On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, My True Love
Their gifts, of course, were Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. There were, according to traditional accounts, no partridges, turtledoves, French Hens, calling birds, etc. However, according to the movie, there was one Little Drummer Boy which is just what Mary and Joseph needed — loud banging while their Newborn is trying to sleep. Below is a 12 Days of Christmas Equity Chart, which offers some interesting observations. According to the nature of the song, each day is cumulative. Obviously there will be no more pears, because they will be eaten by the partridges.
There will be no more rest with the turtledoves cooing, the birds calling, the pipers piping, and the drummers drumming. On the bright side, with the 30 Lords a-leaping and the 36 Ladies dancing, you could open a nightclub, recoup your losses and sell it to some foreign investor, providing the local zoning ordinances allow for such an establishment to be constructed in the first place.
Partridge in a Pear Tree.
- Rogers Burnham: The Original Man Behind Bill W..
- The Twelve Days of Christmas (song).
- The Twelve Days of Christmas (song) - Wikipedia.
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Chart by Cody and Ron Collins, December, On that ONE day, I strongly suggest that you have the wedding mentioned in the paragraph above. However, for a non-satirical account of the song and the meaning of the gifts, go to http: The satirical account listed above is NOT intended to degrade any belief. It is just the product of someone with too much time on their hands.
- The Secret Wish!
- Le musée de lhomme (Littérature Française) (French Edition).
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- On the first day of Christmas / The Twelve Days of Christmas.
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- Runpan (Japanese Edition).
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This piece is found on broadsides printed at Newcastle at various periods during the last hundred and fifty years. On one of these sheets, nearly a century old, it is entitled "An Old English Carol," but it can scarcely be said to fall within that description of composition, being rather fitted for use in playing the game of "Forfeits," to which purpose it was commonly applied in the metropolis upwards of forty years since.
The practice was for one person in the company to recite the first three lines; a second, the four following; and so on; the person who failed in repeating her portion correctly being subjected to some trifling forfeit. Thomas Hughes , in a short story published in , described a fictional game of Forfeits involving the song: So the party sat down round Mabel on benches brought out from under the table, and Mabel began, The second day of Christmas my true love sent to me two turtle-doves, a partridge, and a pear-tree;.
The third day of Christmas my true love sent to me three fat hens, two turtle-doves, a partridge, and a pear-tree;. The fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me four ducks quacking, three fat hens, two turtle-doves, a partridge, and a pear-tree;. The fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me five hares running, four ducks quacking, three fat hens, two turtle-doves, a partridge, and a pear-tree. Each day was taken up and repeated all round; and for every breakdown except by little Maggie, who struggled with desperately earnest round eyes to follow the rest correctly, but with very comical results , the player who made the slip was duly noted down by Mabel for a forfeit.
Barnes , stated that the last verse "is to be said in one breath".
Scott , reminiscing about Christmas and New Year's celebrations in Newcastle around the year , described a performance thus: A lady begins it, generally an elderly lady, singing the first line in a high clear voice, the person sitting next takes up the second, the third follows, at first gently, but before twelfth day is reached the whole circle were joining in with stentorian noise and wonderful enjoyment. Lady Gomme wrote in The party was usually a mixed gathering of juveniles and adults, mostly relatives, and before supper — that is, before eating mince pies and twelfth cake — this game and the cushion dance were played, and the forfeits consequent upon them always cried.
The company were all seated round the room. The leader of the game commenced by saying the first line.
The Twelve Days of Christmas Lyrics
This was continued until the lines for the "twelve days" were said by every player. For every mistake a forfeit — a small article belonging to the person — had to be given up. These forfeits were afterwards "cried" in the usual way, and were not returned to the owner until they had been redeemed by the penalty inflicted being performed. According to The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes , "Suggestions have been made that the gifts have significance, as representing the food or sport for each month of the year.
Importance [certainly has] long been attached to the Twelve Days, when, for instance, the weather on each day was carefully observed to see what it would be in the corresponding month of the coming year. Nevertheless, whatever the ultimate origin of the chant, it seems probable [that] the lines that survive today both in England and France are merely an irreligious travesty. An anonymous "antiquarian", writing in , speculated that "pear-tree" is a corruption of French perdrix partridge , and "colley" a corruption of French collet ruff, hence "we at once have a bird with a ruff, i.
Cecil Sharp , writing in , observed that "from the constancy in English, French, and Languedoc versions of the 'merry little partridge,' I suspect that 'pear-tree' is really perdrix Old French pertriz carried into England"; and "juniper tree" in some English versions may have been "joli perdrix," [pretty partridge].
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Sharp also suggests the adjective "French" in "three French hens", probably simply means "foreign". According to Iona and Peter Opie , the red-legged or French partridge perches in trees more frequently than the native common or grey partridge and was not successfully introduced into England until about Baring-Gould suggests that the presents sent on the first seven days were all birds —the "five gold rings" were not actually gold rings, but refer to the five golden rings of the ringed pheasant. In , a Canadian hymnologist, Hugh D. McKellar, published an article, "How to Decode the Twelve Days of Christmas" in which he suggested that "The Twelve Days of Christmas" lyrics were intended as a catechism song to help young Catholics learn their faith, at a time when practising Catholicism was criminalised in England until Three years later, in , Fr.
Hal Stockert wrote an article subsequently posted on-line in in which he suggested a similar possible use of the twelve gifts as part of a catechism. None of the enumerated items would distinguish Catholics from Protestants, and so would hardly need to be secretly encoded. English composer Frederic Austin fitted the words to a traditional melody, to which he added his own two-bar motif for "Five gold rings".
The time signature of this song is not constant, unlike most popular music.
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This irregular meter perhaps reflects the song's folk origin. The successive bars of three for the gifts surrounded by bars of four give the song its hallmark "hurried" quality. The second to fourth verses' melody is different from that of the fifth to twelfth verses. Before the fifth verse when "five gold en rings" is first sung , the melody, using solfege , is "sol re mi fa re" for the fourth to second items, and this same melody is thereafter sung for the twelfth to sixth items.
However, the melody for "four colly birds, three French hens, two turtle doves" changes from this point, differing from the way these lines were sung in the opening four verses. In the final verse, Austin inserted a flourish on the words "Five Gold Rings". This has not been copied by later versions, which simply repeat the melody from the earlier verses.

In the 19th century, most sources for the lyrics do not include music, and those that do often include music different from what has become the standard melody. Cecil Sharp's Folk Songs from Somerset contains two different melodies for the song, both distinct from the now-standard melody.
This melody for "The Twelve Days" was published in It was "collected by the late Mr. John Bell, of Gateshead, about eighty years ago" [i. This melody was current in "country villages in Wiltshire", according to an newspaper article. Since , the cumulative costs of the items mentioned in the song have been used as a tongue-in-cheek economic indicator. Assuming the gifts are repeated in full in each round of the song, then a total of items are delivered by the twelfth day.
The former is an index of the current costs of one set of each of the gifts given by the True Love to the singer of the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas". The latter is the cumulative cost of all the gifts with the repetitions listed in the song. The people mentioned in the song are hired, not purchased.
The index has been criticised for not accurately reflecting the true cost of the gifts featured in the Christmas carol.
The Twelve Days Of Christmas Lyrics
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Older Musical settings of "Twelve Days of Christmas". This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. January Learn how and when to remove this template message.
As with the Easter cycle, churches today celebrate the Christmas cycle in different ways. Practically all Protestants observe Christmas itself, with services on 25 December or the evening before. But Do You Recall? Called Christmastide or Twelvetide, this twelve-day version began on December 25, Christmas Day, and lasted until the evening of January 5.
During Twelvetide, other feast days are celebrated. Retrieved 5 December Davenport, George's Court, for C. A Partridge in a Pear Tree: A Comedy in One Act. Archived from the original on 17 August Retrieved 16 December Annotations reprinted from Years of Christmas by Earl W. Retrieved 8 December The Twelve Days of Christmas. The Nursery Rhymes of England. For the date of , see this catalogue from the Bodleian Library p.
Frederick Warne and Co. The Cliftonian December Jolly Games for Happy Homes. Lewis of Barnstaple, Mass. Lewis learned the song when a young girl from her grandmother, Mrs. Satchell, Peyton and Co. Dorset County Chronicle and Somersetshire Gazette: Melodies Once Popular in Yorkshire". Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement: