Polen Witze für das Kindle (German Edition)
Priva di spirito deperirai senza il Paese il cui spirito, Europa, ti ha inventata. D'altra parte ritengo sia giustificata anche oggi una critica rivolta alla distanza che si avverte tra le ambizioni che lo scrittore ha posto nella scrittura de La Ratta e il risultato ottenuto. Non conosco direttamente le altre opere di questo autore, ma mi pare di poter dire, per quel poco di documentazione cui ho attinto, che si tratti del tentativo di scrivere un romanzo totalizzante che recupera e contestualizza rispetto ai tempi nuovi alcuni elementi e personaggi chiave della sua precedente produzione letteraria e inoltre contiene non pochi rimandi filosofici, letterari le fiabe romantiche dei Fratelli Grimm e storici la vicenda del pittore Lothar Malskat e del Pifferaio di Hamelin , il tutto nella cornice dell'olocausto nucleare e delle sue imprevedibili conseguenze.
A tale articolazione di contenuti corrisponde quella strutturale, che rende il romanzo di non facilissima lettura. La terza storia ha come protagonista Oskar Matzerath, il nano de Il tamburo di latta. Nel venne inaugurato, alla presenza di Adenauer, il restauro della chiesa di S. Maria a Lubecca e di un prezioso ciclo di affreschi gotici venuti alla luce a brani dopo un bombardamento alleato. L'occasione parlava della rinascita della Germania e della sua cultura, e gli storici dell'arte vedevano un maestro di lubecca e un inedito gotico del nord.
All'inizio non fu creduto, quindi — quando la truffa fu evidente - venne condannato a 18 mesi di galera. Quella di Danzica occupa gli edifici storici risparmiati dalle bombe al neutrone. In fondo il povero Malskat confessa il suo falso, mentre Adenauer e Ulbricht non lo faranno mai.

Moltissimi altri temi possono essere estratti da questo complesso romanzo: Grass mette quindi tantissima carne al fuoco del suo realismo magico: Esemplare da questo punto di vista la storia delle fiabe dei Grimm, che a mio avviso si salva solo per il potente, tragico finale. Apr 03, T. Williams rated it did not like it. I have generally been a fan of Grass', more so in the sixties, but recently enjoyed "Crabwalk," but found this book a big disappointment.
Muddled POV is only one problem, as I was frequently lost between the narrator and the She-Rat as to who was relating the story, such as it was. Several strands of thought are not connected by the author. He revisits old territory, "Tin Drum" and "The Flounder" by reviving some of those characters, including old pal Oskar Matzerath.
That was good, but the stra I have generally been a fan of Grass', more so in the sixties, but recently enjoyed "Crabwalk," but found this book a big disappointment. That was good, but the strands were not connected. The movie treatment the narrator gives, for a silent film about the destruction of the forests sounded like some b.
Rat apocalypse pretty bad. Funny - description of rats' coexistence with humanity, which smacked of the old Grass.
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Overall, plodding, dull and not particularly insightful or funny. Aug 06, Pat Anderson rated it did not like it. I enjoyed 'The Tin Drum' when I read it in the late 80s, even though Oskar comes across as a nasty, self-centred brat. I am sure when the book was written Oskar seemed like a wonderful, radical, non-conformist role model.
That is why I did not enjoy 'The Rat. The main crime, though, was his crass attempt to appeal to my generation with his 'Only the punks understood' patronising tone. There is nothing sadder than an old man trying to 'get down with the kids' and this is what Grass is trying to do here. The book is just a rehash of old hippy ideals, which Grass tries to disguise as a punk attitude.
Unfortunately he fails miserably and the story flounders about going nowhere as a result. Aug 09, Liz rated it it was amazing. Now, She-rat, that forests and rivers, plains and mountains, manifestos and prayers, even banners and leaflets, not to mention heads emptied by speculation, provide indications that our yarn may be running out; now that the end is being postponed from day to day, knitting women are the lat counter-force, whereas men just talk everything to pieces and finish nothing, not even mittens capable of supplying warmth to freezing humanity.
Feb 24, Tori rated it it was ok Shelves: I remember struggling with this book when I read it in high school, a time period that seems very far away now. However, it's also stuck with me, sort of like a bad dream, and so perhaps it's one I should re-read someday. Since he references his earlier work in this book, and it's the only Grass I've read, it's not surprising I had trouble with it. The Tin Drum is certainly higher on my to-read list. Nov 19, Lauren DeLong rated it it was amazing.
One of my favorite books, ever. The narrative style is delightful, and layered - and often humorous - insights into the human condition and capitalism make this a classic as far as I'm concerned. May 24, Arturo rated it did not like it. Mar 05, Wendy rated it really liked it.
This is a "difficult" book to read, but only in terms of structure, as Grass alternates between dreams and reality. But once one surrenders to the flow of Grass' writing, you are treated to the marvelous unfolding of truth-saying.
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This book is prescient of the downfall of humankind and there is no better narrator to take us there than the SHE-RAT. And this language of deception was accepted. Unmotivated, because there was nothing funny in sight, they began to smirk worldwide. Breakdowns of controlled facial features. Eschatological grimaces, no more.
Mar 10, Eric rated it liked it. This book is generally considered one of the authors greatest works, but I'd read two other of his books just before this one, and I think I kind of hit my limit. Sometimes too much of a good thing is not a good thing. Oct 19, Dale Jirschele rated it it was ok.
Found it difficult to read, did not relate to the main character. It had interesting scenarios which were pretty cool and creative. May 04, Jules rated it it was ok. I never thought a Gunter Grass novel would be a chore to read, but here it is. It flits back and forth between the different narratives without any cohesion bringing it all together with very little forward movement propelling the multiple plots.
Most importantly though, it's hard to care about any of them, especially when the end of the world essentially kills off multiple threads, but it doesn't, and things get really weird. There's some really great moments the survey ship's is probably my favorite out of the whole pack , but mostly a lot of fluff that really could have been trimmed down. Aug 14, Avery King rated it really liked it.
A multifaceted narrative that offers up a plethora of perspectives. This novel engenders a sense of one's temporality within the reader. As it deals with time and repetition. This layered novel has very fluid transitions between the narratives which adds to the motif of dreaming. This is definitely a novel that you have to commit to. It only took me three days to read, but for some especially those that don't have a lot of time on their hands it could take much longer because of the slow plot A multifaceted narrative that offers up a plethora of perspectives.
It only took me three days to read, but for some especially those that don't have a lot of time on their hands it could take much longer because of the slow plot progression. Overall "The Rat" is a dense novel that makes for quite an interesting read. Aug 11, Mazel rated it it was amazing Shelves: Dans les ruines de Dantzig, le narrateur et les rats qui l'entourent survivront-ils au cataclysme? Definitely not a book I will recommend to anyone unless they are academic literature or Germanophile historian types. To truly break it down would required an academic paper, since Grass is certainly very skilled literarily.
But for the sake of time and space, I will write some short impressions: We are doing the same thing now. While Grass thought we'd kill oursel Definitely not a book I will recommend to anyone unless they are academic literature or Germanophile historian types. While Grass thought we'd kill ourselves with nuclear war and acid rain, we think it will be with economic breakdown and global climate change. Will we never learn that the world will continue to keep turning? Jan 14, Boyd Coleman rated it it was amazing. Maybe my favorite book ever!
It is so amazingly abstract, yet it makes wonderful observations on the human condition buried in three bizarre seemingly unrelated stories being told at the same time. I also find it amusing how the same characters and stories show up in so many of Gunter Grass' works. It's almost as if half of his books are really the same book shown from different points of view.
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- Polen Witze für das Kindle (German Edition) eBook: Jan Marrek: www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Kindle Store.
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- The Rat by Günter Grass!
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The guy is a genius. By the way he was the mentor for John Irvin when he was beginning to write. Jul 27, Nate D rated it it was ok Shelves: All form, little function. The characters are bizarre and potentially fascinating, but all prove to be lifeless puppets, or armies of lifeless puppets, all animated and slung about the world. It's amazing how much not caring at all or perhaps not being allowed to care for anyone involved can ruin a completely fascinating premise, or set of premises.
Gunter Grass will always write a few amazing scenes and devices, but will never be a favorite, I have the feeling. Apr 06, Nachtkind rated it really liked it. This is not necessarily a book I would recommend. Much like the Flounder, it sprawls and double backs - pulling in several themes to form a sort of mosaic whole - a style I enjoy. But I got the feeling Grass was writing this book more for himself than the readers.
Also, it is absolutely required to read the Flounder and the Tin Drum first as he resurrects their characters in this novel. Good, but not great. Mar 09, Tinkaaa rated it it was ok. Had to read it for my German class in Year It made me fall asleep constantly But nonetheless, it was not necessarily a bad book. I just think I was maybe a bit to young to read such a challenging book in terms of writing style, language and themes. I might even reread it sometime in the future if the mood hits me.
Jun 24, qureshi rated it it was ok. I've been reading this book off and on since Yes, it's true - seven years long. This book is hard to read as a novel. I enjoy parts of it nevertheless - random paragraphs, the many poems, the imagery - in small doses. Feb 05, Julie is currently reading it Shelves: This book is in a box buried somewhere in my storage space. I started it, found the style and material interesting One of those books that I didn't intend to stop reading, but haven't gotten around to finishing yet.
Nov 11, Craig rated it it was ok. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Das Standardwerk zum Totlachen: Read more Read less. Thousands of books are eligible, including current and former best sellers.
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