Night Cap
with Marshall Anderson / Rusty Dusty
Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Wait, Is Mary Poppins a Witch? Related News Cancelled or Renewed? Share this Rating Title: Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Staci Cole 20 episodes, Lauren Blumenfeld Penny 20 episodes, Don Fanelli Todd 20 episodes, Cherie Corinne Rice Malik Walker 20 episodes, Karl Gregory Marcus Rice 20 episodes, Jeff Hiller Grady Dupont 20 episodes, Jacob Wallach Ana 10 episodes, Jordan Clifford Edit Storyline Insanity, absurdity and urgency reign, and it's up to head talent booker Staci Ali Wentworth to wrangle both her dysfunctional staff and the myriad of stars who bring their quirks, diva demands and peculiar antics to the set.
Edit Details Official Sites: Pop TV [United States]. Edit Did You Know?
- Nightcap (drink).
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Night Cap at Stubb’s Saturday June 30, | C3 Concerts
Yes No Report this. Audible Download Audio Books. Staci Cole 20 episodes, Suggested apparel pairing is your choice of smoking jacket, or bathrobe and favorite slippers the next morning. Maybe there's some bad bottles out there, cause mine was just fine. Not in standout territory - a tad thin for that, but ample coffee presence, a touch bitter, with some chocolate, vanilla and caramel.
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Sampled on draft at 3 Rivers this beer poured a black color with a large creamy brown head that left excellent lacing. The aroma was dry and roasty with notes of coffee and vanilla cream. The flavor was very bitter with brewed coffee, cream and undertones that were slightly sour and astringent. Long brewed coffee finish. Bottle sampled in a glass, this beer was dark brown, it had a small faint off-white cover of bubbles that receded quickly, this drink had aromas of dark roasted coffee, some roasted and toasted malt, dark cocoa, ….

Had this glass from a tap at Puff n Stuff. Nose carries over to the taste.
Arcadia Morning Nightcap
Stout with odd fruity pepper coffee fruit backbone. Its almost like its tanted with vinegar without the tartness. Yes, odd coffee brew thang that is almost difficult in the end, not one of my favorite coffee brews. Looks and smells great, but taste is a cross between sour and bitter. I'm not a fan of brightly acidic, lightly roasted coffees and this beer is right there on the flavor profile.
Perhaps a bad bottle? Pours the exact color of coffee with a thin white head. Tastes like an iced coffee with a little smokiness. A good coffee porter. Aroma is fresh coffee, roasted malt, slight chocolate, no lactose sweetness which is great. Appearance is dark brown, quickly dissipating light brown head, opaque. Taste is fresh coffee, chocolate, slightly acidic, roasted malt, a little disappointing. Mouthfeel is light to medium body, light to medium carbonation, roasty coffee acidic aftertaste.
Overall, the smell is good but it falls off from there.