Skinny Bitch Gets Hitched
Jan 08, Meg rated it really liked it. As a result of appearing on a reality-show cookoff toward the end of the first book, heroine Clementine has won the start-up capital for her new vegan eatery, Clementine's No-Crap Cafe, and her sidekick, Sara, the obligatory Fat Friend, has started dating the show's abrasive host. Sara has an underwhelming co-host role on her bo Skinny Bitch Gets Hitched by Kim Barnouin, is the charming sequel to vegan romance novel Skinny Bitch In Love, and a further spinoff of the Skinny Bitch vegan cookbooks.
Sara has an underwhelming co-host role on her boyfriend's cook-off show, which at first seems like a step towards her dream of playing the sassy Fat Friend on a TV show, but is just another way poor Sara is settling. Read the rest here mild spoilers Apr 10, Wiwo Aprilia rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm kind of like the first book than this one. It's all about wedding jittery and relationships doubts. But still, it was nice ending and I'm sucker for HEA. May 06, Kathy Davie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Second in the Skinny Bitch romance series about the attraction between a vegan and a carnivore.
This is an interesting fictional series that takes off from a series of books Barnouin has written on vegan diet and cooking. My Take This was cute with a pair of strong protagonists and a fun look at the frantic pace in the kitchen. Definitely tells me that I do not have a passion for cooking, although I do enjoy the tasting. I loved feeling as though I were there in the kitchen. I love that Barnouin calls out the hypocrites like the woman who shudders at the thought of eggs in her pasta, but placidly adds cream to her coffee, lol.
Nor does Barnouin like the expected wedding traditions — and she has great fun poking at them. I love that Clementine puts her foot down, so very politely, lol. Never were two people so incredibly opposed to each other. It reflects what she thinks of the food most of us are shoveling into our bodies. I must say, her recipes sound very yummy and almost tease me into wanting to cook vegan. Her dad is a sweetheart; I love it when he gets excited about how the sales from their farm are evolving — which sends Clementine off into her next venture!
It started to fall apart for me with her obsession over that bloody ring box.
She spins up this huge fantasy based on so little information that this starts to veer into the stupid trope. Clementine really is a very decent person, giving Keira a job, putting up with her clumsiness and yet finding the benefits of having her around. I love that the experience helps Keira so much, that it and Clementine give her the courage to go after what she wantsin spite of her stepmother!
Alanna, too, has her trials as does Gunnar with his daughter and his unrequited love. And yeah, as a marketing ploy, it has me curious about her Skinny Bitch cookbooks and diet books. At least it is until Dominique insists on planning the wedding. And Dominique insists on Clementine hiring Keira, with no experience, to work in her kitchen.
The Characters Clementine Cooper loves to cook and loves to cook vegan. Elizabeth , an uptight lawyer, is her newly married older sister. Kale is her younger brother. Her dad is coping with Stage III cancer. He and their mother, Mayzie , run an organic farm. Willy and Pete are the family dogs.
Sara Macintosh is her best friend and current roommate. Nadia is his model girlfriend. Uncle Bob is a klutz and Aunt Lee is long-suffering, lol. Must be love there too. Avery is his fraternal twin. Dominique Jeffries Huffington is his nasty bitch of a mother. Alexander Orr is a friend and another vegan chef, except he works for Fresh , the restaurant that tossed Clementine.
Martina Jones is the reporter from the New York Times. The Cover The cover is a bright blue three-tiered wedding cake topped with pink roses against a pastel pink background. The same pastel pink is the title in script on the wedding cake. The title is quite accurate, for this Skinny Bitch Gets Hitched at the end.
Aug 25, Connie N. Thanks to NetGalley for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I found this a very entertaining and quick read. Clem is a terrific main character, and we see the whole story through her eyes. She is strongly committed to her restaurant's success, being passionate about the vegan lifestyle. She's intelligent and strong. She's also opinionated, but she always tries to do the right thing. Although I felt sorry for her fru Thanks to NetGalley for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Although I felt sorry for her frustrations with the wedding planning, I enjoyed seeing her reactions and cheering along with her for her successes.
It was amusing to see her interactions with her "wedding planner," aka her mother-in-lawzilla. And Keira, Zack's sister, was cute and fun and I liked her better than I thought I would when she joined the kitchen. Secondary characters of Sara Clem's roommate and Joe her fiance , Alexander the competition , and Harry beloved cousin added some conflict, keeping things interesting. The story moved forward quickly and kept my interest throughout. Very enjoyable and a wonderful surprise since this is a new-to-me author. Jul 27, Kate Lawrence rated it really liked it Shelves: Once in awhile I like to take a break from serious books and read one with an easy straight-ahead storyline that does not require any mental effort.
This author delights readers with lively pacing and tongue-in-cheek humor, plus a rarity: I learned a lot about what goes on behind the scenes in a restaurant kitchen; I'm guessing the author must be drawing on her own experience here. Clem, in love with Once in awhile I like to take a break from serious books and read one with an easy straight-ahead storyline that does not require any mental effort.
Clem, in love with a meat-eating chef who owns a steakhouse, must deal with her doubts about whether to marry him, and struggles to get along with his control-freak mother and other quirky family members and friends. The story includes a plot surprise and a satisfying--if slightly implausible--ending.
This was a fun choice from the co-author of the bestselling Skinny Bitch cookbook.
Nov 12, N. Fedorak rated it did not like it. Also, the vegan preaching is annoyin, and the character's business decisions are bad. Mar 23, Cindy rated it liked it Shelves: In the second book in the series, vegan Clementine gets engaged to carnivore Zach. Even though their cooking and eating styles differ greatly, they are madly in love. Zach pops the question and of course Clementine says yes.
Problems start when Zach's mom-zilla decides to be the wedding planner. Lots of fun characters and events that add up to a good story. Great fun I liked the first book better, but I'm not big on sequels. This is a fun, light read, perfect for a relaxed summer evening. I'm not a vegan but the food sounds so good. Unlike some reviewers, I don't find the author preachy.
Feb 24, Trudy rated it really liked it. Mar 10, Felicity M rated it it was amazing. I havent read any others in the series but it was easy enough to follow along as they recapped quite a bit Oct 14, Kimberly rated it did not like it. Jun 04, Jess rated it it was ok Shelves: I feel like together, they read really as one book, more on that a little later, but first up, book 1.
Booklist Review
Not one to let herself get down in the dumps for long, Clem figures out a way to start making money, leading a vegan cooking class out of her own kitchen and trying to save enough money to open up her own restaurant; which she hopes happens sooner rather than later. She has the perfect restaurant location all picked out until someone else comes along and moves in before she has enough funds.
Much to her horror, the restaurant going into her perfect space is called The Silver Steer, and Clem about has a heart attack that her perfect vegan restaurant location is now home to a place where meat is front and center and the owner, Zach, is as gorgeous as they come. In a true opposites attract romance, Clem and Zach hit it off and start an unlikely relationship. I found the romance between Zach and Clem to be the weakest part of the book. Oh the vegan theme…it got really preachy at times. And so on and so on. I did enjoy the play between Clem and her wide range of friends.
The banter was fun, their personalities came alive during the friendship scenes and this was the highlight of the book for me. I ended up liking Clem well enough. Her vegan preachiness aside, I did like seeing her go from being blacklisted in the restaurant industry after she was set up, to making a successful career for herself by doing what she loves to do and making it happen on her terms. There were some fun moments, but the romance was weak and there was way too much focus on all things vegan. Skinny Bitch Gets Hitched Ok, so obviously I did give this one a shot and was pretty disappointed so it will be a fairly short review.
First up, there is way too much rehashing of book 1. On the plus side, the vegan theme seemed to be taken down a notch, thank God. She wants to do everything her way, Clem basically wants to do the opposite but Zach is too passive about all this. It was a frustrating storyline and one that I had a hard time getting into.
One of my favorite parts of the first book was the interactions between Clem and her circle of friends. Skinny Bitch In Love: C- Skinny Bitch Gets Hitched: May 26, Wheeler rated it did not like it Shelves: So Clem, at an improbably young age, runs her own restaurant and is dating the millionaire-owner-chef of a steak house. So, Barnouin author set up the tension for us in the structure. Lest ye be interested in people who make only moderate amounts of money, the aforementioned millionaire boyfriend is, well, a millionaire.
Tapping into the shades of money without the sex, submission or anything even remotely fun. The millionaire who will propose to Clem, hence the title of the book has a horrible, horrible mother whom he wants to reconcile with. Not a misandristic bitch. Not an asshole for good reason, or for humor. No, just a regular, mean-hearted person who puts her best friend down.
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She rejects her friend for being overweight, yet, finds fault with her partner for rejecting her business plan for being terrible, the assessment of terrible based on empirical evidence. See the suspension of disbelief problem here? See the problem where it makes women out to be especially illogical, prone to emotion and false correlation? The men make it out pretty easy. All in all, lots and lots of fluff bone out the pages. Unlike the skinny bitch herself, and her beautifully, constantly-put-down curvaceous best friend, Skinny Bitch gets Hitched needs to lose some weight.
This book was received, free of charge, from the Goodreads First Reads program. In this book we find Clem dealing with a wedding. Not hers, but she was charged with making a beautiful cake in vegan style. With every run of life, with her restaurant - No Crap Outpost - blaring so successful, she is thinking that would not have time for a wedding herself. Her relationship with the gorgeous Zach was going well, but they were both very committed to their careers as well.
But when the wedding day arrives, as she watches whole atmosphere, see so many people picking on her and Zach In this book we find Clem dealing with a wedding. But when the wedding day arrives, as she watches whole atmosphere, see so many people picking on her and Zach about them being the next couple, and how he would always escape it, she began to feel sad. Did not Zach plan to marry her someday? Go figure out a woman's mind After the party, they go out for walks and Zach manages to surprise her That looks soooo cute!
She accepted, it begins the marathon of wedding preparation. What Clem did not know is that Zach's mother decided to take up the task. Could be two people more different? Well, when it comes to mother and daughter-in-law-to-be things can get even more confusing. And Dominique Jeffries Huffington began making her misdeeds. The wedding would be in her grand lifestyle. Moreover, Clem has to face the war between Dominique and her stepdaughter, Keira, because she wishes to become a chef, and go to Paris to study in the best schools of that. Wanting to discourage her, Dominique asks Clem to let Keira works at her restaurant for a while, but just the opposite happens.
Even being inept at first, Keira shown willing to learn and Clem encourages her. Clem still has to deal with the fact that her best friend Sarah is in love with a man who Clem doens't like at all. And when she gets the idea to expand her restaurant by creating a branch in her parents' farm, Zach goes against the idea. Too much to handle, too much feelings to manage. The wedding date gets closer, and for some reason, Zach is farther away, making room for Alexander, another vegan chef, reconnect Clem.
Does this wedding actually happens? It's good to revisit the characters that you liked.
Skinny Bitch Gets Hitched, by Kim Barnouin | Booklist Online
But I must say I did not like this book as I liked the previous one. Zach and Clem still are cute together and the fact of their relationship taking that step forward was more than deserved. And yeah, as a marketing ploy, it has me curious about her Skinny Bitch cookbooks and diet books. At least it is until Dominique insists on planning the wedding. Clementine Cooper loves to cook and loves to cook vegan.
Elizabeth , an uptight lawyer, is her newly married older sister. Kale is her younger brother. Her dad is coping with Stage III cancer. He and their mother, Mayzie , run an organic farm. Willy and Pete are the family dogs. Sara Macintosh is her best friend and current roommate. Nadia is his model girlfriend. Uncle Bob is a klutz and Aunt Lee is long-suffering, lol. Must be love there too. Avery is his fraternal twin. Dominique Jeffries Huffington is his nasty bitch of a mother.
Alexander Orr is a friend and another vegan chef, except he works for Fresh , the restaurant that tossed Clementine. Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Showing of 30 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase.

I liked the first book better, but I'm not big on sequels. This is a fun, light read, perfect for a relaxed summer evening. I'm not a vegan but the food sounds so good. Unlike some reviewers, I don't find the author preachy. I just love all the books in the Skinny Bitch series, including the two fiction books by Kim. Highly recommended for a quick and entertaining read! One person found this helpful.
Not as good as the first one I would give original Skinny bitch 5 stars!!!! I love this book! It's a fun, quick read with a good storyline that most of us married girls can relate to and some great vegan recipe ideas. I can't wait for the next book in this series! They did great, I got the book really fast and it was just how it was described! Book was boring with no real plot. Happy I only paid a penny for it.
Obviously the author is probably better at vegan recipes than writing a novel. I found this a very entertaining and quick read. Clem is a terrific main character, and we see the whole story through her eyes. She is strongly committed to her restaurant's success, being passionate about the vegan lifestyle.
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She's intelligent and strong. She's also opinionated, but she always tries to do the right thing.