
Primary School KS2 (Key Stage 2) Maths - Multiplication and Division Practice - Ages 7-11 eBook

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It was as if people where viewing and reviewing my maths eBooks through the wrong end of the telescope. I am, by way of education, training , learning and experience a 'doctor of electronics research', an 'engineer, Architect, scientist' with special interests in 'mathematics, research, communications, electronics, signal processing and internet mobility', language, literature, phonics, music and linguistics' as well as 'art, architecture, archaeology, history, geography and humanities' who has designed, developed, produced and published 5 five series of English language mathematics eBooks which are distributed via partnerships including smashwords as well as their distribution partners Apple, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, et al.

Our maths eBooks are of the highest academic quality and suitable as standard as well as supplementary texts for primary and secondary school students of the UK as well as the elementary, middle junior high , high secondary school student market in North America. They are suitable for schoolchildren in the age range as well as mature students, particularly those wishing to use SOA state of the art mathematical techniques and principles in the engineering, architectural, scientific, medical, financial, data and statistical fields of commerce and business.

At Bristol University I studied for an honours degree in electrical and electronic engineering, obtaining a B. I consider myself to be among the best electronics architects in Europe, but must acknowledge those learned gentlemen who heralded the birth of the Internet in the 's and earlier, as well as prior exponents of the 'Founding Fathers of Communication Systems', whose work and expertise I have been able to incorporate into my designs.

Primary School ‘KS2 (Key Stage 2) - Maths – Multiplication and Division Practice - Ages 7-11’ eBook

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What is a free reader? Colourful fun illustrations to engage your child. Each book simply guides your child through each subject, with clear explanations and plenty of practice.

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Leap Ahead English and Maths basics age Full-colour designs in a friendly style, making learning fun and easy. Titles In This Set: Carefully written for children working towards a Level 4 with the Maths explained clearly and simply. Couple of pages on each topic, one page explains the maths and the other page has worked examples. Pull out answer section in the middle.

MATHS at Key Stage 2 - How to subtract!

Guidance for parents, pupils and teachers on getting the best out of test practice and what is expected at Levels The mark and answer book gives advice on how to administer the tests, tutors explanations for every answer and links to Bond's How To guides. Secrets of 11 success gives you info and ideas on how to help your child succeed at Both Maths and Science books, both with 48 pages. Numbers; Shape and space and Handling Data. No marks or writing to any of the books, print, pages not turned.

Answers at the back.

Scholastic Resource Bank

Reward stickers in every book. Letts Maths Supports the Daily Maths Lessons. We will try our best to rectify any problems you have. Suggested age range Ages Developed by teachers to support the National Curriculum.

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Carefully written for children working towards a Level 3 with the Maths explained clearly and simply. Supporting Maths — Ages years. Supporting Mathematics has clearly laid out activities that focus on particular learning 'targets' that have been carefully selected and researched by the author team. The tests are set out to mimic the real thing and so are ideal for the practice and consolidation in the run up to the tests which take place in May each year.

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