Our McGinty Family in America
DeadFred photos that match McGinty Web: You may also want to consider posting a query to the Community Message Boards at Genealogy Today to get assistance from other researchers on your most elusive McGinty ancestors. Distant Cousin records matching McGinty surname Web: Your web page may appear once its content has been reviewed by our editors.
Pedigree charts and family group records are important genealogical tools, so bringing or creating on site a big family pedigree or family tree is sure to draw attention; at the same time, have plenty of blank family group sheets available for individual families to complete and submit to go into a "McGinty family record book," which you can then digitize and share -- you can then bring the physical book back to the next reunion, adding new families each time.
The article " Reunions: Print a copy of this free research checklist, and keep track of the McGinty genealogy resources that you visit. If your web browser does not print the date on the bottom, remember to record it manually. If you host the McGinty blog or web page , please link to this surname-focused resource.
Here's the HTML code for a basic link. Powered by Miva Script 3. Public Member Trees at Ancestry. McGinty search results from GENi. Free search of RootsWeb. McGinty records in the Genealogy Bank. McGinty family in Old Colony Ancestors. McGinty family tree results from MyHeritage. Social Security Death Index - Current. America's Obituaries - Current. Free citation lookup at Obituary Depot. Funeral Cards with Online Images.
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- McGinty Name Meaning, Family History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms.
- Clarissas England: A gamely gallop through the English counties;
- The McGinty Genealogy and Family Tree Page.
American Revolutionary War Records Navy Pension Fund Records American Civil War Records Medal of Honor Recipients - McGinty. Countries of Origin for the McGinty last name.

The Wikipedia McGinty Surname page. Glossary of Surname Meanings on About Genealogy. Wrightsborough is a late but thriving settlement…the inhabitants are for the most part emigrants from the North Colonies. The town is already laid out and about twenty houses built. Several traders are in it and goods are sold as cheap here as Augusta, sugar, rum, salt, dry goods, etc. The settlement being upon the head of Little River, a very considerable branch of the Savannah River. Fruit trees thrive very well here.
Mattox Mattock garden, very fine large apples two years from the seed and grapes two years from cuttings…The distance from Augusta to this place is about thirty miles; the face of the country was chiefly a plain of high forests, savannas and cane swamps, until we approached Little River, when the landscape varies, presenting to view high hills and rich vales. The soil is a deep, rich, dark mould, on a deep stratum of reddish brown tenacious clay…The forest trees are chiefly of the deciduous order…Leaving the pleasant town of Wrightsborough we continued eight or nine miles through a fertile plain….
The settlement thrived for a number of years, but between and for a variety of reasons, the inhabitants moved on and the Quaker town of Wrightsborough ceased to exist. We saw the Quaker burial ground, a dam on Maddox Creek and other interesting sites. Although fictional, it is based on historical facts and tracks the movements of our own McGinty family. His wife was named Mary maiden name unknown , and they had at least two children, Deborah and Joseph.
More research is needed here. It is also interesting to note that Thomas was the son of Isaac Jackson who was born ca. He shows in these minutes as one of about thirty original families. Son, Thomas shows in a Orange Co. Thomas and family then moved with father, Isaac, mother, Mary, his brother, Nathaniel and sister, Ruth, to the Wrightsborough settlement in GA, ca. According to colonial records of Gov. James Wright, he was murdered by Creek Indians in August Court records dated May 24, show wife, Mary appointed to inventory and settle his estate. A letter from Gov. James Wright to the Earl of Hillsborough.
The records of the Jackson family are somewhat sketchy but show at least nine generations up to Deborah. The family was living in England as early as From there, they went to Cavan, Ireland, probably around and then came to America and Chester Co. There are records of several land transactions and the mention of their slaves. He moved to Clarke Co. He died here ca. The first record written of Robert was a deed that he witnessed in Wrightsborough Township, St. This deed was a sale by Absalom Bedell to David Robertson for acres.
The deed references an original grant dated January 7, Since this deed was issued before the war by the British Crown, perhaps after the war it needed to be reaffirmed, and Robert was called to do this. She was the aunt of Deborah. Absalom was not a Quaker, and Ruth was dismissed at the Cane Creek Meeting in for marrying outside the church. War, and signed the GA Declaration of Independence. These are in Wilkes Co. Deed Book B-1, page It is possible that Robert had been leasing this land from Buffington prior to the purchase.
The deed date shows that, by this time, Robert had already relocated to Wilkes Co. Absolom Bedell was the tax collector. This tax list was published in Early Records of Georgia , vol. There is no further record of Robert during the war years. Earlier researchers speculated that he might have gone with families that were taken to safety in the NC mountains by Elijah Clarke and his men during this part of the war but as yet, there is no proof.
The Revolutionary War reached these settlements in late Conditions in this area during the war were very bad, and several families fled the area and lived in the NC mountains, returning after the war. He did receive a land bounty warrant after the war for acres tax-free. This was later increased to However, according to the office of the Surveyor General of GA, he never exercised the warrant nor took possession of the land. The land warrant was granted to him under a proclamation from Col.
Elijah Clarke on February 2, However, it was common for citizens that did not actually bear arms to receive land grants. In his warrant there is no mention of him actually serving in the war. Everyone was especially hungry for more land. After the war, Elijah Clark and other N. Matthews and the regular troops by Pres. Washington, drove them off.
- The McGinty Genealogy and Family Tree Page.
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A search was also done at the National Archives, and there is no record of military service for Robert McGinty. This book contains many official documents from the war. There is a record in the National Archives of his brother, James McGinty, serving in the NC militia as a foot soldier with the rank of private. The records show that he served in Capt. G rant Book HHH, page The grant was bounded on all sides by vacant land and shows that it was on the waters of Little River.
I have a copy of this land plat. The plats show that it was located next to the land of Samuel Hoof, somewhere along Beaverdam Creek, and north of Little River. Grant Book III, page The grant shows the location of the land with the north side bordered by Little River. Absalom Bedell shows, owning the property on the other side of the river.
Bedell is shown on the grant as the justice presiding over the land court that gave Robert the grant. This is where Robert lived. The then Governor of Georgia, Samuel Elbert name appears on both of these original headright grants. Both of these headright grants are confirmed by the office of the surveyor-general in Atlanta where all land grants since were recorded.
It was only surveyed in response to an application for a head-right grant and could be any shape the grantee desired so long as it conformed to the amount of his grant. Robert sold the land to William Kenady for 60 pounds note: This deed also names Robert as the son of John. I am not sure what this was all about, but it indicates some problem arose with the property.
After settling in Wilkes Co. This is thought to be the other acres from the original acre grant HHH, All of these sales are shown in Early Records of Georgia, Vol. Micajah Williamson, Revolutionary War hero. Abstracted in by Charlotte G. Why did his family convert? Probably the main reason was that Silas Mercer, pastor of the Phillips Mill church, and his son Jesse, were neighbors and friends of Robert after he moved to this area from Wrightsborough.
Although reared an Episcopalian, Silas Mercer had also became a Baptist from conviction. This might have caused ill feelings. There could be other contributing reasons. At this time in history, there was a severe shortage of ministers in the Presbyterian Church, particularly in these new southern territories. The Presbyterian Church had a rule that only well educated men could become ministers.
Because of demand, there were not enough that met this requirement. The Baptist religion did not require any education for becoming a minister. What the Presbyterians could not do, the Baptists accomplished. To them, the gospel was simple, uncomplicated and within the reach of all. It required no complex organization to form a Baptist church. The success of the Baptists in attracting new members was phenomenal among the Scotch-Irish during this period.
Future generations in GA, AL and other states, remained devout Baptists with several becoming well-known ministers and pastors. When we examine the early Phillips Mill Church history, we see some of the hardships experienced by the congregation, which included Robert and his family. Since the original building where Robert was baptized in only had a floor, shutters and doors for a short time, if at all, it was probably a log structure.
Pews were benches without backs.
McGinty DNA Projects
The building was on a hillside with a spring below running into Little River. The first meetings were held at the grist mill owned by Joel Phillips. On August 5, , church member, Joel Phillips Sr. The church was later moved to its current location, about four miles from this original site. Silas Mercer, one of the great Baptist preachers in early GA, was the first pastor. Silas came from the church at Kiokee, which was the first Baptist church in GA, established in It was located about twenty miles northwest of Augusta GA.
Jesse was fifteen years old and Robert, about thirty-seven. They remained close associates in the Baptist church for the rest of their lives. Land plats in Wilkes Co. However, Robert and Deborah did not officially join this Baptist church until He shows in the tax records of Wilkes Co. In Robert became a licensed minister at Phillips Mill Church and began a long career of service in the Baptist Church.
He remained at Phillips Mill Baptist until January 7, , or about four years. They show in this deed as a neighbor to Henry Karr.
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We have located this Jackson plat and placed it on a current map. This land is in what is now Hillman, Taliaferro Co. This mountain had electrical properties and people came for the curative powers of the electrical shock. He is shown on the tax returns of Wilkes Co. He is shown in the census of Wilkes Co. This was very close to or in the Wrightsborough Quaker settlement. He sold the final two hundred fifty acres in Wilkes Co. They then relocated the family to Washington Co.
In this area of Washington Co. In Robert attended a conference back at Phillips Mill and the minutes show that he was from the Mount Pelia church. There is a very good possibility that Mt. Records at Mercer University indicate that this church was also named Montpelier and that it later united with the Hephzibah Baptist Church and that the name was changed to Mt. Olives Baptist Church in I visited this area in April and found a historical marker showing the general location of Montpelier.
It is east of the Oconee River, off Hwy. At this time in GA history, this area was the western frontier.
our mcginty family in america | The Boogle
Indian lands lay beyond. He lived on this land until ca. The tax lists of Hancock and Baldwin Co. Part of this time, he lived in Capt. In the Baldwin Co. Today, the southern border of his lot is the shore of the man-made reservoir, Lake Sinclair. It was surveyed November 11, , when Washington Co.
Later, in this area became Hancock Co. We have the original Washington Co. Perkins sold the land to Stephen Horton in This land is 2. The tax list of Baldwin Co. After Robert moved to Jones Co. Slave ownership was apparently not in conflict with his Baptist ministry. There is mention in earlier research about his having a bounty warrant, number , for the land in this county, but there is no record in the GA surveyor-general office showing that he was ever actually granted the property.
There is also some research showing that warrant , which he was said to receive, was only shown as an example in the records and was not actually given to Robert. He was a member of the Hancock Co. Grand Jury in September He served a second term as Justice from He was also a justice of the peace in Hancock Co. We do know that their family was large by then with twelve sons and one daughter all born by around There is an interesting article that was published in the Augusta Chronicle , September 17, It reads as follows: Which words, I do hear by certify to have been spoke through heat of passion; and without any foundation: But on the contrary.
From the best information that I have received, and as far as I know of my own knowledge, I do believe the said Robert McGinty to be an honest man. Given under my hand this 10 th day of August Today there is a Minor Road in this area of Baldwin Co. He was listed as an ordained minister. On April 26, , a petition was published in the Augusta Chronicle, pg. Apparently, the deed had been destroyed or lost and the Hancock Co. He is also shown as a justice of the peace in Hancock Co. According to the church records, the current pastor became ill and Robert was asked to serve for one year.
McGinty made known to the church that he could not attend them any longer. On leaving, the treasurer was ordered to procure a suit of clothes for Bro. The church is located N. It is a neat, well-maintained small white wood building out in the open country. According to church history, this is the third building. The first and second church buildings were both nearby. There are two entrances in the front of the church.
In the primitive Baptist churches, it was customary for the women and men to be segregated with the men sitting on one side of the church and the women on the other side. One front door was for the men and the other for the women. Another primitive church that appears to be the identical building plan is the Camp Creek Primitive Baptist Church est. The small cemetery at Island Creek church is full of graves, but there are only a few stones with inscriptions. There are no known McGintys thought to be buried there because none died during their years of membership.
Robert wrote some of these minutes when he was clerk of this church from and they are there in the original book.
McGinty History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
I reviewed this material at the library on January 25, , and have since studied the microfilmed minutes. This was actually their third yearly Baptist conference. Abraham Marshall was named chairman.