seemed to be a woman of bigger desires at the start of the book. Waste of my money, dudes and dudettes.
Jan 05, Cheesecake rated it it was ok Shelves: I don't know, kinda embarrassed that I bought this one really. The book takes place mostly in an alternate world where Centaur 'shifters' exist. Most of the time they look human but can shift into their half horse forms. The writing style reminds me of Kaitlyn O'Connor, but not one of her better books. I skimmed a lot of boring world info explanations. The thing that bugs me the most is the first sex scene where apparently Chandler is still in his Centaur form.
I re-read this like 3 times trying I don't know, kinda embarrassed that I bought this one really. I re-read this like 3 times trying to wrap my head around the logistics, but it still makes no sense. The only thing I can think is that his 'johnson' wasn't where a horse's would be, which is a good thing for Sarah. Surprising I wasn't sure if I was going to like this story at first. The writing seemed awkward in the beginning and Teagan's little indiscretion at the beginning was Maybe halfway through, I was good and into it.
So my recommendation is don't give up right away if it doesn't grab you. If your tastes are anything like mine, you might be pleasantly surprised. I have no idea if she and Raven Willow-Wood are the same person or co-authors erotic capture fantasy stories, and sometimes they just don't work for me. This one is closer to the, "just didn't work for me" kind. It was okay, but pretty far fetched - even for me. Weird book, I expect that when I pick up a KO book and I always enjoy how she weaves an unconventional tale.
I actually enjoyed this dispite the horse sex. It seems like there are a lot of harsh reviews and I feel like they are not necessarily warranted. You gotta know when you pick up erotica with centaurs you might hit some uncomfortable places. An all nighter I enjoyed this book. It kept me up all night long because I had to know what happened to Sarah and her two centaur lovers. Although there was a few times I had a hard time believing Sarah couldn't figure out things as swiftly as I believe she should.
Jan 22, Nancy rated it liked it Shelves: This book confused me. It took me a while to untangle the confusion over the baby being born in the barn and who exactly were the parents. The ending of this book was a lot better than the first half. So I'll just say it was an okay read. This wasn't written well, and contained a lot of unnecessary crude language.
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The plot was weak, too and the characters were not relate-able. But, it was somewhat entertaining, so I'll give it that. Apr 06, Deborah rated it really liked it. For a veterinarian, Sarah was certainly clueless about some things. Even though I may have rolled my eyes a time or two, this story was hot Will his arrow fly true, or will they lose more than they ever imagined? Kindle Edition , 73 pages. Published December 12th by Turbo Kitten Industries. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.
To ask other readers questions about Centaur's Prize , please sign up. Lists with This Book.
This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Dec 11, Seraphia rated it it was amazing Shelves: Mendra is an equine shifter, and she has been helping to take care of a wild herd of horses. One day when she goes to free them, after they have been captured, she comes across a beautiful black stallion. Even in her own equine form she can tell that there is something different about him. The same night that she returns home, she crosses path with a handsome man who has the scent of equine on him.
She is skeptical of trusting him at first. When he shows her one of his forms, she panics and runs away unintentionally showing him her true form. Without her help he will not be able to find what it is that he has been seeking. But he knows that there is more between them as well, and that she could be the answer to more than just the one thing he has been seeking all these years. Mendra is a strong female character.
Centaur's Prize: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Sagittarius
Since the story moves quickly, things happen very quickly. Mendra goes from being skeptical of Lysander to willing to help and trust him. There is a spark between them, but she is hesitant to move forward with it. I like the chemistry between the characters and how well the story flows. I would have preferred the story to slow down a bit in spots, but I enjoyed it regardless.
There are a few minor editorial errors, but none of them are so apparent that they distract from the story itself. For the pace of the story there is just the right amount of danger. The story does leave me with a few questions though.
See a Problem?
I thought that the author would have written that in so that it would be apparent for the reader. All in all, I enjoyed reading this book. I would have liked to read more of what happened in the end, but I feel that the author does a good job giving us a good ending. As this is a paranormal romance novel, there is ONE sex scene in this story. Saying this, the sex scene is not graphic or detailed so if anyone has an issue with graphic sex scenes, this should not be an issue at all.
I am rating this book 4. I enjoyed reading this book, and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future. I also intend to read more novels of the Zodiac Shifters novels. If you like a good paranormal romance, that moves at a good pace with a happy ending then this the book for you. Jan 02, Lene Blackthorn rated it really liked it. This is a short story of unusual equine shifters living far from their natural environment, going on a quest for lost item. Mendra is a lonely equine shifter without a herd, with many scars marring her soul.

When she meets Lysander, another equine shifter, she feels the pull and agrees to help him in his quest - to find a lost horn. During the investigation, she is kidnapped, but no harm happens to her, and she even helps Lysander succeed - and finds more than she asked for.
Quick and quite enjo This is a short story of unusual equine shifters living far from their natural environment, going on a quest for lost item. Quick and quite enjoyable story with not that typical shifters, with pleasant atmosphere. Suitable for a fast relaxing read to rest your mind. There is not much action included, and even those tensed scenes feel rather flat, without real suspense. Gentle kidnappers instead of the expected rough behavior makes somehow little sense, and the same holds for the ease how they solve the mystery of reclaiming the horn - really, someone as powerful as Lysander was searching for the item for decades, and Mendra retrieves it basically overnight without any struggle?
On the other side, the romance was sweet and kind, playing the reader's emotions and easily winning the attention.
The main couple was very adorable, and I guess every romance fan will enjoy this story with a touch of paranormal. I read a complimentary copy of this book and was under no obligation to write a review. Jul 06, Daria rated it really liked it. Meandra has no family, no one.
Ly, well it goes like this. He needs to find an item that if in the wrong hands would be catastrophic, besides finding the item is his 3. He needs to find an item that if in the wrong hands would be catastrophic, besides finding the item is his way home. He's been in this realm for years longing for his family.
Now just get her around to his way of thinking. In general, the story was good, not a lot of heat for me, didn't feel the connection between the characters there for I didn't get a lot from them reading. Dec 12, Shanny rated it really liked it. I enjoyed that this book deals with equine shifters, and the romance is cute.
Taken by Centaurs (Paranormal Erotica)
This is a short story, and I was interested till the end, so that's a plus. The story could've used a bit more depth, and everything was just way to easy. All the bad guys are rather pleasant, it was weird, lol. I would've liked for the book to have more of an ending as well, it wraps up, but I was surprised that that was it. I liked both main characters, Lysander and Mendra, they are sweet together. Everything felt ra I enjoyed that this book deals with equine shifters, and the romance is cute.
Everything felt rather tame in the book, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The story overall is entertaining, and I enjoyed the premise of searching for a missing magical item. I would've loved if there was more mystery and adventure surrounding the magical object, but I still enjoyed that aspect. Fun, quick, interesting read! Dec 09, Eva Millien rated it really liked it. The story has some unique and wonderful characters, some thrilling suspense including bad guys, some mysterious secrets and a spicy romance.
To be part of the herd Mendra is the last of her kind that she knows of and she spends her time freeing as many equine as she can. Lysander has come across the rift to find a rare artefact he allowed to disappear. He knows he needs the help of a female to find it and he's been waiting 30 years to find her.
They have to fight off some demon kind, Mendra has to harness her inner warrior and Athena makes an appearance. Dec 20, Gay rated it really liked it. I really liked this story. It's refreshing to see shifters that are mythical creatures. Mendra thought she would have to spend her life among humans and helping wild horses. Then she met Lysander. He helped her see a different world. There is enough danger involved to reaaly make this story interesting.