Isnt She Something?
I am doing something about it: One of the contributors is the deaf film-maker William Mager, who challenged depictions of deafness and sexuality with his comedy short Hands Solo , about a deaf porn star. He argues that there is an enduring male power fantasy at work in cinema with many deaf female characters depicted as passive and sexually available to a more powerful man.
Isn't She Something? by Gustaff Besungu - FictionDB
Would it not have been so much more interesting if a deaf actor had been cast, such as the great Genevieve Barr or Sophie Leigh Stone? What if the talented deaf director Ted Evans was allowed to make something on similar lines?

Now that would be a film with real insight and integrity to get excited about. An argument that is often put forward is that a film would not have been made without a bankable star or director, but this assertion is often proved wrong.
Isn't it time disabled actors and directors were allowed to make their own films?
The answer "no"means the negative is true,the answer "yes" means the positive is true. But some comments should follow.
Oct 23 '15 at For this reason, if your interest is in clear real-world communication, rather than in the formally correct but not especially useful solution to a logic puzzle, I recommend omitting the one-word verdict and jumping instead to the meaningful part of the response: Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password.
Post as a guest Name. The song was not issued as a commercial single and therefore it did not appear on the major charts in the US and UK. However, due to radio airplay, it reached number 23 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart on January 29, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Stevie Wonder's Songs in the Key of Life. The Sound of Stevie Wonder: His Words and Music.
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Retrieved July 21, Top Adult Songs — Guinness World Records Limited.